Asking Jackson What a Woman Is Was Not a Gotcha Question As the Left Proclaim

Criminal legislators CLAIM that they have some magical legal authority to execute that they actually do NOT have.
So they just pretend it is not murder, when clearly the truth is that it most certainly is murder.
Murder by legislator is still murder.
Legislators do NOT have any legal authority write legislation to allow executions.
When they do, they are guilty of murder.

It's only murder if you kill a human being.

Criminals do not count as human beings. Any creature that has made itself eligible for execution, either by committing one serious enough crime, or by a pattern of relentless criminality, should be considered to have forfeited any humanity that it might have ever had.

One cannot be on the side of human bei9ngs, and also be on the side of criminals.

Which side are you one? The answer seems clear enough. Be known by the company that you choose to keep.
Wrong. Men can also get pregnant, and they would also have the right to an abortion.
The right is universal.
It is not dependent upon sexual physiology or orientation.
Men cannot get pregnant. Women who think they are men might be able to, but men absolutely can't. You can't just believe your way into the opposite sex any more than you can believe your way into a difference race or having a different eye color or being older or younger than you actually are. They are immutable characteristics of a person. Me believing that I'm 6'5" won't make me a single inch taller. Me believing I'm a woman won't give me the ability to get pregnant. What's interesting is that you don't seem to understand that your (and the left's) take on this completely undermines all the work that's been done by and for women in the civil rights arena. The paradigm you and your ilk are trying to bring about will complete crush affirmative action laws, anti-discrimination laws, etc.
That is not the point.
The point is that you do not have to "change your chromosomes".
The point is that we already have many instincts built into our chromosomes already.
And to ignore the natural response to over population, not only would be contrary to our own instincts, but likely risk the extermination of the species, from over population.
Mental illness. Deal with it.
Men can also get pregnant…

Once a criminal has been put to death, you can be quite confident that it will not commit any further crimes against human beings, nor impose any further burden on human beings.

Actually, statistics show that when you execute, you increase murders because you show that murder is good, by example. The British used to hang people for just about anything, like pickpockets.
And all it did was increase the rate of murder and pickpocketing because nothing like a hanging for a distracted crowd that is ripe for pickpockets.
Look, she knows what a woman is, she knows it, and we all know she knows it, but, its a question she couldn't answer without upsetting the left woke culture. Had she answered that question, the left would have come down hard on her.

No, you likely do NOT know what a woman is for sure.
If a person has an XX pair of chromosomes, but still has a penis, then what sex is the person?
Neither is asking what does 2+2 equal. While people may disagree, science dictates only one answer for each.

Major topics in society today are women being forced to compete against men in sports, forced to be in front of men in showers and bathrooms, women locked in jails with men, etc etc. Also is the major issue of parents being engaged in their child’s education. 8 year olds being exposed to homoerotic teachings in public schools is at the front burner of society.

She knew the question was coming.

Women are being treated like second class citizens. And if you don’t even know what a woman is how can you contribute to the solution?

Americans need a Supreme Court justice who will protect women and our children and will defend parents' constitutional right to decide what is best for their own kids.
Not for Jackson.
For the Canadian TRAITO and the GQP?
Those fools got slapped around like a bunch of newborns.
Imagine a civilization, a global superpower, whose high leaders claim they do not know the difference between a man and a woman or how to define either or both. The only such empires I can think of are asleep forever in the dust of the ground.

Which empires are those? Be specific.
It is extremely stupid to ask "what is a woman" to a judge.
A judge is supposed to weigh between arguments, not come up with their own.
And a judge is supposed to reference the legislative backdrop, not come up with their own.

But as a person who does have some biological knowledge, I can tell you no one knows what a woman is.
While we frequently use a vagina vs a penis as a reference, what about a hermaphrodite who has both?
We frequently consider the XX chromosomes as opposed to XY, but what about XXY or XYY?
There are also hundreds, if not thousands of other exceptional cases.

throughout nature deviations are not the standard for the norm.

We do know precisely what is male and female and the minscule deviants are irrelevant.
Wrong. Men can also get pregnant, and they would also have the right to an abortion.
The right is universal.
It is not dependent upon sexual physiology or orientation.
A man who gets pregnant is still a man.

He may be a surgically altered man, but he's still a man.

You're conflating 15 different issues here. Abortion? Not arguing abortion.

I would argue for example, the specific case of the swimmer Thomas, who CLAIMS he's a woman but clearly isn't. He was born a man and has the physiology of a man, he should NOT be allowed to claim he's a woman, and use women's restrooms and locker rooms, and participate in women's sports. That's not discrimination, it's common sense.
The XY chromosome combinations guarantees nothing.
It gives the theoretical ability to product enough testosterone so that ovaries and uterus does not develop and you get testes and penis instead, but nothing is guaranteed.
The XY chromosomes can be over ridden by extra X chromosome, Y chromosome damage, or pesticide hormones.
Yes. Anomalies exist. So what?

What is it you want exactly? That you feel you don't have?

Equal rights? You already have equal rights. It says so in the Constitution and in a bunch of different laws.

What do you want?
No, you likely do NOT know what a woman is for sure.
If a person has an XX pair of chromosomes, but still has a penis, then what sex is the person?
The person would be a woman. In most cases, the "penis" is a rare defect, same in the case of males with a uterus. You are talking about rare instances of people with genetic defects.

In over 99.999999% of every other birth, xx will be a girl and xy will be a boy, each with normal genitalia.

throughout nature deviations are not the standard for the norm.

We do know precisely what is male and female and the minscule deviants are irrelevant.

No we do not know precisely what is male or female.
What you are unaware of, is that nearly 100% of males and females are identical.
The testes and ovaries are the SAME organ.
The clitoris and vagina are the SAME organ as the penis.
The ONLY difference is what hormones are strongest, while developing in the womb, and again, 12 years later again at puberty.
And it does not take a genius to then understand that the odds of a hormone mismatch between the womb and puberty, is relatively high.

Through out nature, deviations are exactly the standard method by which humans evolved from our ancestral amoebas.
Things happen.
Nature is not at all precise, but chaotic instead.
And what ever works best, survives.

And this has nothing to do with sports.
The title X problem has nothing to do with male or female.
I only instead has to do with testosterone or estrogen.
Those with excess testosterone can not be allowed to compete against those who have estrogen instead.
We can not determine male or female, because we do NOT know that that means, since it is arbitrary.
But we do know what testosterone does and it can be tested for.
And that is all sports should be checking.
A man who gets pregnant is still a man.

He may be a surgically altered man, but he's still a man.

You're conflating 15 different issues here. Abortion? Not arguing abortion.

I would argue for example, the specific case of the swimmer Thomas, who CLAIMS he's a woman but clearly isn't. He was born a man and has the physiology of a man, he should NOT be allowed to claim he's a woman, and use women's restrooms and locker rooms, and participate in women's sports. That's not discrimination, it's common sense.

You do not need to surgically alter a make to give them a uterus.
It just take hormones early enough.
And we are accidentally doing that through the use of pesticides that are actually artificial hormones.

I only mentioned abortion because someone else did.

The case of the trans swimmer has nothing at all to do with whether or not he is a man.
The reason they should not be competing is that he has decades of testosterone therapy, that can not be reversed.
The reason they should not be using the same locker room is that the physiology is not in accord, and the underlying sex is not relevant to what may be visually offensive.
We can not determine male or female, because we do NOT know that that means, since it is arbitrary.

People who are not severely fucked up in the head have no difficulty at all distinguishing between and defining male and female in humans.

Your own severe mental defectiveness is your own issue, and not relevant to the discussion, other than as a demonstration of that sort of mental illness.

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