Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Well.. here are a few more links

I'll just say real quick Mrs. C that I looked at your first link on 7 advantages, and TWO things caught my eye:
  1. The article starts by saying: "I like working with people who are unlike me, because their opinions and experiences make me see the world in new and interesting ways—and that makes me a better person. Never have I met someone, learned about them, and then wished I hadn't met them. Sometimes I'll disagree with them or think they're a jerk." That smells of so much BS. No one OTOH says they like working with people unlike themselves because it makes them a better person then goes on to admit that they still disagree with them, and call them a jerk! First, it is HUMAN NATURE to like people you have SIMILARITIES with; that is why people hang out with others who share COMMON interests. That is why hard lefties don't like MAGA people and threaten them. And if you are calling them a jerk, I doubt they are making you a better person and helping you see the world in new and better ways, which itself is entirely subjective and not absolute. Who decides what a "better person" is? And FEW people care about being made a "better person." If this person likes working with people who are different, I suspect they mean a LITTLE different, and don't differ RADICALLY in viewpoint or opinion. And I've met many a person whom I learned nothing from and wished I hadn't met them! I meet and read about such people all the time as do most everyone. The above reads like so much psychobabble by someone who has been brainwashed to believe and promote an agenda, and I'm trained in spotting psychobabble and brainwashing.
  2. Reading through the 7 points (and related studies), most or all of them related to the CORPORATE LEVEL, and did not seem to take from the actual people working in the field who comprise 99% of the employment within the company whom most of this actually affects!
So I see a LOT of flaws and contradictions in the article that I must question, but I saved it and maybe someday I will go back, read it again and revisit the subject, but the article raises a LOT of questions I'd like to ask of the author before I buy into very much of it, but obviously can't. Thanks.
Have you ever noticed you never hear any of these folks who whine about AA complain about the Football and Basketball team being 90% black. If a black student can't run with a football or dribble a basketball then they don't won't them there.
What’s your point? Jealous because you’re an obese slob?
In 1950, I would have pumped my fist in agreement with you. In 2023, I'm thinking maybe horse and buggy ain't so bad. We need to sloooow down. That's how we protect the environment and save resources. Stop competing to see how fast we can produce and manufacture, or how fast we can live. Slow down. Like slow down a lot
You first. Reduce your use of resources.

You're disagreeing with documented evidence.

I even posted the links.
For all the talk of wanting diversity, the liberal universities don’t allow for any diversity of thought - it’s the liberal narrative, or STFU.

Take NYU: The students disallowed a pro-Israel Jew from running for the Student Body. They said they would permit her to serve only if she disavowed her support of Israel.

Or Berkeley: They famously instituted their “No Jew Speaking Zones” in which Jews were not permitted to give speeches if they supported Israel.

So yes, we need diversity - and to expose college students to the different opinions they will confront in the real world. We can start by actively encouraging staff and students who hold conservative opinions to join the universities.
For all the talk of wanting diversity, the liberal universities don’t allow for any diversity of thought - it’s the liberal narrative, or STFU.

Take NYU: The students disallowed a pro-Israel Jew from running for the Student Body. They said they would permit her to serve only if she disavowed her support of Israel.

Or Berkeley: They famously instituted their “No Jew Speaking Zones” in which Jews were not permitted to give speeches if they supported Israel.

So yes, we need diversity - and to expose college students to the different opinions they will confront in the real world. We can start by actively encouraging staff and students who hold conservative opinions to join the universities.
We need all kinds of diversity.
For all the talk of wanting diversity, the liberal universities don’t allow for any diversity of thought - it’s the liberal narrative, or STFU.

Take NYU: The students disallowed a pro-Israel Jew from running for the Student Body. They said they would permit her to serve only if she disavowed her support of Israel.

Or Berkeley: They famously instituted their “No Jew Speaking Zones” in which Jews were not permitted to give speeches if they supported Israel.

So yes, we need diversity - and to expose college students to the different opinions they will confront in the real world. We can start by actively encouraging staff and students who hold conservative opinions to join the universities.

wow, sounds like a bunch of the silly Student Government Types acting like Student Government types.

I remember when I was a Campus Conservative (Yes, I'm better now), and we had a bunch of people on the Student Government who took themselves OH, SO SERIOUSLY, and did equally silly shit like this.

I remember one particularly noxious Jew member who was trying to impress the black kids by showing us how down with the struggle he was on Apartheid. And because regardless of my political affiliation, I'm always one to stir the shit...:stir: I asked him, "Well, what about what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians? Isn't that pretty much the same thing." You should have seen this guy blubber when the black kids turned on him.
We need all kinds of diversity.
But you yourself attempt to silence diversity of thought. That’s why you call those who are opposed to having different admissions standards according to skin color “racist!!”

Or those who point out the extremely disproportionate percentage of blacks in advertising - which means there is a deliberate attempt to reject whites - as “racist!!”

These are perfectly valid opinions and observations.

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