Asking the wrong questions.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
If a society can be judged by the questions asked by its citizens how would we judge America? If the people do not follow the edicts of government but instead line up behind a political outsider that questions the wisdom of leadership are those citizens heretics or fools? Who do so many do this? And why does the government go to such lengths to silence and marginalize them? Why would a national election be manipulated with targeted fraud to take away the people’s choice? Feel free to attack me with propagandized epithets like conspiracy theorist, uneducated and foolish. I still have a clear mind and I ask “real” questions.

Is it possible for a nation state to attack the world population with a biological weapon to gain a global advantage for itself? That certainly sounds like science fiction but advances in the chemistry of biology now make that possible and we may have just witnessed the first salvo fired in a new age of warfare so dangerous and destructive that the human race itself could be in jeopardy. Older Americans recall that as far back as the 1960’s DNA was studied in biology classes. At the time it was basic and primitive technology focusing on the natural aspects of developing evolution and the continuing mutations of the double helix molecule discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953.

Human understanding of molecular biology has advanced by leaps and bounds. It is now a double-edged sword with the promise of the elimination of inherited disease on one swing and the weaponization of the chemistry of life on earth with the other. All life on Earth is composed of deoxyribonucadenine acid, hence, DNA. DNA molecules are composed of just four chemicals based in pairs—adenine and thymine or cytosine and guanine. How these chemicals are combined determines how genes work-it is nature’s code, and every living thing follows it.

If you think Crispr Sas-9 automation that allows for the splicing of genes from one lifeform to another will for used only as a force for good then it is you who are the fool. Viruses are very simple lifeforms. They can easily be converted to superbugs-the scientific term is “gain of function” endowing them with the capability to overcome natural barriers.

Has the People’s Republic of China used this to take down an American president? Why don’t we ask Dr. Fauci?

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Way too much nonsense filler to unpack so I'll deal just with your last line since you could have made that statement without everything that came before. No, China did not take down Trump. Trump took down Trump. We had ample opportunity to take steps to slow the spread of this virus in January. However, it's a bit tough when the guy that has the power to mobilize the federal response with the stroke of his pen was more worried about hanging at Mar-A-Lago and golfing, tweeting, and holding his shadow pep rallies. The virus was allowed to spread unchecked, leaving governors, mayors, and business leaders to make the tough choices absent any leadership from the WH. Even after March, his leadership consisted of rage tweets and hawking miracle cures like hydroxy and Zinc, and making irresponsible wild assed suggestions like injecting disinfectants or sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine. Then, we come to election season and mail in voting, which the states passed laws permitting...because the guy in the WH completely blew the response to the virus. It comes to pass that older people and people of color are impacted more heavily by this virus and THEY are the voters that come out for Biden and are the difference in showing Trump the door. So of course, people like you bitch and complain. You sink down into conspiracy theory sites and gather in alt-right cabals backslapping each other and convincing yourselves the election was "stolen".

He lost. He wasn't taken down. There was no coup. I understand you and the rest of Trump Nation are afraid of both the future and of this country evolving. The virus started in China. Its arrival on our shore was inevitable. But last I looked, the United States does not wait for ANY country to act before we do. Unfortunately, we had a guy in the WH who had no interest in the job beyond the power and adoration that came with it. And in the end, it cost him his shot at re-election.
No, China did not take down Trump. Trump took down Trump.

COVID gave Trump an opportunity to step up to the plate and show leadership. Think George Bush after 9-11.
Instead, Trump used COVID to divide the country, deny the threat, promise miracle cures, attack enemies.
I don't understand the wisdom of posting what is basically the same topic over and over and over again.
Viruses are very simple lifeforms. They can easily be converted to superbugs-the scientific term is “gain of function” endowing them with the capability to overcome natural barriers.

LOL... Yeah, I was cooking up a batch of small pox in my kitchen just now.

Really doofus....
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I don't understand the wisdom of posting what is basically the same topic over and over and over again.
Chinese virologist posts report claiming COVID-19 was made in Wuhan lab | New York Post - Bing video

Chinese virologist: China's government 'intentionally' released COVID-19 | Fox News

If you want to see what actual propaganda looks like-see "fact checkers". Donald Trump is bad, it says so on CNN-therefore, the Chinese did nothing wrong-see? It is just that simple.
Way too much nonsense filler to unpack so I'll deal just with your last line since you could have made that statement without everything that came before. No, China did not take down Trump. Trump took down Trump. We had ample opportunity to take steps to slow the spread of this virus in January. However, it's a bit tough when the guy that has the power to mobilize the federal response with the stroke of his pen was more worried about hanging at Mar-A-Lago and golfing, tweeting, and holding his shadow pep rallies. The virus was allowed to spread unchecked, leaving governors, mayors, and business leaders to make the tough choices absent any leadership from the WH. Even after March, his leadership consisted of rage tweets and hawking miracle cures like hydroxy and Zinc, and making irresponsible wild assed suggestions like injecting disinfectants or sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine. Then, we come to election season and mail in voting, which the states passed laws permitting...because the guy in the WH completely blew the response to the virus. It comes to pass that older people and people of color are impacted more heavily by this virus and THEY are the voters that come out for Biden and are the difference in showing Trump the door. So of course, people like you bitch and complain. You sink down into conspiracy theory sites and gather in alt-right cabals backslapping each other and convincing yourselves the election was "stolen".

He lost. He wasn't taken down. There was no coup. I understand you and the rest of Trump Nation are afraid of both the future and of this country evolving. The virus started in China. Its arrival on our shore was inevitable. But last I looked, the United States does not wait for ANY country to act before we do. Unfortunately, we had a guy in the WH who had no interest in the job beyond the power and adoration that came with it. And in the end, it cost him his shot at re-election.
Had Trump worn a mask and took the virus seriously...he likely would have been re-elected...and it likely wouldn't have been that close. I think it's a sad commentary on American politics but I also think I'm right about it.
Way too much nonsense filler to unpack so I'll deal just with your last line since you could have made that statement without everything that came before. No, China did not take down Trump. Trump took down Trump. We had ample opportunity to take steps to slow the spread of this virus in January. However, it's a bit tough when the guy that has the power to mobilize the federal response with the stroke of his pen was more worried about hanging at Mar-A-Lago and golfing, tweeting, and holding his shadow pep rallies. The virus was allowed to spread unchecked, leaving governors, mayors, and business leaders to make the tough choices absent any leadership from the WH. Even after March, his leadership consisted of rage tweets and hawking miracle cures like hydroxy and Zinc, and making irresponsible wild assed suggestions like injecting disinfectants or sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine. Then, we come to election season and mail in voting, which the states passed laws permitting...because the guy in the WH completely blew the response to the virus. It comes to pass that older people and people of color are impacted more heavily by this virus and THEY are the voters that come out for Biden and are the difference in showing Trump the door. So of course, people like you bitch and complain. You sink down into conspiracy theory sites and gather in alt-right cabals backslapping each other and convincing yourselves the election was "stolen".

He lost. He wasn't taken down. There was no coup. I understand you and the rest of Trump Nation are afraid of both the future and of this country evolving. The virus started in China. Its arrival on our shore was inevitable. But last I looked, the United States does not wait for ANY country to act before we do. Unfortunately, we had a guy in the WH who had no interest in the job beyond the power and adoration that came with it. And in the end, it cost him his shot at re-election.
Had Trump worn a mask and took the virus seriously...he likely would have been re-elected...and it likely wouldn't have been that close. I think it's a sad commentary on American politics but I also think I'm right about it.

His not wearing the mask was just a symptom of who Trump is. No one is going to tell him what to do. He is going to call anyone that tries names. Trump was just being Trump. Yes it is why he lost.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan cooked up a conspiracy theory and fled to the US while her mother was arrested by the Chinese Communists and has disappeared. She did it just for the hell of it- That makes as much sense as 80 million people voting for Joe Biden who did not campaign.

If whistle blowers accuse Trump of being a Russian agent they are good. If they expose the good friends of the US government, the Chinese, they are bad. You see how that works?
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Way too much nonsense filler to unpack so I'll deal just with your last line since you could have made that statement without everything that came before. No, China did not take down Trump. Trump took down Trump. We had ample opportunity to take steps to slow the spread of this virus in January. However, it's a bit tough when the guy that has the power to mobilize the federal response with the stroke of his pen was more worried about hanging at Mar-A-Lago and golfing, tweeting, and holding his shadow pep rallies. The virus was allowed to spread unchecked, leaving governors, mayors, and business leaders to make the tough choices absent any leadership from the WH. Even after March, his leadership consisted of rage tweets and hawking miracle cures like hydroxy and Zinc, and making irresponsible wild assed suggestions like injecting disinfectants or sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine. Then, we come to election season and mail in voting, which the states passed laws permitting...because the guy in the WH completely blew the response to the virus. It comes to pass that older people and people of color are impacted more heavily by this virus and THEY are the voters that come out for Biden and are the difference in showing Trump the door. So of course, people like you bitch and complain. You sink down into conspiracy theory sites and gather in alt-right cabals backslapping each other and convincing yourselves the election was "stolen".

He lost. He wasn't taken down. There was no coup. I understand you and the rest of Trump Nation are afraid of both the future and of this country evolving. The virus started in China. Its arrival on our shore was inevitable. But last I looked, the United States does not wait for ANY country to act before we do. Unfortunately, we had a guy in the WH who had no interest in the job beyond the power and adoration that came with it. And in the end, it cost him his shot at re-election.
Had Trump worn a mask and took the virus seriously...he likely would have been re-elected...and it likely wouldn't have been that close. I think it's a sad commentary on American politics but I also think I'm right about it.

His not wearing the mask was just a symptom of who Trump is. No one is going to tell him what to do. He is going to call anyone that tries names. Trump was just being Trump. Yes it is why he lost.

Way too much nonsense filler to unpack so I'll deal just with your last line since you could have made that statement without everything that came before. No, China did not take down Trump. Trump took down Trump. We had ample opportunity to take steps to slow the spread of this virus in January. However, it's a bit tough when the guy that has the power to mobilize the federal response with the stroke of his pen was more worried about hanging at Mar-A-Lago and golfing, tweeting, and holding his shadow pep rallies. The virus was allowed to spread unchecked, leaving governors, mayors, and business leaders to make the tough choices absent any leadership from the WH. Even after March, his leadership consisted of rage tweets and hawking miracle cures like hydroxy and Zinc, and making irresponsible wild assed suggestions like injecting disinfectants or sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine. Then, we come to election season and mail in voting, which the states passed laws permitting...because the guy in the WH completely blew the response to the virus. It comes to pass that older people and people of color are impacted more heavily by this virus and THEY are the voters that come out for Biden and are the difference in showing Trump the door. So of course, people like you bitch and complain. You sink down into conspiracy theory sites and gather in alt-right cabals backslapping each other and convincing yourselves the election was "stolen".

He lost. He wasn't taken down. There was no coup. I understand you and the rest of Trump Nation are afraid of both the future and of this country evolving. The virus started in China. Its arrival on our shore was inevitable. But last I looked, the United States does not wait for ANY country to act before we do. Unfortunately, we had a guy in the WH who had no interest in the job beyond the power and adoration that came with it. And in the end, it cost him his shot at re-election.
Had Trump worn a mask and took the virus seriously...he likely would have been re-elected...and it likely wouldn't have been that close. I think it's a sad commentary on American politics but I also think I'm right about it.

This. Had he just come home from Davos on January 22nd, made an address to the nation without brushing it off and saying it was under control, if he had at least appeared to care about the impending virus explosion and taken just the basic steps to activate federal agencies so they could coordinate with the states, and put the full force of the DPA into place, he would have sown up his re-election before ONE vote was cast in the Democratic primaries. Along with maybe a shelter in place travel order for a week or two while we got our response act together over here would have been appropriate as well. He does just this minimum and he's re-elected easily. Biden is still the Democrat nominee, but it isn't even close on November 3rd.
Way too much nonsense filler to unpack so I'll deal just with your last line since you could have made that statement without everything that came before. No, China did not take down Trump. Trump took down Trump. We had ample opportunity to take steps to slow the spread of this virus in January. However, it's a bit tough when the guy that has the power to mobilize the federal response with the stroke of his pen was more worried about hanging at Mar-A-Lago and golfing, tweeting, and holding his shadow pep rallies. The virus was allowed to spread unchecked, leaving governors, mayors, and business leaders to make the tough choices absent any leadership from the WH. Even after March, his leadership consisted of rage tweets and hawking miracle cures like hydroxy and Zinc, and making irresponsible wild assed suggestions like injecting disinfectants or sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine. Then, we come to election season and mail in voting, which the states passed laws permitting...because the guy in the WH completely blew the response to the virus. It comes to pass that older people and people of color are impacted more heavily by this virus and THEY are the voters that come out for Biden and are the difference in showing Trump the door. So of course, people like you bitch and complain. You sink down into conspiracy theory sites and gather in alt-right cabals backslapping each other and convincing yourselves the election was "stolen".

He lost. He wasn't taken down. There was no coup. I understand you and the rest of Trump Nation are afraid of both the future and of this country evolving. The virus started in China. Its arrival on our shore was inevitable. But last I looked, the United States does not wait for ANY country to act before we do. Unfortunately, we had a guy in the WH who had no interest in the job beyond the power and adoration that came with it. And in the end, it cost him his shot at re-election.
Had Trump worn a mask and took the virus seriously...he likely would have been re-elected...and it likely wouldn't have been that close. I think it's a sad commentary on American politics but I also think I'm right about it.

This. Had he just come home from Davos on January 22nd, made an address to the nation without brushing it off and saying it was under control, if he had at least appeared to care about the impending virus explosion and taken just the basic steps to activate federal agencies so they could coordinate with the states, and put the full force of the DPA into place, he would have sown up his re-election before ONE vote was cast in the Democratic primaries. Along with maybe a shelter in place travel order for a week or two while we got our response act together over here would have been appropriate as well. He does just this minimum and he's re-elected easily. Biden is still the Democrat nominee, but it isn't even close on November 3rd.
Just for the record. You actually believe Biden got 80 million votes?
Way too much nonsense filler to unpack so I'll deal just with your last line since you could have made that statement without everything that came before. No, China did not take down Trump. Trump took down Trump. We had ample opportunity to take steps to slow the spread of this virus in January. However, it's a bit tough when the guy that has the power to mobilize the federal response with the stroke of his pen was more worried about hanging at Mar-A-Lago and golfing, tweeting, and holding his shadow pep rallies. The virus was allowed to spread unchecked, leaving governors, mayors, and business leaders to make the tough choices absent any leadership from the WH. Even after March, his leadership consisted of rage tweets and hawking miracle cures like hydroxy and Zinc, and making irresponsible wild assed suggestions like injecting disinfectants or sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine. Then, we come to election season and mail in voting, which the states passed laws permitting...because the guy in the WH completely blew the response to the virus. It comes to pass that older people and people of color are impacted more heavily by this virus and THEY are the voters that come out for Biden and are the difference in showing Trump the door. So of course, people like you bitch and complain. You sink down into conspiracy theory sites and gather in alt-right cabals backslapping each other and convincing yourselves the election was "stolen".

He lost. He wasn't taken down. There was no coup. I understand you and the rest of Trump Nation are afraid of both the future and of this country evolving. The virus started in China. Its arrival on our shore was inevitable. But last I looked, the United States does not wait for ANY country to act before we do. Unfortunately, we had a guy in the WH who had no interest in the job beyond the power and adoration that came with it. And in the end, it cost him his shot at re-election.
Had Trump worn a mask and took the virus seriously...he likely would have been re-elected...and it likely wouldn't have been that close. I think it's a sad commentary on American politics but I also think I'm right about it.

This. Had he just come home from Davos on January 22nd, made an address to the nation without brushing it off and saying it was under control, if he had at least appeared to care about the impending virus explosion and taken just the basic steps to activate federal agencies so they could coordinate with the states, and put the full force of the DPA into place, he would have sown up his re-election before ONE vote was cast in the Democratic primaries. Along with maybe a shelter in place travel order for a week or two while we got our response act together over here would have been appropriate as well. He does just this minimum and he's re-elected easily. Biden is still the Democrat nominee, but it isn't even close on November 3rd.
Just for the record. You actually believe Biden got 80 million votes?

Yes. Pretty simple. Biden won.
Way too much nonsense filler to unpack so I'll deal just with your last line since you could have made that statement without everything that came before. No, China did not take down Trump. Trump took down Trump. We had ample opportunity to take steps to slow the spread of this virus in January. However, it's a bit tough when the guy that has the power to mobilize the federal response with the stroke of his pen was more worried about hanging at Mar-A-Lago and golfing, tweeting, and holding his shadow pep rallies. The virus was allowed to spread unchecked, leaving governors, mayors, and business leaders to make the tough choices absent any leadership from the WH. Even after March, his leadership consisted of rage tweets and hawking miracle cures like hydroxy and Zinc, and making irresponsible wild assed suggestions like injecting disinfectants or sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine. Then, we come to election season and mail in voting, which the states passed laws permitting...because the guy in the WH completely blew the response to the virus. It comes to pass that older people and people of color are impacted more heavily by this virus and THEY are the voters that come out for Biden and are the difference in showing Trump the door. So of course, people like you bitch and complain. You sink down into conspiracy theory sites and gather in alt-right cabals backslapping each other and convincing yourselves the election was "stolen".

He lost. He wasn't taken down. There was no coup. I understand you and the rest of Trump Nation are afraid of both the future and of this country evolving. The virus started in China. Its arrival on our shore was inevitable. But last I looked, the United States does not wait for ANY country to act before we do. Unfortunately, we had a guy in the WH who had no interest in the job beyond the power and adoration that came with it. And in the end, it cost him his shot at re-election.
Had Trump worn a mask and took the virus seriously...he likely would have been re-elected...and it likely wouldn't have been that close. I think it's a sad commentary on American politics but I also think I'm right about it.

This. Had he just come home from Davos on January 22nd, made an address to the nation without brushing it off and saying it was under control, if he had at least appeared to care about the impending virus explosion and taken just the basic steps to activate federal agencies so they could coordinate with the states, and put the full force of the DPA into place, he would have sown up his re-election before ONE vote was cast in the Democratic primaries. Along with maybe a shelter in place travel order for a week or two while we got our response act together over here would have been appropriate as well. He does just this minimum and he's re-elected easily. Biden is still the Democrat nominee, but it isn't even close on November 3rd.
Just for the record. You actually believe Biden got 80 million votes?
Way too much nonsense filler to unpack so I'll deal just with your last line since you could have made that statement without everything that came before. No, China did not take down Trump. Trump took down Trump. We had ample opportunity to take steps to slow the spread of this virus in January. However, it's a bit tough when the guy that has the power to mobilize the federal response with the stroke of his pen was more worried about hanging at Mar-A-Lago and golfing, tweeting, and holding his shadow pep rallies. The virus was allowed to spread unchecked, leaving governors, mayors, and business leaders to make the tough choices absent any leadership from the WH. Even after March, his leadership consisted of rage tweets and hawking miracle cures like hydroxy and Zinc, and making irresponsible wild assed suggestions like injecting disinfectants or sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine. Then, we come to election season and mail in voting, which the states passed laws permitting...because the guy in the WH completely blew the response to the virus. It comes to pass that older people and people of color are impacted more heavily by this virus and THEY are the voters that come out for Biden and are the difference in showing Trump the door. So of course, people like you bitch and complain. You sink down into conspiracy theory sites and gather in alt-right cabals backslapping each other and convincing yourselves the election was "stolen".

He lost. He wasn't taken down. There was no coup. I understand you and the rest of Trump Nation are afraid of both the future and of this country evolving. The virus started in China. Its arrival on our shore was inevitable. But last I looked, the United States does not wait for ANY country to act before we do. Unfortunately, we had a guy in the WH who had no interest in the job beyond the power and adoration that came with it. And in the end, it cost him his shot at re-election.
Had Trump worn a mask and took the virus seriously...he likely would have been re-elected...and it likely wouldn't have been that close. I think it's a sad commentary on American politics but I also think I'm right about it.

This. Had he just come home from Davos on January 22nd, made an address to the nation without brushing it off and saying it was under control, if he had at least appeared to care about the impending virus explosion and taken just the basic steps to activate federal agencies so they could coordinate with the states, and put the full force of the DPA into place, he would have sown up his re-election before ONE vote was cast in the Democratic primaries. Along with maybe a shelter in place travel order for a week or two while we got our response act together over here would have been appropriate as well. He does just this minimum and he's re-elected easily. Biden is still the Democrat nominee, but it isn't even close on November 3rd.
Just for the record. You actually believe Biden got 80 million votes?

Just for record, yes. I would ask you why you think he didn't but I really don't feel the need to sit through QAnon and Rump BS.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan cooked up a conspiracy theory and fled to the US while her mother was arrested by the Chinese Communists and has disappeared. She did it just for the hell of it- That makes as much sense as 80 million people voting for Joe Biden who did not campaign.

If whistle blowers accuse Trump of being a Russian agent they are good. If they expose the good friends of the US government, the Chinese, they are bad. You see how that works?

You know Trump was the one with the secret Chinese Bank account.

The Chinese used his businesses to give him money.

The Chinese invested $500m into Trump Business interest in Indonesia.

China also gave Trademark to Ivanka Trump.

On Day three of his presidency he pulled out of TPP. That was a massive win for China.

China have just announced a Trading Block (with members of TPP and others) to create the largest Trading Block in the world.

Simply put, Trump with all the speeches and chest thumping has been the most Chinese friendly President in US history.

Those are the facts, the Tarrifs were just pittance in comparison to what Trump gave China.

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