Asking Jackson What a Woman Is Was Not a Gotcha Question As the Left Proclaim

All of our laws are based on human DNA that existed long before the 10 Commandments, and we do not believe in the 1st through 4th commandments any more.
We probably should not believe in the 7th, since there are no monogamous primates.
And we certainly do not believe in the 10th, since everyone is so greedy and covetous these days.
Our laws are based upon human DNA?

Tell us more how they even knew about DNA.

And besides, the answer to what a woman is is DNA, Dufus.
Biology is not static at all, and is constantly changing.
It is not set by precise rules and there is no human evaluation over what biology should be like.
The proof of that has been shown since Darwin.
And we know that at one time, there were not 2 sexes, but all organisms multiplied asexually.

And at one time we used to murder and call it execution.
We know better now.

Why do you Leftards hate science so much? Humans cannot change sex on a whim.
This stuff was the standard partisan grandstanding for the cameras that happen whenever hearings are televised. Anyone who denies that is full of crap.
It is extremely stupid to ask "what is a woman" to a judge.
A judge is supposed to weigh between arguments, not come up with their own.
And a judge is supposed to reference the legislative backdrop, not come up with their own.

But as a person who does have some biological knowledge, I can tell you no one knows what a woman is.
While we frequently use a vagina vs a penis as a reference, what about a hermaphrodite who has both?
We frequently consider the XX chromosomes as opposed to XY, but what about XXY or XYY?
There are also hundreds, if not thousands of other exceptional cases.

This one I agree with completely. There are men and women who, on their physical appearance range all across the gender spectrum. Some women are very curvy, and some slim hipped and small busted. Same with men. Hormone levels vary vastly between individuals as well, in both men and women, same as their physiques. Some people go to fat very easily, others can't keep weight on.

We are not all the same. The variety is endless. That should be celebrated, not measured or punished.
You do not know what a "woman" is.
No one does.
It is an existential question that the human race will always ask but never be able to answer.
That is because sexes are just an evolutionary accident, and not a product of any physical laws.
They do not have to exist.

Since humans created the word, they obviously know what they meant by it. Up to no, it' been used to refer to anyone with two X chromosomes.

It's really that simple.
You do not know what a "woman" is.
No one does.
It is an existential question that the human race will always ask but never be able to answer.
That is because sexes are just an evolutionary accident, and not a product of any physical laws.
They do not have to exist.
What’s a woman?
No, without real court experience, then you don't get to see how they will react as a judge, to Defendents, witnesses, testimony, etc.
In an appeals court, it is all just lawyers.
You do not get to see witnesses because new testimony is not allowed.

And never having been a judge in a real courtroom, should have precluded being appointed to an appeals court position.

Amazing how these "standards" pop up only when Republican nominees are being discussed.

This stuff was the standard partisan grandstanding for the cameras that happen whenever hearings are televised. Anyone who denies that is full of crap.
It was nothing of the sort. It was a test for the candidate to see if they are mentally competent to sit on The SCOTUS.

If you cannot define what a woman is, then how can we trust you to define what law is?
It is extremely stupid to ask "what is a woman" to a judge.
A judge is supposed to weigh between arguments, not come up with their own.
And a judge is supposed to reference the legislative backdrop, not come up with their own.

But as a person who does have some biological knowledge, I can tell you no one knows what a woman is.
While we frequently use a vagina vs a penis as a reference, what about a hermaphrodite who has both?
We frequently consider the XX chromosomes as opposed to XY, but what about XXY or XYY?
There are also hundreds, if not thousands of other exceptional cases.
if they are not supposed to come up with their own, then she shouldn't be wanting to use CRT or social justice in her decisions.

ouch. that boomerang came back quick.
There’s a war on women, and you Leftards have validated it.
There is also a war against men which leftards have validated. They've turned men into women. Ditto with children, which is obvious to anyone with a brain.

Safe to say the left is at war with humanity. That's SOME kind of self-loathing.

They can go ahead and hate themselves until the end of time, but they'd just better think hard before trying to drag the rest of us down to their level.
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Neither is asking what does 2+2 equal. While people may disagree, science dictates only one answer for each.

Major topics in society today are women being forced to compete against men in sports, forced to be in front of men in showers and bathrooms, women locked in jails with men, etc etc. Also is the major issue of parents being engaged in their child’s education. 8 year olds being exposed to homoerotic teachings in public schools is at the front burner of society.

She knew the question was coming.

Women are being treated like second class citizens. And if you don’t even know what a woman is how can you contribute to the solution?

Americans need a Supreme Court justice who will protect women and our children and will defend parents' constitutional right to decide what is best for their own kids.
Well it was but only because she is forced to espouse extreme was pure genius actually because there was no good answer for her to give.
The question about the definition of a broad wasn't difficult but it was pertinent.

It gave Ms. Jackson a chance to prove if she was a devout, strict lib or whether she could state the obvious when it didn't fit the liberal narrative.

She failed, her statement about not knowing what a woman is showed that she is just another brainwashed devotee of the Liberal Biden Cult.

Not fit for the Supreme Court
The question about the definition of a broad wasn't difficult but it was pertinent.

It gave Ms. Jackson a chance to prove if she was a devout, strict lib or whether she could state the obvious when it didn't fit the liberal narrative.

She failed, her statement about not knowing what a woman is showed that she is just another brainwashed devotee of the Liberal Biden Cult.

Not fit for the Supreme Court
But she'll get the appointment anyway.

This stuff was the standard partisan grandstanding for the cameras that happen whenever hearings are televised. Anyone who denies that is full of crap.
When should it be brought up, at one of those dull hearings that no one watches? Bringing up important issues is what the hearing is about, moron
This stuff was the standard partisan grandstanding for the cameras that happen whenever hearings are televised. Anyone who denies that is full of crap.

The question was designed to see if the nominee would state an obvious fact, or if her mind was thoroughly corrupted by the Biden Cult and would deny the obvious if it didn't meet the liberal agenda.

It was a good question as the answer was enlightening.

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