Asking Jackson What a Woman Is Was Not a Gotcha Question As the Left Proclaim

Why do you Leftards hate science?

She wasn’t asked about birth defects.

If you insist on a binary definition, then you DO have encompass all birth defects as well.
And there is not X and Y. There is XX, XY, XXY, XYY, etc.
You can NOT except biological anomalies.
Hence the definition of a "woman" can NOT be presumed by anyone.
Spoken like a true child of Hell bound for Hell. Obviously you do not fear God, and neither do you have any moral standards.
Your ethics are as fluid as your gender. Seek psychological and spiritual help.
Your statements about women are absurd and insane.
If Engineers for example did not have standards and did not continue to adhere to them, modern society would completely fall apart.
Even fudging on tolerances on machinery can be catastrophic.

The same goes for Social Engineering. If you cannot define the basic concepts in society and standardize them, your society will fall apart.

That is your goal, the destruction of standards, and the promotion of chaos.

You advocate The Destruction of Society, The Destruction of America.
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If you insist on a binary definition, then you DO have encompass all birth defects as well.
And there is not X and Y. There is XX, XY, XXY, XYY, etc.
People with Birth Defects have Civil Rights, and people with genetic defects are such a miniscule percentage of any population, so why do you advocate the destruction of standards in society?

Please provide proof of what percentage of the population have XXY, XYY chromosomes or just exit the thread because you advocate nonsense and have no argument for why we should tear down legal, moral and ethical standards that hold a society together.
That is silly because obviously the Old Testament lacks any credibility.

Heard any burning bushes lately?
All of our laws are based upon the Ten Commandments, shitforbrains.



Ten Commandments
It is extremely stupid to ask "what is a woman" to a judge.
A judge is supposed to weigh between arguments, not come up with their own.
And a judge is supposed to reference the legislative backdrop, not come up with their own.

But as a person who does have some biological knowledge, I can tell you no one knows what a woman is.
While we frequently use a vagina vs a penis as a reference, what about a hermaphrodite who has both?
We frequently consider the XX chromosomes as opposed to XY, but what about XXY or XYY?
There are also hundreds, if not thousands of other exceptional cases.
Someone who is born with both doesn’t make so we can’t define a woman. It’s a birth defect. Just because someone is born without an arm, should we consider that as a normal thing? Let’s change everything to be done with one arm since SOME people don’t have both.

I don’t think we should make intersex people the basis on which to change society. After all, they make up .018% of the population.
This insanity is the ultimate outcome of holding back well qualified candidates while you promote unqualified white people. Amy Coney Barrett was unqualified and hadn't even been a judge.
She wasnt? Someone should alert the ABA.

"The American Bar Association on Sunday rated Judge Amy Coney Barrett as “well qualified,” its highest rating, an important endorsement ahead of what are expected to be contentious confirmation hearings on her Supreme Court appointment this week."
Spoken like a true child of Hell bound for Hell. Obviously you do not fear God, and neither do you have any moral standards.
Your ethics are as fluid as your gender. Seek psychological and spiritual help.
Your statements about women are absurd and insane.
If Engineers for example did not have standards and did not continue to adhere to them, modern society would completely fall apart.
Even fudging on tolerances on machinery can be catastrophic.

The same goes for Social Engineering. If you cannot define the basic concepts in society and standardize them, your society will fall apart.

That is your goal, the destruction of standards, and the promotion of chaos.

You advocate The Destruction of Society, The Destruction of America.

No God would ever be like the Old Testament claims.

And you totally have this wrong.
Biology is NOT engineering.
Engineering is understanding the constant laws of physics and math.
Biology is arbitrary and constantly changing, evolving.
It is extremely stupid to ask "what is a woman" to a judge.
A judge is supposed to weigh between arguments, not come up with their own.
And a judge is supposed to reference the legislative backdrop, not come up with their own.

But as a person who does have some biological knowledge, I can tell you no one knows what a woman is.
While we frequently use a vagina vs a penis as a reference, what about a hermaphrodite who has both?
We frequently consider the XX chromosomes as opposed to XY, but what about XXY or XYY?
There are also hundreds, if not thousands of other exceptional cases.
So all the civil rights laws pertaining to "women" are invalid? If we cant define what a "woman" is then how can we safeguard rights for "women"?
No God would ever be like the Old Testament claims.

And you totally have this wrong.
Biology is NOT engineering.
Engineering is understanding the constant laws of physics and math.
Biology is arbitrary and constantly changing, evolving.
LOL. I didnt know the arbiter of what God is and what He would do was on this board. We are all truly blessed.
No God would ever be like the Old Testament claims.

And you totally have this wrong.
Biology is NOT engineering.
Engineering is understanding the constant laws of physics and math.
Biology is arbitrary and constantly changing, evolving.
So now you’re imposing your twisted version of a god onto everyone.
Typical Leftard.
People with Birth Defects have Civil Rights, and people with genetic defects are such a miniscule percentage of any population, so why do you advocate the destruction of standards in society?

Please provide proof of what percentage of the population have XXY, XYY chromosomes or just exit the thread because you advocate nonsense and have no argument for why we should tear down legal, moral and ethical standards that hold a society together.
No one advocated anything.
I simply pointed out that asking something like defining a "woman" is an intangible abstraction.
It does not matter if nonbinary chromosome combinations are some tiny 0.00000000001% or less.
The point is that in biology, almost nothing is 100%.
And that makes the question infinite.

Old Testament standards should never have been used for legal, moral, or ethical purposes in a modern democratic society. The only issue for judges should be to prevent infringement of inherent individual rights.
She was never a trial attorney which at a minimum should be a pre-requisite. She was a law professor at an elite university, so she never had to use her education or skills in the real world. She's a wealthy white woman who the Federalist Society has been promoting with Dark Money since she was in law school - getting her the "right clerkships" and the right appointments, so limited life experiences.

ACB had been a judge on the federal appeals court for a very short time and written few opinions. This is versus the hundreds of opinions that Ms. Jackson Brown has written. Ms. Jackson Brown was a criminal court judge and has experience at all levels of the judicial system.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Ms. Brown Jackson has been a prosecutor, a defense attorney in private practice, and she's been a judge for more than 8 years, in both lower courts where she sees real people, and on the appellate courts.

ACB relied on white privilege and Dark Money.

Are you a woman?
All of our laws are based upon the Ten Commandments, shitforbrains.


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Ten Commandments
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All of our laws are based on human DNA that existed long before the 10 Commandments, and we do not believe in the 1st through 4th commandments any more.
We probably should not believe in the 7th, since there are no monogamous primates.
And we certainly do not believe in the 10th, since everyone is so greedy and covetous these days.
No God would ever be like the Old Testament claims.

And you totally have this wrong.
Biology is NOT engineering.
Engineering is understanding the constant laws of physics and math.
Biology is arbitrary and constantly changing, evolving.
The universe, and life are engineered and follow precise rules and standards.
The Laws of Physics are very specific and without them there cannot be a universe, let alone life.

God set those precise rules and standards.

A watch has a watchmaker.

The Laws of The Universe have a Lawmaker.

Only a fool would reject that truth.

Why is murder wrong, and why did Cain kill Able?
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Someone who is born with both doesn’t make so we can’t define a woman. It’s a birth defect. Just because someone is born without an arm, should we consider that as a normal thing? Let’s change everything to be done with one arm since SOME people don’t have both.

I don’t think we should make intersex people the basis on which to change society. After all, they make up .018% of the population.

We are not talking about changing society at all, but what the correct answer is when a judge is asked "what is a woman"?
The correct answer is that there is no one correct answer, so her response was correct.
A judge has to answer for 100% of the population, not just 99.982%.
The universe, and life are engineered and follow precise rules and standards.
The Laws of Physics are very specific and without them there cannot be a universe, let alone life.

God set those precise rules and standards.

A watch has a watchmaker.

The Laws of The Universe has a Lawmaker.

Only a fool would reject that truth.

Why is murder wrong, and why did Cain kill Able?

Biology is not static at all, and is constantly changing.
It is not set by precise rules and there is no human evaluation over what biology should be like.
The proof of that has been shown since Darwin.
And we know that at one time, there were not 2 sexes, but all organisms multiplied asexually.

And at one time we used to murder and call it execution.
We know better now.
We are not talking about changing society at all, but what the correct answer is when a judge is asked "what is a woman"?
The correct answer is that there is no one correct answer, so her response was correct.
A judge has to answer for 100% of the population, not just 99.982%.
Ok so if those intersex people are neither man nor woman, does that change the meaning of “woman”?
Biology is not static at all, and is constantly changing.
It is not set by precise rules and there is no human evaluation over what biology should be like.
The proof of that has been shown since Darwin.
And we know that at one time, there were not 2 sexes, but all organisms multiplied asexually.

And at one time we used to murder and call it execution.
We know better now.
You are deluded and insane.

There is no point in having a discussion about Science, Physics, and The Laws of the Universe, the things that define our dimensions with someone who is obviously spiritually and mentally corrupted and who has no concept of truth and exchanges lies (dogma) for truth, calling lies truth, and truth lies.

Execution is not murder btw. So you cannot even define the difference between the two, and that makes you a ship without a rudder, a house without a foundation because there is no point of reference where you can define anything. Intellectual Fluidity is no different than Gender Fluidity. It is mental illness.

Again as I said, without standards and the ability to define things, conversations with such people are pointless.

The very definition of Insanity is the Suspension of Reality, and a departure from standards, norms, rules, ethics, and laws.

Spiritual Insanity follows Mental Insanity when a person departs from the structures, principles, laws, rules and standards that define life, the universe and how it operates. Or perhaps it is Spiritual Insanity that proceeds Mental Insanity. Irregardless, that absence of standards, definitions and rules that govern life and the universe is chaos, and the refusal to believe in and adhere to standards, definitions and rules that govern life and the universe is INSANITY.

God told us that you would all become mentally and spiritually insane in the last days, so it is no surprise for me to find that I often am debating lunatics.

2 Thessalonians 2​

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 13 But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: 14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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