Asian Americans are wealthier than white people...that would be impossible if America was racist

Are all white people white supremacists ? Yes

Why ? Because I can't prove it.
I understand this in the sense that all of us who are white and have been born and raised in the U.S. have had ideas of superiority planted in us by the words and actions of those around us. It can not be ignored or denied.

I do hope, however, that some of us have finally made the decision to spit out the seeds of racism instead of watering them. I hope also that eventually we will begin to bear the fruits of understanding and peace.

But what of the bitter rind of lingering resentment? Will the sinuous fiber of historical acrimony result in the burning dysentery of disappointment?
This is how whites see what we feel about he things we have f one through AND CONTINUE GOING THROUGH? Resentment?
Hey JQPublic1
NO answer to my #109? Really?
At least concede instead of 'skip posting' to one you can handle/BS.

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it. But know this...answering your rambling long posts is not one of my top priorities.. Besides, much of what you wrote has been repeated numerous times right here on USMB. it's nothing new. Its just the same old drivel that bigots always dig up and spread around the iNternet.

This Refutes what you have been saying, so you have to ignore it.
You couldn't have missed it and it's graphic.


You haven't refuted anything I wrote. Stay tuned and find out why not.

White and Asian countries have much higher standards of living and can, unlike Africans, afford to immigrate without being at the top.
That's a pretty big assumption on your part. Japan and maybe South Korea might be considered 1st world countries but most of Asia , including China,
does have significant amounts of poverty.
But thats not the issue. Comparing the academic achievements of immigrants from Europe, Asia And Africa over the past decade..Black Africans are the winners.

Many Nigerian immigrants come here TO go to college. what? The making point i'm making is that Africans are making liars out of pundits who have consistently berated the continent in every way.. Purported low I Q profiles of Africans are thrown around with disdain and impunity ...and people like you readily accept those figures as true facts.
No mention of methodology or who conducted these tests ever materializes.
Knowing the propensityfor Caucasians to lie and distort the truth to their benefit i am naturally skeptical of stats that seem to come out of no where. And I do feel somewhat vindicated when i discovered that Africans are overturning the stereotypes and replacing them with positive views of black possibilities.. And those coming here to study might not be immigrants...nor part of the elite
Classes. The government of Nigeria, recognizing the value of sending bright Nigerians abroad to study, regardless of economic backround, uses 75 programs to
pay for travel and tuition. 75 Study Abroad Free Scholarships And Grants For Nigeria Students

But hey, why use immigrants at all when we have much larger/more Representative Native populations?
Why not eradicate stereotypes and falsehoods about African cognitive ability by any means necessary? I don't care what pink folks think of black people but if we can inspire blacks everywhere by pointing to the Achievements of these Africans...that
could cause a universal black renaissance.

These immigrants are not psychologically influenced by the legacy of slavery and Jim Crowas Native borb blacks are. They come from a world where people like them are running things and where education is free and valued.

And why not use the more representative Broad populations of those countries?

Because I'm using the same trick you use in your per capita analyses to denigrate the smaller population of blacks in the USA in comparisons to the larger Cauc group.. Except in this case..the good news about a smaller group is used against the larger group.

Or the whole of sub-Sahara (70) or USA admixture 'Blacks (85) instead of picking and choosing and Fallaciously debating by Anecdote/exception.

There is nothing anecdotal about the fact that
Black Africans are excelling in academia with world class proficiency thought previously to be beyond their capabilities. Instead if just meeting projected expectations they are surpassing the best in the world.

For Race purpose, one is talking about SUB-SAHARAN Africa, NOT the mixed Mediterranean/Egyptian populations of North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.

For race purposes i am talking about the people of KMT or Mizraim. Egypt did not exist then but that is the name later used by the Greeks to identify it when KMTwas in decline
and had been invaded and conquered many times. The original people of KMT were Blacks.

And the fact that White and Asian Macro Races originated with a base population/species in Africa doesn't mean Civilization was "Kick Started" By Blacks.
What a Dopey idea! !
Civilization "Kick Started" when they LEFT and formed different Races/subspecies.
Until quite recently the average joe in any Western city would have said it's a dopey deal had someone suggested that Black African immigrants would conquer the academic crowns of achievement iin the USA AND the UK?
So that, ie, when Marco Polo landed in China (before any Colonialization) he found Silk, Porcelain, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records. etc.

While Africa was living just as it had when those original populations left and headed North 50,000+ years ago.
Just the top predator living in Huts with No written language, no wheel, etc.

HOW wrong you are. Elite blacks of the same stock as those primitives of inner Africa were the innovators that invented writing In KMT and Sumeria. The same stock as those who
Built the pyramids and the zigguarats.. Who carved the Sphinx and changed the course of the nile....ALL while the primitives of Europe and inner Africa hunted and gathered. .
Dear Paul Essien:
One difference in race I have found proven medically came from
the outreach to find bone marrow donors to match patients
in a limited timeframe when their bodies can still accept and not reject matches.
The longer it takes to find a match, especially if they aren't already signed up in the
registry already, some patients have to take certain medications to stay alive that
unfortunately reduce their ability to accept matches once they are found. So this is
literally a race against time that affects minorities more urgently than white patients.

People of Caucasian descent have 90% chances of finding a compatible match
because their HLA factors tend to be compatible with each other as a "race."

However, the opposite probability occurs with any of the minority groups,
which the bone marrow nonprofits organized under 4 ethnic pools to increase
chances of finding a compatible donors within each group. Whether the patient is
* Asian
* African
* Latino
* Native American
the chances of HLA matching another person is 10%.

And one doctor who explained this to me, said it didn't even matter how many people applied.
it was still "random" if people match or not. The more people who volunteer, of course,
the better chances of finding someone "randomly". And with interracial patients, the chances are practically 0,
and searches have been conducted worldwide to find exact matches by parental ethnic groups.

But that's not the only reason why Caucasians/Whites have a 90% rate of successful matches.
It's not just because of the "greater numbers" of registrants available (where whites are predominant), but it's the *compatibility of the HLA* WITH EACH OTHER is 9 times higher for whites than for the minorities (where that rate is 90% but with other "racial groups" it's only 10%).

The Asians have better CHANCES matching other Asians.
Africans with Africans, etc. It's better to match by actual
GEOGRAPHIC and GENE POOLS by immediate family first, by nation
such as Vietnamese or Nigerian respectively, then by "race"
as the bone marrow registry organized as 4 main groups.

So there is a medical difference between people of
white/caucasian race compared with the other groups considered "minorities."

If white supremacists want to take this as some kind of proof
of superiority over minorities, and argue against interracial marriages and children,
it's hard to argue with medical science. Just HOPE you NEVER have any kind of blood or bone
cancer that requires a bone marrow transplant. (Or use spiritual healing instead,
that applies to all people with the same rates of success that depends on "degrees of forgiveness" as the key factor that makes the difference in degree and level of healing.)
And maybe you can avoid this issue of "HLA compatibility"
that clearly distinguishes by race and ethnic genetics,
giving Whites/Caucasian an advantage in survival rates.

P.S. Paul if you find this research into minority survival rates as disturbing
as I did when I learned the struggles going on, please PM me. I would LOVE
to work with you and others to help promote the bone marrow outreach so
more minorities can learn the importance of signing up early and renewing
their registration. Time is a factor in saving lives, and people don't realize it.
It can be a lifesaving gift for people, especially minorities, to volunteer and
ask family, friends and community members to sign up to save the life of
someone searching for a match and racing against time to find the right donor.
The bone marrow argument again ?…

Bone marrow transplants hardly work when dealing with members of your own family.

That hardly makes a case for proving race.

Two people can look very much alike and have COMPLETELY different genotypes.

But let’s say a doctor is just as foolish and uninformed about modern genetics as you. He sees a black woman and thinks “Erm - well, she’s black, so let’s look for black bone marrow donors to begin with.”

That will cut down the numbers we’re looking for - Right?


Why ? Because there is no specific bone marrow associated with “blackness”.

Black is what we call people with a visible degree of African ancestry and Africa (as any biologist will tell you) is an incredibly genetically diverse set of human populations.

But let's say that black woman's “African” ancestry comes via Rio de Janeiro Brazil and the majority of this city’s African population came from 19th century Angola.

That’s not going to help the Doc if he's in New Orleans, where the majority of the African population came from around Dahomé.

Worse: it could very well be the woman’s “black” ancestry is from Mozambique or even from the San peoples in Africa.

How would he tell simply by looking at her ?

That is - If you were going on skin color, hair form, nose shape (the things that people like yourself mainly look at when you classify people according to race)

West African” covers a huge variety of biologically diverse people, as does “Northern European”.

What we properly have there are a set of populations.

The doctor would need to know, for the sake of his goal (correct bone marrow donors), whether that West African was Nigerian or San. The two groups are quite distinct, genetically speaking. And he’d certainly need to know as well if “Northern European” meant “Finnish” or “Saxon”.

All your post is telling us is that it helps to understand ancestry and human genetic bio-patterning when we look for donors. That’s well and good.

What it DOES NOT prove is the existence of discrete and stable subspecies.

When one could just as easily say “black” or “San” or “West African” and make the same argument but with radically differing results, then it becomes obvious that race is a function of the kind of cutting and labelling a given individual performs and not an objective, empirical phenomena which can be correctly perceived by all reasonable peoples.

So what would a REAL and RESPONSIBLE doctor do? He would try to get the best and most complete family history possible and also attempt a genetic assay. He would then look in geographic regions where that sort of genetic mixture was common.

To get even more specfic

The only thing of paramount importance in bone marrow transplants is HLA (human leukocyte antigen) compatibility of donor and receiver.

The probability for two unrelated individuals of white European origin to be HLA compatible varies between 1 to 10,000 to less than 1 to 1,000,000.

(Don’t quote me on those exact figures but it’s around there)

For certain native African ethnic groups, like the Igbo for instance, the probability between two unrelated individuals of the same ethnic group is even smaller.

There are 6 genes defining HLA.

Gene Number of alleles
A 268
B 517
C 129
DR 333
DQ 53
DP 109

The combination possibilities of the alleles for each of the genes result in millions of HLA fingerprints. On a side note, estimates stipulate that 10-30% of all living humans have an HLA fingerprint that is 100% unique to them, thus incompatible to all other humans.

If we attempted to define “race” by HLA fingerprint we will end up with several millions of different “races”.

If you wanted to consolidate groups into larger groups, where do you draw the line, even if it’s just a “fuzzy” one?

And if it is a “continuum” where does each individual sit in the nebula of fuzziness ?

You will find native Africans who are as incompatible to other native Africans as they are to Europeans. You will also find native Europeans who are as incompatible to other native Europeans as they are to Africans.

Then again, what is the benefit of coarse classifications for the receiver if individual HLA compatibility is the only ultimately relevant parametre?

This is the 21st century. We have unprecedented computing power on a small budget. Finding a potential individual match by running comprehensive algorithms on the global donor data base is not a problem.

Any pre-selection by “fuzzy” and not clearly defined para-metres is superfluous and could even result in potentially lethal decisions.

I ask again, what are the para-metres and measurable units for “race” if it claims scientific accuracy?

Your bone marrow example doesn’t hold water as you will have to make individual analyses of each donor and receiver regardless. Anything else would be irresponsible and potentially dangerous.
Dear Paul Essien
YES it's about individual genetics that have the greatest chance of matching within immediate family then (YES) by specific ethnic region due to genetic connection .

After that, the greater chances are matching people by general groups of
African descent
Asian descent
Latino descent
Native American descent
ALSO because of genetic proximity

YES the research into HLA matches IS about individual genetics which happen to have a greater chance of finding a match in closer proximity in gene pools.

But the point made here is that
Caucasian/Whites have more compatible HLA factors with each other than any "minority" group

So the whole genetic pool of WHITES is more compatible with each other vs the other groups that really really end up depending on targeting the same country or family to find donors.

With Whites this doesn't require as specific searches. Donors that match can generally be found among the existing pool. But not so with minorities.

With HLA, the doctors and hospitals usually prefer 9 factors to match, but some will try the procedure with 8. There's such a high risk of rejection it isn't worth trying it sometimes.

For some reason the Whites/Caucasians have a higher rate of compatibility across the board. While the minorities aren't so interchangeable.

I think what you are trying to say is that all this is based on gene pools and proximity and not labeling the collective pools geographically as "race" but maybe by continental populations where these family lines generated in connection with each other genetically.

That's fine if you want to call them generic pools tracked by geographic regions of the "related family lines and descendants"

Paul I think thats even better to trace the people based on family lines. What we inherit from past generations can still be explained in terms of psychological, spiritual and physical inheritance passed down by family lineage from generation to generation. People's physical appearance and skin color is a manifestation of those genetics.

So yes we CAN make all the same statements we want about "race" but in terms of "genetics"

What I'm interested in , Paul, is addressing and resolving the spiritual and social karma passed down as well.

I look at the spiritual patterns and process first, then look at how these are manifested in the family lines and generations , then see how the genetics and physical incarnation plays out.

So yes I agree that the physical part can be described in genetics.

That also explains sickle cell anemia more prevalent in blacks because of genetics .

Also patterns of oppression and certain other mentalities can get embedded in people, affect them physically and passed down genetically. Again this is based on family lines, and the reason I focus more on spirit first is that if spiritually the oppression and conflicts are resolved and healed then these patterns no longer pass down spiritually or genetically or socially, but the negative cycles can break.

If we only look at genetics as if the patterns are etched in stone, then we assume it cannot change. But spiritually things can change.
Dear Paul Essien:
One difference in race I have found proven medically came from
the outreach to find bone marrow donors to match patients
in a limited timeframe when their bodies can still accept and not reject matches.
The longer it takes to find a match, especially if they aren't already signed up in the
registry already, some patients have to take certain medications to stay alive that
unfortunately reduce their ability to accept matches once they are found. So this is
literally a race against time that affects minorities more urgently than white patients.

People of Caucasian descent have 90% chances of finding a compatible match
because their HLA factors tend to be compatible with each other as a "race."

However, the opposite probability occurs with any of the minority groups,
which the bone marrow nonprofits organized under 4 ethnic pools to increase
chances of finding a compatible donors within each group. Whether the patient is
* Asian
* African
* Latino
* Native American
the chances of HLA matching another person is 10%.

And one doctor who explained this to me, said it didn't even matter how many people applied.
it was still "random" if people match or not. The more people who volunteer, of course,
the better chances of finding someone "randomly". And with interracial patients, the chances are practically 0,
and searches have been conducted worldwide to find exact matches by parental ethnic groups.

But that's not the only reason why Caucasians/Whites have a 90% rate of successful matches.
It's not just because of the "greater numbers" of registrants available (where whites are predominant), but it's the *compatibility of the HLA* WITH EACH OTHER is 9 times higher for whites than for the minorities (where that rate is 90% but with other "racial groups" it's only 10%).

The Asians have better CHANCES matching other Asians.
Africans with Africans, etc. It's better to match by actual
GEOGRAPHIC and GENE POOLS by immediate family first, by nation
such as Vietnamese or Nigerian respectively, then by "race"
as the bone marrow registry organized as 4 main groups.

So there is a medical difference between people of
white/caucasian race compared with the other groups considered "minorities."

If white supremacists want to take this as some kind of proof
of superiority over minorities, and argue against interracial marriages and children,
it's hard to argue with medical science. Just HOPE you NEVER have any kind of blood or bone
cancer that requires a bone marrow transplant. (Or use spiritual healing instead,
that applies to all people with the same rates of success that depends on "degrees of forgiveness" as the key factor that makes the difference in degree and level of healing.)
And maybe you can avoid this issue of "HLA compatibility"
that clearly distinguishes by race and ethnic genetics,
giving Whites/Caucasian an advantage in survival rates.

P.S. Paul if you find this research into minority survival rates as disturbing
as I did when I learned the struggles going on, please PM me. I would LOVE
to work with you and others to help promote the bone marrow outreach so
more minorities can learn the importance of signing up early and renewing
their registration. Time is a factor in saving lives, and people don't realize it.
It can be a lifesaving gift for people, especially minorities, to volunteer and
ask family, friends and community members to sign up to save the life of
someone searching for a match and racing against time to find the right donor.
The bone marrow argument again ?…

Bone marrow transplants hardly work when dealing with members of your own family.

That hardly makes a case for proving race.

Two people can look very much alike and have COMPLETELY different genotypes.

But let’s say a doctor is just as foolish and uninformed about modern genetics as you. He sees a black woman and thinks “Erm - well, she’s black, so let’s look for black bone marrow donors to begin with.”

That will cut down the numbers we’re looking for - Right?


Why ? Because there is no specific bone marrow associated with “blackness”.

Black is what we call people with a visible degree of African ancestry and Africa (as any biologist will tell you) is an incredibly genetically diverse set of human populations.

But let's say that black woman's “African” ancestry comes via Rio de Janeiro Brazil and the majority of this city’s African population came from 19th century Angola.

That’s not going to help the Doc if he's in New Orleans, where the majority of the African population came from around Dahomé.

Worse: it could very well be the woman’s “black” ancestry is from Mozambique or even from the San peoples in Africa.

How would he tell simply by looking at her ?

That is - If you were going on skin color, hair form, nose shape (the things that people like yourself mainly look at when you classify people according to race)

West African” covers a huge variety of biologically diverse people, as does “Northern European”.

What we properly have there are a set of populations.

The doctor would need to know, for the sake of his goal (correct bone marrow donors), whether that West African was Nigerian or San. The two groups are quite distinct, genetically speaking. And he’d certainly need to know as well if “Northern European” meant “Finnish” or “Saxon”.

All your post is telling us is that it helps to understand ancestry and human genetic bio-patterning when we look for donors. That’s well and good.

What it DOES NOT prove is the existence of discrete and stable subspecies.

When one could just as easily say “black” or “San” or “West African” and make the same argument but with radically differing results, then it becomes obvious that race is a function of the kind of cutting and labelling a given individual performs and not an objective, empirical phenomena which can be correctly perceived by all reasonable peoples.

So what would a REAL and RESPONSIBLE doctor do? He would try to get the best and most complete family history possible and also attempt a genetic assay. He would then look in geographic regions where that sort of genetic mixture was common.

To get even more specfic

The only thing of paramount importance in bone marrow transplants is HLA (human leukocyte antigen) compatibility of donor and receiver.

The probability for two unrelated individuals of white European origin to be HLA compatible varies between 1 to 10,000 to less than 1 to 1,000,000.

(Don’t quote me on those exact figures but it’s around there)

For certain native African ethnic groups, like the Igbo for instance, the probability between two unrelated individuals of the same ethnic group is even smaller.

There are 6 genes defining HLA.

Gene Number of alleles
A 268
B 517
C 129
DR 333
DQ 53
DP 109

The combination possibilities of the alleles for each of the genes result in millions of HLA fingerprints. On a side note, estimates stipulate that 10-30% of all living humans have an HLA fingerprint that is 100% unique to them, thus incompatible to all other humans.

If we attempted to define “race” by HLA fingerprint we will end up with several millions of different “races”.

If you wanted to consolidate groups into larger groups, where do you draw the line, even if it’s just a “fuzzy” one?

And if it is a “continuum” where does each individual sit in the nebula of fuzziness ?

You will find native Africans who are as incompatible to other native Africans as they are to Europeans. You will also find native Europeans who are as incompatible to other native Europeans as they are to Africans.

Then again, what is the benefit of coarse classifications for the receiver if individual HLA compatibility is the only ultimately relevant parametre?

This is the 21st century. We have unprecedented computing power on a small budget. Finding a potential individual match by running comprehensive algorithms on the global donor data base is not a problem.

Any pre-selection by “fuzzy” and not clearly defined para-metres is superfluous and could even result in potentially lethal decisions.

I ask again, what are the para-metres and measurable units for “race” if it claims scientific accuracy?

Your bone marrow example doesn’t hold water as you will have to make individual analyses of each donor and receiver regardless. Anything else would be irresponsible and potentially dangerous.
Dear Paul Essien
YES it's about individual genetics that have the greatest chance of matching within immediate family then (YES) by specific ethnic region due to genetic connection .

After that, the greater chances are matching people by general groups of
African descent
Asian descent
Latino descent
Native American descent
ALSO because of genetic proximity

YES the research into HLA matches IS about individual genetics which happen to have a greater chance of finding a match in closer proximity in gene pools.

But the point made here is that
Caucasian/Whites have more compatible HLA factors with each other than any "minority" group

So the whole genetic pool of WHITES is more compatible with each other vs the other groups that really really end up depending on targeting the same country or family to find donors.

With Whites this doesn't require as specific searches. Donors that match can generally be found among the existing pool. But not so with minorities.

With HLA, the doctors and hospitals usually prefer 9 factors to match, but some will try the procedure with 8. There's such a high risk of rejection it isn't worth trying it sometimes.

For some reason the Whites/Caucasians have a higher rate of compatibility across the board. While the minorities aren't so interchangeable.

I think what you are trying to say is that all this is based on gene pools and proximity and not labeling the collective pools geographically as "race" but maybe by continental populations where these family lines generated in connection with each other genetically.

That's fine if you want to call them generic pools tracked by geographic regions of the "related family lines and descendants"

Paul I think thats even better to trace the people based on family lines. What we inherit from past generations can still be explained in terms of psychological, spiritual and physical inheritance passed down by family lineage from generation to generation. People's physical appearance and skin color is a manifestation of those genetics.

So yes we CAN make all the same statements we want about "race" but in terms of "genetics"

What I'm interested in , Paul, is addressing and resolving the spiritual and social karma passed down as well.

I look at the spiritual patterns and process first, then look at how these are manifested in the family lines and generations , then see how the genetics and physical incarnation plays out.

So yes I agree that the physical part can be described in genetics.

That also explains sickle cell anemia more prevalent in blacks because of genetics .

Also patterns of oppression and certain other mentalities can get embedded in people, affect them physically and passed down genetically. Again this is based on family lines, and the reason I focus more on spirit first is that if spiritually the oppression and conflicts are resolved and healed then these patterns no longer pass down spiritually or genetically or socially, but the negative cycles can break.

If we only look at genetics as if the patterns are etched in stone, then we assume it cannot change. But spiritually things can change.

You're talking about HLA compatibility in regards to organ transplants. But I've always people of mixed race ethnicity fare in finding HLA compatibility or histocompatibility when needed for organ transplanting. Also noteworthy is that blacks have the least histocompativlbility @ 66% even with black organ donors.. Apparently that phenomenon is proof positive that Africa is truly made up of diverse populations under the skin.
I understand this in the sense that all of us who are white and have been born and raised in the U.S. have had ideas of superiority planted in us by the words and actions of those around us. It can not be ignored or denied.

I do hope, however, that some of us have finally made the decision to spit out the seeds of racism instead of watering them. I hope also that eventually we will begin to bear the fruits of understanding and peace.
And that's the thing

White people gotta get off this idea that they're special.

They're not.

And that's what drives a lot of white racism: “I’m white, and I’m special.”

To whites diversity is just fine (as long as whites remain in control) and multiculturalism can flourish (as long as white norms remain dominant) Institutions can open up to non-white people, as long as white people remain comfortable.

All whites have a choice: You can be white (that is, you can be like Taz bgrouse SobieskiSavedEurope Admiral Rockwell Tory that is refuse to challenge white supremacy or centrality) or you can be a human being. You can rest comfortably in the privileges that come with being white, or you can struggle to be fully human.

But you can’t do both.
IRacism in the USA is like an unbroken transcends time.

Blacks are more racist than Whites in the U.S... The 1 million man March headed by Racist Black Supremacist Farrakhan kind of proves that.
I don't believe the million man march proved black racism at all. And I've heard Minister Farrakhan speak and do not believe he is a racist either. Any time people decide to stand up and speak up for themselves and their rights, which have been historically denied, they are called names. But if they had never spoken up, we'd still be oppressing them openly and legally. Today's mistreatment is often covered up and called something other than what it is. But it needs to be revealed and fought against.

Well, if Farrakhan isn't a racist, why is David Duke a racist?

There's a thin line between the 2.
This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.

Kind of kills your cream of the crop theory doesnt it?

That proves it, doof.

The average Nigerian has far less schooling than the average Nigerian immigrant to the U.S.A.
Not true. Most Nigerians have the same amount of schooling as immigrants. The immigrants just have more money.

The data says otherwise...

Nigeria has over 7 years of average schooling years.

Girls’ Education in Nigeria | World Pulse

Nigerian immigrants on arrival to the U.S had near double or over 14 years of schooling, and went onto finish with more schooling in the U.S to 17 years.

This proves that Nigerians in the U.S.A are the cream of the cop, they are the elite of Nigeria.
The Nigerians in the US are superior to you but they are just like the Nigerians in Nigeria. Sorry.

That data proves that Nigeria's educated elite is far more represented in the Nigerian American population, than in the population of Nigeria.
African immigrants are mostly the creme of the crop of Africa, or elites.
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Suprisingly though, in the wake of megative controversy sparked by Charles Murry decades ago, the African immigrants are out achieving all other immigrant groups as well as home grown Americans here and homegrown Brits in the UK.. The Africans blind sided western academia with their excellence and now the highbrows are scrambling to find some means of damage control to perserve their fading universal illusions of Cauc superiority.

But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.

This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.
Does thst really matter? Regadless of how they prepared themselves to achieve they did it. Their native born children are just as academically gifted and successful. More importantly, these bright Africans are defying all the racist stereotypes the west has perpetrated over the past decades about Africans and their cognitive abilities.

Yeah it does, because 1/3rd of Nigeria is illiterate compared to less than 1/99th of Europeans.
Says who? The pink faced enemies of Nigeria? When did this vast testing of Nigerians take place and who did it?
You don't expect an old veteran like me to believe what Caucs, the world's greatest liars, say about Africans do you?

So, Nigerian Dr Mohammed Alkali is now an enemy of Nigeria?

Read more at: 65 million Nigerians are illiterates - UNESCO
This is how whites see what we feel about he things we have f one through AND CONTINUE GOING THROUGH? Resentment?

I think Polish Americans are put in a worse position than African Americans are.

The dirty scumbag in this country of diverse origins think we owe them something.

- To Blacks we're the White boys who owe them for slavery.

- To Jews we're the Polak Nazis who owe them for the Holocaust.

- To Mexicans we're the Gringos who owe them for the loss of the U.S South-West.

- To Native Americans we're the White man who stole their country.

- To Muslims we're the Jews who stole Palestine.

- To Germans we're the dumb Polak's who stole Prussia from them.

- To Protestants we're the Papist enemies of America.

- To Western Europeans we're the dumb Polak, pimp, prostitute, drunks.

I'm sick of this, I think you're all rotten, disgusting twits.
I understand this in the sense that all of us who are white and have been born and raised in the U.S. have had ideas of superiority planted in us by the words and actions of those around us. It can not be ignored or denied.

I do hope, however, that some of us have finally made the decision to spit out the seeds of racism instead of watering them. I hope also that eventually we will begin to bear the fruits of understanding and peace.
And that's the thing

White people gotta get off this idea that they're special.

They're not.

And that's what drives a lot of white racism: “I’m white, and I’m special.”

To whites diversity is just fine (as long as whites remain in control) and multiculturalism can flourish (as long as white norms remain dominant) Institutions can open up to non-white people, as long as white people remain comfortable.

All whites have a choice: You can be white (that is, you can be like Taz bgrouse SobieskiSavedEurope Admiral Rockwell Tory that is refuse to challenge white supremacy or centrality) or you can be a human being. You can rest comfortably in the privileges that come with being white, or you can struggle to be fully human.

But you can’t do both.

Please post where I have stated anything regarding white supremacy. Apparently you cannot read.
This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.

Kind of kills your cream of the crop theory doesnt it?

That proves it, doof.

The average Nigerian has far less schooling than the average Nigerian immigrant to the U.S.A.
Not true. Most Nigerians have the same amount of schooling as immigrants. The immigrants just have more money.

The data says otherwise...

Nigeria has over 7 years of average schooling years.

Girls’ Education in Nigeria | World Pulse

Nigerian immigrants on arrival to the U.S had near double or over 14 years of schooling, and went onto finish with more schooling in the U.S to 17 years.

This proves that Nigerians in the U.S.A are the cream of the cop, they are the elite of Nigeria.
The Nigerians in the US are superior to you but they are just like the Nigerians in Nigeria. Sorry.

Polish Americans are pretty superior too... The difference is a lot of Polish Americans are middle end from Poland who came in the early 20th century.... As opposed to Nigerians who are mostly recent cream of the crop arrivals of the educated elite.

Yes, Polish Americans are generally in better shape than the American average.

In 2007 33% of Polish Americans had a bachelors degree or higher vs 24% of Americans....88% of Polish Americans were high school graduates vs 80% of the U.S.A.....73% of Polish Americans were home owners vs 66% of Americans... Polish Americans had a family income of $61,000 vs $50,000 for the U.S....

Language Diversity in the USA
Who told you that? But in any case Asian and Cauc immigrants, by your unproven logic, must be the elite of their home countries too.
Suprisingly though, in the wake of megative controversy sparked by Charles Murry decades ago, the African immigrants are out achieving all other immigrant groups as well as home grown Americans here and homegrown Brits in the UK.. The Africans blind sided western academia with their excellence and now the highbrows are scrambling to find some means of damage control to perserve their fading universal illusions of Cauc superiority.

But your notion that African immigrants are the cream of the crop opens up snother can of worms. That admission supports unequivocally that African elites kickstarted civilization and were indeed the Egyptians who started it all. That giant monolith known as the Sphinx bore the face of a black African elite before modern Arabs renovated it to look more like one of them.

This link shows exactly why Nigerians in the U.S have more college degrees, they already have completely enormous amounts of education before arriving to the U.S.A.
Does thst really matter? Regadless of how they prepared themselves to achieve they did it. Their native born children are just as academically gifted and successful. More importantly, these bright Africans are defying all the racist stereotypes the west has perpetrated over the past decades about Africans and their cognitive abilities.

Yeah it does, because 1/3rd of Nigeria is illiterate compared to less than 1/99th of Europeans.
Says who? The pink faced enemies of Nigeria? When did this vast testing of Nigerians take place and who did it?
You don't expect an old veteran like me to believe what Caucs, the world's greatest liars, say about Africans do you?

So, Nigerian Dr Mohammed Alkali is now an enemy of Nigeria?

Read more at: 65 million Nigerians are illiterates - UNESCO
I might have missed it but I didn't see Dr Alkali's. Nationsl origins mentioned anywhere in the article. He is black but as an employee of UNESCO he could be from any where besides Nigeria. But further research brought me to the home page of the organization where upon the pink face of the director
stared back at me. That was enough to
raise a red flag in my mind. UNESCO is just
a surrogate acting as the eyes and ears for western interests in Africa. The words of Dr.Alkali were lost in the realization that he is likely one if those Clarence Thomas or Ben Carson sell outs willing to say or do anything his pink masters wanted him to.
And although the mission of. UNESCO is presented as a noble one. It seems to have failed in carrying out that mission, specifically in Nigeria...if the rate of illiteracy is as horrible as stated..
However, that does not detract from the untapped high cognitive gene pool that African Immigrants have proven abounds in Nigeria and the rest of Africa.
IQs of illiterate people cannot be measured.
So your data indicating the overall IQ of Africans is flawed from the onset. Literacy does wonders for IQ results ...nit that i put much credence in IQ tests anyway.
Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it. But know this...answering your rambling long posts is not one of my top priorities.. Besides, much of what you wrote has been repeated numerous times right here on USMB. it's nothing new. Its just the same old drivel that bigots always dig up and spread around the iNternet.
IOW, you still have NO answer

This Refutes what you have been saying, so you have to ignore it.
You couldn't have missed it and it's graphic.

JQPublic1 said:
You haven't refuted anything I wrote. Stay tuned and find out why not.
LOL, Aga!n a Put off. NO answer.

White and Asian countries have much higher standards of living and can, unlike Africans, afford to immigrate without being at the top.
JQPublic1 said:
That's a pretty big assumption on your part. Japan and maybe South Korea might be considered 1st world countries but most of Asia , including China,does have significant amounts of poverty.
But thats not the issue. Comparing the academic achievements of immigrants from Europe, Asia And Africa over the past decade..Black Africans are the winners.
Same mistake, now definitely dishonesty.
African "Immigrants" are NOT "representative.
we Know there IQs there. Duh.

Many coming are the cream of the IQ Crop of a sub-continent with a 70 IQ. and which cannot even govern itself because OF that borderline retarded IQ AVERAGE. That includes the best of the lot of a few dozen: Nigeria.

I post the country/continent: you dishonestly try the top 1% of the rabble as "representative."

Many Nigerian immigrants come here TO go to college.
JQPublic1 said: what? The making point i'm making is that Africans are making liars out of pundits who have consistently berated the continent in every way.. ...
"So what" is that you are dishonestly and knowingly using Bad Sampling.

IQ differentials are AVERAGE for Races.
No one denies the top few percent of Blacks can get good results.
The Curves overlap


or the more conservative (not including African Blacks who would be further to the Left)

YOU Disingenuously POST ONLY the Far Right Hand part of the Black population as "Proof".

It Is NOT Proof they are Not lower AVERAGE.


But hey, why use immigrants at all when we have much larger/more Representative Native populations?
JQPublic1 said:
Why not eradicate stereotypes and falsehoods about African cognitive ability by any means necessary?..
Because YOUR "any means necessary" is Not a correct means. It's inaccurate.
"Stereotypes"/IQ Averages are TRUE.
Including your Continuous Dishonest and Wrong Bad Sampling/Cherry Picking while I use the Broader data/Fair Sample.

And why not use the more representative Broad populations of those countries?
JQPublic1 said:
Because I'm using the same trick you use in your per capita analyses to denigrate the smaller population of blacks in the USA in comparisons to the larger Cauc group.. Except in this case..the good news about a smaller group is used against the larger group.
Yes. As I said half a doxen times above.. you're Cherry Picking, while I use fair numbers/Broad data.

Or the whole of sub-Sahara (70) or USA admixture 'Blacks (85) instead of picking and choosing and Fallaciously debating by Anecdote/exception.
JQPublic1 said:
There is nothing anecdotal about the fact that
Black Africans are excelling in academia with world class proficiency thought previously to be beyond their capabilities...
Persistently DISHONEST/Fallacious...
You can't refute Broad data/average with the top 1% of a race.

Just like you can't say Whites are as good at Basketball by pointing to a FEW good players in the last two decades.
Got it now?

And the fact that White and Asian Macro Races originated with a base population/species in Africa doesn't mean Civilization was "Kick Started" By Blacks.
What a Dopey idea! !
Civilization "Kick Started" when they LEFT and formed different Races/subspecies.
JQPublic1 said:
Until quite recently the average joe in any Western city would have said it's a dopey deal had someone suggested that Black African immigrants would conquer the academic crowns of achievement in the USA AND the UK?
Same old sampling error/LIE 10 Times in one post.
Your job (DUH), is to show average IQ, not that the top 1% of oner race does well.
And again, immigrants (ALONE) from white and Asian countries are not the credams of their countries.

So that, ie, when Marco Polo landed in China (before any Colonialization) he found Silk, Porcelain, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records. etc.

While Africa was living just as it had when those original populations left and headed North 50,000+ years ago.

Just the top predator living in Huts with No written language, no wheel, etc.
JQPublic1 said:
HOW wrong you are. Elite blacks of the same stock as those primitives of inner Africa were the innovators that invented writing In KMT and Sumeria. The same stock as those who Built the pyramids and the zigguarats.. Who carved the Sphinx and changed the course of the nile....ALL while the primitives of Europe and inner Africa hunted and gathered. .
Another of your always Dishonest posts and/or wrong assumptions.

Only Clowns from 'Afro-Studies' departments try the "Egyptians are Black" Nonsense. It's Not true... and you have nothing in sub-Sahara to point to... so you tried it.

So to sum up:
Your WHOLE post was MORE DISHONEST BS: presenting knowingly bad sampling as 'average', or "proof" ALL sub-Saharans could do it.
Last edited:
Kind of kills your cream of the crop theory doesnt it?

That proves it, doof.

The average Nigerian has far less schooling than the average Nigerian immigrant to the U.S.A.
Not true. Most Nigerians have the same amount of schooling as immigrants. The immigrants just have more money.

The data says otherwise...

Nigeria has over 7 years of average schooling years.

Girls’ Education in Nigeria | World Pulse

Nigerian immigrants on arrival to the U.S had near double or over 14 years of schooling, and went onto finish with more schooling in the U.S to 17 years.

This proves that Nigerians in the U.S.A are the cream of the cop, they are the elite of Nigeria.
The Nigerians in the US are superior to you but they are just like the Nigerians in Nigeria. Sorry.

That data proves that Nigeria's educated elite is far more represented in the Nigerian American population, than in the population of Nigeria.
Youre white boy data doesnt prove anything other than whites complied it. Thats how we know its not credible.
Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it. But know this...answering your rambling long posts is not one of my top priorities.. Besides, much of what you wrote has been repeated numerous times right here on USMB. it's nothing new. Its just the same old drivel that bigots always dig up and spread around the iNternet.
IOW, you still have NO answer

This Refutes what you have been saying, so you have to ignore it.
You couldn't have missed it and it's graphic.

JQPublic1 said:
You haven't refuted anything I wrote. Stay tuned and find out why not.
LOL, Aga!n a Put off. NO answer.

White and Asian countries have much higher standards of living and can, unlike Africans, afford to immigrate without being at the top.
JQPublic1 said:
That's a pretty big assumption on your part. Japan and maybe South Korea might be considered 1st world countries but most of Asia , including China,does have significant amounts of poverty.
But thats not the issue. Comparing the academic achievements of immigrants from Europe, Asia And Africa over the past decade..Black Africans are the winners.
Same mistake, now definitely dishonesty.
African "Immigrants" are NOT "representative.
we Know there IQs there. Duh.

Many coming are the cream of the IQ Crop of a sub-continent with a 70 IQ. and which cannot even govern itself because OF that borderline retarded IQ AVERAGE. That includes the best of the lot of a few dozen: Nigeria.

I post the country/continent: you dishonestly try the top 1% of the rabble as "representative."

Many Nigerian immigrants come here TO go to college.
JQPublic1 said: what? The making point i'm making is that Africans are making liars out of pundits who have consistently berated the continent in every way.. ...
"So what" is that you are dishonestly and knowingly using Bad Sampling.

IQ differentials are AVERAGE for Races.
No one denies the top few percent of Blacks can get good results.
The Curves overlap


or the more conservative (not including African Blacks who would be further to the Left)

YOU Disingenuously POST ONLY the Far Right Hand part of the Black population as "Proof".

It Is NOT Proof they are Not lower AVERAGE.


But hey, why use immigrants at all when we have much larger/more Representative Native populations?
JQPublic1 said:
Why not eradicate stereotypes and falsehoods about African cognitive ability by any means necessary?..
Because YOUR "any means necessary" is Not a correct means. It's inaccurate.
"Stereotypes"/IQ Averages are TRUE.
Including your Continuous Dishonest and Wrong Bad Sampling/Cherry Picking while I use the Broader data/Fair Sample.

And why not use the more representative Broad populations of those countries?
JQPublic1 said:
Because I'm using the same trick you use in your per capita analyses to denigrate the smaller population of blacks in the USA in comparisons to the larger Cauc group.. Except in this case..the good news about a smaller group is used against the larger group.
Yes. As I said half a doxen times above.. you're Cherry Picking, while I use fair numbers/Broad data.

Or the whole of sub-Sahara (70) or USA admixture 'Blacks (85) instead of picking and choosing and Fallaciously debating by Anecdote/exception.
JQPublic1 said:
There is nothing anecdotal about the fact that
Black Africans are excelling in academia with world class proficiency thought previously to be beyond their capabilities...
Persistently DISHONEST/Fallacious...
You can't refute Broad data/average with the top 1% of a race.

Just like you can't say Whites are as good at Basketball by pointing to a FEW good players in the last two decades.
Got it now?

And the fact that White and Asian Macro Races originated with a base population/species in Africa doesn't mean Civilization was "Kick Started" By Blacks.
What a Dopey idea! !
Civilization "Kick Started" when they LEFT and formed different Races/subspecies.
JQPublic1 said:
Until quite recently the average joe in any Western city would have said it's a dopey deal had someone suggested that Black African immigrants would conquer the academic crowns of achievement in the USA AND the UK?
Same old sampling error/LIE 10 Times in one post.
Your job (DUH), is to show average IQ, not that the top 1% of oner race does well.
And again, immigrants (ALONE) from white and Asian countries are not the credams of their countries.

So that, ie, when Marco Polo landed in China (before any Colonialization) he found Silk, Porcelain, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records. etc.

While Africa was living just as it had when those original populations left and headed North 50,000+ years ago.

Just the top predator living in Huts with No written language, no wheel, etc.
JQPublic1 said:
HOW wrong you are. Elite blacks of the same stock as those primitives of inner Africa were the innovators that invented writing In KMT and Sumeria. The same stock as those who Built the pyramids and the zigguarats.. Who carved the Sphinx and changed the course of the nile....ALL while the primitives of Europe and inner Africa hunted and gathered. .
Another of your always Dishonest posts and/or wrong assumptions.

Only Clowns from 'Afro-Studies' departments try the "Egyptians are Black" Nonsense. It's Not true... and you have nothing in sub-Sahara to point to... so you tried it.

So to sum up:
Your WHOLE post was MORE DISHONEST BS: presenting knowingly bad sampling as 'average', or "proof" ALL sub-Saharans could do it.
Blacks have trouble understanding and applying statistics. You can tell them that jumping out of a flying plane without a parachute is a bad idea, and they'll find one or two examples of people who survived and say "nah uh!"
Kind of kills your cream of the crop theory doesnt it?

That proves it, doof.

The average Nigerian has far less schooling than the average Nigerian immigrant to the U.S.A.
Not true. Most Nigerians have the same amount of schooling as immigrants. The immigrants just have more money.

The data says otherwise...

Nigeria has over 7 years of average schooling years.

Girls’ Education in Nigeria | World Pulse

Nigerian immigrants on arrival to the U.S had near double or over 14 years of schooling, and went onto finish with more schooling in the U.S to 17 years.

This proves that Nigerians in the U.S.A are the cream of the cop, they are the elite of Nigeria.
The Nigerians in the US are superior to you but they are just like the Nigerians in Nigeria. Sorry.

Polish Americans are pretty superior too... The difference is a lot of Polish Americans are middle end from Poland who came in the early 20th century.... As opposed to Nigerians who are mostly recent cream of the crop arrivals of the educated elite.

Yes, Polish Americans are generally in better shape than the American average.

In 2007 33% of Polish Americans had a bachelors degree or higher vs 24% of Americans....88% of Polish Americans were high school graduates vs 80% of the U.S.A.....73% of Polish Americans were home owners vs 66% of Americans... Polish Americans had a family income of $61,000 vs $50,000 for the U.S....

Language Diversity in the USA
Polish americans are white.
I understand this in the sense that all of us who are white and have been born and raised in the U.S. have had ideas of superiority planted in us by the words and actions of those around us. It can not be ignored or denied.

I do hope, however, that some of us have finally made the decision to spit out the seeds of racism instead of watering them. I hope also that eventually we will begin to bear the fruits of understanding and peace.
And that's the thing

White people gotta get off this idea that they're special.

They're not.

And that's what drives a lot of white racism: “I’m white, and I’m special.”

To whites diversity is just fine (as long as whites remain in control) and multiculturalism can flourish (as long as white norms remain dominant) Institutions can open up to non-white people, as long as white people remain comfortable.

All whites have a choice: You can be white (that is, you can be like Taz bgrouse SobieskiSavedEurope Admiral Rockwell Tory that is refuse to challenge white supremacy or centrality) or you can be a human being. You can rest comfortably in the privileges that come with being white, or you can struggle to be fully human.

But you can’t do both.
I agree. And it reminds me of the scripture that you can't serve God and money. It's one or the other.

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