Ask a democrat

liberal tightass ant, Your BS history is funny as hell and exactly what liberal lying professors have tried to indoctrinate our students with for the past twenty years. Real history was related to each generation by their parents, and grandparents Your rewritten liberal lies are not even close to real history. When are you liberal piles of trash going to quit lying about white people and trying to elevate your pet races and ideas above the reality of what this country was built on an those it was built by.
The year is 2017..quit playing the victim.

I'm not - he is.
Funny you say that, I quit being the victim when I left the Indian reservation at 17. Like I said the Indian does not do well with handouts. Fact
So. stop posting shit saying Indians are victims of the federal government then.
They are the product of the federal government now… That's what happens with the indoctrination of political correctness and affirmative action.
The federal government made that baby so to speak… Now they have to feed it.
Karma is a bitch
We've been feeding your red drunken lazy asses for decades. When are you going to stand up, Redman?
As a individual I've done just fine, like I said the Indian nations are a lost cause. The federal government made sure of thatand even stepped it up over recent decades.
It does not take a village…
They made crappy cars because the were in hock to their unions and they had no money to invest in better cars.
Bullshit. They made crappy cars because until then, they could get away with it.
Once they started losing sales, they had no way to produce better cars because the unions owned their ass.
That's just total horseshit. They saw it coming years away and produced shit because it was easier than doing any real work. Typical Americans.

in the 1970s through the 2000s GM paid more in benefits to retired UAW members than it paid to its working labor force.
Shit happens. They cut bad deals thinking they would never be challenged. Assholes.

The government forced them to deal with the union, moron. Otherwise they would have told the UAW to take a hike,
The victorious write history... European socialism has destroyed the Indian nations a couple centuries later.
Bullshit. They made crappy cars because until then, they could get away with it.
Once they started losing sales, they had no way to produce better cars because the unions owned their ass.
That's just total horseshit. They saw it coming years away and produced shit because it was easier than doing any real work. Typical Americans.

in the 1970s through the 2000s GM paid more in benefits to retired UAW members than it paid to its working labor force.
Shit happens. They cut bad deals thinking they would never be challenged. Assholes.

The government forced them to deal with the union, moron. Otherwise they would have told the UAW to take a hike,
Bullshit. The government never said ass about what was going on when Japan kicked their asses for making totally crappy cars that got fuck-all for mileage. I lived though both oil crises, don't bullshit me, bitch.
Once they started losing sales, they had no way to produce better cars because the unions owned their ass.
That's just total horseshit. They saw it coming years away and produced shit because it was easier than doing any real work. Typical Americans.

in the 1970s through the 2000s GM paid more in benefits to retired UAW members than it paid to its working labor force.
Shit happens. They cut bad deals thinking they would never be challenged. Assholes.

The government forced them to deal with the union, moron. Otherwise they would have told the UAW to take a hike,
Bullshit. The government never said ass about what was going on when Japan kicked their asses for making totally crappy cars that got fuck-all for mileage. I lived though both oil crises, don't bullshit me, bitch.

My ass you lived through both oil crisis. You're a child...
Unions have been supporting Democrats for a long time. The last real union friendly Democrat was Jimmy Carter. I voted for Carter, and was very satisfied with his Labor friendly positions. We got nearly a 100 percent wage increase in the contract that we got while he was President. Liberal sociocommunist dimocrats didn't like him, and Republican career politicians didn't like him either. I was president of our local at the time, and the Presidential labor board told the companies to pay up or close, They did. The clinton PLB screwed us and gave the companies everything they wanted, I did not vote for him either time. GWB PLB gave us a 21 percent raise over 4 years, The oshitass board gave the companies everything they wanted. Why shouldn't the union employees have voted for a Republican?
Funny you say that, I quit being the victim when I left the Indian reservation at 17. Like I said the Indian does not do well with handouts. Fact
So. stop posting shit saying Indians are victims of the federal government then.
They are the product of the federal government now… That's what happens with the indoctrination of political correctness and affirmative action.
The federal government made that baby so to speak… Now they have to feed it.
Karma is a bitch
We've been feeding your red drunken lazy asses for decades. When are you going to stand up, Redman?
As a individual I've done just fine, like I said the Indian nations are a lost cause. The federal government made sure of thatand even stepped it up over recent decades.
It does not take a village…

How would you know if it takes a village? You ran away to save your own ass and left them to suffer, and now you do nothing but bitch about. how unfair their lives are? Got a little bit of guilt in there, Redman? You should be ashamed (but aren't.)

I sleep well at night...
They are reaping what they sow by trusting the federal government… Now more than ever.
Freedom and individuality is where it's at… The village will do nothing for that.
Yes, ask a democrat about why he/she supports such policies and we will do our best to explain why. Not all democratic policies are supported by all democrats of course.

Make it brief....

One example: Why do you want to tax soda? My answer to this...I don't. ;) But obesity and health cost are going up big time.
Most accidents occur in the bathroom. Is that why the left want to ban bathrooms?
Bullshit. The government never said ass about what was going on when Japan kicked their asses for making totally crappy cars that got fuck-all for mileage. I lived though both oil crises, don't bullshit me, bitch.

HAHAHAHAHA stupid google educated liberal runs to google or some other BS site to find what he thinks is enough information to fool people into thinking he is of sufficient IQ to debate real intellectuals. HAHAHAHA. Oh man liberals are so lowly and indoctrinated with vomit they cant even start to think outside their monoplanic existence.
Bullshit. The government never said ass about what was going on when Japan kicked their asses for making totally crappy cars that got fuck-all for mileage. I lived though both oil crises, don't bullshit me, bitch.

HAHAHAHAHA stupid google educated liberal runs to google or some other BS site to find what he thinks is enough information to fool people into thinking he is of sufficient IQ to debate real intellectuals. HAHAHAHA. Oh man liberals are so lowly and indoctrinated with vomit they cant even start to think outside their monoplanic existence.
Link it, bitch? Show us where the government interfered? I was there, I lived it, bitch. Good luck (you'll need it).
Bullshit. The government never said ass about what was going on when Japan kicked their asses for making totally crappy cars that got fuck-all for mileage. I lived though both oil crises, don't bullshit me, bitch.

HAHAHAHAHA stupid google educated liberal runs to google or some other BS site to find what he thinks is enough information to fool people into thinking he is of sufficient IQ to debate real intellectuals. HAHAHAHA. Oh man liberals are so lowly and indoctrinated with vomit they cant even start to think outside their monoplanic existence.
Link it, bitch? Show us where the government interfered? I was there, I lived it, bitch. Good luck (you'll need it).
Here's your poster child for the average progressive like yourself…
Shia LaBeouf Sued by Bartender in Bowling-Alley Tirade
Bullshit. The government never said ass about what was going on when Japan kicked their asses for making totally crappy cars that got fuck-all for mileage. I lived though both oil crises, don't bullshit me, bitch.

HAHAHAHAHA stupid google educated liberal runs to google or some other BS site to find what he thinks is enough information to fool people into thinking he is of sufficient IQ to debate real intellectuals. HAHAHAHA. Oh man liberals are so lowly and indoctrinated with vomit they cant even start to think outside their monoplanic existence.
Link it, bitch? Show us where the government interfered? I was there, I lived it, bitch. Good luck (you'll need it).
Here's your poster child for the average progressive like yourself…
Shia LaBeouf Sued by Bartender in Bowling-Alley Tirade
I'm not a progressive, Redman, I'm the progeny of the men who slaughtered your kind for sport - men, women and children. If you weren't such a selfish whiny little kunt you'd be back on the rez showing them how to stand up to me but you can't even do that over the Internet.
I'm grateful to the white man, the invention of the firearm is the best invention mankind has ever made… Fact
That's just total horseshit. They saw it coming years away and produced shit because it was easier than doing any real work. Typical Americans.

in the 1970s through the 2000s GM paid more in benefits to retired UAW members than it paid to its working labor force.
Shit happens. They cut bad deals thinking they would never be challenged. Assholes.

The government forced them to deal with the union, moron. Otherwise they would have told the UAW to take a hike,
Bullshit. The government never said ass about what was going on when Japan kicked their asses for making totally crappy cars that got fuck-all for mileage. I lived though both oil crises, don't bullshit me, bitch.

My ass you lived through both oil crisis. You're a child...
You think I wasn't there, dummy? Ask me what odd and even means? Ask me how we dealt with the fact that gas pumps only has cents, not dollars, on them, bitch?
HAHAHAHAHA stupid google educated liberal runs to google or some other BS site to find what he thinks is enough information to fool people into thinking he is of sufficient IQ to debate real intellectuals. HAHAHAHA. Oh man liberals are so lowly and indoctrinated with vomit they cant even start to think outside their monoplanic existence.
Link it, bitch? Show us where the government interfered? I was there, I lived it, bitch. Good luck (you'll need it).
Here's your poster child for the average progressive like yourself…
Shia LaBeouf Sued by Bartender in Bowling-Alley Tirade
I'm not a progressive, Redman, I'm the progeny of the men who slaughtered your kind for sport - men, women and children. If you weren't such a selfish whiny little kunt you'd be back on the rez showing them how to stand up to me but you can't even do that over the Internet.
I'm grateful to the white man, the invention of the firearm is the best invention mankind has ever made… Fact
It's a good thing you left the Rez- you one fucking stupid Indian, Redman.

And the firearm was invented by the the yellow man, not the white man, dummy.
The modern firearm was developed in Europe… Dummy
HAHAHAHAHA stupid google educated liberal runs to google or some other BS site to find what he thinks is enough information to fool people into thinking he is of sufficient IQ to debate real intellectuals. HAHAHAHA. Oh man liberals are so lowly and indoctrinated with vomit they cant even start to think outside their monoplanic existence.
Link it, bitch? Show us where the government interfered? I was there, I lived it, bitch. Good luck (you'll need it).
Here's your poster child for the average progressive like yourself…
Shia LaBeouf Sued by Bartender in Bowling-Alley Tirade
I'm not a progressive, Redman, I'm the progeny of the men who slaughtered your kind for sport - men, women and children. If you weren't such a selfish whiny little kunt you'd be back on the rez showing them how to stand up to me but you can't even do that over the Internet.
I'm grateful to the white man, the invention of the firearm is the best invention mankind has ever made… Fact
It's a good thing you left the Rez- you one fucking stupid Indian, Redman.

And the firearm was invented by the the yellow man, not the white man, dummy.
The Worlds oldest company is Beretta firearms... out of Italy. It's over 500 years old
Here's your poster child for the average progressive like yourself…
Shia LaBeouf Sued by Bartender in Bowling-Alley Tirade
I'm not a progressive, Redman, I'm the progeny of the men who slaughtered your kind for sport - men, women and children. If you weren't such a selfish whiny little kunt you'd be back on the rez showing them how to stand up to me but you can't even do that over the Internet.
I'm grateful to the white man, the invention of the firearm is the best invention mankind has ever made… Fact
It's a good thing you left the Rez- you one fucking stupid Indian, Redman.

And the firearm was invented by the the yellow man, not the white man, dummy.
The modern firearm was developed in Europe… Dummy
Modern is debatable but the gun came from the Yellow Man, in China, you drunken fucking Indian.
There you go again making up your own facts, fire arms were heavily desired by Orientals... they got them from Europeans because they did not have any. You're thinking of gunpowder maybe… Your political correctness is sorry
Here's your poster child for the average progressive like yourself…
Shia LaBeouf Sued by Bartender in Bowling-Alley Tirade
I'm not a progressive, Redman, I'm the progeny of the men who slaughtered your kind for sport - men, women and children. If you weren't such a selfish whiny little kunt you'd be back on the rez showing them how to stand up to me but you can't even do that over the Internet.
I'm grateful to the white man, the invention of the firearm is the best invention mankind has ever made… Fact
It's a good thing you left the Rez- you one fucking stupid Indian, Redman.

And the firearm was invented by the the yellow man, not the white man, dummy.
The Worlds oldest company is Beretta firearms... out of Italy. It's over 500 years old
That ain't shit for old. Go to china, you dumb Indian.
name one...
Anyway, back to the subject at hand the federal government and the country or not one in the same... Indians knew that along time ago
I'm not a progressive, Redman, I'm the progeny of the men who slaughtered your kind for sport - men, women and children. If you weren't such a selfish whiny little kunt you'd be back on the rez showing them how to stand up to me but you can't even do that over the Internet.
I'm grateful to the white man, the invention of the firearm is the best invention mankind has ever made… Fact
It's a good thing you left the Rez- you one fucking stupid Indian, Redman.

And the firearm was invented by the the yellow man, not the white man, dummy.
The modern firearm was developed in Europe… Dummy
Modern is debatable but the gun came from the Yellow Man, in China, you drunken fucking Indian.
There you go again making up your own facts, fire arms were heavily desired by Orientals... they got them from Europeans because they did not have any. You're thinking of gunpowder maybe… Your political correctness is sorry
Gunpowder and guns (the hand cannon) both came from China, you stupid Indian. They went to Europe, the didn't come from Europe. Learn the history of of what you are so fucking in love with.

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