Asking the wrong questions.

Just for the record. You actually believe Biden got 80 million votes?

You guys just can't accept the fact that a majority of the country doesn't unconditionally adore Trump like you do.

So you make up fantasies and conspiracy theories to fill in the sizable gaps in your comprehension.

We The People have spoken. TWICE. Only THIS time, it will STICK.
Let’s keep in mind the all knowing government has shut down the entire economy, eliminated about 60% of small business owners, pushed all of the money to what they claim to hate big business. And they did it with a virus you have a 99.9% chance of surviving.

And the left has enjoyed every minute of it. From the lock downs to the elimination of your rights in the Constitution and a massive dose of the left wing Karen’s mask shaming and making you comply with societal pressure that has nothing to do with science. But now they get to the root of this Farce. You can get 2000 bucks if you will forever give up your 1st amendment rights. The second through fourth will follow soon. For your own good. Remember that they did all of this just to save you, from a virus you will never die from.

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