Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

But you yourself attempt to silence diversity of thought. That’s why you call those who are opposed to having different admissions standards according to skin color “racist!!”
Well, that and you also freak out when you see posters with black people on them at the mall.
But you yourself attempt to silence diversity of thought. That’s why you call those who are opposed to having different admissions standards according to skin color “racist!!”
Silenced? You are a vociferous poster who is quick to “silence” others with by calling them “anti-Semitic” if they disagree with you on the politics of Israel.

I am here arguing with you in a civil manner, countering your arguments. You do not appear to be in any way silenced.

I don’t consider your argument that admissions should be merit only to be racist, nor have I said it is. I just disagree with it. So stop lying.

On the hand, when someone promotes racist tropes (or for that matter, anti-semitic tropes) wouldn’t you call their views racist (or anti-semitic)? The IQ one is a classic racist trope and you obsess over IQ.

And, you are certainly not silenced. Disagreement is not silencing.

Or those who point out the extremely disproportionate percentage of blacks in advertising - which means there is a deliberate attempt to reject whites - as “racist!!”

How about those who are triggered only by Blacks? Blacks are only slightly overrepresented according to data (like 2% over their proportion in the population), hardly enough to notice. Odd that it should be enough to trigger multiple topics on.

In fact it is odd that you are only triggered by Blacks, not other groups who gain benefits under AA or in admissions. Is that a racist view?

These are perfectly valid opinions and observations.

Of course. Everyone’s opinion is “valid”. That doesn’t mean no one can counter it, or you can demand it be validated or respected and cry ”unfair” when it gets called out.
Silenced? You are a vociferous poster who is quick to “silence” others with by calling them “anti-Semitic” if they disagree with you on the politics of Israel.

I am here arguing with you in a civil manner, countering your arguments. You do not appear to be in any way silenced.

I don’t consider your argument that admissions should be merit only to be racist, nor have I said it is. I just disagree with it. So stop lying.

On the hand, when someone promotes racist tropes (or for that matter, anti-semitic tropes) wouldn’t you call their views racist (or anti-semitic)? The IQ one is a classic racist trope and you obsess over IQ.

And, you are certainly not silenced. Disagreement is not silencing.

How about those who are triggered only by Blacks? Blacks are only slightly overrepresented according to data (like 2% over their proportion in the population), hardly enough to notice. Odd that it should be enough to trigger multiple topics on.

In fact it is odd that you are only triggered by Blacks, not other groups who gain benefits under AA or in admissions. Is that a racist view?

Of course. Everyone’s opinion is “valid”. That doesn’t mean no one can counter it, or you can demand it be validated or respected and cry ”unfair” when it gets called out.
There are many times you have argued with me in a very hostile and attacking manner, calling me racist, accusing me of things I’ve never said, nastily calling me ”Princess,” and all sorts of crap.

Even now, you say it is “odd” how I am triggered by only blacks - with your tongue-in-cheek question as to whether that is racist. I have explained repeatedly that I focus on blacks because that is where the most most pronounced effect is seen.

Also, facts are not racist. The fact is that American blacks, on average, have a lower IQ than American whites. And because of that, you are quick to discount the value of IQs. There is a definite correlation between IQ and academic success.

And as far as blacks being only slightly overrepresented, that is not true in advertising. It is very telling that I can walk down the shopping mall, passing 6 stores and about 2 dozen posters, and every single one of them is of a black model. That means that white models are being rejected for jobs, solely because of skin color, and is racist. Yet when I pointed that out, probably a year ago by now, you and others continue to throw it in my face as “proof” I’m racist. If anything, it shows that I OPPOSE racism.
You probably look like Pee Wee Herman.
Actually I go to the gym three days a week and lift free weights. I bench press four sets of eight to ten reps a minimum of 20 lbs more than my body weight. I squat four sets of ten reps at 380 lbs. I can go heavier, but I would damage my right knee too much.

You on the other hand breathe hard taking a shit.
There are many times you have argued with me in a very hostile and attacking manner, calling me racist, accusing me of things I’ve never said, nastily calling me ”Princess,” and all sorts of crap.

Cue Linda Ronstadt's "Poor, Poor Pitiful Me"....

Even now, you say it is “odd” how I am triggered by only blacks - with your tongue-in-cheek question as to whether that is racist. I have explained repeatedly that I focus on blacks because that is where the most most pronounced effect is seen.

It is odd. And even though White women benefited most from AA, it is always about Blacks. You even get upset if people capitalize Black but not White.

Also, facts are not racist. The fact is that American blacks, on average, have a lower IQ than American whites. And because of that, you are quick to discount the value of IQs. There is a definite correlation between IQ and academic success.
"Facts" are racist when they rely on faulty evidence evidence to draw conclusions in order to perpetrate racist tropes. There are a lot problems with IQ tests which you overlook in order to promote that racial trope.

And as far as blacks being only slightly overrepresented, that is not true in advertising. It is very telling that I can walk down the shopping mall, passing 6 stores and about 2 dozen posters, and every single one of them is of a black model. That means that white models are being rejected for jobs, solely because of skin color, and is racist. Yet when I pointed that out, probably a year ago by now, you and others continue to throw it in my face as “proof” I’m racist. If anything, it shows that I OPPOSE racism.

You are right...Blacks aren't slightly over-represented....

While non-Hispanic white people comprise 59% of the U.S. population, white actors accounted for 72.5% of people who appeared in TV and digital video ads in 2022, according to a study by Extreme Reach, a global marketing logistics company. That marks an increase in white actors from 65.6% in 2021.

...Extreme Reach said it analyzed 1 million ads that ran in North America between 2019 and October 2022. It tracked four racial groups — Black, white, Asian and Hispanic — and each of the three minority groups saw their share of actors shrink in 2022 versus 2021, with the share of Hispanic actors falling by nearly half. Male actors were much more numerous than females in the advertising, according to Extreme Reach.

It is very telling that you claim to "oppose racism" when you promote racist tropes and make claims that aren't supported by evidence. It seems more like you are triggered by the presence of more than a token amount of Black faces.
Cue Linda Ronstadt's "Poor, Poor Pitiful Me"....

It is odd. And even though White women benefited most from AA, it is always about Blacks. You even get upset if people capitalize Black but not White.

"Facts" are racist when they rely on faulty evidence evidence to draw conclusions in order to perpetrate racist tropes. There are a lot problems with IQ tests which you overlook in order to promote that racial trope.

You are right...Blacks aren't slightly over-represented....

While non-Hispanic white people comprise 59% of the U.S. population, white actors accounted for 72.5% of people who appeared in TV and digital video ads in 2022, according to a study by Extreme Reach, a global marketing logistics company. That marks an increase in white actors from 65.6% in 2021.

...Extreme Reach said it analyzed 1 million ads that ran in North America between 2019 and October 2022. It tracked four racial groups — Black, white, Asian and Hispanic — and each of the three minority groups saw their share of actors shrink in 2022 versus 2021, with the share of Hispanic actors falling by nearly half. Male actors were much more numerous than females in the advertising, according to Extreme Reach.

It is very telling that you claim to "oppose racism" when you promote racist tropes and make claims that aren't supported by evidence. It seems more like you are triggered by the presence of more than a token amount of Black faces.
And there you go…..proving my point with all your accusations of “racist.” So it’s not true you want diversity of thought, given your nasty accusations against people who point out something you disagree with. You want diversity of skin color.
Actually I go to the gym three days a week and lift free weights. I bench press four sets of eight to ten reps a minimum of 20 lbs more than my body weight. I squat four sets of ten reps at 380 lbs. I can go heavier, but I would damage my right knee too much.

You on the other hand breathe hard taking a shit.
Damn you watching other men take a dump. The only thing you do ar a gym is probably mop the floor.
And there you go…..proving my point with all your accusations of “racist.” So it’s not true you want diversity of thought, given your nasty accusations against people who point out something you disagree with. You want diversity of skin color.

Take your spankings like an adult, she disproved your point about "Too many black people' in ads pretty effectively.
And there you go…..proving my point with all your accusations of “racist.” So it’s not true you want diversity of thought, given your nasty accusations against people who point out something you disagree with. You want diversity of skin color.
So you are saying that if I disagree with statements that are racist in nature, then I only support skin color diversity? Interesting since I also (and have repeatedly said) support diverstity that includes ethnicity, income, race, location gender, immigrants etc. Within that you will get a broad array of viewponts and ideologies.

I think you are flailing a bit. I'm curious though...where do you get off calling people antisemitic but labeling it "nasty" if they call you racist?
So you are saying that if I disagree with statements that are racist in nature, then I only support skin color diversity? Interesting since I also (and have repeatedly said) support diverstity that includes ethnicity, income, race, location gender, immigrants etc. Within that you will get a broad array of viewponts and ideologies.

I think you are flailing a bit. I'm curious though...where do you get off calling people antisemitic but labeling it "nasty" if they call you racist?
Except the statements are NOT racist in nature. That’s your convoluted reaction to statements that differ from yours - hence your unwillingness to accept diversity of thought or opinion.
So you are saying that if I disagree with statements that are racist in nature, then I only support skin color diversity? Interesting since I also (and have repeatedly said) support diverstity that includes ethnicity, income, race, location gender, immigrants etc. Within that you will get a broad array of viewponts and ideologies.

I think you are flailing a bit. I'm curious though...where do you get off calling people antisemitic but labeling it "nasty" if they call you racist?
I suspect that homogeneous work groups tend to perform better than heterogeneous work groups. I know that work groups work better when the members like each other, when they like the boss, and the boss likes them. I think this is more likely to be true for people of the same races, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

Mine is a hypothesis that can be tested. I would like for it to be tested.

At any rate, I see no benefit in lowering objective standards of excellence for blacks. If blacks want to be accepted by whites in a group they will need to perform and behave as well as the whites.

If there is to be diversity there must be no diversity of merit, excellence, and qualifications.
I suspect that homogeneous work groups tend to perform better than heterogeneous work groups. I know that work groups work better when the members like each other, when they like the boss, and the boss likes them. I think this is more likely to be true for people of the same races, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

Hasn't been my experience.

Usually, I find that when I worked in a place with mostly white people, you tend to get too much groupthink. Also, that is usually the sign of a racist manager, and if he's racist in his hiring practices, he's usually awful in other regards as well, because racists are almost always awful human beings in general.

At any rate, I see no benefit in lowering objective standards of excellence for blacks. If blacks want to be accepted by whites in a group they will need to perform and behave as well as the whites.

And I'm all for that... as long as you get rid of all the Drinking Buddies, Boss' Drinking buddies and manager's side-pieces that seem to go along with mostly white management groups.

If there is to be diversity there must be no diversity of merit, excellence, and qualifications.

Okay, so who decides?

I used to work with this woman who was in charge of corporate inventory management. She never had a good idea in her life, but because she was fucking the regional vice president, everyone was fucking terrified of her. ANd of course, when she did fuck something up, the call went out to find someone else to scapegoat.

The problem is, there is no objective way to determine merit. There's always someone who is more likeable or better looking or has the right connections...

Why do you think Headshots on LinkedIn are so important now.
Okay, so who decides?

I used to work with this woman who was in charge of corporate inventory management. She never had a good idea in her life, but because she was fucking the regional vice president, everyone was fucking terrified of her. ANd of course, when she did fuck something up, the call went out to find someone else to scapegoat.

The problem is, there is no objective way to determine merit. There's always someone who is more likeable or better looking or has the right connections...

Why do you think Headshots on LinkedIn are so important now.
In The Bell Curve Professor Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray claim that even in an unskilled job an IQ test is likely to determine the best applicant.

That is the only area where I disagree with them. I suspect that a brilliant person in a low wage, low skill job with no obvious way to advance will be angry about how life has treated him and that this anger will affect the way he behaves with co workers, his boss, and customers of his company.

Moreover, if I was the manager of a computer shop that specialized in C++ programming in a Unix environment I would hire someone with an IQ of 120 and a knowledge of C++ and Unix before I would hire someone with an IQ of 140 who knew about neither.

Nevertheless, a test of the knowledge one will need to perform well in a specific job will be useful. It should be weighed along with other criteria.

An IQ test would still be valuable. It would demonstrate how quickly one can learn new skills.

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