Ashli Babbitt shooter to face no consequences

So all the tRumplings are insane now?
The lady that was murdered you all repeatedly characterize as crazy and you constantly plead and cry over armed and resisting repeat criminals being shot instead of counseled so just giving you a chance to be consistent and honest
Protect members of Congress
Angry mobs have killed many people. Ashli was leading the mob through the breach

Ashli ignored orders to fall back. Cost her life

Look, you made clear you 100% support killing unarmed women. No need to keep repeating yourself.

Yep, just like Michael Brown and George Floyd. Hard to find two stupider pos.
Even more disingenuous is libs normally hate police. Want them reigned in or done away with, and burn down police stations. So the Capitol is suddenly sacred? Libs destroy buildings if authority
Also the message being sent is patriotic conservative protests will get you killed and if not murdered on the spot then you will be hunted down like a mass murderer and incarcerated with no charges.
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No one had time to call a counselor. The crazy bitch simply had to be stopped immediately.
They knew about it well in advance
Why are there supposed to be counselors available each and every time a black criminal engages in criminality?
They didnt know the crazy bitch was going to attack the capitol. She did. She got shot. She died. Good riddance.

Agreed. All unarmed people should be fair game for cops. :thup: George Floyd, Michael Brown, and Trayvon Martin had it coming. Good riddance. I am glad to see you also support cops killing unarmed people. :thup:
Watch this and you will see why. And agree.

<iframe width="640" height="360" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: none;" src=""></iframe>

The officer was simply doing his duty. Only the trump Nazis believe differently.

However, had an intruder smashed a window and began to enter their home, any of these trump Nazis would claim killing the intruder was self-defense.

It is typical of the trump Nazis to selectively apply rules to others differently than to themselves.

An internal probe of an unidentified party
That’s not even remotely justice.
The lady that was murdered you all repeatedly characterize as crazy and you constantly plead and cry over armed and resisting repeat criminals being shot instead of counseled so just giving you a chance to be consistent and honest
Wow. You are completely detached from reality.

Get help
The capitol and the media won't even name the murderer, even though it's already pretty much common knowledge.

If he was a real man, he'd suck on his pistol, instead of living like a craven coward the rest of his life. Maybe do it right there on the steps of the capitol building, like Bud Dwyer, and blow his own brains out.

Blood for blood.
In fact, footage shows that, not only did no one else try to go through the window, no one even glanced that direction, not even to see what the shooter might be doing??!!

Watch the video

The only thing I'm still angry about, is there wasn't stacks of dead MAGA hat wearing bodies, piled up like cord wood.

Why did the Capitol police not have riot pump shotguns, and full auto SP5's, and M4'S, laying waste to those cultists like they were shooting zombies in a video game.

That's what the fuck I want to know.

And why isn't every magat that has gone before a judge, not being held without bond, and facing multiple felony counts, with any weapons they own confiscated, and the ones who have been adjudicated, not sitting in a maximum security federal prison for at least 20 years.

That's what I want to know.

And if any Trump supporting magats come back to DC, will the Capitol police, and national guard, lay waste to them, without any hesitation.

That's what I want to know.
The capitol and the media won't even name the murderer, even though it's already pretty much common knowledge.

He deserves a commendation for protecting Congress from an angry mob
He stopped them dead

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