Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

I value the property of store owners more than the lives of criminals who loot and burn their stores. In fact I do not value the lives of those in the second group at all. They are useless, worthless, and dangerous parasites. We could be better off if they had never been born.

Except, the issue wasn't people burning stores.
The issue was that George Floyd's life was worthless (according to you) but a few stores that got burnt were more important.

George Floyd passed a fake $20.00. It was not the crime of the century. He certainly didn't deserve to be killed over it. Michael Brown didn't need to be killed over a bag of cheap cigars. Laquan McDonald didn't deserve to be killed over breaking into a truck to keep warm.
You exemplify the expression of resentment. You can never admit that plenty of people moved from modest or downright impoverished beginnings to a life of comfort by a combination of responsible choices and the right personal traits.

Well, it's easy to do that when you get White Privilege the minute you get off the boat, and maybe some government sympathy money for being a refugee.
It's a lie that whites have achieved only based on merit. Whites have had everything handed to them due to legislation.
Whites created this society. We do a better job of society creating than Negroes. Because the United States is our country we have the right to benefit our own. Nevertheless Orientals, who do not benefit from white skin privilege, usually are more prosperous here than we are.
Except, the issue wasn't people burning stores.
The issue was that George Floyd's life was worthless (according to you) but a few stores that got burnt were more important.

George Floyd passed a fake $20.00. It was not the crime of the century. He certainly didn't deserve to be killed over it. Michael Brown didn't need to be killed over a bag of cheap cigars. Laquan McDonald didn't deserve to be killed over breaking into a truck to keep warm.
An estimated two billion dollars in damage is not "a few stores." If George Floyd had not resisted arrest he would still be alive.
Drawing attention to the race gap in average IQ and rates of crime and illegitimacy is not lying.

No, but lying about the underlying causes does.

Your "genetics" argument was debunked decades ago.

We have crime because we have an unacceptable level of poverty in this country.

As for illegitimacy (again, your obsession with sex) that's increased for ALL races, not just blacks. Sure, it went from 20% to 71% for blacks, but it went from 4% to 30% for whites. And this is WITH the advent of legal abortion and effective contraception. You'd think it would have gone the other way.

So what changed? We did. You can thank women's liberation for this. A woman has every capability of earning her own money now, she shouldn't be obligated to marry a guy just because she got pregnant if she wouldn't marry him otherwise.

"But Joe, blacks had a higher illegitimacy rate before 1964!" Yes, they did. Well, let's be honest, it's not like you can establish the notion of families when a few generations back, your children could be sold or your wife could be raped by the master.
Well, it's easy to do that when you get White Privilege the minute you get off the boat, and maybe some government sympathy money for being a refugee.
My family got nothing other than an opportunity to use hard work and brains to overcome antisemitism and make a success of their lives. There was no “white privilege” - just roadblocks from Jew-haters like you.
An estimated two billion dollars in damage is not "a few stores." If George Floyd had not resisted arrest he would still be alive.
Wait for it... wait for it...


2 Billion dollars is getting off cheaply. Of course, me, I have this crazy idea that we fix obvious problems BEFORE people feel the need to burn stuff. Police reform SHOULD have happened a decade earlier.
An estimated two billion dollars in damage is not "a few stores." If George Floyd had not resisted arrest he would still be alive.
Look at how they minimize the rampage by savages for months on end, in dozens of cities throughout the country, along with 30 people killed.
My family got nothing other than an opportunity to use hard work and brains to overcome antisemitism and make a success of their lives. There was no “white privilege” - just roadblocks from Jew-haters like you.

Um, okay, let's look at that.

Were they slaves?
Were there lynching of Jews in this country?
Was there a law ever put into place to keep Jews from marrying Christians?
Did they ever set up a "Sundown" law saying Jews couldn't be in town when the sun went down?
Did they ever get arrested on minor pretexts to force them into Debt Peonage.

Incidentally, the reason why Debt Peonage was finally outlawed in WWII? Because our politicians realized it would kind of undercut our message that what the Axis Powers were doing was bad.
Whites created this society.
Given what a mess this society is, I wouldn't brag about that, exactly.

We do a better job of society creating than Negroes. Because the United States is our country we have the right to benefit our own. Nevertheless Orientals, who do not benefit from white skin privilege, usually are more prosperous here than we are.

Well, not really. If you take out Indian Tech workers, Asians are actually poorer than white people.

Despite assumptions that all Asian Americans are high earners, 12.3 percent of Asian Americans live below the federal poverty level, ranging from 6.8 percent of Filipino Americans to 39.4 percent of Burmese Americans, according to the American Community Survey (ACS). Almost 20 percent of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders live in poverty.

In 2014, Asian Americans represented 17.9 percent of people living in poverty in New York City and had the highest poverty rate of any racial or ethnic group at 29 percent, according to NYC Opportunity tabulations provided to Urban Institute researchers. But Asian American community organizations received only 1.4 percent of the total value of the city’s social service contracts and 1.5 percent of total contract dollars from the Department of Social Services

So let's get to the meat of why the bigots find Asian Americans desirable... they aren't threatening to you.

That's about it.
Lisa exemplifies the expression of resentment. Whites such as you are so delusional that you think that white is not a race and that when whites get opprtunities, race has nothing to do with it.
Just when I think you can’t say something dumber, you prove me wrong and do it.
You're thre idiot. You ignore all of history accept the part that makes you feel good to be white. My comment needed no explanation to anyone with an education and a C average.
A 2.0 GPA would be overachieving for you.
It's a lie that whites have achieved only based on merit. Whites have had everything handed to them due to legislation.
The US is a meritocracy regardless of race. You must be one of those covert bigots who believes those dark skinned people are walking around not knowing what to do
Except, the issue wasn't people burning stores.
The issue was that George Floyd's life was worthless (according to you) but a few stores that got burnt were more important.

George Floyd passed a fake $20.00. It was not the crime of the century. He certainly didn't deserve to be killed over it. Michael Brown didn't need to be killed over a bag of cheap cigars. Laquan McDonald didn't deserve to be killed over breaking into a truck to keep warm.
How did rioting and looting businesses and liquor stores help heal any racial divide?
Um, okay, let's look at that.

Were they slaves?
Were there lynching of Jews in this country?
Was there a law ever put into place to keep Jews from marrying Christians?
Did they ever set up a "Sundown" law saying Jews couldn't be in town when the sun went down?
Did they ever get arrested on minor pretexts to force them into Debt Peonage.

Incidentally, the reason why Debt Peonage was finally outlawed in WWII? Because our politicians realized it would kind of undercut our message that what the Axis Powers were doing was bad.
I’m not engaging with an antisemite over Oppression Olympics. Suffice it to say that Jews have overcome two millennia of persecution, expulsions, and murder to be among the top in society.
White people only fix things when they threaten to burn our stuff.

We learned that in the 1960's
We learned that after the Rodney King Riots
We learned that in 2020.
What we really learned is that every generation has their idiots

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