Asking Jackson What a Woman Is Was Not a Gotcha Question As the Left Proclaim

Yes. Anomalies exist. So what?

What is it you want exactly? That you feel you don't have?

Equal rights? You already have equal rights. It says so in the Constitution and in a bunch of different laws.

What do you want?

I don't want anything.
I make my own way.

But the point is asking a judge about their political predisposition over something that is actually complicated science, is not just wrong, but evil actually.
We should not be turning science into mob theatrics.

The point is to not base our future society on the past superstitions and preconceptions of the Old Testament.
We need to instead start listening asking science for actual truths, as much as we can know.
We do not have to know about, understand, or be homosexual for us to understand that anyone should decide what they want to do, as long as it does not harm others.
That actually applies to lots of things, like why the War on Drugs is such a bad idea, illegal, coercive, violent, etc.
People who are not severely fucked up in the head have no difficulty at all distinguishing between and defining male and female in humans.

Your own severe mental defectiveness is your own issue, and not relevant to the discussion, other than as a demonstration of that sort of mental illness.

You can not tell DNA on sight, you can not tell hormone levels on sight, you can not tell puberty mental sexual orientation on sight, or anything else.
All you can tell on sight is to distinguish between a penis and a vagina, which can easily be a mismatch.
The frequency of this mismatch is irrelevant, since it happening even once is all that is needed to prevent it from being a useful means of defining man vs woman.
Anyone who says a woman is defined by a vagina, is wrong as long as in at least one case, there is a woman without a vagina. And it can be proven there is.
Not therapy.

He's had years of the effects of testosterone BECAUSE HE'S A MAN!

There is ZERO difference between a man and a woman EXCEPT hormone therapy.
We have done this in labs with animals, many times.
No matter what the DNA, is you subject the embryo with the right hormones, you can make a male or female, at will.
If you do not get this, then you do not at all understand basic biology.
The XX or XY DNA provides the potential for which hormones the fetus should normally make, but that frequently does not happen according to plan.
No we do not know precisely what is male or female.
What you are unaware of, is that nearly 100% of males and females are identical.
The testes and ovaries are the SAME organ.
The clitoris and vagina are the SAME organ as the penis.
The ONLY difference is what hormones are strongest, while developing in the womb, and again, 12 years later again at puberty.
And it does not take a genius to then understand that the odds of a hormone mismatch between the womb and puberty, is relatively high.

Through out nature, deviations are exactly the standard method by which humans evolved from our ancestral amoebas.
Things happen.
Nature is not at all precise, but chaotic instead.
And what ever works best, survives.

And this has nothing to do with sports.
The title X problem has nothing to do with male or female.
I only instead has to do with testosterone or estrogen.
Those with excess testosterone can not be allowed to compete against those who have estrogen instead.
We can not determine male or female, because we do NOT know that that means, since it is arbitrary.
But we do know what testosterone does and it can be tested for.
And that is all sports should be checking.
Yes we do know.
You can not tell DNA on sight, you can not tell hormone levels on sight, you can not tell puberty mental sexual orientation on sight, or anything else.
All you can tell on sight is to distinguish between a penis and a vagina, which can easily be a mismatch.
The frequency of this mismatch is irrelevant, since it happening even once is all that is needed to prevent it from being a useful means of defining man vs woman.
Anyone who says a woman is defined by a vagina, is wrong as long as in at least one case, there is a woman without a vagina. And it can be proven there is.
A woman is not defined by having a vagina. She is defined by having 2 X chromosomes, and her anatomy will normally develop into female anatomy.

You can generally tell a male from a female by looking at them. We dont need to know if they have a penis or a vagina, you can "generally" just look at a person and know.

Yes, there are some women who develop more masculine traits, and some men who develop more feminine traits, but in each case, you can tell, unless they have been surgically or hormone therapy altered.

Yes, there are instances where the two cross, but it is rare.

Yes, there are some people who believe that were born different than how they feel. Those things happen, but in almost all situations, you know what a man or a woman is.

You guys are trying to blur the line between male and female...for what? So, if a woman calls herself a woman, are you going to argue with her and demonize her for it? Are you going to challenge her on her own sex? If I tell you I'm a man, are you going to tell me I'm not? I know I'm a man, and nobody can tell me I'm not. I have xy chromosomes, hairy chest, masculine features and male genitalia, therefore I'm a man.

I'm you have kids? When you take then to the doctor and have to fill out the questionnaire, do you list them as male or female? If you do, how do you know? How does the doctor know how to treat them?

You know because biology tells us these things.
Sure there are lots of easy cases, but what about the hard ones?
Like I said, what about hermaphrodites, XYY or XXY chromosomes, people who look one way but whose appearance conflicts with their chromosomes, etc.
You do NOT know.
Neither does your wife or daughter.
Hermaphradites are neither man nor woman. They are freaks of nature. If you have a vagina you are a woman. If you have a vagina AND a penis, you arent a woman.

Also, surgically making a vagina like hole on a man doesnt make it a vagina any more than a sex toy maker cranking out pocket pussy's on an assembly line. Its a hole, not a vagina.

You are confused over such a simple thing that every 5 year old can answer. :cuckoo:
The person would be a woman. In most cases, the "penis" is a rare defect, same in the case of males with a uterus. You are talking about rare instances of people with genetic defects.

In over 99.999999% of every other birth, xx will be a girl and xy will be a boy, each with normal genitalia.
Anomalies are over 1%, approaching 10%, and with all the chemicals and pesticides, we are risking much higher %s at time goes on.
The Y chromosome is defective, barely useful, and both men and women are actually mostly living off the X chromosome. The Y chromosom does very little and will be completely useless in time.
A woman is not defined by having a vagina. She is defined by having 2 X chromosomes, and her anatomy will normally develop into female anatomy.

You can generally tell a male from a female by looking at them. We dont need to know if they have a penis or a vagina, you can "generally" just look at a person and know.

Yes, there are some women who develop more masculine traits, and some men who develop more feminine traits, but in each case, you can tell, unless they have been surgically or hormone therapy altered.

Yes, there are instances where the two cross, but it is rare.

Yes, there are some people who believe that were born different than how they feel. Those things happen, but in almost all situations, you know what a man or a woman is.

You guys are trying to blur the line between male and female...for what? So, if a woman calls herself a woman, are you going to argue with her and demonize her for it? Are you going to challenge her on her own sex? If I tell you I'm a man, are you going to tell me I'm not? I know I'm a man, and nobody can tell me I'm not. I have xy chromosomes, hairy chest, masculine features and male genitalia, therefore I'm a man.

I'm you have kids? When you take then to the doctor and have to fill out the questionnaire, do you list them as male or female? If you do, how do you know? How does the doctor know how to treat them?

You know because biology tells us these things.

Good try.
But the chromosomes and appearance do not have to coincide.
There are lots of men who do NOT have an XY chromosome pair, but instead are XX.
So while we can accept either definition arbitrarily, that is something we need a judge to decide.
And they have to hear expert testimony.
The current popular beliefs, like yours, that chromosomes and appearance coincide, are simply wrong.

The point is about ignorance, preconceptions, prejudice, narrow mindedness, etc.
You do NOT know you have XY chromosomes unless you have had them checked.
There is no other way to know.
And the reality is that since you do not know this, you do NOT know your biology very well at all.

My opinion is that appearance is the most important.
I do not care about whether or not a person has XX or XY.
It likely will not effect anything significantly, at this point.
Hermaphradites are neither man nor woman. They are freaks of nature. If you have a vagina you are a woman. If you have a vagina AND a penis, you arent a woman.

Also, surgically making a vagina like hole on a man doesnt make it a vagina any more than a sex toy maker cranking out pocket pussy's on an assembly line. Its a hole, not a vagina.

You are confused over such a simple thing that every 5 year old can answer. :cuckoo:

We are ALL freaks of nature.
At one time, all creatures reproduced asexually.
The differentiation of sexes was essentially damage, but since it works to our advantage, it is a good thing.
And damage continually keeps happening.
Which constantly leads to changes, that keep evolving.
And those changes lead to better and worse things, that then either take over or die out.
In half a million years, it is possible that all the human species will be all hermaphrodites.
There are inherent advantages to that.
We now have no way of knowing.
Neither is asking what does 2+2 equal. While people may disagree, science dictates only one answer for each.

Major topics in society today are women being forced to compete against men in sports, forced to be in front of men in showers and bathrooms, women locked in jails with men, etc etc. Also is the major issue of parents being engaged in their child’s education. 8 year olds being exposed to homoerotic teachings in public schools is at the front burner of society.

She knew the question was coming.

Women are being treated like second class citizens. And if you don’t even know what a woman is how can you contribute to the solution?

Americans need a Supreme Court justice who will protect women and our children and will defend parents' constitutional right to decide what is best for their own kids.
Have you whitey righties figured out what a woman is yet?
Neither is asking what does 2+2 equal. While people may disagree, science dictates only one answer for each.

Major topics in society today are women being forced to compete against men in sports, forced to be in front of men in showers and bathrooms, women locked in jails with men, etc etc. Also is the major issue of parents being engaged in their child’s education. 8 year olds being exposed to homoerotic teachings in public schools is at the front burner of society.

She knew the question was coming.

Women are being treated like second class citizens. And if you don’t even know what a woman is how can you contribute to the solution?

Americans need a Supreme Court justice who will protect women and our children and will defend parents' constitutional right to decide what is best for their own kids.
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo: 🤪 :aargh: :blahblah: :abgg2q.jpg: You didn't even offer an intelligent explanation why it wasn't a gotcha question.
Fuck the left…they LOVE gotcha questions.

They pose them all the time.

Interesting to note they know they are full of shit when theny aks them.

Whether or not a SUPREME COURT JUDGE can say what defines a woman is VERY relevant in this time when the lwft wing crazies are intentionally destroying the nation.
You're just pissed because you can't answer. You are weak and ignorant.
I can’t believe the stupidity here…


  1. an adult female human being.
    "a drawing of a young woman" ·
    lady · adult female · female · girl · person · lass · lassie · wife · colleen · Frau · Signora · Señora · maid · maiden · damsel · demoiselle · gentlewoman · bitch
    • a female member of a workforce, team, etc..
      "thousands of women were laid off" ·
    • a female person associated with a particular place, activity, or occupation.
      "a Princeton woman was recently named the Young Lawyer of the Year"
    • female adults in general.
      "woman is intuitive"
    • a disrespectful form of address to a woman.
      "don't be daft, woman!"
    • dated
      a female person who is paid to clean someone's house and carry out other domestic duties.
      "a daily woman"
    • a person's wife, girlfriend, or female lover.
      "he wondered whether Billy had his woman with him"
      girlfriend · girl · partner · significant other · wife · spouse·
    • a person with the qualities traditionally associated with females.
      "I feel more of a woman by empowering myself to do what is right for me"
    • a female individual; one.
      "with that money, a woman could buy a house and put two kids through college"
I can't believe your stupidity either. There is no hope for you.

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