Ashville NC Police lower hiring standards...for "better quality applicants"?? (Oh....and diversity.)

North Carolina police agencies typically pay very low (particularly in Asheville). And of course, police are not nearly held with the same level of esteem that they once were before the advent of cell phone cameras.

So, applicant pools have shrunk considerably. My community used to get pools of 400-500 applicants each year for recruit classes. Last year, they got 70 applications. A degree does not necessarily make someone a better police officer, imo. Widening the pool means more choices. A guy could go into the military and have MP experience, but no degree, and in the past would not have eligibility for some departments, but now does.

Until we want to pay officers more and until the profession starts policing itself, this is the situation we are all in.

You're making a fool of yourself. Every one knows what this is about. Hiring more illiterate blacks because obozo threatened to cut the federal funding the state receives.
All professions have had to lower their standards to include blacks.

Holding blacks to the same standards as whites, is racist

That's liberalism. We're all equal so blacks have to get special treatment.
Yep. The lefties will make all sorts of excuses.

The uber liberal.Asheville news tried to twist it and say how most PDs only require a hs diploma.

But in reality....CALEA (Commission for Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies) sets national standards for.police departments. They have a standard of a minimum 2 years Associates Degree. Police Departments dont HAVE to be CALEA certified...but any one worth a shit is.

So what they dont say is...90% of all police departments are SMALLER than 50 officers. And most rural small town PDs dont require a degree.

But most large urban ones do. At least a 2 year. Asheville is a metro area of about a half million residents and like 300 cops.

They have drug addicts and homeless hippies all over that city. Its quite disgusting honestly.

And now...their PD is lowering standards. Not enough diversity.
Yep. The lefties will make all sorts of excuses.

The uber liberal.Asheville news tried to twist it and say how most PDs only require a hs diploma.

But in reality....CALEA (Commission for Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies) sets national standards for.police departments. They have a standard of a minimum 2 years Associates Degree. Police Departments dont HAVE to be CALEA certified...but any one worth a shit is.

So what they dont say is...90% of all police departments are SMALLER than 50 officers. And most rural small town PDs dont require a degree.

But most large urban ones do. At least a 2 year. Asheville is a metro area of about a half million residents and like 300 cops.

They have drug addicts and homeless hippies all over that city. Its quite disgusting honestly.

And now...their PD is lowering standards. Not enough diversity.

Obviously you've never been here, because that's utter bullshit.
Really, why? Do enlighten us on your profound knowledge of Asheville by all means.

Don't have to know anything about Asheville. Just need to know about liberal logic. They're idiots. You're a good example.

Uh yeah you do, considering your prediction above.

Quit bailing out, coward -- you presented a prediction specifically on Asheville, now you gotta back it up. What do you see as Asheville's festering problem areas? Which neighborhoods would you not want to visit? What would you do with the I-26 connection? How do you like all that development on North Merrimon? Too much too fast? How 'bout on Tunnel Road?

Uh, no I don't. Every city liberals control turn to shit, that's all I need to know. And nobody is impressed that you're familiar with the area, dick.

So you can't answer since you have no idea what you're talking about. But I'm sure "everybody's impressed" that you have your head up your ass as usual.
I just answered your idiotic post but you're too stupid to understand. Either that or you're just looking to get bitch slapped again.

No, you completely FAILED to answer it and fell back on "yammer yammer liburruls" because you put your foot in your mouth yet again on a topic you know jack shit about. Which isn't exactly an exclusive list.

Asheville is the ultimate liberal/hippie city.
Thank you, and it will deteriorate the same way as ALL cities controlled by liberals deteriorate. Pogo's too stupid to understand that simple proven fact.

And you have the IQ of a tire. Number one, you cannot explain how "liberalism" or "conservatism" runs a city, and number two, those liberals in Asheville didn't just get there -- it's been that way for decades. And it's thriving.

But again ---- prove me wrong. Enlighten us on your stunning knowledge of Asheville, a place you couldn't even find on a map, that you know so much about from your barcalounger in SoCal. Come up with some details or just admit you're pulling it entirely out of your ass.
Last edited:
Yep. The lefties will make all sorts of excuses.

The uber liberal.Asheville news tried to twist it and say how most PDs only require a hs diploma.

But in reality....CALEA (Commission for Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies) sets national standards for.police departments. They have a standard of a minimum 2 years Associates Degree. Police Departments dont HAVE to be CALEA certified...but any one worth a shit is.

So what they dont say is...90% of all police departments are SMALLER than 50 officers. And most rural small town PDs dont require a degree.

But most large urban ones do. At least a 2 year. Asheville is a metro area of about a half million residents and like 300 cops.

They have drug addicts and homeless hippies all over that city. Its quite disgusting honestly.

And now...their PD is lowering standards. Not enough diversity.

Obviously you've never been here, because that's utter bullshit.

Ive been there many times....I.have family in northern Spartanburg.

That little park downtown? Grass must grow from homeless peoples urine.

The old department store downtown thats been turned art gallery? Couldnt walk past it to get to the nearby bookstore without dodging hairy women playing music...with heroine track marks all on their arms.

The Biltmore village area is the only area that doesnt look like homeless hippies have taken over.

That sports bar right next to APD has a good burger. But avoid Masts General Store near sundown....all the urine smelling homeless seem to congregate.
I'm not expert on PD hiring practices, but as a person who has done a lot of hiring I'll give you my opinion.

Someone who has gone through the military or through some college, has a documented and proven "personal" reliability, they have /chosen/ to put in the effort to get a job done to a specific specification (be that graduating for the degree or making it through boot camp.) Someone who has graduated HS or gotten a GED has merely been "forced" to do it, because the law requires them to go to school, there is no "evidence" on paper that they did more than "make it through" (unless they've got awards and high GPA of course) So it makes sense for a "sensitive" job to pick the applicants who have shown personal motivation and initiative.
Don't have to know anything about Asheville. Just need to know about liberal logic. They're idiots. You're a good example.

Uh yeah you do, considering your prediction above.

Quit bailing out, coward -- you presented a prediction specifically on Asheville, now you gotta back it up. What do you see as Asheville's festering problem areas? Which neighborhoods would you not want to visit? What would you do with the I-26 connection? How do you like all that development on North Merrimon? Too much too fast? How 'bout on Tunnel Road?

Uh, no I don't. Every city liberals control turn to shit, that's all I need to know. And nobody is impressed that you're familiar with the area, dick.

So you can't answer since you have no idea what you're talking about. But I'm sure "everybody's impressed" that you have your head up your ass as usual.
I just answered your idiotic post but you're too stupid to understand. Either that or you're just looking to get bitch slapped again.

No, you completely FAILED to answer it and fell back on "yammer yammer liburruls" because you put your foot in your mouth yet again on a topic you know jack shit about. Which isn't exactly an exclusive list.

Asheville is the ultimate liberal/hippie city.
Thank you, and it will deteriorate the same way as ALL cities controlled by liberals deteriorate. Pogo's too stupid to understand that simple proven fact.

And you have the IQ of a tire. Number one, you cannot explain how "liberalism" or "conservatism" runs a city, and number two, those liberals in Asheville didn't just get there -- it's been that way for decades. And it's thriving.

But again ---- prove me wrong. Enlighten us on your stunning knowledge of Asheville, a place you couldn't even find on a map, that you know so much about from your barcalounger in SoCal. Come up with some details or just admit you're pulling it entirely out of your ass.

Asheville is hardly "thriving". Compare it to similar size metro areas in the Carolinas....Greenville and Charleston and Columbia. All far more conservative and doing far better.
Yep. The lefties will make all sorts of excuses.

The uber liberal.Asheville news tried to twist it and say how most PDs only require a hs diploma.

But in reality....CALEA (Commission for Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies) sets national standards for.police departments. They have a standard of a minimum 2 years Associates Degree. Police Departments dont HAVE to be CALEA certified...but any one worth a shit is.

So what they dont say is...90% of all police departments are SMALLER than 50 officers. And most rural small town PDs dont require a degree.

But most large urban ones do. At least a 2 year. Asheville is a metro area of about a half million residents and like 300 cops.

They have drug addicts and homeless hippies all over that city. Its quite disgusting honestly.

And now...their PD is lowering standards. Not enough diversity.

Obviously you've never been here, because that's utter bullshit.

Ive been there many times....I.have family in northern Spartanburg.

That little park downtown? Grass must grow from homeless peoples urine.

The old department store downtown thats been turned art gallery? Couldnt walk past it to get to the nearby bookstore without dodging hairy women playing music...with heroine track marks all on their arms.

The Biltmore village area is the only area that doesnt look like homeless hippies have taken over.

That sports bar right next to APD has a good burger. But avoid Masts General Store near sundown....all the urine smelling homeless seem to congregate.

Spartanburg is in South Carolina and has nothing in common with Asheville.

"Heroine track marks" huh? You must be FROM South Carolina. :rolleyes:
Yep. The lefties will make all sorts of excuses.

The uber liberal.Asheville news tried to twist it and say how most PDs only require a hs diploma.

But in reality....CALEA (Commission for Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies) sets national standards for.police departments. They have a standard of a minimum 2 years Associates Degree. Police Departments dont HAVE to be CALEA certified...but any one worth a shit is.

So what they dont say is...90% of all police departments are SMALLER than 50 officers. And most rural small town PDs dont require a degree.

But most large urban ones do. At least a 2 year. Asheville is a metro area of about a half million residents and like 300 cops.

They have drug addicts and homeless hippies all over that city. Its quite disgusting honestly.

And now...their PD is lowering standards. Not enough diversity.
That's the ticket – keep repeating the same lie over again in the hope it's perceived to be true.
Uh yeah you do, considering your prediction above.

Quit bailing out, coward -- you presented a prediction specifically on Asheville, now you gotta back it up. What do you see as Asheville's festering problem areas? Which neighborhoods would you not want to visit? What would you do with the I-26 connection? How do you like all that development on North Merrimon? Too much too fast? How 'bout on Tunnel Road?

Uh, no I don't. Every city liberals control turn to shit, that's all I need to know. And nobody is impressed that you're familiar with the area, dick.

So you can't answer since you have no idea what you're talking about. But I'm sure "everybody's impressed" that you have your head up your ass as usual.
I just answered your idiotic post but you're too stupid to understand. Either that or you're just looking to get bitch slapped again.

No, you completely FAILED to answer it and fell back on "yammer yammer liburruls" because you put your foot in your mouth yet again on a topic you know jack shit about. Which isn't exactly an exclusive list.

Asheville is the ultimate liberal/hippie city.
Thank you, and it will deteriorate the same way as ALL cities controlled by liberals deteriorate. Pogo's too stupid to understand that simple proven fact.

And you have the IQ of a tire. Number one, you cannot explain how "liberalism" or "conservatism" runs a city, and number two, those liberals in Asheville didn't just get there -- it's been that way for decades. And it's thriving.

But again ---- prove me wrong. Enlighten us on your stunning knowledge of Asheville, a place you couldn't even find on a map, that you know so much about from your barcalounger in SoCal. Come up with some details or just admit you're pulling it entirely out of your ass.

Asheville is hardly "thriving". Compare it to similar size metro areas in the Carolinas....Greenville and Charleston and Columbia. All far more conservative and doing far better.

Doooon't think so Clyde. Comparison's already been done: named Asheville one of its "Top 5 Pet-Friendly Towns." (April 2015)

THRILLIST ranked the live-music scene in Asheville as #10 in its round-up of "America's 12 Greatest Music Cities." (April 2015)

Collaborate Magazine included Asheville on its list of the "Top 12 Foodie Cities for Meetings in 2015." (April 2015)

Asheville is considered one of "The 11 Best Drinking Cities in America" by THRILLIST. (March 2015)

The Huffington Post featured Asheville on its list of "The 9 Most Romantic Cities in the South." (March 2015)

Matador Network selected Asheville for the number-one slot in its round-up of "The 20 Coolest Towns in the U.S." (February 2015)

Asheville was listed among the "14 Best Small Cities for a First Date" by (February 2015)

Asheville was ranked as the third "Coziest City" in the country, according to a study sponsored by Honeywell Heaters. (February 2015)

Gear Patrol named Asheville one of its "25 Best Places to Travel in 2015." (January 2015)

Asheville is featured on's "Top Romantic Trip Destinations." (January 2015)

MovieMaker chose Asheville as #2 on its annual "Best Places to Live and Work as a Moviemaker" list. (January 2015)

Condé Nast Traveler included Asheville among its "America's Best Beer Cities" round-up. (January 2015)

That's just this year, and just from this page.

Greenville - please. Home of Bob Jones. :eusa_hand:
Don't have to know anything about Asheville. Just need to know about liberal logic. They're idiots. You're a good example.

Uh yeah you do, considering your prediction above.

Quit bailing out, coward -- you presented a prediction specifically on Asheville, now you gotta back it up. What do you see as Asheville's festering problem areas? Which neighborhoods would you not want to visit? What would you do with the I-26 connection? How do you like all that development on North Merrimon? Too much too fast? How 'bout on Tunnel Road?

Uh, no I don't. Every city liberals control turn to shit, that's all I need to know. And nobody is impressed that you're familiar with the area, dick.

So you can't answer since you have no idea what you're talking about. But I'm sure "everybody's impressed" that you have your head up your ass as usual.
I just answered your idiotic post but you're too stupid to understand. Either that or you're just looking to get bitch slapped again.

No, you completely FAILED to answer it and fell back on "yammer yammer liburruls" because you put your foot in your mouth yet again on a topic you know jack shit about. Which isn't exactly an exclusive list.

Asheville is the ultimate liberal/hippie city.
Thank you, and it will deteriorate the same way as ALL cities controlled by liberals deteriorate. Pogo's too stupid to understand that simple proven fact.

And you have the IQ of a tire. Number one, you cannot explain how "liberalism" or "conservatism" runs a city, and number two, those liberals in Asheville didn't just get there -- it's been that way for decades. And it's thriving.

But again ---- prove me wrong. Enlighten us on your stunning knowledge of Asheville, a place you couldn't even find on a map, that you know so much about from your barcalounger in SoCal. Come up with some details or just admit you're pulling it entirely out of your ass.
Looks like I've really gotten under your thin skin, eh Mister Grassy Knoll? Glad I could help. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Educational standards lowered for new Asheville police

Ashville Police Department in the mountainous haven of Ashville NC was once the most prestigious agency in that state. Ashville...known as a VERY liberal city...called SanFran in the longer is.

Lowered attract "more quality" haha????

Oh yeah....and...diversity.

It's Asheville actually, named for Sam Ashe.

What Bucs leaves out, from his own link:

The department quietly lowered education requirements in June, saying new police officers no longer needed a two-year college degree and could be hired with a high school diploma.

The change is intended to "increase the size, diversity and quality of the applicant pool," as well as put Asheville in line with most departments' hiring practices, interim Police Chief Wade Wood said.

Asheville first began a push to increase academic standards in the mid-1990s, under Chief Will Annarino. The standards varied over the years and at times generated controversy.

Twenty-three officers in 2001 filed a grievance against Annarino, claiming his policy of paying new hires with college degrees 5 to 10 percent more was unfair to current officers with degrees.
Eventually, the standard was set at a two-year associate's degree or 60 curriculum hours. Exceptions were given in three cases: Applicants who had 30 curriculum hours, three years of military experience, or three years of law enforcement experience could be hired if they entered into a contract with the city to finish their associate's degree. That made Asheville's requirements some of the toughest in the state, and even the nation, according to Maria Haberfeld, chairwoman of the law, police science and criminal justice administration department at John Jay College in New York.

"An average police department in the U.S. requires only a high school diploma or a GED," Haberfeld said.​
So, you don't want better educated officers?

I feel really safe with my neighborhood being protected by Barney Fife, and his high school diploma, or did he drop out and get his GED.

And people wonder why there are so many 'bad' cops, they aren't 'bad', just undereducated.

I would prefer that every police officer had a college degree, that doesn't mean they will be better than those without degrees, but it does show that they at least had the work ethic and drive to get that degree, instead of just being a high school dropout.

That's not the point. The OP deliberately framed this as a "lowering of standards" when in fact it's no such thing.
actually, going from hiring only people with college degrees to those who graduated high school or have a GED, would be considered 'lowering of standards,' would it not?

Not if those standards were already artificially high --- which is the whole background story in his own link. That would be like describing a temporary tax cut allowed to expire as the opposition "raising taxes" -- it's a bold faced lie.

Fuck you are stupid, OF COURSE they are lowering standards. Okay so they are lowering them to what lots of other agencies already have, but they ARE lowering them, which makes you AGAIN, a liar.
Uh, no I don't. Every city liberals control turn to shit, that's all I need to know. And nobody is impressed that you're familiar with the area, dick.

So you can't answer since you have no idea what you're talking about. But I'm sure "everybody's impressed" that you have your head up your ass as usual.
I just answered your idiotic post but you're too stupid to understand. Either that or you're just looking to get bitch slapped again.

No, you completely FAILED to answer it and fell back on "yammer yammer liburruls" because you put your foot in your mouth yet again on a topic you know jack shit about. Which isn't exactly an exclusive list.

Asheville is the ultimate liberal/hippie city.
Thank you, and it will deteriorate the same way as ALL cities controlled by liberals deteriorate. Pogo's too stupid to understand that simple proven fact.

And you have the IQ of a tire. Number one, you cannot explain how "liberalism" or "conservatism" runs a city, and number two, those liberals in Asheville didn't just get there -- it's been that way for decades. And it's thriving.

But again ---- prove me wrong. Enlighten us on your stunning knowledge of Asheville, a place you couldn't even find on a map, that you know so much about from your barcalounger in SoCal. Come up with some details or just admit you're pulling it entirely out of your ass.

Asheville is hardly "thriving". Compare it to similar size metro areas in the Carolinas....Greenville and Charleston and Columbia. All far more conservative and doing far better.

Doooon't think so Clyde. Comparison's already been done: named Asheville one of its "Top 5 Pet-Friendly Towns." (April 2015)

THRILLIST ranked the live-music scene in Asheville as #10 in its round-up of "America's 12 Greatest Music Cities." (April 2015)

Collaborate Magazine included Asheville on its list of the "Top 12 Foodie Cities for Meetings in 2015." (April 2015)

Asheville is considered one of "The 11 Best Drinking Cities in America" by THRILLIST. (March 2015)

The Huffington Post featured Asheville on its list of "The 9 Most Romantic Cities in the South." (March 2015)

Matador Network selected Asheville for the number-one slot in its round-up of "The 20 Coolest Towns in the U.S." (February 2015)

Asheville was listed among the "14 Best Small Cities for a First Date" by (February 2015)

Asheville was ranked as the third "Coziest City" in the country, according to a study sponsored by Honeywell Heaters. (February 2015)

Gear Patrol named Asheville one of its "25 Best Places to Travel in 2015." (January 2015)

Asheville is featured on's "Top Romantic Trip Destinations." (January 2015)

MovieMaker chose Asheville as #2 on its annual "Best Places to Live and Work as a Moviemaker" list. (January 2015)

Condé Nast Traveler included Asheville among its "America's Best Beer Cities" round-up. (January 2015)

That's just this year, and just from this page.

Greenville - please. Home of Bob Jones. :eusa_hand:

So its great for drunks and film makers haha? Asheville isnt in Greenvilles class.

And Charleston? Asheville cant hold Charlestons jock. You bragged on Conde Naste calling Asheville the city right? That same publication ranked Charleston the #1 City in the World a few years ago...and regularly as a top 1-3 rank in North America.

Greenville > Asheville
Charleston >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asheville
It's Asheville actually, named for Sam Ashe.

What Bucs leaves out, from his own link:

The department quietly lowered education requirements in June, saying new police officers no longer needed a two-year college degree and could be hired with a high school diploma.

The change is intended to "increase the size, diversity and quality of the applicant pool," as well as put Asheville in line with most departments' hiring practices, interim Police Chief Wade Wood said.

Asheville first began a push to increase academic standards in the mid-1990s, under Chief Will Annarino. The standards varied over the years and at times generated controversy.

Twenty-three officers in 2001 filed a grievance against Annarino, claiming his policy of paying new hires with college degrees 5 to 10 percent more was unfair to current officers with degrees.
Eventually, the standard was set at a two-year associate's degree or 60 curriculum hours. Exceptions were given in three cases: Applicants who had 30 curriculum hours, three years of military experience, or three years of law enforcement experience could be hired if they entered into a contract with the city to finish their associate's degree. That made Asheville's requirements some of the toughest in the state, and even the nation, according to Maria Haberfeld, chairwoman of the law, police science and criminal justice administration department at John Jay College in New York.

"An average police department in the U.S. requires only a high school diploma or a GED," Haberfeld said.​
So, you don't want better educated officers?

I feel really safe with my neighborhood being protected by Barney Fife, and his high school diploma, or did he drop out and get his GED.

And people wonder why there are so many 'bad' cops, they aren't 'bad', just undereducated.

I would prefer that every police officer had a college degree, that doesn't mean they will be better than those without degrees, but it does show that they at least had the work ethic and drive to get that degree, instead of just being a high school dropout.

That's not the point. The OP deliberately framed this as a "lowering of standards" when in fact it's no such thing.
actually, going from hiring only people with college degrees to those who graduated high school or have a GED, would be considered 'lowering of standards,' would it not?

Not if those standards were already artificially high --- which is the whole background story in his own link. That would be like describing a temporary tax cut allowed to expire as the opposition "raising taxes" -- it's a bold faced lie.

Fuck you are stupid, OF COURSE they are lowering standards. Okay so they are lowering them to what lots of other agencies already have, but they ARE lowering them, which makes you AGAIN, a liar.

What he misses is that most police agencies are tiny. 50 officers or fewer. Those tiny agencies make up like 90% of PDs.

Major city and medium city PDs are bigger but fewer in numbers. So their standards are usually a good bit Asheville used to be.
It's Asheville actually, named for Sam Ashe.

What Bucs leaves out, from his own link:

The department quietly lowered education requirements in June, saying new police officers no longer needed a two-year college degree and could be hired with a high school diploma.

The change is intended to "increase the size, diversity and quality of the applicant pool," as well as put Asheville in line with most departments' hiring practices, interim Police Chief Wade Wood said.

Asheville first began a push to increase academic standards in the mid-1990s, under Chief Will Annarino. The standards varied over the years and at times generated controversy.

Twenty-three officers in 2001 filed a grievance against Annarino, claiming his policy of paying new hires with college degrees 5 to 10 percent more was unfair to current officers with degrees.
Eventually, the standard was set at a two-year associate's degree or 60 curriculum hours. Exceptions were given in three cases: Applicants who had 30 curriculum hours, three years of military experience, or three years of law enforcement experience could be hired if they entered into a contract with the city to finish their associate's degree. That made Asheville's requirements some of the toughest in the state, and even the nation, according to Maria Haberfeld, chairwoman of the law, police science and criminal justice administration department at John Jay College in New York.

"An average police department in the U.S. requires only a high school diploma or a GED," Haberfeld said.​
So, you don't want better educated officers?

I feel really safe with my neighborhood being protected by Barney Fife, and his high school diploma, or did he drop out and get his GED.

And people wonder why there are so many 'bad' cops, they aren't 'bad', just undereducated.

I would prefer that every police officer had a college degree, that doesn't mean they will be better than those without degrees, but it does show that they at least had the work ethic and drive to get that degree, instead of just being a high school dropout.

That's not the point. The OP deliberately framed this as a "lowering of standards" when in fact it's no such thing.
actually, going from hiring only people with college degrees to those who graduated high school or have a GED, would be considered 'lowering of standards,' would it not?

Not if those standards were already artificially high --- which is the whole background story in his own link. That would be like describing a temporary tax cut allowed to expire as the opposition "raising taxes" -- it's a bold faced lie.

Fuck you are stupid, OF COURSE they are lowering standards. Okay so they are lowering them to what lots of other agencies already have, but they ARE lowering them, which makes you AGAIN, a liar.

Poor Mal. Still valiantly holding on in his struggle for relevance.


Hey, been to Canada lately?
No? Wassup, can't find the road to the border?
So, you don't want better educated officers?

I feel really safe with my neighborhood being protected by Barney Fife, and his high school diploma, or did he drop out and get his GED.

And people wonder why there are so many 'bad' cops, they aren't 'bad', just undereducated.

I would prefer that every police officer had a college degree, that doesn't mean they will be better than those without degrees, but it does show that they at least had the work ethic and drive to get that degree, instead of just being a high school dropout.

That's not the point. The OP deliberately framed this as a "lowering of standards" when in fact it's no such thing.
actually, going from hiring only people with college degrees to those who graduated high school or have a GED, would be considered 'lowering of standards,' would it not?

Not if those standards were already artificially high --- which is the whole background story in his own link. That would be like describing a temporary tax cut allowed to expire as the opposition "raising taxes" -- it's a bold faced lie.

Fuck you are stupid, OF COURSE they are lowering standards. Okay so they are lowering them to what lots of other agencies already have, but they ARE lowering them, which makes you AGAIN, a liar.

Poor Mal. Still valiantly holding on in his struggle for relevance.


Hey, been to Canada lately?
No? Wassup, can't find the road to the border?

Big surprise that you didn't have the integrity to admit you are wrong in this thread either.
So you can't answer since you have no idea what you're talking about. But I'm sure "everybody's impressed" that you have your head up your ass as usual.
I just answered your idiotic post but you're too stupid to understand. Either that or you're just looking to get bitch slapped again.

No, you completely FAILED to answer it and fell back on "yammer yammer liburruls" because you put your foot in your mouth yet again on a topic you know jack shit about. Which isn't exactly an exclusive list.

Asheville is the ultimate liberal/hippie city.
Thank you, and it will deteriorate the same way as ALL cities controlled by liberals deteriorate. Pogo's too stupid to understand that simple proven fact.

And you have the IQ of a tire. Number one, you cannot explain how "liberalism" or "conservatism" runs a city, and number two, those liberals in Asheville didn't just get there -- it's been that way for decades. And it's thriving.

But again ---- prove me wrong. Enlighten us on your stunning knowledge of Asheville, a place you couldn't even find on a map, that you know so much about from your barcalounger in SoCal. Come up with some details or just admit you're pulling it entirely out of your ass.

Asheville is hardly "thriving". Compare it to similar size metro areas in the Carolinas....Greenville and Charleston and Columbia. All far more conservative and doing far better.

Doooon't think so Clyde. Comparison's already been done: named Asheville one of its "Top 5 Pet-Friendly Towns." (April 2015)

THRILLIST ranked the live-music scene in Asheville as #10 in its round-up of "America's 12 Greatest Music Cities." (April 2015)

Collaborate Magazine included Asheville on its list of the "Top 12 Foodie Cities for Meetings in 2015." (April 2015)

Asheville is considered one of "The 11 Best Drinking Cities in America" by THRILLIST. (March 2015)

The Huffington Post featured Asheville on its list of "The 9 Most Romantic Cities in the South." (March 2015)

Matador Network selected Asheville for the number-one slot in its round-up of "The 20 Coolest Towns in the U.S." (February 2015)

Asheville was listed among the "14 Best Small Cities for a First Date" by (February 2015)

Asheville was ranked as the third "Coziest City" in the country, according to a study sponsored by Honeywell Heaters. (February 2015)

Gear Patrol named Asheville one of its "25 Best Places to Travel in 2015." (January 2015)

Asheville is featured on's "Top Romantic Trip Destinations." (January 2015)

MovieMaker chose Asheville as #2 on its annual "Best Places to Live and Work as a Moviemaker" list. (January 2015)

Condé Nast Traveler included Asheville among its "America's Best Beer Cities" round-up. (January 2015)

That's just this year, and just from this page.

Greenville - please. Home of Bob Jones. :eusa_hand:

So its great for drunks and film makers haha? Asheville isnt in Greenvilles class.

And Charleston? Asheville cant hold Charlestons jock. You bragged on Conde Naste calling Asheville the city right? That same publication ranked Charleston the #1 City in the World a few years ago...and regularly as a top 1-3 rank in North America.

Greenville > Asheville
Charleston >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asheville

I simply copied a section of a page. You're not worth any more time investment than that.

And no, Asheville certainly isn't in Greenville's class. That's my point.
I spent a month in Greenville one night. That was more than enough.
I just answered your idiotic post but you're too stupid to understand. Either that or you're just looking to get bitch slapped again.

No, you completely FAILED to answer it and fell back on "yammer yammer liburruls" because you put your foot in your mouth yet again on a topic you know jack shit about. Which isn't exactly an exclusive list.

Thank you, and it will deteriorate the same way as ALL cities controlled by liberals deteriorate. Pogo's too stupid to understand that simple proven fact.

And you have the IQ of a tire. Number one, you cannot explain how "liberalism" or "conservatism" runs a city, and number two, those liberals in Asheville didn't just get there -- it's been that way for decades. And it's thriving.

But again ---- prove me wrong. Enlighten us on your stunning knowledge of Asheville, a place you couldn't even find on a map, that you know so much about from your barcalounger in SoCal. Come up with some details or just admit you're pulling it entirely out of your ass.

Asheville is hardly "thriving". Compare it to similar size metro areas in the Carolinas....Greenville and Charleston and Columbia. All far more conservative and doing far better.

Doooon't think so Clyde. Comparison's already been done: named Asheville one of its "Top 5 Pet-Friendly Towns." (April 2015)

THRILLIST ranked the live-music scene in Asheville as #10 in its round-up of "America's 12 Greatest Music Cities." (April 2015)

Collaborate Magazine included Asheville on its list of the "Top 12 Foodie Cities for Meetings in 2015." (April 2015)

Asheville is considered one of "The 11 Best Drinking Cities in America" by THRILLIST. (March 2015)

The Huffington Post featured Asheville on its list of "The 9 Most Romantic Cities in the South." (March 2015)

Matador Network selected Asheville for the number-one slot in its round-up of "The 20 Coolest Towns in the U.S." (February 2015)

Asheville was listed among the "14 Best Small Cities for a First Date" by (February 2015)

Asheville was ranked as the third "Coziest City" in the country, according to a study sponsored by Honeywell Heaters. (February 2015)

Gear Patrol named Asheville one of its "25 Best Places to Travel in 2015." (January 2015)

Asheville is featured on's "Top Romantic Trip Destinations." (January 2015)

MovieMaker chose Asheville as #2 on its annual "Best Places to Live and Work as a Moviemaker" list. (January 2015)

Condé Nast Traveler included Asheville among its "America's Best Beer Cities" round-up. (January 2015)

That's just this year, and just from this page.

Greenville - please. Home of Bob Jones. :eusa_hand:

So its great for drunks and film makers haha? Asheville isnt in Greenvilles class.

And Charleston? Asheville cant hold Charlestons jock. You bragged on Conde Naste calling Asheville the city right? That same publication ranked Charleston the #1 City in the World a few years ago...and regularly as a top 1-3 rank in North America.

Greenville > Asheville
Charleston >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asheville

I simply copied a section of a page. You're not worth any more time investment than that.

And no, Asheville certainly isn't in Greenville's class. That's my point.
I spent a month in Greenville one night. That was more than enough.

Ah...dont wanna keep this debate going? No wonder. You lost bad.

Im sure you dont like Greenville. Its a bigger city than Asheville. But its also much cleaner. Has FAR more high paying jobs and economic opportunity. Is conservative. Doesnt tolerate urine soaked homeless hippies polluting their downtown. Pretty much exact opposite of Trashville.
All professions have had to lower their standards to include blacks.

Holding blacks to the same standards as whites, is racist

Asheville is lowering their standard to include warm bodies.

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