Asian Americans are wealthier than white people...that would be impossible if America was racist

Never heard of Lewontin's Fallacy made against Lewontin?
or the fact that
Dawkins made also a criticism of Lewontin?
Human Genetic Diversity: Lewontin's Fallacy - Wikipedia
Lewontin's a Jew... If you didn't notice they have lots of reasons for being Liberal on race....
Nice posting.
One so oft hears that there is "more diversity among groups than between them" (85/15).

But this is only true if looking at one genetic loci at a time.
With every additional one you look at, Race becomes more distinguishable.
Thus "Lewontin's Fallacy."
Dawkins commenting on the Utility of Race among humans. One of the justifications for it in taxonomy.

BTW, why do "Jews have reasons for being liberal on race".
On the contrary.
Ashkenazi Jews (the majority of Jews) have the highest average IQ's of any group, quite handily. (110-115)

And Jews have certainly been persecuted... for Millennia.
Many signs in the USA read "No Blacks Or Jews" until the 1960s
Yet Jews have the highest IQs and incomes after 2000+ years of persecution.
Kinda kills the Black scuse.


Ashkenazi Jews tend to like strength by numbers in multiculturalism, and anti-racism to avoid persecution...

The Ashkenazi Jewish IQ in Israel must be quite lower, considering Israel's IQ is 94 - 95.
It's probably true that Ashkenazi Jews view more minorities as cover against persecution. But it's alos true they are more liberal because of that persecution alone.

As to 'Israeli' IQ.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia
Israeli Jews - Wikipedia
only about 3 Million of 9 million are of Euro Jewish descent, and some of them are Sephardic.

Israel also includes 21% Arabs/Palestinians with 85 IQs.
and North African and Arab country Jews = 25%, with the same 85 IQs.
So one can see why the average isn't s high as Askenazis who are app/only 25% of the country

Nonetheless there are plenty enough High IQs to make Israel a tech hub/magnet for companies like Intel.
Never heard of Lewontin's Fallacy made against Lewontin?
or the fact that
Dawkins made also a criticism of Lewontin?
Human Genetic Diversity: Lewontin's Fallacy - Wikipedia
Lewontin's a Jew... If you didn't notice they have lots of reasons for being Liberal on race....
Nice posting.
One so oft hears that there is "more diversity among groups than between them" (85/15).

But this is only true if looking at one genetic loci at a time.
With every additional one you look at, Race becomes more distinguishable.
Thus "Lewontin's Fallacy."
Dawkins commenting on the Utility of Race among humans. One of the justifications for it in taxonomy.

BTW, why do "Jews have reasons for being liberal on race".
On the contrary.
Ashkenazi Jews (the majority of Jews) have the highest average IQ's of any group, quite handily. (110-115)

And Jews have certainly been persecuted... for Millennia.
Many signs in the USA read "No Blacks Or Jews" until the 1960s
Yet Jews have the highest IQs and incomes after 2000+ years of persecution.
Kinda kills the Black scuse.


Ashkenazi Jews tend to like strength by numbers in multiculturalism, and anti-racism to avoid persecution...

The Ashkenazi Jewish IQ in Israel must be quite lower, considering Israel's IQ is 94 - 95.
It's probably true that Ashkenazi Jews view more minorities as cover against persecution. But it's alos true they are more liberal because of that persecution alone.

As to 'Israeli' IQ.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia
Israeli Jews - Wikipedia
only about 3 Million of 9 million are of Euro Jewish descent, and some of them are Sephardic.

Israel also includes 21% Arabs/Palestinians with 85 IQs.
and North African and Arab country Jews = 25%, with the same 85 IQs.
So one can see why the average isn't s high as Askenazis who are app/only 25% of the country

Nonetheless there are plenty enough High IQs to make Israel a tech hub/magnet for companies like Intel.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Pt 2.

Race and intelligence

"...In the United States, Jews, Japanese, and Chinese earn incomes 1.72, 1.32, and 1.12 times the American average, respectively (Sowell, 1981, p. 5). Jews and East Asians have higher rates of college attendance, greater educational attainment, and are many times overrepresented in the Ivy League and many of the United States' most prestigious schools[63],.

At Harvard, for example, Asian American and Jewish students together make up 51% of the student body, though only constituting roughly 6% of the US population[64].

In various Southeast Asian nations, Chinese control a majority of the wealth despite being a minority of the population and are resented by the majority, and in some cases are the target of violence[65].

Achievement in science, a high-complexity occupation in which practitioners tend to have IQs well above average, also appears consistent with some group IQ disparity.

Only 0.25% of the world population is Jewish, but Jews make up an estimated 28% of Nobel prize winners in physics, chemistry, medicine, and economics[66].

In the U.S., these numbers are 2% of the population and 40% of winners."

Last edited:
Second, people of any race who work full time, are married, and have high school diplomas tend not to be poor, meaning that poverty is a function of one’s choice not to do these things.

and because black married couples have a lower poverty rate than white single mothers, “life decisions” are what creates poverty.

the disproportionately black population in America’s prisons say nothing about racism, because black people simply commit more crimes, and if you don’t commit a crime, you’re not going to be arrested for it because the police are not going around arresting black people for the fun of it.

Not really. Hitler and Japan were ALLIES during WW2.

Are you saying this proves Hitler wasn't a racist?
Never heard of Lewontin's Fallacy made against Lewontin?
or the fact that
Dawkins made also a criticism of Lewontin?
Human Genetic Diversity: Lewontin's Fallacy - Wikipedia
Lewontin's a Jew... If you didn't notice they have lots of reasons for being Liberal on race....
Nice posting.
One so oft hears that there is "more diversity among groups than between them" (85/15).

But this is only true if looking at one genetic loci at a time.
With every additional one you look at, Race becomes more distinguishable.
Thus "Lewontin's Fallacy."
Dawkins commenting on the Utility of Race among humans. One of the justifications for it in taxonomy.

BTW, why do "Jews have reasons for being liberal on race".
On the contrary.
Ashkenazi Jews (the majority of Jews) have the highest average IQ's of any group, quite handily. (110-115)

And Jews have certainly been persecuted... for Millennia.
Many signs in the USA read "No Blacks Or Jews" until the 1960s
Yet Jews have the highest IQs and incomes after 2000+ years of persecution.
Kinda kills the Black scuse.


Ashkenazi Jews tend to like strength by numbers in multiculturalism, and anti-racism to avoid persecution...

The Ashkenazi Jewish IQ in Israel must be quite lower, considering Israel's IQ is 94 - 95.
It's probably true that Ashkenazi Jews view more minorities as cover against persecution. But it's alos true they are more liberal because of that persecution alone.

As to 'Israeli' IQ.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia
Israeli Jews - Wikipedia
only about 3 Million of 9 million are of Euro Jewish descent, and some of them are Sephardic.

Israel also includes 21% Arabs/Palestinians with 85 IQs.
and North African and Arab country Jews = 25%, with the same 85 IQs.
So one can see why the average isn't s high as Askenazis who are app/only 25% of the country

Nonetheless there are plenty enough High IQs to make Israel a tech hub/magnet for companies like Intel.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?
Pt 2.

Race and intelligence

"...In the United States, Jews, Japanese, and Chinese earn incomes 1.72, 1.32, and 1.12 times the American average, respectively (Sowell, 1981, p. 5). Jews and East Asians have higher rates of college attendance, greater educational attainment, and are many times overrepresented in the Ivy League and many of the United States' most prestigious schools[63],.

At Harvard, for example, Asian American and Jewish students together make up 51% of the student body, though only constituting roughly 6% of the US population[64].

In various Southeast Asian nations, Chinese control a majority of the wealth despite being a minority of the population and are resented by the majority, and in some cases are the target of violence[65].

Achievement in science, a high-complexity occupation in which practitioners tend to have IQs well above average, also appears consistent with some group IQ disparity.

Only 0.25% of the world population is Jewish, but Jews make up an estimated 28% of Nobel prize winners in physics, chemistry, medicine, and economics[66].

In the U.S., these numbers are 2% of the population and 40% of winners."

culture is everything.

race is irrelevant.

Dear basquebromance
What about genocide targeting certain
communities of people like Latino's, Blacks or Asians
getting trafficked and enslaved? Where their FAMILY lines and generations suffer consequences that take longer to heal and recover
both spiritually/psychologically and economically/politically.

is that an issue of race or culture?
or both?
Well, if Dingoes can be a separate sub-species after splitting 6,000 years ago, why can't Negroids, Mongoloids, and Caucasoids who split for 60,000 years in general?

Even when you account for the earlier births of Dingoes, you still don't erase the fact that there isn't much of a difference in generational splits between a Dingo, and a Dog vs a White, and an Asian.
I'm not saying what white people are not separate species of mankind or that black people or that black people are.

I'm saying. Show me evidence. If you think that's true. Prove. Now bear in mind. There was no such thing as the "White race" or the "black race" 700 years ago. But anyway prove it.
What is the institutional power of Whiteness, that you speak of?

Since Civil Rights it's existence is very questionable.....
The system of racism-white supremacy and that system dominates all areas of human activity

1) Labour
2) Law
3) Politics
4) Sex
5) Entertainment
6) Education#
7) Religion
8) War

There is no an area of human activity that is not dominated by racism white supremacy

Are all white people white supremacists ? Yes

Why ? Because I can't prove it.

So I suspect that they all are.
Laughable Ignorance or Lie.
Just send your blood into genetic services like 23andMe and they'll tell you what Percent of each Race you are.
Further, one doesn't even need skin or Hair color.
You can tell sub-Saharan/Asian/Euro ancestry from Skeletal or Muscular features alone.
Forensics experts and physical anthropologists use it every day in the course of their work.
Wait until you finally meet an actual new race, from another galaxy

A race with a different musculoskeletal system (exoskeletal, for instance, like an insect) or with an extra sense perception organ situated between two of it’s tri-pedal legs requiring us to stick that organ into your mouth in order to communicate with it, or u encounter a race with a gaping aqueous-viscous hole in it’s face where a single eye stalk protrudes, or perhaps an excretory organ where u expect to see a nose.

If hordes of people coming at you were looking like this


Then I'd bet my life that you'll sure as hell stop pretending about all the sub species of human nonsense you been reading about.

Look - The distribution of specific genes is not the same as the existence of a race and something that can consistently, accurately identify individuals or populations.

Those two things are different, but they get confused with each other.

That's where you are not understanding.

Your argument is Iike saying all brown-eyed people form one race and all blue-eyed people form another.

Just because eye color is one observable similarity or difference, that doesn’t make the individuals and populations that have the characteristic and two clearly defined “races”.

People with blue eyes are more light sensitive and have a higher risk of eye cancer. This is a biological difference.

But why aren't you and other's claiming that brown-eyed and blue-eyed people should be separated into different species ?

You haven't really thought this through...have you ?

Human beings didn’t develop in such isolated ways. Racial classifications are just as arbitrary as placing blondes and brunettes in separate groups and calling them separate subspecies.

It has never been a case of there not being differences between the way human beings look. The trouble is in the imprecise taxonomy. How do you define a “race” and might there not be other equally valid ways of dividing humans into taxonomical groupings?

There are vast differences in appearance within every race and there are some pretty striking similarities between people’s of different races. It’s the arbitrary drawing of the lines that makes one wonder who defines race ?

Why should a blond-haired, blue-eyed, person with straight hair and fair skin belong to the same “race” as a brown-haired, brown-eyed man with curly hair texture and tan skin ?

Who decides that those differences do not make them from different races?

You think those white slave owners had years of biological science to back them up ? And I mean true science, not the whole “I think dark skin and curly hair are related to barbarianism” stuff that the early 20th century is known for.
Last edited:
Never heard of Lewontin's Fallacy made against Lewontin?
or the fact that
Dawkins made also a criticism of Lewontin?
Human Genetic Diversity: Lewontin's Fallacy - Wikipedia
Lewontin's a Jew... If you didn't notice they have lots of reasons for being Liberal on race....
Nice posting.
One so oft hears that there is "more diversity among groups than between them" (85/15).

But this is only true if looking at one genetic loci at a time.
With every additional one you look at, Race becomes more distinguishable.
Thus "Lewontin's Fallacy."
Dawkins commenting on the Utility of Race among humans. One of the justifications for it in taxonomy.

BTW, why do "Jews have reasons for being liberal on race".
On the contrary.
Ashkenazi Jews (the majority of Jews) have the highest average IQ's of any group, quite handily. (110-115)

And Jews have certainly been persecuted... for Millennia.
Many signs in the USA read "No Blacks Or Jews" until the 1960s
Yet Jews have the highest IQs and incomes after 2000+ years of persecution.
Kinda kills the Black scuse.


Ashkenazi Jews tend to like strength by numbers in multiculturalism, and anti-racism to avoid persecution...

The Ashkenazi Jewish IQ in Israel must be quite lower, considering Israel's IQ is 94 - 95.
It's probably true that Ashkenazi Jews view more minorities as cover against persecution. But it's alos true they are more liberal because of that persecution alone.

As to 'Israeli' IQ.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia
Israeli Jews - Wikipedia
only about 3 Million of 9 million are of Euro Jewish descent, and some of them are Sephardic.

Israel also includes 21% Arabs/Palestinians with 85 IQs.
and North African and Arab country Jews = 25%, with the same 85 IQs.
So one can see why the average isn't s high as Askenazis who are app/only 25% of the country

Nonetheless there are plenty enough High IQs to make Israel a tech hub/magnet for companies like Intel.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

African immigrants are mostly the creme of the crop of Africa, or elites.
Second, people of any race who work full time, are married, and have high school diplomas tend not to be poor, meaning that poverty is a function of one’s choice not to do these things.

and because black married couples have a lower poverty rate than white single mothers, “life decisions” are what creates poverty.

the disproportionately black population in America’s prisons say nothing about racism, because black people simply commit more crimes, and if you don’t commit a crime, you’re not going to be arrested for it because the police are not going around arresting black people for the fun of it.

Not really. Hitler and Japan were ALLIES during WW2.

Are you saying this proves Hitler wasn't a racist?

Hitler also killed mostly White people in WW2.
Never heard of Lewontin's Fallacy made against Lewontin?
or the fact that
Dawkins made also a criticism of Lewontin?
Human Genetic Diversity: Lewontin's Fallacy - Wikipedia
Lewontin's a Jew... If you didn't notice they have lots of reasons for being Liberal on race....
Nice posting.
One so oft hears that there is "more diversity among groups than between them" (85/15).

But this is only true if looking at one genetic loci at a time.
With every additional one you look at, Race becomes more distinguishable.
Thus "Lewontin's Fallacy."
Dawkins commenting on the Utility of Race among humans. One of the justifications for it in taxonomy.

BTW, why do "Jews have reasons for being liberal on race".
On the contrary.
Ashkenazi Jews (the majority of Jews) have the highest average IQ's of any group, quite handily. (110-115)

And Jews have certainly been persecuted... for Millennia.
Many signs in the USA read "No Blacks Or Jews" until the 1960s
Yet Jews have the highest IQs and incomes after 2000+ years of persecution.
Kinda kills the Black scuse.


Ashkenazi Jews tend to like strength by numbers in multiculturalism, and anti-racism to avoid persecution...

The Ashkenazi Jewish IQ in Israel must be quite lower, considering Israel's IQ is 94 - 95.
It's probably true that Ashkenazi Jews view more minorities as cover against persecution. But it's alos true they are more liberal because of that persecution alone.

As to 'Israeli' IQ.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia
Israeli Jews - Wikipedia
only about 3 Million of 9 million are of Euro Jewish descent, and some of them are Sephardic.

Israel also includes 21% Arabs/Palestinians with 85 IQs.
and North African and Arab country Jews = 25%, with the same 85 IQs.
So one can see why the average isn't s high as Askenazis who are app/only 25% of the country

Nonetheless there are plenty enough High IQs to make Israel a tech hub/magnet for companies like Intel.

Why is the Ashkenazi Jewish IQ more like their Polish host's IQ, rather than their close relatives of the Semitic Arab, or Sephardi Jewish IQ's?

BTW, the Polish American IQ was 109.

American Ethnic Groups
Well, if Dingoes can be a separate sub-species after splitting 6,000 years ago, why can't Negroids, Mongoloids, and Caucasoids who split for 60,000 years in general?

Even when you account for the earlier births of Dingoes, you still don't erase the fact that there isn't much of a difference in generational splits between a Dingo, and a Dog vs a White, and an Asian.
I'm not saying what white people are not separate species of mankind or that black people or that black people are.

I'm saying. Show me evidence. If you think that's true. Prove. Now bear in mind. There was no such thing as the "White race" or the "black race" 700 years ago. But anyway prove it.

"Sub species" not "Species" there's a difference.
What is the institutional power of Whiteness, that you speak of?

Since Civil Rights it's existence is very questionable.....
The system of racism-white supremacy and that system dominates all areas of human activity

1) Labour
2) Law
3) Politics
4) Sex
5) Entertainment
6) Education#
7) Religion
8) War

There is no an area of human activity that is not dominated by racism white supremacy

Are all white people white supremacists ? Yes

Why ? Because I can't prove it.

So I suspect that they all are.

There's little proof of White supremacy domination like you're claiming.
Second, people of any race who work full time, are married, and have high school diplomas tend not to be poor, meaning that poverty is a function of one’s choice not to do these things.

and because black married couples have a lower poverty rate than white single mothers, “life decisions” are what creates poverty.

the disproportionately black population in America’s prisons say nothing about racism, because black people simply commit more crimes, and if you don’t commit a crime, you’re not going to be arrested for it because the police are not going around arresting black people for the fun of it.

Not really. Hitler and Japan were ALLIES during WW2.

Are you saying this proves Hitler wasn't a racist?

Hitler also killed mostly White people in WW2.

Yeah, but he would have killed a lot of blacks had they been around, or had the US military let them fight.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
The funny thing was the likes of SobieskiSavedEurope and abu afak don't get it that even Alfred Binet (the person founder IQ tests) he only created the IQ test’s to see which children weren’t profiting from the Parisian school system, not so that they could be labeled stupid but so new educational programs could be created to help those children.

But even he was afraid that his tests would be misused for nepharious reasons, and man o man, he couldn't have been more spot on because once certain people got a hold of it, they took to a whole new meaning.

Intelligence is not something quantifiable. They (SobieskiSavedEurope and abu afak) can’t measure how intelligent someone is, because to begin with they (SobieskiSavedEurope and abu afak) would have to be able to define intelligence very specifically and that can’t be done because intelligence like many
words that define brain functions is an umbrella term that describes several properties of thought (communication, reasoning, understanding) working in tandem.

Neither of them have shown that human variation is great enough to account for differences of IQ, nor have they established the veracity of IQ as a legitimate measurement. Nor have they provided an inextricable link between genetics, race, and IQ outside of methodologically flawed correlations. They make the claim, then they prove the claim. The fact that they are incapable of doing so makes my life very easy.

But having said that.

Their argument can work (to the extent that it works) on the force of rhetoric alone, by keep on saying it, simply because so many people naturalize race and can’t conceive that such an important thing could be constructed by anything other than trans-human divine providence (or Mother Nature, take your pick)
According g to a post in 2014 the average personal income was 24 grand or so? God almighty that's below the poverty line and the poverty li be should be 40 grand. That is truly pathetic. Says something awful, truly awful about this so called great nation.
Second, people of any race who work full time, are married, and have high school diplomas tend not to be poor, meaning that poverty is a function of one’s choice not to do these things.

and because black married couples have a lower poverty rate than white single mothers, “life decisions” are what creates poverty.

the disproportionately black population in America’s prisons say nothing about racism, because black people simply commit more crimes, and if you don’t commit a crime, you’re not going to be arrested for it because the police are not going around arresting black people for the fun of it.

Not really. Hitler and Japan were ALLIES during WW2.

Are you saying this proves Hitler wasn't a racist?

Hitler also killed mostly White people in WW2.

Yeah, but he would have killed a lot of blacks had they been around, or had the US military let them fight.

Are you sure about that?

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