Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

True, but income is still a factor in SAT scores.

Although it’s interesting to note that students who are African immigrants tend to outperform.

It isn’t racist if it is only one of many factors for an otherwise qualified student and it doesn’t exclude all or most members of a race because of race (given that Whites are the largest group admitted and Asians are admitted at double their demographic).

How else will they achieve diversity given both students and employers value it? You completely ignore the quantifiable benefits of diversity.

You don’t get outraged at the legacy admits, which come out of a program designed to be racist (no Blacks or Jews) and is still majority White. Is that racist?

Is it racist to try and recruit people from certain communities so they can in turn give back to those communities?

Is it racist to focus only on Blacks and ignore fact that those policies benefit other minorities?

Is it racist to claim that Blacks as a group are less intelligent then Whites?

Is it racist to to claim, without evidence, that 88.8% of Blacks are not qualified for the jobs they seek?

As long as a decision is not made entirely on race, the student is otherwise qualified and meets all required criteria (which is more than just test scores) I don’t care. No one is entitled.

They would have to be able to have a good rationale. Harvard‘s rationale is they are trying to attract more students from underrepresented groups or parts of the country (hence lower entry requirements for White students from Montana).
Did someone here claim that 88% of blacks are not qualified for the jobs they get? I didn’t see that.
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Save that merit shit, this country has never rewarded folks based solely off of merit and you know it.
Like I said, if you’re a sloppy obese ignorant dip-shit, there’s not much out there for you.

You are a failure and you’re Looking for someone else to blame.
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….and especially not if you resent others who earned their way up via merit.
Expressing resentment is always the way to influence people and get ahead. And always make sure that you communicate that are race centric when interviewing for anew job.
Save that merit shit, this country has never rewarded folks based solely off of merit and you know it.
Sure it has. How did my father move from growing up in a tenement to owning a large colonial house 20 years later? Via effort, merit, and of course brains that got him a free college education.

And before you scream “white privilege,” there were blacks in his college too, circa late 40s.
Expressing resentment is always the way to influence people and get ahead. And always make sure that you communicate that are race centric when interviewing for anew job.
Ah yes. A chip on one’s shoulder and resentment of other’s accomplishments is definitely a winning combination on an interview.
It’s a lie that effort and merit is the way to better your life? Too many liberals are lazy fucks and want everything handed to them
It's a lie that whites have achieved only based on merit. Whites have had everything handed to them due to legislation.
It's a lie that whites have achieved only based on merit. Whites have had everything handed to them due to legislation.
Then how did my parents get the same education as the blacks in their class? Via effort, merit, and brains.
I forgot to put a question mark after that one. I was trying to get that idiot to explain that comment.
You're thre idiot. You ignore all of history accept the part that makes you feel good to be white. My comment needed no explanation to anyone with an education and a C average.
Expressing resentment is always the way to influence people and get ahead. And always make sure that you communicate that are race centric when interviewing for anew job.
Lisa exemplifies the expression of resentment. Whites such as you are so delusional that you think that white is not a race and that when whites get opprtunities, race has nothing to do with it.
Lisa exemplifies the expression of resentment. Whites such as you are so delusional that you think that white is not a race and that when whites get opprtunities, race has nothing to do with it.
You exemplify the expression of resentment. You can never admit that plenty of people moved from modest or downright impoverished beginnings to a life of comfort by a combination of responsible choices and the right personal traits.

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