Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

It means hiring a diverse workforce, including whites, because measurable economic value in it.

When I advocate for diversity I’m not doing so within the framework of DEI. I am only talking about DIVERSITY and it’s proven value in education and business.
Do you advocate for diversity of thought and ideas, or is it just a racial thing? How beneficial is it to have racial diversity if everyone thinks alike?
The problem is what qualifies as a “better worker”?

As a former employer and often manager, I would say a better worker is one who gets more company work done within the mandate of their position, in less time, of better quality, gets along with people, doesn't miss work and moves up through the ranks as a long term employee promoting company values.

Last I checked, CV, recommendations, work history, grades, etc., are a much better arbiter of getting such a person than hiring them just because of their skin color and how it meets a quota.
No, that’s statistics.

If you limit yourself to hiring ONLY a black, then you have limited yourself to 12% of the population - and excluded 88% of the population, comprised primarily of whites.

That means that the best candidate for the job will be found among the 12% you are limited yourself to only 12% of the time, whereas the best candidate will be among others 88% of the time.

Unless you’re saying that the best candidate is ALWAYS a black? Even though they’re such a slim minority?
No, that’s statistics.

If you limit yourself to hiring ONLY a black, then you have limited yourself to 12% of the population - and excluded 88% of the population, comprised primarily of whites.

That means that the best candidate for the job will be found among the 12% you are limited yourself to only 12% of the time, whereas the best candidate will be among others 88% of the time.

Unless you’re saying that the best candidate is ALWAYS a black? Even though they’re such a slim minority?
So then if you decide you want to hire an Asian for diversity, since they are only 7.2% of the population, then 92.3% of the time the best candidate will be someone else? Or if you committed to hiring a Jewish person, being 1.7% of the population, then 98.3% of the time it will be someone else?

If part of the value the candidate brings to the job is in providing diversity (such as in business that values innovation and creative thinking where diversity is a proven benefit) then being different (ethnic, religious, immigrant, race, gender) adds to the candidates qualifications.
I am only talking about DIVERSITY and it’s proven value in education and business.
What is the proven value in diversity for diversity's sake? Who proved it? Link?

Inclusion: We commit to pursuing deliberate efforts to ensure that our campus is a place where differences are welcomed
What I don't understand is that if campuses value diversity, then why don't they value diversity of opinion and routinely ransack, mob and assault guest speakers from the Right not even letting them speak to hear their POV, with campus approval?

You asked: Do you advocate for diversity of thought and ideas, or is it just a racial thing? How beneficial is it to have racial diversity if everyone thinks alike?

I advocate for diversity of thought and ideas as well, and that also comes from bringing together people from diverse backgrounds. It is especially important for college campuses.

I said this in post 220:

ersity typically means people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Different economic backgrounds, ethnicities, different parts of the country and yes, different racial backgrounds. Do you think a bright White Jewish kid who grew up in the Chicago suburbs will bring the same experiences to the table as a bright Black kid who grew up in a single parent home in a poor urban neighborhood? How about the Asian girl, daughter of diplomats, who grew up around Washington DC and the Hispanic girl who is a first generation immigrant from Texas? Or the first gen kid from Mingo County WV, son of a coal miner, and the kid whose parents immigrated from Cambodia and built their own business? That is what a diverse student campus looks like. Diversity in thought and the challenging of assumptions is what they should be exposed to in their educational experience and, just as important, through their relationships with each other.
What is the proven value in diversity for diversity's sake? Who proved it? Link?
I provided one link in post 988.

I posted others but I will have to look them up.

What I don't understand is that if campuses value diversity, then why don't they value diversity of opinion and routinely ransack, mob and assault guest speakers from the Right not even letting them speak to hear their POV, with campus approval?
That’s the irony.

Although I don’t believe Campus should have to provide a soapbox for extremist points of view such white nationalists, or Antifa.

You asked: Do you advocate for diversity of thought and ideas, or is it just a racial thing? How beneficial is it to have racial diversity if everyone thinks alike?

I advocate for diversity of thought and ideas as well, and that also comes from bringing together people from diverse backgrounds. It is especially important for college campuses.

I said this in post 220:

ersity typically means people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Different economic backgrounds, ethnicities, different parts of the country and yes, different racial backgrounds. Do you think a bright White Jewish kid who grew up in the Chicago suburbs will bring the same experiences to the table as a bright Black kid who grew up in a single parent home in a poor urban neighborhood? How about the Asian girl, daughter of diplomats, who grew up around Washington DC and the Hispanic girl who is a first generation immigrant from Texas? Or the first gen kid from Mingo County WV, son of a coal miner, and the kid whose parents immigrated from Cambodia and built their own business? That is what a diverse student campus looks like. Diversity in thought and the challenging of assumptions is what they should be exposed to in their educational experience and, just as important, through their relationships with each other.
Sorry, but in your world diversity is measured through race and probably sexuality. Diversity is a desire as long as everyone thinks in unison
Sorry, but your world diversity is measured through race and probably sexuality. Diversity is a desire as long as everyone thinks in unison
Where did you pull that from? Do you really think a kid from a conservative rural background is going to think the same as a kid who grew up around DC and who’s parents were part of the foreign service?
Where did you pull that from? Do you really think a kid from a conservative rural background is going to think the same as a kid who grew up around DC and who’s parents were part of the foreign service?
Just admit that in your world diversity is a visual thing. If you see people of different skin colors, you have achieved diversity.

The first thing a liberal noticed when walk into a business or a college campus is how many blacks or brown people do they see. That’s how they determine whether or not diversity has been established. If they think alike, that’s not relevant.
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I provided one link in post 988.
I posted others but I will have to look them up.
That's OK, I'm a quick study. I don't usually hunt through pages looking for specific posts many pages away if the poster cannot be bothered to link me directly to it themselves, but in your case, I made an exception. The SA article sums it up well by saying: "Being around people who are different from us makes us more creative, more diligent and harder-working." I scanned the rest of the article but they really need not say any more. I get that. I wrote a textbook on applied psychology, and I get that, but I might question how they derived some of their conclusions as existing in conditions not easily replicated in the real word, or as generally defined by others. In theory, that is all fine and good, but the question really is how often the PRACTICE of utilizing it in business and education, usually driven by force of law to meet government mandates actually SUCCEEDS in REALIZING that ideal for the reasons it originate as? I guess that would be the basis of yet another study. :SMILEW~130:

That’s the irony. Although I don’t believe Campus should have to provide a soapbox for extremist points of view such white nationalists, or Antifa.
Well, I've seen many a good, reasonable, intelligent, thoughtful, educated, considerate, patient and highly regarded people go as guest speakers to various campuses where, when I was in school, they championed differences of opinion, to merely expatiate the traditional, conservative edict, not in anyway extreme or racist, in fact, what has been the de facto standard POV of America and Americans for more than 200 years that gave us the best country in the world that millions flock to as champions of liberty and rights, but instead now get chased out of there lucky to get out alive by wild, fervent, radicals screaming and threatening and doing violence.

I seriously doubt these screaming morons will preserve and maintain the America that once brought the world to love and respect us as the goto people for justice and human rights that those heinous extremists gave all of us.
Just admit that in your world diversity is a visual thing. If you see people of different skin colors, you have achieved diversity.

In my world, diversity is exactly what I’ve said.

The first thing a liberal noticed when walk into a business or a college campus is how many blacks or brown people do they see. That’s how they determine whether or not diversity has been established. If they think alike, that’s not relevant.

Well, you are certainly free to believe what you want. :)
That's OK, I'm a quick study. I don't usually hunt through pages looking for specific posts many pages away if the poster cannot be bothered to link me directly to it themselves, but in your case, I made an exception. The SA article sums it up well by saying: "Being around people who are different from us makes us more creative, more diligent and harder-working." I scanned the rest of the article but they really need not say any more. I get that. I wrote a textbook on applied psychology, and I get that, but I might question how they derived some of their conclusions as existing in conditions not easily replicated in the real word, or as generally defined by others. In theory, that is all fine and good, but the question really is how often the PRACTICE of utilizing it in business and education, usually driven by force of law to meet government mandates actually SUCCEEDS in REALIZING that ideal for the reasons it originate as? I guess that would be the basis of yet another study. :SMILEW~130:

Well, I've seen many a good, reasonable, intelligent, thoughtful, educated, considerate, patient and highly regarded people go as guest speakers to various campuses where, when I was in school, they championed differences of opinion, to merely expatiate the traditional, conservative edict, not in anyway extreme or racist, in fact, what has been the de facto standard POV of America and Americans for more than 200 years that gave us the best country in the world that millions flock to as champions of liberty and rights, but instead now get chased out of there lucky to get out alive by wild, fervent, radicals screaming and threatening and doing violence.

I seriously doubt these screaming morons will preserve and maintain the America that once brought the world to love and respect us as the goto people for justice and human rights that those heinous extremists gave all of us.
Well.. here are a few more links ;)

Hector's answer- Yes, white people did something awful, but then black people failed to establish a country after they left.

You do get why 15 million Congolese being slaughtered was a bad thing, and white people didn't do them any favors giving their land to King Leopold, right? This guy should be up there with Hitler and Stalin.
Negroes and their white apologists can always blame whites for black social pathology. They cannot point to a single black run, black majority country in sub Saharan Africa and the Caribbean with a low crime rate, a well functioning government, and a prosperous country. They cannot even point to a black run, black majority city in the United States with a low crime rate.
It means hiring a diverse workforce, including whites, because measurable economic value in it.

If diversity has any benefits, there must be no diversity of merit. No organization gets any benefits by lowering standards for blacks.

Also, I wonder how rigorous studies are that claim that there is value in diversity. A rigorous study would compare comparable companies, some of which promote diversity, inclusion, and equity, others which hire strictly on the basis of merit, competence, and excellence.

In Charles Murray's essay "The Inequality Taboo," which originally appeared in Commentary, September 2005, Murray wrote:

"Consider an observation furtively voiced by many who interact with civil servants: that government is riddled with people who have been promoted to their level of incompetence because of pressure to have a staff with the correct sex and ethnicity in the correct proportions and positions. Are these just anecdotes? Or should we be worrying about the effects of affirmative action on the quality of government services? It would be helpful to know the answers, but we will not so long as the taboo against talking about group difference prevails."

If diversity has any benefits, there must be no diversity of merit. No organization gets any benefits by lowering standards for blacks.

Also, I wonder how rigorous studies are that claim that there is value in diversity. A rigorous study would compare comparable companies, some of which promote diversity, inclusion, and equity, others which hire strictly on the basis of merit, competence, and excellence.

In Charles Murray's essay "The Inequality Taboo," which originally appeared in Commentary, September 2005, Murray wrote:

"Consider an observation furtively voiced by many who interact with civil servants: that government is riddled with people who have been promoted to their level of incompetence because of pressure to have a staff with the correct sex and ethnicity in the correct proportions and positions. Are these just anecdotes? Or should we be worrying about the effects of affirmative action on the quality of government services? It would be helpful to know the answers, but we will not so long as the taboo against talking about group difference prevails."

You can have a diversity in merit where individuals have strengths in some areas and weaknesses in others or just different ways of doing things. The concept of merit is more analogue than digital.
I pointed out that the mean household incomes for Vietnamese, Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese is higher than the mean household US income. I could not find the average household income for white Gentiles.

I noticed you left out Filipinos...

The problem with means are they aren't representative.

A few people in the higher brackets can offset the lower ones.

What is telling is that while Asians have made SOME progress catching up with whites Blacks have cut their poverty rate in half in the last 30 years

Negroes and their white apologists can always blame whites for black social pathology. They cannot point to a single black run, black majority country in sub Saharan Africa and the Caribbean with a low crime rate, a well functioning government, and a prosperous country. They cannot even point to a black run, black majority city in the United States with a low crime rate.

I can't really point to a white run city that has a low crime rate, either... At least not a major one.

Yes, this funny thing happened in sub-Sahara Africa. The White man came in, stole all the resources, killed millions of people, and then left the place with not much of a national identity. The borders of Africa don't match ethnic groups, they match European Colonies.

But keep repeating your racist garbage because Jamal did you dirty.

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