Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Bigots like [Superbadbrutha] don’t want to see any decrease in the racial divide.
I do not believe that. I believe anti racists want blacks to have the same average incomes as whites, despite having lower average IQ's. They want whites to be too cowardly and too guilt stricken to oppose equal rewards despite unequal performance.

I do not hate blacks unless they belong to the very large minority of blacks who are felons. This is the way I feel about the Negro race:


I did not care about what happened to George Floyd. I was angered by the black ghetto riots that followed, and which cost an estimated two billion dollars in damage.
I do not believe that. I believe anti racists want blacks to have the same average incomes as whites, despite having lower average IQ's. They want whites to be too cowardly and too guilt stricken to oppose equal rewards despite unequal performance.

I do not hate blacks unless they belong to the very large minority of blacks who are felons. This is the way I feel about the Negro race:

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I did not care about what happened to George Floyd. I was angered by the black ghetto riots that followed, and which cost an estimated two billion dollars in damage.
I said bigots like Superbadfatso don’t want to close any racial divide. You initially disagreed, but then you went on to basically support that notion.

This racial divide is not because of average income differences.
Whites who are denied university admissions because of what happened in the past are not responsible for what happened in the past. Their denial does not seem reasonable to me.

Except they aren't being denied university admissions, are they? They are not being selected for the ones they want. They can go to state.

The thing is, they might not have committed the crimes of the past, but they benefit from them. We have an entire hierarchy of white privilege that ONLY exists because of the crimes of the past - i.e. making slavery legal when the country was founded, failing to keep the South from backsliding during reconstruction, etc.
Except they aren't being denied university admissions, are they? They are not being selected for the ones they want. They can go to state.

The thing is, they might not have committed the crimes of the past, but they benefit from them. We have an entire hierarchy of white privilege that ONLY exists because of the crimes of the past - i.e. making slavery legal when the country was founded, failing to keep the South from backsliding during reconstruction, etc.
The thing is, they might not have committed the crimes of the past, but they benefit from them. We have an entire hierarchy of white privilege that ONLY exists because of the crimes of the past - i.e. making slavery legal when the country was founded, failing to keep the South from backsliding during reconstruction, etc.
This is a complicated issue. On at least two occasion I was hired by a man who did not like blacks and who would not have hired any. In each case I benefited by being white. Nevertheless, I do not think I benefited from the presence of blacks. I personally have never discriminated against blacks or persecuted them in any way. Therefore I do not think I owe blacks anything.
How many times must you be told the same thing? Harvard cannot decide for themselves what measures to use if one of those measures is racist.
Sure they can. They can just disguise it as something else, such as "economic circumstances" or "Life Story".

And yes, these schools open doors. So why should the brilliant Asian student be rejected because Harvard thinks he’s the “wrong” race?

The same reason they think they should open a door to the slacker kid of a second generation alumnus. Same reason they give a scholarship to a dumbass who can run a football. Same reason they give it to the kid whose rich parents bought a new lecture hall for them.

No, but we are talking about a cohort let it under lower requirements. Harvard is actually letting in blacks with SATs as low as 1100? That’s very mid-range, and yes….they will find it hard to compete with the cohort that had to have better SATs to be considered.

Why do you think it's a competition. Let's be perfectly honest about what college is. College proves to an employer that you can stick to something for four years and complete it. Period. The fact that we've assigned a certain level of privilege to a few Ivy League schools is kind of on us. It's like we are all sitting here arguing over who gets to eat at a restaurant we could never afford the menu at.

I do not believe that. I believe anti racists want blacks to have the same average incomes as whites, despite having lower average IQ's. They want whites to be too cowardly and too guilt stricken to oppose equal rewards despite unequal performance.

No, we just realize that you can't get equal rewards and equal results if you don't have equal opportunity.

They don't need whites to be cowardly, they just have to wait until we are no longer the majority in this country, and then they can do what they want.

I do not hate blacks unless they belong to the very large minority of blacks who are felons. This is the way I feel about the Negro race:

Oh, please. You would not spend this much time complaining about them if you didn't have a deep seated hatred over whatever Jamal did to humiliate you.

I did not care about what happened to George Floyd. I was angered by the black ghetto riots that followed, and which cost an estimated two billion dollars in damage.

Property can be replaced, human life cannot. That you value property more than lives says a lot about you, none of it good.

This is a complicated issue. On at least two occasion I was hired by a man who did not like blacks and who would not have hired any. In each case I benefited by being white. Nevertheless, I do not think I benefited from the presence of blacks. I personally have never discriminated against blacks or persecuted them in any way. Therefore I do not think I owe blacks anything.
So this is your argument, that because you've been such a failure in life, you've never had a chance to effect black people as much as you want to.
These right wingers ignore the FACT that most of what whites have achieved is because of race. Not competence, merit or anything else but the fact they are white was the only qualification needed for them to get a chance.

This is why I believe that if AA is gone, America will return to Jim Crow. Because there are whites like some in here whining about how unfair a policy is based on a belief in quotas that do not exist and if they did, whites would get the most opportunity based on those quotas.
I said bigots like Superbadfatso don’t want to close any racial divide. You initially disagreed, but then you went on to basically support that notion.

This racial divide is not because of average income differences.
You are the one who doesn't want to close the racial divide.
That’s everyone. When selected for race, it shows that blacks from affluent families STILL score lower than whites from impoverished families.

True, but income is still a factor in SAT scores.

Although it’s interesting to note that students who are African immigrants tend to outperform.

The word is “regardless.”

Still doesn’t excuse the racist policy, which you support, that the minimum GPA required for blacks is lower than the minimum required for whites and Asians.

It isn’t racist if it is only one of many factors for an otherwise qualified student and it doesn’t exclude all or most members of a race because of race (given that Whites are the largest group admitted and Asians are admitted at double their demographic).

How else will they achieve diversity given both students and employers value it? You completely ignore the quantifiable benefits of diversity.

You don’t get outraged at the legacy admits, which come out of a program designed to be racist (no Blacks or Jews) and is still majority White. Is that racist?

Is it racist to try and recruit people from certain communities so they can in turn give back to those communities?

Is it racist to focus only on Blacks and ignore fact that those policies benefit other minorities?

Is it racist to claim that Blacks as a group are less intelligent then Whites?

Is it racist to to claim, without evidence, that 88.8% of Blacks are not qualified for the jobs they seek?

As long as a decision is not made entirely on race, the student is otherwise qualified and meets all required criteria (which is more than just test scores) I don’t care. No one is entitled.

What if an employer did this, in reverse? What if they said that for new college graduates, Asians and whites will be considered if they graduated with a 3.0, but that blacks must have a 3.5 before they have a chance?
They would have to be able to have a good rationale. Harvard‘s rationale is they are trying to attract more students from underrepresented groups or parts of the country (hence lower entry requirements for White students from Montana).
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Oh, please. You would not spend this much time complaining about them if you didn't have a deep seated hatred over whatever Jamal did to humiliate you.
I have never known anyone named Jamal. You mention him so frequently I think he may be your gay lover. Do you think about him when you masturbate?

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