Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Just shows you how ignorant you are, AA has nothing to do with lowering expectations, standards or anything else. AA is about opportunity, you know the opportunities that people of color were being denied.
It has everything to do with lowering standards. Liberalism created the dependent class. Liberalism, which you obviously support has created all of these problems your fat obese ass complains about.
And the answer is to give blacks advantage over everyone else? No. The time has come for equal treatment regardless of race.
Black folks don't have no damn advantage over everyone else. Whites still have the advantage, why is it so hard for you to face that?
Blacks and whites have NEVER been treated equal in this country. Why in the hell do you think AA was created in the first damn place. You want to bring back the Good Old Days, I haven't heard you say one damn word about whites who have a clear advantage, you have yet to say we need to get rid of those advantages. All you harp on is AA, because you think it helps black folks.
Get rid of those advantages?

WTF are you talking about?

I asked you what you thought black people needed, and you couldn't articulate that.

Now you're talking about advantages, and i'll bet you can't articulate that either.

Let's hear about these advantages, that you think white people have. Let's see the list.
I’m not going to get into politics, but since that’s the second or third time you said that, I made the point.

You can get plenty of incompetence with no diversity.
"Can" is stupid leftard thinking.

IS is something entirely different from "can".

The simple reality is, we do NOT get competence with diversity, we get exactly the opposite
"Can" is stupid leftard thinking.

IS is something entirely different from "can".

The simple reality is, we do NOT get competence with diversity, we get exactly the opposite

But only because the progressives WANT incompetent people. You CAN have diversity, AND competence, you just have to work hard at it.

Progressives don't like the hard work part.

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