Asking Jackson What a Woman Is Was Not a Gotcha Question As the Left Proclaim

Good try.
But the chromosomes and appearance do not have to coincide.
There are lots of men who do NOT have an XY chromosome pair, but instead are XX.
So while we can accept either definition arbitrarily, that is something we need a judge to decide.
And they have to hear expert testimony.
The current popular beliefs, like yours, that chromosomes and appearance coincide, are simply wrong.

The point is about ignorance, preconceptions, prejudice, narrow mindedness, etc.
You do NOT know you have XY chromosomes unless you have had them checked.
There is no other way to know.
And the reality is that since you do not know this, you do NOT know your biology very well at all.

My opinion is that appearance is the most important.
I do not care about whether or not a person has XX or XY.
It likely will not effect anything significantly, at this point.
Either way, a woman is a woman and a man is a man. Even if a man has xx and a woman has xy, those are, again, rare.

The whole point is, defining a man and a woman is not hard. The whole package, chromosomes, physical features, body hair, genitals, all of it makes up what we call a man or a woman. I can look at someone and tell if they are a man or a woman (unless altered in some way).

I don't understand why you folks are trying to blur these lines. I just wonder how far we are away from the first case of sexual discrimination because a transgender man asks another man out, and that man turns him down, and is now being sued for discrimination because the transgender guy, who thinks he's a woman, was turned down from a straight guy, and the Trans guy felt like he was turned down for being Trans.

Why can't you just let men be men and women be women, and if someone wants to identify as something other than their birth sex, then let them, but leave the rest of us alone.
You are too ignorant to construct an intelligent argument. Try post # 247 for help.
No, we've known for thousands of years what a woman and a man is. You all are trying to blur the lines. For what reason, I don't know.

But, here's a question for you. Biden said he was going to nominate a black WOMAN to the supreme court. Apparently Biden knows what a woman is. Unless you are suggesting that he could have nominated a man to the Supreme Court, and it would have been the same, right? Or are you suggesting Biden was wrong for calling her a woman? Perhaps he should have called her a black non gender specific person?

By the way, are you married? Is your partner male or female? Why did you pick that partner? I'm going to assume you picked them for various physical features, and some non physical features, that are appealing to you. If not, then I suppose that picking a potential mate should have no process, right? I mean, in your scenario, what are the things we need to look for in a potential partner? Since male and female no longer matter, and a woman is a man and a man is a woman. So...personality? Us that the only measure we need to look at?

In earlier recordings, judge Jackson gave speeches at women's events, so apparently she knows what a woman is. For some reason, you all are wanting to take and obscure the sexes and make a man a woman and a woman a man.
You are too ignorant to construct an intelligent argument. Try post # 247 for help.
You know, come to think of it, judge Jackson is not the first black woman to be on the Supreme Court. According to your reasoning, Clarence Thomas is the first black woman on scotus. Actually, we could say that Brent Kavanaugh is the first black woman, I mean, there are many different shades of black people, and some of them have very very light skin. So, by your reasoning, justice Kavanaugh is the first black woman on the Supreme Court.
You know, come to think of it, judge Jackson is not the first black woman to be on the Supreme Court. According to your reasoning, Clarence Thomas is the first black woman on scotus. Actually, we could say that Brent Kavanaugh is the first black woman, I mean, there are many different shades of black people, and some of them have very very light skin. So, by your reasoning, justice Kavanaugh is the first black woman on the Supreme Court.
Exactly. If there isn't any inherent meaning/truth, then anything goes. A ginger gay white male can pretend to be black Jewish dwarf lefthanded handicapped straight female. Because that person says so. Progressivism is pure unadulterated self indulgent insanity.
Post#247, just chewed you up and spit you out you ignorant fuck. And why is that? Because you don't know how to read. It isn't about the anatomy you dumbass. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO FUCKING STUPID? It's the neurons in the brain that decide or can't decide. My God you people and your endless stupidity and ignorance.
No, you complete retard. You don’t even know when you’re utterly defeated and refuted. That’s your retardation. The only thing you’re chewing on is your own shit.

Morons like you persist in declaring victory when you can’t even get your premises or facts straight. You’re hopelessly stupid.
Meanwhile, asshole, a biological woman has an organ for carrying a child from conception to birth (barring an accident or surgery or an accident of genetics). No biological man has that organ or the ability to get pregnant. Period.

If you need any further education, stupid, try reading a book. Pretty basic stuff. Try a junior high school library.
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It is for you. You're just too fucking ignorant to know that; Gender: When the body and brain disagree
This article proves nothing other than there are various gender identities. It even Saya that sex is assigned at conception.

Meanwhile, sex is determined at conception by the genes each of us inherits from mom and dad.

Nobody is disagreeing that people may feel different than they are physically, but that doesn't change their biological sex they were born as.

You all are taking situations that are not in the norm and using them as an argument for the whole spectrum.

No matter what, a man and a woman can be defined, then there are some occasions where their identity may not match up.

Now, in the rare situation where their chromosomes are not right, and they are born with the wrong sex organs, AND they don't feel like they what they were born as, then I can agree that maybe they have an argument, but that is a rare occasion. Even then, there are going to be predominant physical traits, and predominant genes that likely define their overall sex, but I won't argue those scenarios because they can, rarely, happen.

You should, however, normally, be able to tell a man from a woman.
Post#247, just chewed you up and spit you out you ignorant fuck. And why is that? Because you don't know how to read. It isn't about the anatomy you dumbass. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO FUCKING STUPID? It's the neurons in the brain that decide or can't decide. My God you people and your endless stupidity and ignorance.

I don't mind if people decide to use biology, like chromosomes, hormones, anatomy, etc., but I do tend to think that puberty is proof that it is what is in the mind that is most important.
Being ONE does not at all help in determining the definition for ALL.
If she can’t define “woman,” it is odd to think she can know she is a woman. But if she knows she is a woman, she’s smart enough to have a pretty good handle on how to define that not difficult concept.
What? If this person obfuscates on something obvious, she is a lying progressive poser. She's not fit to be on the supreme court.

That is silly because what is a woman is not at all obvious.
If you take the people born with a vagina, they are considered female, but are not yet a woman.
A person is not a woman until after puberty.
So are you going to claim that it is obvious whether or not a person went through puberty?
If she can’t define “woman,” it is odd to think she can know she is a woman. But if she knows she is a woman, she’s smart enough to have a pretty good handle on how to define that not difficult concept.

She can determine if she went through puberty or not, but she can't tell what her chromosomes are.
She can't tell how anyone else feels, has experienced, or what their chromosome are.

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