Asking Jackson What a Woman Is Was Not a Gotcha Question As the Left Proclaim

It is rare.
But some men have such a defective Y chromosomes that are falling apart.
When that happens, the penis portion can become transferred to the X chromosome.
Then if they have a daughter, that daughter can get an X chromosome with a penis portion.
You are trying to use extremely rare abnormalities to confuse the issue. What percentage of the population has any of these problems? Less than half of one percent if I had to guess.

Some snakes are born with 2 heads, but no one thinks of a two headed snake when you say "Cobra".
The reason execution is murder is that it is deliberate killing of someone else, when NOT necessary in order to defend the rights of anyone else.
Killing in immediate defense is not murder because you have no choice.
Execution is murder because it is totally unnecessary.
Executions are done because they are enjoyed by those who do it, and they serve no purpose.
Nor can anyone ever gain the legal authority to execute.
We as individuals only have self defense authority, but not execution authority, so there is no legal way to delegate execution authority to government.
An execution is not murder it is justice.
That justice is sanctioned by God.
God granted the authority for Governments to carry out justice on behalf of the people they serve.

Murder is the taking of an innocent life.
Self Defense is not Murder.
Abortion is Murder
Execution is not Murder.
War is not Murder.

Perhaps you should read a dictionary some time.
Again, we are not talking about changing anything.
We are just talking about the nominee being correct to not comment about what a woman is.
So you're saying there is no legal definition of what a woman is then? Cool we can count on this nominee to strike down any law that mentions the word woman in it. I assume she doesnt agree with Roe V Wade or the premise that a "woman" has the right to an abortion. How can she if she cant articulate what a woman is? How can she ascribe a right to a category of people she cant define?
The SCOTUS does NOT allow new evidence, testimony, etc.
The SCOTUS only allows legal appeals about previous evidence, testimony, rulings, etc.
So basically the same thing she did as a US Circuit judge.

So WTF are you complaining about her experience then?
Are you okay with Jackson one day becoming the chief justice on the SCOTUS? Most of the current crop will retire/pass and she'll still be on the court. :cuckoo:
You are trying to use extremely rare abnormalities to confuse the issue. What percentage of the population has any of these problems? Less than half of one percent if I had to guess.

Some snakes are born with 2 heads, but no one thinks of a two headed snake when you say "Cobra".

A 2 headed snake is likely going to die and is not functional.
A person with a dysfunctional Y chromosome or someone whose development has been influenced by pesticides, can live a perfectly normal life.
What people forget is that the Y chromosome is very small and dysfunctional, and getting more so all the time.
So at some point in the future, the Y chromosome is likely to become totally nonviable.
A 2 headed snake is likely going to die and is not functional.
A person with a dysfunctional Y chromosome or someone whose development has been influenced by pesticides, can live a perfectly normal life.
What people forget is that the Y chromosome is very small and dysfunctional, and getting more so all the time.
So at some point in the future, the Y chromosome is likely to become totally nonviable.
Yes it has ALWAYS been a question.
The fact sexes exist is purely accidental.
And we now know there are more than 2 sexes.

Dream all you want, your fantasy is just a fantasy.

If you're born with trisomy that's a serious medical condition, NOT a gender.

Goddamn fucktards....
The Constitution is NOT a source of any legal authority.
It is supposed to be a recognition of inherent rights as being the ONLY source of legal authority in a constitutional republic, and to delineate jurisdiction between federal and all else.

There is no means by which executions could be legal.
We as individuals can't do them, so then we can't delegate them to any gov we create.

The Constitution is the framework of our government, it is the HIGHEST legal authority.

The Bill of Rights is amendments to the Constitution that limit governments power over people and other levels of government. In it the death penalty is mentioned as a potential punishment for crimes, under the due process clause.

The rest of your "theory" is useless twaddle.
There are a gazillion different things that do often happen.
So science says at least 10% of so of society has some non-binary aspect.
The use of hormone based pesticides and herbicides is increasing the problem greatly.


A woman is a human with XX chromosomes and is born with a vagina and a uterus.

Less than 1% occurrences of genetic issues does not change this.
A 2 headed snake is likely going to die and is not functional.
A person with a dysfunctional Y chromosome or someone whose development has been influenced by pesticides, can live a perfectly normal life.
What people forget is that the Y chromosome is very small and dysfunctional, and getting more so all the time.
So at some point in the future, the Y chromosome is likely to become totally nonviable.

This is liberals today - trying to argue that Down's Syndrome is a gender.

DON'T LISTEN TO THESE MORONS. They don't know nothin about nothin.

Male and female are not really different, but just different final results from hormones present during development.
There are lots of things that can disrupt what should have happened, and something else then is the result.
So this is not like a snake with 2 heads, in that this is far more common than that.

Sure it is. Try to form opinions based on facts not emotions. The country will be better off.
A 2 headed snake is likely going to die and is not functional.
A person with a dysfunctional Y chromosome or someone whose development has been influenced by pesticides, can live a perfectly normal life.
What people forget is that the Y chromosome is very small and dysfunctional, and getting more so all the time.
So at some point in the future, the Y chromosome is likely to become totally nonviable.

It always amazes me the lengths to which leftists will go to convince themselves their thoughts are rational.
It always amazes me the lengths to which leftists will go to convince themselves their thoughts are rational.
That's why I keep saying, today's lefties have left orbit. They're lost in space. They're abusing science, abusing the law, and abusing other people PERSONALLY with whom they disagree.

These fuckers think they know science? They don't. They don't know the FIRST fucking thing about science. The best they've got is "science says' which they picked up from USA Today, which is a partisan tabloid that's LYING TO THEM. And they're so fucking ignorant they can't tell the difference.

I've been waiting for some rocket scientist liberal to bring up the ACTUAL SCIENCE and discuss it with me. But no one has, because they don't KNOW the actual science. If they did, they'd be arguing with me about the roles of oxytocin and testosterone in human embryology. I know all about that stuff, there are multiple biology degrees on my wall. But NO... all the dumb shit liberals have is what they get from Google, and I mean, it would take YEARS to educate these brain dead fucktards. I studied for 12 years to get my degrees, that's how long it would take these assholes to understand human development.

At least Judge Jackson has the honesty to ADMIT she's ignorant. That's more than we get out of most of these jackholes.

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