Asian Americans are wealthier than white people...that would be impossible if America was racist

Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
The funny thing was the likes of SobieskiSavedEurope and abu afak don't get it that even Alfred Binet (the person founder IQ tests) he only created the IQ test’s to see which children weren’t profiting from the Parisian school system, not so that they could be labeled stupid but so new educational programs could be created to help those children.

But even he was afraid that his tests would be misused for nepharious reasons, and man o man, he couldn't have been more spot on because once certain people got a hold of it, they took to a whole new meaning.

Intelligence is not something quantifiable. They (SobieskiSavedEurope and abu afak) can’t measure how intelligent someone is, because to begin with they (SobieskiSavedEurope and abu afak) would have to be able to define intelligence very specifically and that can’t be done because intelligence like many
words that define brain functions is an umbrella term that describes several properties of thought (communication, reasoning, understanding) working in tandem.

Neither of them have shown that human variation is great enough to account for differences of IQ, nor have they established the veracity of IQ as a legitimate measurement. Nor have they provided an inextricable link between genetics, race, and IQ outside of methodologically flawed correlations. They make the claim, then they prove the claim. The fact that they are incapable of doing so makes my life very easy.

But having said that.

Their argument can work (to the extent that it works) on the force of rhetoric alone, by keep on saying it, simply because so many people naturalize race and can’t conceive that such an important thing could be constructed by anything other than trans-human divine providence (or Mother Nature, take your pick)

IQ is pretty accurate, so much so it shows that a massive majority of Down Syndrome people are retarded in IQ, while a massive majority of the Best, and Brightest people are high IQ.

With that said, like any test it's not 100% accurate.

Besides, if the IQ test is "White Supremacist"
Why does the IQ favor East Asians, and Ashkenazi Jews over Whites?
That somehow makes sense?
Second, people of any race who work full time, are married, and have high school diplomas tend not to be poor, meaning that poverty is a function of one’s choice not to do these things.

and because black married couples have a lower poverty rate than white single mothers, “life decisions” are what creates poverty.

the disproportionately black population in America’s prisons say nothing about racism, because black people simply commit more crimes, and if you don’t commit a crime, you’re not going to be arrested for it because the police are not going around arresting black people for the fun of it.

Not really. Hitler and Japan were ALLIES during WW2.

Are you saying this proves Hitler wasn't a racist?

Hitler also killed mostly White people in WW2.

Yeah, but he would have killed a lot of blacks had they been around, or had the US military let them fight.

Are you sure about that?

Am I sure that had blacks been able to fight the Nazis, the Hitler wouldn't have had his troops try and kill them?

Hitler was very much against black people.

Persecution of black people in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

Blacks during the Holocaust

"The fate of black people from 1933 to 1945 in Nazi Germany and in German-occupied territories ranged from isolation to persecution, sterilization, medical experimentation, incarceration, brutality, and murder. However, there was no systematic program for their elimination as there was for Jews and other groups."

Yeah, sounds like he liked them a lot.
Nice posting.
One so oft hears that there is "more diversity among groups than between them" (85/15).

But this is only true if looking at one genetic loci at a time.
With every additional one you look at, Race becomes more distinguishable.
Thus "Lewontin's Fallacy."
Dawkins commenting on the Utility of Race among humans. One of the justifications for it in taxonomy.

BTW, why do "Jews have reasons for being liberal on race".
On the contrary.
Ashkenazi Jews (the majority of Jews) have the highest average IQ's of any group, quite handily. (110-115)

And Jews have certainly been persecuted... for Millennia.
Many signs in the USA read "No Blacks Or Jews" until the 1960s
Yet Jews have the highest IQs and incomes after 2000+ years of persecution.
Kinda kills the Black scuse.


Ashkenazi Jews tend to like strength by numbers in multiculturalism, and anti-racism to avoid persecution...

The Ashkenazi Jewish IQ in Israel must be quite lower, considering Israel's IQ is 94 - 95.
It's probably true that Ashkenazi Jews view more minorities as cover against persecution. But it's also true they are more liberal because of that persecution alone.

As to 'Israeli' IQ.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia
Israeli Jews - Wikipedia
only about 3 Million of 9 million are of Euro Jewish descent, and some of them are Sephardic.

Israel also includes 21% Arabs/Palestinians with 85 IQs.
and North African and Arab country Jews = 25%, with the same 85 IQs.
So one can see why the average isn't s high as Askenazis who are app/only 25% of the country

Nonetheless there are plenty enough High IQs to make Israel a tech hub/magnet for companies like Intel.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

African immigrants are mostly the creme of the crop of Africa, or elites.
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Suprisingly though, in the wake of megative controversy sparked by Charles Murry decades ago, the African immigrants are out achieving all other immigrant groups as well as home grown Americans here and homegrown Brits in the UK.. The Africans blind sided western academia with their excellence and now the highbrows are scrambling to find some means of damage control to perserve their fading universal illusions of Cauc superiority.

But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.
IRacism in the USA is like an unbroken transcends time.

Blacks are more racist than Whites in the U.S... The 1 million man March headed by Racist Black Supremacist Farrakhan kind of proves that.
Why don't you actually research what the Million Man March was about? It was about black men taking responsibility for their actions and being good fathers to their children. Stop assuming stuff and read.
The statistics and studies dont lie. Asians overall are the most successful group in the United States and blacks are the least and it comes down to culture, plain and simple..
Asians are still under the system of white supremacy as black people are.

Charles Murray (Author of The Bell Curve) married an Asian woman and had two hapa children and this is the author of the most-cited white supremacist handbooks.

Irony is now the leaders of the Alt-Right are complaining about the growing number of Hapas attending their white nationalist conferences that their white supremacist fathers dragged them to. Hapa kids often end up so fucked up in the head because they think they would get the same amount of privilege their white parent gets until reality hits, that’s when white supremacy hit’s them full force

And instead of being mad at white supremacy, they are pissed that they are half Asian and starting hating on black people to raise their damaged self esteem.

Even white supremacist Jared Taylors ex-wife is Jewish (The Jews who ironically, many white supremacists seem to hate) which is a big reason he doesn't talk about the Jewish question. White supremacist, man of the moment, Richard Spencer, has had numerous Asian girlfriends.

You also forget that Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government..

Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S.

That’s why Japan is one of the only (or the only) “super power” that doesn’t have any nuclear weapons (and It won’t be allowed to have any).

Germany ALSO lost the war but it has nuclear weapons and no one worries about them having them in spite of Hitler’s campaign to dominate the planet. Why? Because Germany is a “white nation.”

If you look at the nations where possession of nuclear weapons is a “problem” for the U.S. or Israel or NATO, they are always NON-WHITE nations.

And that’s why Japan cannot force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to ASK (not tell) the U.S. to remove them and the U.S. has the power to refuse to do it.

Japan can’t build anything — even a convenience store — in the U.S. without permission from our government so how can we build, even expand a military presence in Japan without their permission? Because Japan is not just a U.S. colony it is a non-white nation under the system of white supremacy.

Look, I get it.

Hating on black people is what is required from pretty much any immigrant to the USA.

Sure white supremacists may seem to give you (Asians) a pass on the front end, but on the back end, Asians experience positive racism, to the white supremacist they are seen as good minorities who serve whites.

Blacks experience negative racism because we protest and have tried to improve our lot. We are seen as bad minorities. While Asians try to work harder despite the system, blacks try to change the system.

Whites pat Asians on the head for being good while they scold blacks for being bad and then tell blacks,”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses !!!!”
You literally have everything backwards.

Japan’s culture and pride was not destroyed like Germany’s was.
IRacism in the USA is like an unbroken transcends time.

Blacks are more racist than Whites in the U.S... The 1 million man March headed by Racist Black Supremacist Farrakhan kind of proves that.
Why don't you actually research what the Million Man March was about? It was about black men taking responsibility for their actions and being good fathers to their children. Stop assuming stuff and read.
Maybe you should actually research what the alt-right is about....
Well, if Dingoes can be a separate sub-species after splitting 6,000 years ago, why can't Negroids, Mongoloids, and Caucasoids who split for 60,000 years in general?

Even when you account for the earlier births of Dingoes, you still don't erase the fact that there isn't much of a difference in generational splits between a Dingo, and a Dog vs a White, and an Asian.
I'm not saying what white people are not separate species of mankind or that black people or that black people are.

I'm saying. Show me evidence. If you think that's true. Prove. Now bear in mind. There was no such thing as the "White race" or the "black race" 700 years ago. But anyway prove it.

Dear Paul Essien:
One difference in race I have found proven medically came from
the outreach to find bone marrow donors to match patients
in a limited timeframe when their bodies can still accept and not reject matches.
The longer it takes to find a match, especially if they aren't already signed up in the
registry already, some patients have to take certain medications to stay alive that
unfortunately reduce their ability to accept matches once they are found. So this is
literally a race against time that affects minorities more urgently than white patients.

People of Caucasian descent have 90% chances of finding a compatible match
because their HLA factors tend to be compatible with each other as a "race."

However, the opposite probability occurs with any of the minority groups,
which the bone marrow nonprofits organized under 4 ethnic pools to increase
chances of finding a compatible donors within each group. Whether the patient is
* Asian
* African
* Latino
* Native American
the chances of HLA matching another person is 10%.

And one doctor who explained this to me, said it didn't even matter how many people applied.
it was still "random" if people match or not. The more people who volunteer, of course,
the better chances of finding someone "randomly". And with interracial patients, the chances are practically 0,
and searches have been conducted worldwide to find exact matches by parental ethnic groups.

But that's not the only reason why Caucasians/Whites have a 90% rate of successful matches.
It's not just because of the "greater numbers" of registrants available (where whites are predominant), but it's the *compatibility of the HLA* WITH EACH OTHER is 9 times higher for whites than for the minorities (where that rate is 90% but with other "racial groups" it's only 10%).

The Asians have better CHANCES matching other Asians.
Africans with Africans, etc. It's better to match by actual
GEOGRAPHIC and GENE POOLS by immediate family first, by nation
such as Vietnamese or Nigerian respectively, then by "race"
as the bone marrow registry organized as 4 main groups.

So there is a medical difference between people of
white/caucasian race compared with the other groups considered "minorities."

If white supremacists want to take this as some kind of proof
of superiority over minorities, and argue against interracial marriages and children,
it's hard to argue with medical science. Just HOPE you NEVER have any kind of blood or bone
cancer that requires a bone marrow transplant. (Or use spiritual healing instead,
that applies to all people with the same rates of success that depends on "degrees of forgiveness" as the key factor that makes the difference in degree and level of healing.)
And maybe you can avoid this issue of "HLA compatibility"
that clearly distinguishes by race and ethnic genetics,
giving Whites/Caucasian an advantage in survival rates.

P.S. Paul if you find this research into minority survival rates as disturbing
as I did when I learned the struggles going on, please PM me. I would LOVE
to work with you and others to help promote the bone marrow outreach so
more minorities can learn the importance of signing up early and renewing
their registration. Time is a factor in saving lives, and people don't realize it.
It can be a lifesaving gift for people, especially minorities, to volunteer and
ask family, friends and community members to sign up to save the life of
someone searching for a match and racing against time to find the right donor.
Last edited:
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Not at all.
White and Asian countries have much higher standards of living and can, unlike Africans, afford to immigrate without being at the top. This IS basically a country of white rejects/renegades.
African Immigrants OTOH, are in good degree the cream of the crop. The top 1 or 2% who can get scholarships to a Foreign college.
Many Nigerian immigrants come here TO go to college.

But hey, why use immigrants at all when we have much larger/more Representative Native populations?
And why not use the more representative Broad populations of those countries?
Or the whole of sub-Sahara (70) or USA admixture 'Blacks (85) instead of picking and choosing and Fallaciously debating by Anecdote/exception.

JQpublic said:
But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all.That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.
For Race purpose, one is talking about SUB-SAHARAN Africa, NOT the mixed Mediterranean/Egyptian populations of North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.

And the fact that White and Asian Macro Races originated with a base population/species in Africa doesn't mean Civilization was "Kick Started" By Blacks.
What a Dopey idea! !
Civilization "Kick Started" when they LEFT and formed different Races/subspecies.

So that, ie, when Marco Polo landed in China (before any Colonialization) he found Silk, Porcelain, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records. etc.
While Africa was living just as it had when those original populations left and headed North 50,000+ years ago.
Just the top predator living in Huts with no written language, no wheel, etc.

ALL subspecies/Races start with an an original single special population and OF COURSE/DUH doesn't mean they don't/can't split off.
For Essien too.


Your unbelievably goofy premise error?
that an original species can't have different or improved/evolved subspecies.
ALL Species immediately start adapting/changing/splitting when they change environment.
When they split wide enough over time, they become different species.
That's called 'evolution.'

The Real Kick start was agriculture about 10,000 years ago, and Africa was Not part of it. Ag provided 10-100x the calories and lead to Cities, weights and measures, and all kinds of interaction which exploded IQ.

10 000 year explosion - Google Search

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Dear Paul Essien:
One difference in race I have found proven medically came from
the outreach to find bone marrow donors to match patients
in a limited timeframe when their bodies can still accept and not reject matches.
The longer it takes to find a match, especially if they aren't already signed up in the
registry already, some patients have to take certain medications to stay alive that
unfortunately reduce their ability to accept matches once they are found. So this is
literally a race against time that affects minorities more urgently than white patients.

People of Caucasian descent have 90% chances of finding a compatible match
because their HLA factors tend to be compatible with each other as a "race."

However, the opposite probability occurs with any of the minority groups,
which the bone marrow nonprofits organized under 4 ethnic pools to increase
chances of finding a compatible donors within each group. Whether the patient is
* Asian
* African
* Latino
* Native American
the chances of HLA matching another person is 10%.

And one doctor who explained this to me, said it didn't even matter how many people applied.
it was still "random" if people match or not. The more people who volunteer, of course,
the better chances of finding someone "randomly". And with interracial patients, the chances are practically 0,
and searches have been conducted worldwide to find exact matches by parental ethnic groups.

But that's not the only reason why Caucasians/Whites have a 90% rate of successful matches.
It's not just because of the "greater numbers" of registrants available (where whites are predominant), but it's the *compatibility of the HLA* WITH EACH OTHER is 9 times higher for whites than for the minorities (where that rate is 90% but with other "racial groups" it's only 10%).

The Asians have better CHANCES matching other Asians.
Africans with Africans, etc. It's better to match by actual
GEOGRAPHIC and GENE POOLS by immediate family first, by nation
such as Vietnamese or Nigerian respectively, then by "race"
as the bone marrow registry organized as 4 main groups.

So there is a medical difference between people of
white/caucasian race compared with the other groups considered "minorities."

If white supremacists want to take this as some kind of proof
of superiority over minorities, and argue against interracial marriages and children,
it's hard to argue with medical science. Just HOPE you NEVER have any kind of blood or bone
cancer that requires a bone marrow transplant. (Or use spiritual healing instead,
that applies to all people with the same rates of success that depends on "degrees of forgiveness" as the key factor that makes the difference in degree and level of healing.)
And maybe you can avoid this issue of "HLA compatibility"
that clearly distinguishes by race and ethnic genetics,
giving Whites/Caucasian an advantage in survival rates.

P.S. Paul if you find this research into minority survival rates as disturbing
as I did when I learned the struggles going on, please PM me. I would LOVE
to work with you and others to help promote the bone marrow outreach so
more minorities can learn the importance of signing up early and renewing
their registration. Time is a factor in saving lives, and people don't realize it.
It can be a lifesaving gift for people, especially minorities, to volunteer and
ask family, friends and community members to sign up to save the life of
someone searching for a match and racing against time to find the right donor.
The bone marrow argument again ?…

Bone marrow transplants hardly work when dealing with members of your own family.

That hardly makes a case for proving race.

Two people can look very much alike and have COMPLETELY different genotypes.

But let’s say a doctor is just as foolish and uninformed about modern genetics as you. He sees a black woman and thinks “Erm - well, she’s black, so let’s look for black bone marrow donors to begin with.”

That will cut down the numbers we’re looking for - Right?


Why ? Because there is no specific bone marrow associated with “blackness”.

Black is what we call people with a visible degree of African ancestry and Africa (as any biologist will tell you) is an incredibly genetically diverse set of human populations.

But let's say that black woman's “African” ancestry comes via Rio de Janeiro Brazil and the majority of this city’s African population came from 19th century Angola.

That’s not going to help the Doc if he's in New Orleans, where the majority of the African population came from around Dahomé.

Worse: it could very well be the woman’s “black” ancestry is from Mozambique or even from the San peoples in Africa.

How would he tell simply by looking at her ?

That is - If you were going on skin color, hair form, nose shape (the things that people like yourself mainly look at when you classify people according to race)

West African” covers a huge variety of biologically diverse people, as does “Northern European”.

What we properly have there are a set of populations.

The doctor would need to know, for the sake of his goal (correct bone marrow donors), whether that West African was Nigerian or San. The two groups are quite distinct, genetically speaking. And he’d certainly need to know as well if “Northern European” meant “Finnish” or “Saxon”.

All your post is telling us is that it helps to understand ancestry and human genetic bio-patterning when we look for donors. That’s well and good.

What it DOES NOT prove is the existence of discrete and stable subspecies.

When one could just as easily say “black” or “San” or “West African” and make the same argument but with radically differing results, then it becomes obvious that race is a function of the kind of cutting and labelling a given individual performs and not an objective, empirical phenomena which can be correctly perceived by all reasonable peoples.

So what would a REAL and RESPONSIBLE doctor do? He would try to get the best and most complete family history possible and also attempt a genetic assay. He would then look in geographic regions where that sort of genetic mixture was common.

To get even more specfic

The only thing of paramount importance in bone marrow transplants is HLA (human leukocyte antigen) compatibility of donor and receiver.

The probability for two unrelated individuals of white European origin to be HLA compatible varies between 1 to 10,000 to less than 1 to 1,000,000.

(Don’t quote me on those exact figures but it’s around there)

For certain native African ethnic groups, like the Igbo for instance, the probability between two unrelated individuals of the same ethnic group is even smaller.

There are 6 genes defining HLA.

Gene Number of alleles
A 268
B 517
C 129
DR 333
DQ 53
DP 109

The combination possibilities of the alleles for each of the genes result in millions of HLA fingerprints. On a side note, estimates stipulate that 10-30% of all living humans have an HLA fingerprint that is 100% unique to them, thus incompatible to all other humans.

If we attempted to define “race” by HLA fingerprint we will end up with several millions of different “races”.

If you wanted to consolidate groups into larger groups, where do you draw the line, even if it’s just a “fuzzy” one?

And if it is a “continuum” where does each individual sit in the nebula of fuzziness ?

You will find native Africans who are as incompatible to other native Africans as they are to Europeans. You will also find native Europeans who are as incompatible to other native Europeans as they are to Africans.

Then again, what is the benefit of coarse classifications for the receiver if individual HLA compatibility is the only ultimately relevant parametre?

This is the 21st century. We have unprecedented computing power on a small budget. Finding a potential individual match by running comprehensive algorithms on the global donor data base is not a problem.

Any pre-selection by “fuzzy” and not clearly defined para-metres is superfluous and could even result in potentially lethal decisions.

I ask again, what are the para-metres and measurable units for “race” if it claims scientific accuracy?

Your bone marrow example doesn’t hold water as you will have to make individual analyses of each donor and receiver regardless. Anything else would be irresponsible and potentially dangerous.
IQ is pretty accurate, so much so it shows that a massive majority of Down Syndrome people are retarded in IQ, while a massive majority of the Best, and Brightest people are high IQ.

With that said, like any test it's not 100% accurate.

Besides, if the IQ test is "White Supremacist"
Why does the IQ favor East Asians, and Ashkenazi Jews over Whites?
That somehow makes sense?
IQ is accurate ?


Serial killer Ted Bundy apparently had an IQ off the charts in the 140's

But is a man who used to slit women from vagina to there neck intelligent ?

And that's why guys like you don't drive your argument to it's logical conclusion.

That is : Why don't that everything is based on IQ ? Why have resumes and CV'S ? Why have elections ? Just give everything to the highest IQ person. No ?

No. You'll back track now "Well IQ is not everything but it's something"
Ashkenazi Jews tend to like strength by numbers in multiculturalism, and anti-racism to avoid persecution...

The Ashkenazi Jewish IQ in Israel must be quite lower, considering Israel's IQ is 94 - 95.
It's probably true that Ashkenazi Jews view more minorities as cover against persecution. But it's also true they are more liberal because of that persecution alone.

As to 'Israeli' IQ.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia
Israeli Jews - Wikipedia
only about 3 Million of 9 million are of Euro Jewish descent, and some of them are Sephardic.

Israel also includes 21% Arabs/Palestinians with 85 IQs.
and North African and Arab country Jews = 25%, with the same 85 IQs.
So one can see why the average isn't s high as Askenazis who are app/only 25% of the country

Nonetheless there are plenty enough High IQs to make Israel a tech hub/magnet for companies like Intel.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

African immigrants are mostly the creme of the crop of Africa, or elites.
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Suprisingly though, in the wake of megative controversy sparked by Charles Murry decades ago, the African immigrants are out achieving all other immigrant groups as well as home grown Americans here and homegrown Brits in the UK.. The Africans blind sided western academia with their excellence and now the highbrows are scrambling to find some means of damage control to perserve their fading universal illusions of Cauc superiority.

But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.

This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.
It's probably true that Ashkenazi Jews view more minorities as cover against persecution. But it's also true they are more liberal because of that persecution alone.

As to 'Israeli' IQ.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia
Israeli Jews - Wikipedia
only about 3 Million of 9 million are of Euro Jewish descent, and some of them are Sephardic.

Israel also includes 21% Arabs/Palestinians with 85 IQs.
and North African and Arab country Jews = 25%, with the same 85 IQs.
So one can see why the average isn't s high as Askenazis who are app/only 25% of the country

Nonetheless there are plenty enough High IQs to make Israel a tech hub/magnet for companies like Intel.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

African immigrants are mostly the creme of the crop of Africa, or elites.
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Suprisingly though, in the wake of megative controversy sparked by Charles Murry decades ago, the African immigrants are out achieving all other immigrant groups as well as home grown Americans here and homegrown Brits in the UK.. The Africans blind sided western academia with their excellence and now the highbrows are scrambling to find some means of damage control to perserve their fading universal illusions of Cauc superiority.

But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.

This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.
Does thst really matter? Regadless of how they prepared themselves to achieve they did it. Their native born children are just as academically gifted and successful. More importantly, these bright Africans are defying all the racist stereotypes the west has perpetrated over the past decades about Africans and their cognitive abilities.
Thats because IQ is a pink boys wet dream. Gimme a break. Why would you believe a people that had to be taught civilization were smart enough to make up a legit test that measures intelligence in humans? Thats almost as bad as letting a monkey design a test for people. You whites were last to civilization for a reason. You arent qualified to design such a test without the help of the people that taught you. Any such test has no credibility which is why scientists even say its a fraud.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

"IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower."
Great post but I'm afraid it's lost on the bigots here. Once they lock onto something they hang onto it regardless of how much evidence proves it wrong. And do you notice that the well publicized accounts of African immigrants being the most educated group in America and Britain is being ignored?

African immigrants are mostly the creme of the crop of Africa, or elites.
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Suprisingly though, in the wake of megative controversy sparked by Charles Murry decades ago, the African immigrants are out achieving all other immigrant groups as well as home grown Americans here and homegrown Brits in the UK.. The Africans blind sided western academia with their excellence and now the highbrows are scrambling to find some means of damage control to perserve their fading universal illusions of Cauc superiority.

But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.

This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.
Does thst really matter? Regadless of how they prepared themselves to achieve they did it. Their native born children are just as academically gifted and successful. More importantly, these bright Africans are defying all the racist stereotypes the west has perpetrated over the past decades about Africans and their cognitive abilities.

Yeah it does, because 1/3rd of Nigeria is illiterate compared to less than 1/99th of Europeans.
IQ is pretty accurate, so much so it shows that a massive majority of Down Syndrome people are retarded in IQ, while a massive majority of the Best, and Brightest people are high IQ.

With that said, like any test it's not 100% accurate.

Besides, if the IQ test is "White Supremacist"
Why does the IQ favor East Asians, and Ashkenazi Jews over Whites?
That somehow makes sense?
IQ is accurate ?


Serial killer Ted Bundy apparently had an IQ off the charts in the 140's

But is a man who used to slit women from vagina to there neck intelligent ?

And that's why guys like you don't drive your argument to it's logical conclusion.

That is : Why don't that everything is based on IQ ? Why have resumes and CV'S ? Why have elections ? Just give everything to the highest IQ person. No ?

No. You'll back track now "Well IQ is not everything but it's something"

Stabbing someone in the neck is crazy, and delusional, but such types can be intelligent in that they can have sharp problem solving skills.
IRacism in the USA is like an unbroken transcends time.

Blacks are more racist than Whites in the U.S... The 1 million man March headed by Racist Black Supremacist Farrakhan kind of proves that.
Why don't you actually research what the Million Man March was about? It was about black men taking responsibility for their actions and being good fathers to their children. Stop assuming stuff and read.

LOL, so if they just care about Blacks taking care of their kids, and not ALL people taking care of their kids'

.... That's a Racist Black Supremacist, no?
Second, people of any race who work full time, are married, and have high school diplomas tend not to be poor, meaning that poverty is a function of one’s choice not to do these things.

and because black married couples have a lower poverty rate than white single mothers, “life decisions” are what creates poverty.

the disproportionately black population in America’s prisons say nothing about racism, because black people simply commit more crimes, and if you don’t commit a crime, you’re not going to be arrested for it because the police are not going around arresting black people for the fun of it.
Of course the problem is white racism and discrimination against blacks d u h! Mainly from GOP and GOP voters. I'm not saying many Democrats are not instinctively racist also but at least they try LOL...
Second, people of any race who work full time, are married, and have high school diplomas tend not to be poor, meaning that poverty is a function of one’s choice not to do these things.

and because black married couples have a lower poverty rate than white single mothers, “life decisions” are what creates poverty.

the disproportionately black population in America’s prisons say nothing about racism, because black people simply commit more crimes, and if you don’t commit a crime, you’re not going to be arrested for it because the police are not going around arresting black people for the fun of it.
Of course the problem is white racism and discrimination against blacks d u h! Mainly from GOP and GOP voters. I'm not saying many Democrats are not instinctively racist also but at least they try LOL...

So, why don't many other discriminated against groups in the U.S end up the same way?
Jews, Asian Indians, Chinese, Pakistanis, Poles, Italians, Japanese etc. etc.
Second, people of any race who work full time, are married, and have high school diplomas tend not to be poor, meaning that poverty is a function of one’s choice not to do these things.

and because black married couples have a lower poverty rate than white single mothers, “life decisions” are what creates poverty.

the disproportionately black population in America’s prisons say nothing about racism, because black people simply commit more crimes, and if you don’t commit a crime, you’re not going to be arrested for it because the police are not going around arresting black people for the fun of it.
Of course the problem is white racism and discrimination against blacks d u h! Mainly from GOP and GOP voters. I'm not saying many Democrats are not instinctively racist also but at least they try LOL...

So, why don't many other discriminated against groups in the U.S end up the same way?
Jews, Asian Indians, Chinese, Pakistanis, Poles, Italians, Japanese etc. etc.
America has lots of racists and sexual deviants domestic assaulters but blacks are the biggest victims... And right-wingers are the worst... Pretty damn obvious...
Second, people of any race who work full time, are married, and have high school diplomas tend not to be poor, meaning that poverty is a function of one’s choice not to do these things.

and because black married couples have a lower poverty rate than white single mothers, “life decisions” are what creates poverty.

the disproportionately black population in America’s prisons say nothing about racism, because black people simply commit more crimes, and if you don’t commit a crime, you’re not going to be arrested for it because the police are not going around arresting black people for the fun of it.
Of course the problem is white racism and discrimination against blacks d u h! Mainly from GOP and GOP voters. I'm not saying many Democrats are not instinctively racist also but at least they try LOL...

So, why don't many other discriminated against groups in the U.S end up the same way?
Jews, Asian Indians, Chinese, Pakistanis, Poles, Italians, Japanese etc. etc.
America has lots of racists and sexual deviants domestic assaulters but blacks are the biggest victims... And right-wingers are the worst... Pretty damn obvious...

Asians in NYC have higher poverty rates than Blacks in NYC, and Asians in NYC still have modest murder rates / crime rates.

How come?

Blacks in Prince George's County, Maryland have lower poverty rates than the U.S.A average, and still have high murder rates / crime rates.

How come?

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