Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Actually there is bias in those tests in terms of access to resources to help a student pass them, bright students from poor districts are going to be disadvantaged. Test scores alone are no guarantee that tbe student is “the best” or a good fit and GPA is a better indicator of success than test scores. Schools are doing away with requiring test scores at all.
No, but test scores and GPAs are the best predictor of success, and all this twisting around to justify why whites and Asians rejected with those superior metrics in order to let blacks in with lower metrics doesn’t negate the fact that the decision is RACIST.

You keep saying that the superior Asians and whites who were rejected can go to lesser schools. Well why shouldn’t blacks with lesser metrics go to the lesser schools - the schools they would have gotten into anyway if they were white?
Or private institutions like Harvard, can decide for themselves what metrics they will use. It isn’t like they are accepting mediocre students. Also there is no question degrees from those places open doors.

We certainly need to offer more paths to trade schools. I agree with you there.

No one is entitled to anything. However, when we are talking about these elite institutions, the applicants admitted are going to be qualified for college, we aren’t talking struggling C students.
You are not making sense

Even you argue that colleges admit based on merit

But its merit that only you and the lib colleges can see rather than a test score that we all can see
Or private institutions like Harvard, can decide for themselves what metrics they will use. It isn’t like they are accepting mediocre students. Also there is no question degrees from those places open doors.

How many times must you be told the same thing? Harvard cannot decide for themselves what measures to use if one of those measures is racist.

And yes, these schools open doors. So why should the brilliant Asian student be rejected because Harvard thinks he’s the “wrong” race?
We certainly need to offer more paths to trade schools. I agree with you there.

No one is entitled to anything. However, when we are talking about these elite institutions, the applicants admitted are going to be qualified for college, we aren’t talking struggling C students.
No, but we are talking about a cohort let it under lower requirements. Harvard is actually letting in blacks with SATs as low as 1100? That’s very mid-range, and yes….they will find it hard to compete with the cohort that had to have better SATs to be considered.
SAT scores are shown to have economic bias and are less of an indicator of success than GPA. If one of the school’s missions is diversity then they able to accept the student’s needed to fulfill that.
No, they’re not. Hector showed a chart where blacks from families earning above $160,000 still scored lower, on average, than poor whites living in families with incomes less than $20,000.
I don’t agree. As long as the standards for graduation are not lowered (which would devalue the degree) they be able to have flexibility in who and how they admit if diversity is their goal.
Not if it’s unconstitutional.
No, but test scores and GPAs are the best predictor of success, and all this twisting around to justify why whites and Asians rejected with those superior metrics in order to let blacks in with lower metrics doesn’t negate the fact that the decision is RACIST.

You keep saying that the superior Asians and whites who were rejected can go to lesser schools. Well why shouldn’t blacks with lesser metrics go to the lesser schools - the schools they would have gotten into anyway if they were white?
Most less qualified minorities (it isn’t just Blacks) do go to lesser schools.

The majority of admits in the elite schools are Whites and Asians. ALL of them are going to have to meet the minimum standards. If part of the school’s mission is diversity, how should it be accomplished?
Most less qualified minorities (it isn’t just Blacks) do go to lesser schools.

The majority of admits in the elite schools are Whites and Asians. ALL of them are going to have to meet the minimum standards. If part of the school’s mission is diversity, how should it be accomplished?
Geez, you are dense. The minimum standards are DIFFERENT for different races! That is going to be ruled unconstitutional.
No, they’re not. Hector showed a chart where blacks from families earning above $160,000 still scored lower, on average, than poor whites living in families with incomes less than $20,000.

Yes, they are. They are biased against income, even though there are still racial differences.

Geez, you are dense. The minimum standards are DIFFERENT for different races! That is going to be ruled unconstitutional.
The minimum standard, the basement, for admission into our program is 3.0 gpa. No one is admitted lower than that. So even if there are different standards above that, irregardless of race, they won’t be admitted below that. That is what I mean.
The minimum standard, the basement, for admission into our program is 3.0 gpa. No one is admitted lower than that. So even if there are different standards above that, irregardless of race, they won’t be admitted below that. That is what I mean.
The word is “regardless.”

Still doesn’t excuse the racist policy, which you support, that the minimum GPA required for blacks is lower than the minimum required for whites and Asians.

What if an employer did this, in reverse? What if they said that for new college graduates, Asians and whites will be considered if they graduated with a 3.0, but that blacks must have a 3.5 before they have a chance?
The word is “regardless.”

Still doesn’t excuse the racist policy, which you support, that the minimum GPA required for blacks is lower than the minimum required for whites and Asians.

What if an employer did this, in reverse? What if they said that for new college graduates, Asians and whites will be considered if they graduated with a 3.0, but that blacks must have a 3.5 before they have a chance?
They did exactly that for well over a hundred years, why in the hell do you think AA was created in the first place.
I don’t agree. As long as the standards for graduation are not lowered (which would devalue the degree) they be able to have flexibility in who and how they admit if diversity is their goal.
Lowering standard I. One area leads to lowering standards in other areas. You seem to believe it’s ok as long as standards are lowered for everyone.
Lowering standard I. One area leads to lowering standards in other areas. You seem to believe it’s ok as long as standards are lowered for everyone.
That’s the leftist way: keep lowering standards until everyone is “equal.”
The soft bigotry of low expectations. Liberalism believe blacks can’t achieve through their own merit. AA is nothing but Jim Crow camouflaged by modern liberalism.
Just shows you how ignorant you are, AA has nothing to do with lowering expectations, standards or anything else. AA is about opportunity, you know the opportunities that people of color were being denied.
Bigots like you think there is an acceptable level of racism.
I have never made a single comment which you could point in i support of this idiotic claim. Like I said before, you are possibly the dumbest member of this forum.

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