Asian Americans are wealthier than white people...that would be impossible if America was racist

Hey JQPublic1
NO answer to my #109? Really?
At least concede instead of 'skip posting' to one you can handle/BS.

Essian NO answer either?
This Refutes what you have been saying, so you have to ignore it.
You couldn't have missed it and it's graphic.


JQPublic1 said:
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Not at all.
White and Asian countries have much higher standards of living and can, unlike Africans, afford to immigrate without being at the top. This IS basically a country of white rejects/renegades.
African Immigrants OTOH, are in good degree the cream of the crop. The top 1 or 2% who can get scholarships to a Foreign college.
Many Nigerian immigrants come here TO go to college.

But hey, why use immigrants at all when we have much larger/more Representative Native populations?
And why not use the more representative Broad populations of those countries?
Or the whole of sub-Sahara (70) or USA admixture 'Blacks (85) instead of picking and choosing and Fallaciously debating by Anecdote/exception.

JQPublic1 said:
But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.
For Race purpose, one is talking about SUB-SAHARAN Africa, NOT the mixed Mediterranean/Egyptian populations of North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.

And the fact that White and Asian Macro Races originated with a base population/species in Africa doesn't mean Civilization was "Kick Started" By Blacks.
What a Dopey idea! !
Civilization "Kick Started" when they LEFT and formed different Races/subspecies.

So that, ie, when Marco Polo landed in China (before any Colonialization) he found Silk, Porcelain, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records. etc.

While Africa was living just as it had when those original populations left and headed North 50,000+ years ago.
Just the top predator living in Huts with No written language, no wheel, etc.

ALL subspecies/Races start with an an original single specie population and OF COURSE/DUH doesn't mean they don't/can't split off.
For Essien too.


Your unbelievably goofy premise error?
that an original species can't have different or improved/evolved subspecies.
ALL Species immediately start adapting/changing/splitting when they change environment.
When they split wide enough over time, they become different species.
That's called 'evolution.'

The Real Kick start was agriculture about 10,000 years ago, and Africa was Not part of it. Ag provided 10-100x the calories and lead to Cities, weights and measures, and all kinds of interaction which exploded IQ.

10 000 year explosion - Google Search
The fact is Nether of you know ANYTHING about Race/Race and IQ...
Essian dropping just about all the points I Wiped his ass on.
and what we actually, and Ironically have, is a... Demonstration/Confirmation of Race and IQ difference.
Last edited:
Hey JQPublic1
NO answer to my #109? Really?
At least concede instead of 'skip posting' to one you can handle/BS.

Essian NO answer either?
This Refutes what you have been saying, so you have to ignore it.
You couldn't have missed it and it's graphic.


JQPublic1 said:
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Not at all.
White and Asian countries have much higher standards of living and can, unlike Africans, afford to immigrate without being at the top. This IS basically a country of white rejects/renegades.
African Immigrants OTOH, are in good degree the cream of the crop. The top 1 or 2% who can get scholarships to a Foreign college.
Many Nigerian immigrants come here TO go to college.

But hey, why use immigrants at all when we have much larger/more Representative Native populations?
And why not use the more representative Broad populations of those countries?
Or the whole of sub-Sahara (70) or USA admixture 'Blacks (85) instead of picking and choosing and Fallaciously debating by Anecdote/exception.

JQPublic1 said:
But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.
For Race purpose, one is talking about SUB-SAHARAN Africa, NOT the mixed Mediterranean/Egyptian populations of North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.

And the fact that White and Asian Macro Races originated with a base population/species in Africa doesn't mean Civilization was "Kick Started" By Blacks.
What a Dopey idea! !
Civilization "Kick Started" when they LEFT and formed different Races/subspecies.

So that, ie, when Marco Polo landed in China (before any Colonialization) he found Silk, Porcelain, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records. etc.

While Africa was living just as it had when those original populations left and headed North 50,000+ years ago.
Just the top predator living in Huts with No written language, no wheel, etc.

ALL subspecies/Races start with an an original single specie population and OF COURSE/DUH doesn't mean they don't/can't split off.
For Essien too.


Your unbelievably goofy premise error?
that an original species can't have different or improved/evolved subspecies.
ALL Species immediately start adapting/changing/splitting when they change environment.
When they split wide enough over time, they become different species.
That's called 'evolution.'

The Real Kick start was agriculture about 10,000 years ago, and Africa was Not part of it. Ag provided 10-100x the calories and lead to Cities, weights and measures, and all kinds of interaction which exploded IQ.

10 000 year explosion - Google Search
The fact is Nether of you know ANYTHING about Race/Race and IQ...
Essian dropping just about all the points I Wiped his ass on.
and what we actually, and Ironically have, is a... Demonstration/Confirmation of Race and IQ difference.

Africans don't refer to a sub Saharan region. That includes North Africans.
Your post is bullshit and only gets traction in places like this where other racists allow it to be spoken, but as formal scientific, sociological, or any other respected academic fact, its a debunked load of garbage
Never heard of Lewontin's Fallacy made against Lewontin?
or the fact that
Dawkins made also a criticism of Lewontin?
Human Genetic Diversity: Lewontin's Fallacy - Wikipedia
Lewontin's a Jew... If you didn't notice they have lots of reasons for being Liberal on race....
Nice posting.
One so oft hears that there is "more diversity among groups than between them" (85/15).

But this is only true if looking at one genetic loci at a time.
With every additional one you look at, Race becomes more distinguishable.
Thus "Lewontin's Fallacy."
Dawkins commenting on the Utility of Race among humans. One of the justifications for it in taxonomy.

BTW, why do "Jews have reasons for being liberal on race".
On the contrary.
Ashkenazi Jews (the majority of Jews) have the highest average IQ's of any group, quite handily. (110-115)

And Jews have certainly been persecuted... for Millennia.
Many signs in the USA read "No Blacks Or Jews" until the 1960s
Yet Jews have the highest IQs and incomes after 2000+ years of persecution.
Kinda kills the Black scuse.


Ashkenazi Jews tend to like strength by numbers in multiculturalism, and anti-racism to avoid persecution...

The Ashkenazi Jewish IQ in Israel must be quite lower, considering Israel's IQ is 94 - 95.
It's probably true that Ashkenazi Jews view more minorities as cover against persecution. But it's alos true they are more liberal because of that persecution alone.

As to 'Israeli' IQ.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia
Israeli Jews - Wikipedia
only about 3 Million of 9 million are of Euro Jewish descent, and some of them are Sephardic.

Israel also includes 21% Arabs/Palestinians with 85 IQs.
and North African and Arab country Jews = 25%, with the same 85 IQs.
So one can see why the average isn't s high as Askenazis who are app/only 25% of the country

Nonetheless there are plenty enough High IQs to make Israel a tech hub/magnet for companies like Intel.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

Pink people cant handle the evidence to the contrary that IQ is a bunch of bullshit prompted by a white inferiority complex. Every time I think about the irony of the entire thing. White people had to be taught practically everything besides killing other people and they honestly think they have the credibility to create an intelligence test. :laugh:
Nice posting.
One so oft hears that there is "more diversity among groups than between them" (85/15).

But this is only true if looking at one genetic loci at a time.
With every additional one you look at, Race becomes more distinguishable.
Thus "Lewontin's Fallacy."
Dawkins commenting on the Utility of Race among humans. One of the justifications for it in taxonomy.

BTW, why do "Jews have reasons for being liberal on race".
On the contrary.
Ashkenazi Jews (the majority of Jews) have the highest average IQ's of any group, quite handily. (110-115)

And Jews have certainly been persecuted... for Millennia.
Many signs in the USA read "No Blacks Or Jews" until the 1960s
Yet Jews have the highest IQs and incomes after 2000+ years of persecution.
Kinda kills the Black scuse.


Ashkenazi Jews tend to like strength by numbers in multiculturalism, and anti-racism to avoid persecution...

The Ashkenazi Jewish IQ in Israel must be quite lower, considering Israel's IQ is 94 - 95.
It's probably true that Ashkenazi Jews view more minorities as cover against persecution. But it's alos true they are more liberal because of that persecution alone.

As to 'Israeli' IQ.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia
Israeli Jews - Wikipedia
only about 3 Million of 9 million are of Euro Jewish descent, and some of them are Sephardic.

Israel also includes 21% Arabs/Palestinians with 85 IQs.
and North African and Arab country Jews = 25%, with the same 85 IQs.
So one can see why the average isn't s high as Askenazis who are app/only 25% of the country

Nonetheless there are plenty enough High IQs to make Israel a tech hub/magnet for companies like Intel.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

Pink people cant handle the evidence to the contrary that IQ is a bunch of bullshit prompted by a white inferiority complex. Every time I think about the irony of the entire thing. White people had to be taught practically everything besides killing other people and they honestly think they have the credibility to create an intelligence test. :laugh:

Whites weren't taught everything.... the Vinca Culture in Serbia had evidence of writing, and copper smelting long before Egypt, or Sumeria had.
It's probably true that Ashkenazi Jews view more minorities as cover against persecution. But it's also true they are more liberal because of that persecution alone.

As to 'Israeli' IQ.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia
Israeli Jews - Wikipedia
only about 3 Million of 9 million are of Euro Jewish descent, and some of them are Sephardic.

Israel also includes 21% Arabs/Palestinians with 85 IQs.
and North African and Arab country Jews = 25%, with the same 85 IQs.
So one can see why the average isn't s high as Askenazis who are app/only 25% of the country

Nonetheless there are plenty enough High IQs to make Israel a tech hub/magnet for companies like Intel.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

African immigrants are mostly the creme of the crop of Africa, or elites.
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Suprisingly though, in the wake of megative controversy sparked by Charles Murry decades ago, the African immigrants are out achieving all other immigrant groups as well as home grown Americans here and homegrown Brits in the UK.. The Africans blind sided western academia with their excellence and now the highbrows are scrambling to find some means of damage control to perserve their fading universal illusions of Cauc superiority.

But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.

This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.

Kind of kills your cream of the crop theory doesnt it?
Ashkenazi Jews tend to like strength by numbers in multiculturalism, and anti-racism to avoid persecution...

The Ashkenazi Jewish IQ in Israel must be quite lower, considering Israel's IQ is 94 - 95.
It's probably true that Ashkenazi Jews view more minorities as cover against persecution. But it's alos true they are more liberal because of that persecution alone.

As to 'Israeli' IQ.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia
Israeli Jews - Wikipedia
only about 3 Million of 9 million are of Euro Jewish descent, and some of them are Sephardic.

Israel also includes 21% Arabs/Palestinians with 85 IQs.
and North African and Arab country Jews = 25%, with the same 85 IQs.
So one can see why the average isn't s high as Askenazis who are app/only 25% of the country

Nonetheless there are plenty enough High IQs to make Israel a tech hub/magnet for companies like Intel.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

Pink people cant handle the evidence to the contrary that IQ is a bunch of bullshit prompted by a white inferiority complex. Every time I think about the irony of the entire thing. White people had to be taught practically everything besides killing other people and they honestly think they have the credibility to create an intelligence test. :laugh:

Whites weren't taught everything.... the Vinca Culture in Serbia had evidence of writing, and copper smelting long before Egypt, or Sumeria had.
Scribbling in the dirt isnt writing. Every group of humans did that. The oldest evidence of writing is Egypt and Sumer. No one in the world except retards would ever think what the Vinca did was writing.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

African immigrants are mostly the creme of the crop of Africa, or elites.
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Suprisingly though, in the wake of megative controversy sparked by Charles Murry decades ago, the African immigrants are out achieving all other immigrant groups as well as home grown Americans here and homegrown Brits in the UK.. The Africans blind sided western academia with their excellence and now the highbrows are scrambling to find some means of damage control to perserve their fading universal illusions of Cauc superiority.

But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.

This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.

Kind of kills your cream of the crop theory doesnt it?

That proves it, doof.

The average Nigerian has far less schooling than the average Nigerian immigrant to the U.S.A.
It's probably true that Ashkenazi Jews view more minorities as cover against persecution. But it's alos true they are more liberal because of that persecution alone.

As to 'Israeli' IQ.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia
Israeli Jews - Wikipedia
only about 3 Million of 9 million are of Euro Jewish descent, and some of them are Sephardic.

Israel also includes 21% Arabs/Palestinians with 85 IQs.
and North African and Arab country Jews = 25%, with the same 85 IQs.
So one can see why the average isn't s high as Askenazis who are app/only 25% of the country

Nonetheless there are plenty enough High IQs to make Israel a tech hub/magnet for companies like Intel.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

Pink people cant handle the evidence to the contrary that IQ is a bunch of bullshit prompted by a white inferiority complex. Every time I think about the irony of the entire thing. White people had to be taught practically everything besides killing other people and they honestly think they have the credibility to create an intelligence test. :laugh:

Whites weren't taught everything.... the Vinca Culture in Serbia had evidence of writing, and copper smelting long before Egypt, or Sumeria had.
Scribbling in the dirt isnt writing. Every group of humans did that. The oldest evidence of writing is Egypt and Sumer. No one in the world except retards would ever think what the Vinca did was writing.

Apparently some Vinca symbols are similar to Egyptian Hieroglyphs in the first place...
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

African immigrants are mostly the creme of the crop of Africa, or elites.
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Suprisingly though, in the wake of megative controversy sparked by Charles Murry decades ago, the African immigrants are out achieving all other immigrant groups as well as home grown Americans here and homegrown Brits in the UK.. The Africans blind sided western academia with their excellence and now the highbrows are scrambling to find some means of damage control to perserve their fading universal illusions of Cauc superiority.

But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.

This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.

Kind of kills your cream of the crop theory doesnt it?

That proves it, doof.

The average Nigerian has far less schooling than the average Nigerian immigrant to the U.S.A.
Not true. Most Nigerians have the same amount of schooling as immigrants. The immigrants just have more money.
African immigrants are mostly the creme of the crop of Africa, or elites.
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Suprisingly though, in the wake of megative controversy sparked by Charles Murry decades ago, the African immigrants are out achieving all other immigrant groups as well as home grown Americans here and homegrown Brits in the UK.. The Africans blind sided western academia with their excellence and now the highbrows are scrambling to find some means of damage control to perserve their fading universal illusions of Cauc superiority.

But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.

This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.

Kind of kills your cream of the crop theory doesnt it?

That proves it, doof.

The average Nigerian has far less schooling than the average Nigerian immigrant to the U.S.A.
Not true. Most Nigerians have the same amount of schooling as immigrants. The immigrants just have more money.

The data says otherwise...

Nigeria has over 7 years of average schooling years.

Girls’ Education in Nigeria | World Pulse

Nigerian immigrants on arrival to the U.S had near double or over 14 years of schooling, and went onto finish with more schooling in the U.S to 17 years.

This proves that Nigerians in the U.S.A are the cream of the cop, they are the elite of Nigeria.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

Pink people cant handle the evidence to the contrary that IQ is a bunch of bullshit prompted by a white inferiority complex. Every time I think about the irony of the entire thing. White people had to be taught practically everything besides killing other people and they honestly think they have the credibility to create an intelligence test. :laugh:

Whites weren't taught everything.... the Vinca Culture in Serbia had evidence of writing, and copper smelting long before Egypt, or Sumeria had.
Scribbling in the dirt isnt writing. Every group of humans did that. The oldest evidence of writing is Egypt and Sumer. No one in the world except retards would ever think what the Vinca did was writing.

Apparently some Vinca symbols are similar to Egyptian Hieroglyphs in the first place...

Makes sense. Lots of symbols exhibit likeness even when there is no way the civilizations would have effected each other. The Egyptians drew crosses long before the christians adopted it as a holy symbol. People from different civilizations drew the sun and stars too. What you dont seem to understand is the hieroglyphs was the common language of the Egyptians. It was scaled down to symbols for those that werent versed in the real written languages of Hieratic and Demotic.
I think that after a general 60,000 year split between the races, or more that yes we are borderline sub-species.
DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair colour can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another.

It has never been a case of there not being differences between the way human beings look. The trouble is in the imprecise taxonomy. How do you define a “race” and might there not be other equally valid ways of dividing humans into taxonomical groupings ?

There are persistent and real genetic differences that cluster within so-called racial groups, and more so than many have heretofore believed.

Yet these differences still fall far short of indicating sub-speciation, which is the normal standard used by biologists to indicate different “races” or breeds of a larger species.

Many scientists worked hard on finding working definition of race as a biological fact. They all failed. They all failed not because genetic differences can’t be observed between various humans (after all, if there weren’t mDNA differences, we wouldn’t know much about human maternal ancestry).

They all failed because genetic differences do not support social races, races that divide people into (pardon my words) “black”, “white”, “yellow” and “red”.

The only living subspecies of the species Homo sapiens is Homo sapiens sapiens. That is current scientific knowledge. And it is very likely to remain the only one, unless Sasquatch or the Yeti decide to walk into a science lab for a DNA test one day.

There is a reason why blood transfusions and bone marrow transplants work. This is why a “black ” persons blood can save an white Irishman’s life with a transfusion and vice versa.
The documentary, "Race: The Power of an Illusion," says very powerfully that race was a social construct and was invented to justify the mistreatment of and slavery of certain people. Anyone who can find it and watch it - should. The historical evidence is all there.
Are all white people white supremacists ? Yes

Why ? Because I can't prove it.
I understand this in the sense that all of us who are white and have been born and raised in the U.S. have had ideas of superiority planted in us by the words and actions of those around us. It can not be ignored or denied.

I do hope, however, that some of us have finally made the decision to spit out the seeds of racism instead of watering them. I hope also that eventually we will begin to bear the fruits of understanding and peace.
IRacism in the USA is like an unbroken transcends time.

Blacks are more racist than Whites in the U.S... The 1 million man March headed by Racist Black Supremacist Farrakhan kind of proves that.
I don't believe the million man march proved black racism at all. And I've heard Minister Farrakhan speak and do not believe he is a racist either. Any time people decide to stand up and speak up for themselves and their rights, which have been historically denied, they are called names. But if they had never spoken up, we'd still be oppressing them openly and legally. Today's mistreatment is often covered up and called something other than what it is. But it needs to be revealed and fought against.
I understand this in the sense that all of us who are White and have been born and raised in the U.S. have had ideas of Superiority planted in us by the words and actions of those around us. It can not be ignored or denied.
Some of us with a very good science education, and without bigotry or hate, realize there ARE RACES, and 'Whites' are Not at the top of the IQ (or Athletic) food chain.
See, ie, the THREAD TITLE!

So many Uneducated - or empty PCers - think this is a Black v White or 'White Supremacy' thing.
Last edited:
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

African immigrants are mostly the creme of the crop of Africa, or elites.
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Suprisingly though, in the wake of megative controversy sparked by Charles Murry decades ago, the African immigrants are out achieving all other immigrant groups as well as home grown Americans here and homegrown Brits in the UK.. The Africans blind sided western academia with their excellence and now the highbrows are scrambling to find some means of damage control to perserve their fading universal illusions of Cauc superiority.

But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.

This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.
Does thst really matter? Regadless of how they prepared themselves to achieve they did it. Their native born children are just as academically gifted and successful. More importantly, these bright Africans are defying all the racist stereotypes the west has perpetrated over the past decades about Africans and their cognitive abilities.

Yeah it does, because 1/3rd of Nigeria is illiterate compared to less than 1/99th of Europeans.
Says who? The pink faced enemies of Nigeria? When did this vast testing of Nigerians take place and who did it?
You don't expect an old veteran like me to believe what Caucs, the world's greatest liars, say about Africans do you?
IRacism in the USA is like an unbroken transcends time.

Blacks are more racist than Whites in the U.S... The 1 million man March headed by Racist Black Supremacist Farrakhan kind of proves that.
I don't believe the million man march proved black racism at all. And I've heard Minister Farrakhan speak and do not believe he is a racist either. Any time people decide to stand up and speak up for themselves and their rights, which have been historically denied, they are called names. But if they had never spoken up, we'd still be oppressing them openly and legally. Today's mistreatment is often covered up and called something other than what it is. But it needs to be revealed and fought against.

Blacks are not more racist than whites in the US. But that's what your white race hustlers tell you. I attended the million man march. So did whites. There are whites in the Nation of Islam.

Farrakhan repeats teaching of Elijah Muhammad from years past. I do have problems with calling whites devils, but the again when Muhammad was around whites were practicing legalized racial discrimination which if you look at things in a religious manner, that is the work of the devil. White conservatives today want to push this lie of white victimization as well as all racism is gone and everything is even. Because they try this lie, there is this promotion of what they have made up as black racism. They now want .us all to fret history and pretend everything is ad has always been the same for everybody. So if blacks say something that would be racist if a white says it, then it is racist. Despite the fact that the same words are said for complexly different reasons, it is racist. The NOI calls for racial separation. I don't necessarily agree with that. However whites, specifically conservative ones, want to equate this to the KKK and gives these words the same rationale therefore the NOI becomes racists.

There is only one problem with this. The KKK has not only wants for separation but elimination. Their claim for separation is based upon some false biblical claim about blacks being the descendants of Ham who supposedly looked upon his father when naked dooming bacs to be servants forever even as his brother Japeth had to be black also.. The NOI's call for separation is based upon the dimple fact that blacks and whites have not been able to get along and live together so it would be better to separate. Whether or not I agree with this doesn't reduce he truth in these comments.

I do not agree with a lot of the things Farrahkan has said, but there are a lot of things he is right about that I do. And when one hears what he has to say on balance, it's pretty hard to call him a racist. There is no black supremacists and The Million Man March was no proof of racism. I should know because like I said, I was there.
IRacism in the USA is like an unbroken transcends time.

Blacks are more racist than Whites in the U.S... The 1 million man March headed by Racist Black Supremacist Farrakhan kind of proves that.
Why don't you actually research what the Million Man March was about? It was about black men taking responsibility for their actions and being good fathers to their children. Stop assuming stuff and read.

LOL, so if they just care about Blacks taking care of their kids, and not ALL people taking care of their kids'

.... That's a Racist Black Supremacist, no?
You're such an obstinate bigot. You introduced the million man march into this conversation without knowing anything about it. You assumed there was something nefarious about it just on a wild ass hunch.
If you want to really know what the MMM was all about google it .
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Suprisingly though, in the wake of megative controversy sparked by Charles Murry decades ago, the African immigrants are out achieving all other immigrant groups as well as home grown Americans here and homegrown Brits in the UK.. The Africans blind sided western academia with their excellence and now the highbrows are scrambling to find some means of damage control to perserve their fading universal illusions of Cauc superiority.

But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.

This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.

Kind of kills your cream of the crop theory doesnt it?

That proves it, doof.

The average Nigerian has far less schooling than the average Nigerian immigrant to the U.S.A.
Not true. Most Nigerians have the same amount of schooling as immigrants. The immigrants just have more money.

The data says otherwise...

Nigeria has over 7 years of average schooling years.

Girls’ Education in Nigeria | World Pulse

Nigerian immigrants on arrival to the U.S had near double or over 14 years of schooling, and went onto finish with more schooling in the U.S to 17 years.

This proves that Nigerians in the U.S.A are the cream of the cop, they are the elite of Nigeria.
The Nigerians in the US are superior to you but they are just like the Nigerians in Nigeria. Sorry.
African immigrants are mostly the creme of the crop of Africa, or elites.
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Suprisingly though, in the wake of megative controversy sparked by Charles Murry decades ago, the African immigrants are out achieving all other immigrant groups as well as home grown Americans here and homegrown Brits in the UK.. The Africans blind sided western academia with their excellence and now the highbrows are scrambling to find some means of damage control to perserve their fading universal illusions of Cauc superiority.

But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.

This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.
Does thst really matter? Regadless of how they prepared themselves to achieve they did it. Their native born children are just as academically gifted and successful. More importantly, these bright Africans are defying all the racist stereotypes the west has perpetrated over the past decades about Africans and their cognitive abilities.

Yeah it does, because 1/3rd of Nigeria is illiterate compared to less than 1/99th of Europeans.
Says who? The pink faced enemies of Nigeria? When did this vast testing of Nigerians take place and who did it?
You don't expect an old veteran like me to believe what Caucs, the world's greatest liars, say about Africans do you?
They are hoping they can piggy back on the white jesus fable to fool us.

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