Asking Jackson What a Woman Is Was Not a Gotcha Question As the Left Proclaim

This stuff was the standard partisan grandstanding for the cameras that happen whenever hearings are televised. Anyone who denies that is full of crap.
Being mentally sane is a good requirement to get a lifetime job on the nation’s highest court.
This one I agree with completely. There are men and women who, on their physical appearance range all across the gender spectrum. Some women are very curvy, and some slim hipped and small busted. Same with men. Hormone levels vary vastly between individuals as well, in both men and women, same as their physiques. Some people go to fat very easily, others can't keep weight on.

We are not all the same. The variety is endless. That should be celebrated, not measured or punished.
If there's no legal definition of what a woman is than all the civil rights laws regarding women are no longer valid.
This one I agree with completely. There are men and women who, on their physical appearance range all across the gender spectrum. Some women are very curvy, and some slim hipped and small busted. Same with men. Hormone levels vary vastly between individuals as well, in both men and women, same as their physiques. Some people go to fat very easily, others can't keep weight on.

We are not all the same. The variety is endless. That should be celebrated, not measured or punished.
Good to know we can exclude humans with vaginas from everything then.
Neither is asking what does 2+2 equal. While people may disagree, science dictates only one answer for each.

Major topics in society today are women being forced to compete against men in sports, forced to be in front of men in showers and bathrooms, women locked in jails with men, etc etc. Also is the major issue of parents being engaged in their child’s education. 8 year olds being exposed to homoerotic teachings in public schools is at the front burner of society.

She knew the question was coming.

Women are being treated like second class citizens. And if you don’t even know what a woman is how can you contribute to the solution?

Americans need a Supreme Court justice who will protect women and our children and will defend parents' constitutional right to decide what is best for their own kids.
It does not matter what was said--anything said will be spun by the libs and their propaganda media and troll farms. Trump didn't say anything any worse than the other pols---just that he was an outsider so the whole swamp went after anything he said at all.
The question was designed to see if the nominee would state an obvious fact, or if her mind was thoroughly corrupted by the Biden Cult and would deny the obvious if it didn't meet the liberal agenda.

It was a good question as the answer was enlightening.
Also extremely damaging but she chose the least damaging
Option....getting into details would have been catastrophic was still pretty bad.

This insanity is the ultimate outcome of holding back well qualified candidates while you promote unqualified white people. Amy Coney Barrett was unqualified and hadn't even been a judge.
You fucking moron. Dragonlady

Barrett was a US Circuit Court Judge when Trump nominated her.

Why are you even here? Every one of your posts are full of nothing but lies and dumbassery. Ever single one.
Poor white males. Can never catch a break.
Admitting that you don't give a flying fuck about discrimination based on sex is hardly a winning argument for your case. Why should men give a fuck if women are discriminated against?
Admitting that you don't give a flying fuck about discrimination based on sex is hardly a winning argument for your case. Why should men give a fuck if women are discriminated against?
How could you possibly know if a woman is being discriminated against? Are you a biologist?
Ok so if those intersex people are neither man nor woman, does that change the meaning of “woman”?

It is just your opinion that they are neither man nor woman.
Most people would say that all humans have some proportions of testosterone and estrogen, so it is a continual spectrum, NOT binary.
And I did not just imply intersex, but where there is no absolute.
For example, a person with XX chromosome pair, can still incorrectly grow a penis for dozens of reasons.
That is where there is a mismatch.
So which should be given priority?
It is just your opinion that they are neither man nor woman.
Most people would say that all humans have some proportions of testosterone and estrogen, so it is a continual spectrum, NOT binary.
And I did not just imply intersex, but where there is no absolute.
For example, a person with XX chromosome pair, can still incorrectly grow a penis for dozens of reasons.
That is where there is a mismatch.
So which should be given priority?

How many XX people have grown a penis?

Not an enlarged clitoris, an actual functioning penis.
Not that I can see.
Here is her only legal qualifications as a judge:
Barrett spent two years as a judicial law clerk after law school, first for judge Laurence Silberman of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit from 1997 to 1998, and then for justice Antonin Scalia of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1998 to 1999.

She was appointed to the appeals court by Trump in 2017, but appeals court is not experience as a judge.
On May 8, 2017, President Donald Trump nominated Barrett to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit after Judge John Daniel Tinder took senior status.[5][6] A Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on her nomination was held on September 6, 2017.[45]
Um, Barrett was on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Appeals court judges are most certainly judges. Might want to stay in your lane Rigby.
You are deluded and insane.

There is no point in having a discussion about Science, Physics, and The Laws of the Universe, the things that define our dimensions with someone who is obviously spiritually and mentally corrupted and who has no concept of truth and exchanges lies (dogma) for truth, calling lies truth, and truth lies.

Execution is not murder btw. So you cannot even define the difference between the two, and that makes you a ship without a rudder, a house without a foundation because there is no point of reference where you can define anything. Intellectual Fluidity is no different than Gender Fluidity. It is mental illness.

Again as I said, without standards and the ability to define things, conversations with such people are pointless.

The very definition of Insanity is the Suspension of Reality, and a departure from standards, norms, rules, ethics, and laws.

Spiritual Insanity follows Mental Insanity when a person departs from the structures, principles, laws, rules and standards that define life, the universe and how it operates. Or perhaps it is Spiritual Insanity that proceeds Mental Insanity. Irregardless, that absence of standards, definitions and rules that govern life and the universe is chaos, and the refusal to believe in and adhere to standards, definitions and rules that govern life and the universe is INSANITY.

God told us that you would all become mentally and spiritually insane in the last days, so it is no surprise for me to find that I often am debating lunatics.

2 Thessalonians 2​

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 13 But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: 14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The reason execution is murder is that it is deliberate killing of someone else, when NOT necessary in order to defend the rights of anyone else.
Killing in immediate defense is not murder because you have no choice.
Execution is murder because it is totally unnecessary.
Executions are done because they are enjoyed by those who do it, and they serve no purpose.
Nor can anyone ever gain the legal authority to execute.
We as individuals only have self defense authority, but not execution authority, so there is no legal way to delegate execution authority to government.
The reason execution is murder is that it is deliberate killing of someone else, when NOT necessary in order to defend the rights of anyone else.
Killing in immediate defense is not murder because you have no choice.
Execution is murder because it is totally unnecessary.
Executions are done because they are enjoyed by those who do it, and they serve no purpose.
Nor can anyone ever gain the legal authority to execute.
We as individuals only have self defense authority, but not execution authority, so there is no legal way to delegate execution authority to government.

Execution is not murder, murder is a specific crime, and a legal execution by the State is not a crime.

It is a homicide, but a legal constitutional homicide.

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