Zone1 Asian Man Call Out His Fellow Asians for the Anti-Black Sentiments


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Letting them know that it is exactly because of Black American descendants of slaves that they have the opportunities they do in America.

As you can clearly see, he's right.
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Yawn....Everyone but the white man is a victim to you.

Letting them know that it is exactly because of Black American descendants of slaves that they have the opportunities they do in America.

As you can clearly see, he's right.

The black kids who shoplift from the poor asian guy who owns a convenience store, did nothing to ensure his civil rights, so why should he feel indebted to them? A lot of their feeling is based on daily interactions NOW and not the past of 70 years ago. Asians are also discriminated against by blacks, granted this is mostly happening in lower income neighborhoods where their communities meet each other. All the black people you saw on video ransacking jewelry stores in mobs... or ransacking mobs..
DO you really think those people give a fuck about Chinese people? when they dont even care about each other or their community?
This is what asian people see on tv also..and they base their opinions on that. right or wrong, how you act in public effects people's opinion of your community

The people who ransack these stores are actively UNDOING the work that was accomplished in the civil rights era... someone needs to tell them this.
The black kids who shoplift from the poor asian guy who owns a convenience store, did nothing to ensure his civil rights, so why should he feel indebted to them? A lot of their feeling is based on daily interactions NOW and not the past of 70 years ago. Asians are also discriminated against by blacks, granted this is mostly happening in lower income neighborhoods where their communities meet each other. All the black people you saw on video ransacking jewelry stores in mobs... or ransacking mobs..
DO you really think those people give a fuck about Chinese people? when they dont even care about each other or their community?
This is what asian people see on tv also..and they base their opinions on that. right or wrong, how you act in public effects people's opinion of your community

The people who ransack these stores are actively UNDOING the work that was accomplished in the civil rights era... someone needs to tell them this.

I don't think whites should be talking about how other people act.

Viral images show people of color as anti-Asian perpetrators. That misses the big picture.​

A new analysis reveals misconceptions about perpetrators, victims, and the general environment around anti-Asian hate incidents. These can have "long-term consequences for racial solidarity," researcher Janelle Wong said.

While news reports and social media have perpetuated the idea that anti-Asian violence is committed mostly by people of color, a new analysis shows the majority of attackers are white.

Janelle Wong, a professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, released analysis last week that drew on previously published studies on anti-Asian bias. She found official crime statistics and other studies revealed more than three-quarters of offenders of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, from both before and during the pandemic, have been white, contrary to many of the images circulating online.

Wong examined nine sources and four types of data about anti-Asian hate incidents, including from the reporting forum Stop AAPI Hate, Pew Research, as well as official law enforcement statistics, the majority of them spanning the year and a half when the #StopAAPIHate hashtag was trending. She found major contradictions in the prevailing narrative around perpetrators, victims, and the general environment of racism toward Asian Americans during the coronavirus pandemic. She said such misleading conclusions could be attributed to the lack of context around images, the failure to amplify all aspects of the data or misinterpretations of the research.

A misread of a frequently cited study from this year, published in the American Journal of Criminal Justice, likely contributed to the spread of erroneous narratives, Wong said. The study, which examined hate crime data from 1992 to 2014, found that compared to anti-Black and anti-Latino hate crimes, a higher proportion of perpetrators of anti-Asian hate crimes were people of color. Still, 75 percent of perpetrators were white.

Other studies confirm the findings, Wong wrote. She pointed to separate research from the University of Michigan Virulent Hate Project, which examined media reports about anti-Asian incidents last year and found that upward of 75 percentof news stories identified perpetrators as male and white in instances of physical or verbal assault and harassment when the race of the perpetrator was confirmed.

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I don't think whites should be talking about how other people act.

Viral images show people of color as anti-Asian perpetrators. That misses the big picture.​

A new analysis reveals misconceptions about perpetrators, victims, and the general environment around anti-Asian hate incidents. These can have "long-term consequences for racial solidarity," researcher Janelle Wong said.

While news reports and social media have perpetuated the idea that anti-Asian violence is committed mostly by people of color, a new analysis shows the majority of attackers are white.

Janelle Wong, a professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, released analysis last week that drew on previously published studies on anti-Asian bias. She found official crime statistics and other studies revealed more than three-quarters of offenders of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, from both before and during the pandemic, have been white, contrary to many of the images circulating online.

Wong examined nine sources and four types of data about anti-Asian hate incidents, including from the reporting forum Stop AAPI Hate, Pew Research, as well as official law enforcement statistics, the majority of them spanning the year and a half when the #StopAAPIHate hashtag was trending. She found major contradictions in the prevailing narrative around perpetrators, victims, and the general environment of racism toward Asian Americans during the coronavirus pandemic. She said such misleading conclusions could be attributed to the lack of context around images, the failure to amplify all aspects of the data or misinterpretations of the research.

A misread of a frequently cited study from this year, published in the American Journal of Criminal Justice, likely contributed to the spread of erroneous narratives, Wong said. The study, which examined hate crime data from 1992 to 2014, found that compared to anti-Black and anti-Latino hate crimes, a higher proportion of perpetrators of anti-Asian hate crimes were people of color. Still, 75 percent of perpetrators were white.

Other studies confirm the findings, Wong wrote. She pointed to separate research from the University of Michigan Virulent Hate Project, which examined media reports about anti-Asian incidents last year and found that upward of 75 percentof news stories identified perpetrators as male and white in instances of physical or verbal assault and harassment when the race of the perpetrator was confirmed.

So whites should not reply to someones thread on race?
I responded to the OP, yes, after watching the video. It was about an Asian man imploring other asians
to abandon their feelings about black Americans and that was what I commented on. I figure YOU think my comments are meant to pick on or put down Black Americans which I am not doing.

It may very well be there are more cases of individual anti-asian acts done by whites... but the point is this is what ASIANS believe about black people, which is the reason the asian guy posted the video.
And as I mentioned in my post..."FOR RIGHT OR WRONG".... and here is my reasoning. Many of the acts done by black Americans are just more high profile when it comes to things like looting or ransacking stores ... sorry that just is automatically going to catch more air time than individual acts done by white people..say if someone made a racial slur to an asian family on the street.
And again , where Black American communities butt up against asian American in poorer areas and in larger concentration... you have more of these incidents such as shop lifting from small store owners.
cant help it, Im just telling you facts, did you even bother to see the video of the poor woman, crushed and beside herself while walking through the destroyed Walmart?
While Some White people still have a ways to go to improve their ignorance and biases when it comes to race... there are Some black Americans who are destroying their own communities by their actions... and in those areas where Asian people are present... it becomes more of a high profile thing and talk circulates within the asian community. Unfortunately... THAT bias will probably out weigh any talks about civil rights history to the average Asian person on the street.
Our cities are just a mess all the way around and a big part of it is because CRIME period... commited by whomever is allowed to happen. That helps to exaggerate every other complication and strife in these areas. SAN FRANCISCO... run by Liberals is a perfect example.
I believe there probably are solutions. Number one , get serious with any crimes and stop making people feel they are justified to steal. Secondly revamp the education system.. discipline has been abandoned in public schools and the teachers in some cases are helpless. Tackle those two problems and respect between different races will automatically rise.

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