Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

He couldn’t get into anything other than a community college if he was the blackest person on earth.
He already admitted he was a sociology major. That major is for people who can’t handle REAL college-level material. The average IQ is barely 100, whereas the average IQ for a college grad is around 115.

(Hope you weren’t a soc major!)
Given what a mess this society is, I wouldn't brag about that, exactly.

Well, not really. If you take out Indian Tech workers, Asians are actually poorer than white people.
That is the reason I use the word "Oriental," or at least the term "East Asian."


Pew Research Center, APRIL 29, 2021

Key facts about Asian origin groups in the U.S.​

Asian households in the U.S. had a median annual income of $85,800 in 2019, higher than the $61,800 among all U.S. households.

The median income for Vietnamese households is $70 thousand.
The median income for Korean households is $72 thousand.
The median income for Japanese households is $83 thousand.
The median income for Chinese househoolds is $82 thousand.

I’m not engaging with an antisemite over Oppression Olympics. Suffice it to say that Jews have overcome two millennia of persecution, expulsions, and murder to be among the top in society.
You've mistaken tolerance for success.

But your concession is duly noted.
He already admitted he was a sociology major. That major is for people who can’t handle REAL college-level material. The average IQ is barely 100, whereas the average IQ for a college grad is around 115.

(Hope you weren’t a soc major!)
Based on his comments here, an AA in a community college is beyond his reach.

He couldn’t earn a degree in any major field of study.

They used to have a “general studies” degree. I think they changed the name of that to “social science” for self esteem reasons.
That is the reason I use the word "Oriental," or at least the term "East Asian."

Well, you shouldn't. Take Indians (South Asian) out of the equation, and Asians actually tend to be kind of poor.

You do realize that a "Household" income isn't that impressive. That's between both spouses.
White people only fix things when they threaten to burn our stuff.

We learned that in the 1960's
We learned that after the Rodney King Riots
We learned that in 2020.
The black ghetto riots that happened from 1964 to 1968 ended the New Deal Coalition that had dominated the United States since the inauguration of President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, and caused Richard Nixon to be elected in 1968 and re elected in 1972, even though the War in Vietnam was becoming unpopular.

The Rodney King riots led to the 1994 Crime Bill, which led to a substantial increase in the prison population, and consequently to declines in the crime rate.

The Welfare Reform Bill of 1996 led to deep, satisfying cuts in welfare.

If there are black ghetto riots this summer and next summer, Trump will win easily, the Republicans will get comfortable majorities in both houses of Congress, and the criminal justice system will get quite a bit meaner, and the welfare system will get much leaner.
I’ve never heard of that.

Never heard of DEI? Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. It translates into:
  1. DIVERSITY - hiring more non-whites simply because they are non-white, which means discriminating AGAINST whites just because their skin is white!
  2. EQUITY - the catchword for guaranteeing equal outcomes for all irregardless of how they began; it: giving less qualified people a leg up while holding back more gifted people so all come out the same in order to justify, rationalize and produce support for government DEI mandates to get funding.
  3. INCLUSION - accepting people into your educational or hiring pool you never would before because they amounted to high risk with bad characteristics by excluding better, obviously good candidates, in order to placate federal funding directives.
Put simply, affirmative action for any ol' minority, freak, weirdo, drop-out, criminal or sociopath to meet government demographics by suppressing the hiring of white people.
The black ghetto riots that happened from 1964 to 1968 ended the New Deal Coalition that had dominated the United States since the inauguration of President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, and caused Richard Nixon to be elected in 1968 and re elected in 1972, even though the War in Vietnam was becoming unpopular.

What you leave out is that old Tricky Dick had to STILL make a lot of concessions. EEOC? That was started under Nixon. Busing? Again, started under Nixon. He signed he voting rights act of 1970.

So while Nixon was happy to play on racial prejudice, he also realized that he'd have more riots if real concessions weren't made.

And at the end of the day, he was forced out of office because he had pretty much antagonized everyone

The Rodney King riots led to the 1994 Crime Bill, which led to a substantial increase in the prison population, and consequently to declines in the crime rate.

The Welfare Reform Bill of 1996 led to deep, satisfying cuts in welfare.

actually, what led the Welfare reform was the economy was going well enough were we could afford it. Not to worry, nearly all that reform was rolled back when Bush Jug-fucked the economy.

If there are black ghetto riots this summer and next summer, Trump will win easily, the Republicans will get comfortable majorities in both houses of Congress, and the criminal justice system will get quite a bit meaner, and the welfare system will get much leaner.

Oh, you are fantasizing... but here's the reality.... Trump is scaring the hell out of the straights.
Did someone here claim that 88% of blacks are not qualified for the jobs they get? I didn’t see that.
Correction on my part. Post 617 and 961. What you said in 961 was:

Our country is in decline for a number of reasons, one of which is that leftists value “diversity” over the best and most competent. That’s not to say that a black will never be the best and most competent, but in about 88% of cases, it will be someone else.

Is that racist?
Oh, you are fantasizing... but here's the reality.... Trump is scaring the hell out of the straights.
I hope what you are saying is true. I hate Trump. Right now polls show that the popular vote between Trump and Biden is too close to call. With Trump's advantage in the Electoral College Biden will need a comfortable margin of victory in the popular vote.
Agreed. It is only true if your metric for hiring are better qualified, more productive, better workers.
The problem is what qualifies as a “better worker”? There are a lot of variables.
Well, you shouldn't. Take Indians (South Asian) out of the equation, and Asians actually tend to be kind of poor.

You do realize that a "Household" income isn't that impressive. That's between both spouses.
I pointed out that the mean household incomes for Vietnamese, Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese is higher than the mean household US income. I could not find the average household income for white Gentiles.
Correction on my part. Post 961. What you said was:

Our country is in decline for a number of reasons, one of which is that leftists value “diversity” over the best and most competent. That’s not to say that a black will never be the best and most competent, but in about 88% of cases, it will be someone else.

Is that racist?
In 100% of all cases, an employer could find a better employee if they have the time to search.
Correction on my part. Post 961. What you said was:

Our country is in decline for a number of reasons, one of which is that leftists value “diversity” over the best and most competent. That’s not to say that a black will never be the best and most competent, but in about 88% of cases, it will be someone else.

Is that racist?
No, that’s statistics.

If you limit yourself to hiring ONLY a black, then you have limited yourself to 12% of the population - and excluded 88% of the population, comprised primarily of whites.

That means that the best candidate for the job will be found among the 12% you are limited yourself to only 12% of the time, whereas the best candidate will be among others 88% of the time.

Unless you’re saying that the best candidate is ALWAYS a black? Even though they’re such a slim minority?
Never heard of DEI? Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. It translates into:
  1. DIVERSITY - hiring more non-whites simply because they are non-white, which means discriminating AGAINST whites just because their skin is white!
It means hiring a diverse workforce, including whites, because measurable economic value in it.

  1. EQUITY - the catchword for guaranteeing equal outcomes for all irregardless of how they began; it: giving less qualified people a leg up while holding back more gifted people so all come out the same in order to justify, rationalize and produce support for government DEI mandates to get funding.

When I advocate for diversity I’m not doing so within the framework of DEI. I am only talking about DIVERSITY and it’s proven value in education and business.

I am not sure about the concept of “equity” as defined here, so I don’t really have an opinion on it.

  1. INCLUSION - accepting people into your educational or hiring pool you never would before because they amounted to high risk with bad characteristics by excluding better, obviously good candidates, in order to placate federal funding directives.

Where do you get that from? I looked this one up. This was one site’s definition:

Inclusion: We commit to pursuing deliberate efforts to ensure that our campus is a place where differences are welcomed, different perspectives are respectfully heard and where every individual feels a sense of belonging and inclusion. We know that by building a critical mass of diverse groups on campus and creating a vibrant climate of inclusiveness, we can more effectively leverage the resources of diversity to advance our collective capabilities.

I don’t see what is wrong there (though I fully get the irony in academia’s intolerance of conservative points of view).

Put simply, affirmative action for any ol' minority, freak, weirdo, drop-out, criminal or sociopath to meet government demographics by suppressing the hiring of white people.
It’s quite likely a number of those
freak, weirdo, drop-out, criminal or sociopath

ARE White people :lol:

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