Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

True, but income is still a factor in SAT scores.

Although it’s interesting to note that students who are African immigrants tend to outperform.

Well, no it isn't. They probably perform well for the same reason first generation Asian immigrants do. Because you had enough affluence to emigrate to start with, and you are motivated by the fact you are getting opportunities you wouldn't have gotten otherwise. We Americans - all races - tend to take too much for granted.

What I've noted, growing up Catholic, is that people who convert to the Catholic Faith tend to be a lot more fanatical about it than those of us who were born into it and just take this all as normal.
I have never known anyone named Jamal. You mention him so frequently I think he may be your gay lover. Do you think about him when you masturbate?

You seem to get upset when I bring him up. Why is that?

Look man, whatever your deep seated hatred is, you probably need therapy to help you. Dr. Joe is in the house. Tell us all about it, you will feel better. It's certainly better than getting angry all day and hanging on racist websites.

Keep on enjoying your ignorance. The entire universe is not on Google.
Nope, but it's pretty clear you got scammed, unless you are trying to be all edgelord, which is what I kind of suspected about you 12 years ago and hasn't really changed.
I said bigots like Superbadfatso don’t want to close any racial divide. You initially disagreed, but then you went on to basically support that notion.

This racial divide is not because of average income differences.
What causes the racial divide?

Cultural perceptions and misperceptions?
Income disparities?
Racist systems still in play such as in real estate?
Preponderance of single mothers?

All of the above?

More stuff?

Does anyone want to close it?
There are no poor Africans who immigrate to America.
Oh I agree, those students are typically in the top rank. But it does make me wonder what is lacking in our system that fails a lot of our kids and if any in-depth studies have been done? I do think we have a problem with “dumbing down” expectations in K13 and that does no kids any favors.

It would be interesting to discuss without the usual low IQ voices advocating racist explanations.
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Damn! Only in the Usurper's America where the education system rejects the best qualified. The Department of Education needs to be abolished.

Lol, it was not affirmative action that caused this. It's not what you know it's who you know that gets you ahead in this country. It's always been that way.
These right wingers ignore the FACT that most of what whites have achieved is because of race. Not competence, merit or anything else but the fact they are white was the only qualification needed for them to get a chance.

This is why I believe that if AA is gone, America will return to Jim Crow. Because there are whites like some in here whining about how unfair a policy is based on a belief in quotas that do not exist and if they did, whites would get the most opportunity based on those quotas.
I actually think AA, as a program, needs to sunset, but colleges need to continue increasing diversity. The more people of different backgrounds interact in positive ways, the better we all are.
Property can be replaced, human life cannot. That you value property more than lives says a lot about you, none of it good.
I value the property of store owners more than the lives of criminals who loot and burn their stores. In fact I do not value the lives of those in the second group at all. They are useless, worthless, and dangerous parasites. We could be better off if they had never been born.
Oh I agree, those students are typically in the top rank. But it does make me wonder what is lacking in our system that fails a lot of our kids and if any in-depth studies have been done? I do think we have a problem with “dumbing down” expectations in K13 and that does no kids any favors.

It would be interesting to discuss without the usual low IQ voices advocating racist explanations.
It would be, but you know what's going to happen.
I actually think AA, as a program, needs to sunset, but colleges need to continue increasing diversity. The more people of different backgrounds interact in positive ways, the better we all are.
I disagree. Because everything shows that not much has changed.
These right wingers ignore the FACT that most of what whites have achieved is because of race. Not competence, merit or anything else but the fact they are white was the only qualification needed for them to get a chance.

This is why I believe that if AA is gone, America will return to Jim Crow. Because there are whites like some in here whining about how unfair a policy is based on a belief in quotas that do not exist and if they did, whites would get the most opportunity based on those quotas.
Whites of European descent have developed the most advanced, the most prosperous, and the most humane civilization in history. Orientals have surpassed us in the past and are catching up with us now. Oriental countries have the sense to keep blacks out. Where are the great Negro civilizations? Negroes have not even created civilizations as advanced as the Aztec and Inca civilizations.
Whites of European descent have developed the most advanced, the most prosperous, and the most humane civilization in history. Where are the great Negro civilizations? Negroes have not even created civilizations as advanced as the Aztec and Inca civilizations.
Let’s not get derailed onto this again.
Let’s not get derailed onto this again.
Levels of civilization among the races are relevant to average racial IQ's, which in turn are relevant to what happens when diversity, equity, and inclusion are valued more than merit, qualifications, and excellence.
Levels of civilization among the races are relevant to average racial IQ's, which in turn are relevant to what happens when diversity, equity, and inclusion are valued more than merit, qualifications, and excellence.
Going down that rabbit hole is going to derail this thread. Don’t.
What is your metric for determine change?
Employment, median income, poverty.

EPI did a study called 50 years ater the Kerner Report in 2018. Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute wrote an op-ed published in the February 28, 2018 edition of the New York Daily News titled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” After studying the Kerner Report, Rothstein stated: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.”

Reports like this and many others I have read show me the improvements some here want every black person to be so happy about that we should stop talking about racism have been relatively minimal.
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Going down that rabbit hole is going to derail this thread. Don’t.
It is apparent that Hector knows nothing about African civilzations.

We can start with Egypt. Of course the racists will make Egypt white, except Egypt is in Africa. Ethiopia was another great Kingdom. So was the Mali Empire and a whole lot of others.

That's all I'm going to say.

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