Asphyxiation not the cause of George Floyd's death: Autopsy

In other words, if it had not been for the actions of this cop, he would still be alive.

Go ahead, try and loot my business.
What does that have to do with anything?

The dogs do the looting and destruction need to be put down.
Whatever you say, tough guy.

The politics of black victimhood are going to take a big hit from this b.s. of trying to blame the police for murder before the autopsy came back....all based on some idiots cellphone video ....outrageous.
Did you watch it?
Yes, millions have watched it, it doesn't make any difference the Poo poo didn't kill him.
In other words, if it had not been for the actions of this cop, he would still be alive.

Go ahead, try and loot my business.
What does that have to do with anything?

The dogs do the looting and destruction need to be put down.
Whatever you say, tough guy.

The politics of black victimhood are going to take a big hit from this b.s. of trying to blame the police for murder before the autopsy came back....all based on some idiots cellphone video ....outrageous.
Did you watch it?
Yes, millions have watched it, it doesn't make any difference the Poo poo didn't kill him.

Since the black dude did not die of having his breath cut off....eliminating the choke hold theory as contributing to his death...there is nothing the police can be charged with....certainly not excessive force....they only did what was required to get him on the ground and handcuff him. They did not beat him and thus any competent jury will determine as they should the police officer is not guilty of anything...much less murder.

The picture of the cop with his knee on the black guy which outraged so many has now been debunked as the cause of death...nothing illegal about putting your knee on a suspects neck as long as you are not cutting off his air supply which did not happen...he died of a coronary event brought on by his age and poor health he should known better than to argue with the police and resist arrest.

He caused his own death.
In other words, if it had not been for the actions of this cop, he would still be alive.
Ya we should not arrest criminals cause they may be sick right?
What crime did he commit?

Resisting arrest not to mention he was a career criminal.
The use of counterfeit currency. Then "Resisting arrest not to mention he was a career criminal." Really nice guy.

The penalty for counterfeiting is not execution. If this police officer is as in the wrong as it certainly seems, he needs to be held accountable to the law like anyone else. Same for the other officers who stood around watching it happen. If the guy had every medical condition under the sun, if he was going to die 5 minutes after all this happened in any case, the police officer is still guilty of manslaughter at least if everything about this is as it seems. If the police are not accountable to the law like everyone else, then there is no accountability and no real rule of law. That being said, the great, great majority of police officers are hard-working, dedicated, underappreciated public servants without whom our social fabric could not hold. Looting, arson, and assault by vile criminals has nothing to do with justice for the deceased man and ought not be excused by any means. Although it seems unlikely, everyone needs to calm the fuck down and let truth and justice play out.

Obviously according to the coroner, Chauvin did not apply enough force to cut off his breathing or carotid artery. Floyd was not asphyxiated. Chauvin did no damage to George Floyd, he died of complications of heart disease. Hmm...., I wonder if he tested positive for Covid?
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In other words, if it had not been for the actions of this cop, he would still be alive.
Ya we should not arrest criminals cause they may be sick right?
What crime did he commit?

Resisting arrest not to mention he was a career criminal.
The use of counterfeit currency. Then "Resisting arrest not to mention he was a career criminal." Really nice guy.

The penalty for counterfeiting is not execution. If this police officer is as in the wrong as it certainly seems, he needs to be held accountable to the law like anyone else. Same for the other officers who stood around watching it happen. If the guy had every medical condition under the sun, if he was going to die 5 minutes after all this happened in any case, the police officer is still guilty of manslaughter at least if everything about this is as it seems. If the police are not accountable to the law like everyone else, then there is no accountability and no real rule of law. That being said, the great, great majority of police officers are hard-working, dedicated, underappreciated public servants without whom our social fabric could not hold. Looting, arson, and assault by vile criminals has nothing to do with justice for the deceased man and ought not be excused by any means. Although it seems unlikely, everyone needs to calm the fuck down and let truth and justice play out.

Obviously according to the coroner, Chauvin did not apply enough force to cut off his breathing or carotid artery. Floyd was not asphyxiated. Chauvin did no damage to George Floyd, he died of complications of heart disease. Hmm...., I wonder if he tested positive for Covid?
Way to miss the point, champ.
Liberals and msm started with cop held him down with kneee and choked him to death. Strangled or suffocated. I can’t breathe.
That being proven not the cause of death they have moved onto that he caused a triggering of some other issues that resulted in death .
That is a lie. I've watched Fox News yesterday and one of the host said that it was proven that he has died from Asphyxiation. This is just a plot to prevent one of the members of the Deep State from going to jail. But keep the rioting to still go on. The Deep State are waiting for Pres.Trump to have to use military force on the rioters, which some will be shot to death, so that they can call him a racist dictator. Then they can rig the election saying that Pres.Trump's Democrat opponent was in the lead because he used of military force on the people that it has scared a lot of the people, including some of his supporters. And then they'll tamper with the voting machines having all of those who voted for Pres.Trump, that they switch it to his opponent saying he has won. And nobody cannot complain about it because in fear that they will think that it will restart the rioting all over again.

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In other words, if it had not been for the actions of this cop, he would still be alive.
Ya we should not arrest criminals cause they may be sick right?
What crime did he commit?

Resisting arrest not to mention he was a career criminal.
The use of counterfeit currency. Then "Resisting arrest not to mention he was a career criminal." Really nice guy.

The penalty for counterfeiting is not execution. If this police officer is as in the wrong as it certainly seems, he needs to be held accountable to the law like anyone else. Same for the other officers who stood around watching it happen. If the guy had every medical condition under the sun, if he was going to die 5 minutes after all this happened in any case, the police officer is still guilty of manslaughter at least if everything about this is as it seems. If the police are not accountable to the law like everyone else, then there is no accountability and no real rule of law. That being said, the great, great majority of police officers are hard-working, dedicated, underappreciated public servants without whom our social fabric could not hold. Looting, arson, and assault by vile criminals has nothing to do with justice for the deceased man and ought not be excused by any means. Although it seems unlikely, everyone needs to calm the fuck down and let truth and justice play out.

Obviously according to the coroner, Chauvin did not apply enough force to cut off his breathing or carotid artery. Floyd was not asphyxiated. Chauvin did no damage to George Floyd, he died of complications of heart disease. Hmm...., I wonder if he tested positive for Covid?
Way to miss the point, champ.

Didn't miss the point, your comprehension deficits or is it dyslexia shows each time you respond nonsensibly to posts and not necessarily mine.
In other words, if it had not been for the actions of this cop, he would still be alive.
Ya we should not arrest criminals cause they may be sick right?
What crime did he commit?

Resisting arrest not to mention he was a career criminal.
The use of counterfeit currency. Then "Resisting arrest not to mention he was a career criminal." Really nice guy.

The penalty for counterfeiting is not execution. If this police officer is as in the wrong as it certainly seems, he needs to be held accountable to the law like anyone else. Same for the other officers who stood around watching it happen. If the guy had every medical condition under the sun, if he was going to die 5 minutes after all this happened in any case, the police officer is still guilty of manslaughter at least if everything about this is as it seems. If the police are not accountable to the law like everyone else, then there is no accountability and no real rule of law. That being said, the great, great majority of police officers are hard-working, dedicated, underappreciated public servants without whom our social fabric could not hold. Looting, arson, and assault by vile criminals has nothing to do with justice for the deceased man and ought not be excused by any means. Although it seems unlikely, everyone needs to calm the fuck down and let truth and justice play out.

Obviously according to the coroner, Chauvin did not apply enough force to cut off his breathing or carotid artery. Floyd was not asphyxiated. Chauvin did no damage to George Floyd, he died of complications of heart disease. Hmm...., I wonder if he tested positive for Covid?
Way to miss the point, champ.

Didn't miss the point, ....
You missed it by a mile.
Since the black dude did not die of having his breath cut off....eliminating the choke hold theory as contributing to his death...there is nothing the police can be charged with....certainly not excessive force....they only did what was required to get him on the ground and handcuff him. They did not beat him and thus any competent jury will determine as they should the police officer is not guilty of anything...much less murder.

Good points. This case is very similar to the Eric Garner case in which an obese Black with severe heart disease had a heart attack of some kind when he resisted arrest. The other oddity though is the apparent incompetence of the EMS crews in both cases. In both cases they should know Blacks are susceptible to heart disease, but in both cases they did not intelligently attempt to resuscitate the perps on the scene when seconds count. Back before political correctness, I was taught as a lifeguard Blacks generally cannot swim to save their lives so keep an attentive eye on them when they venture into the water to be ready to save them.

If there is any charge, it should be to the EMS crews in both cases for incompetence. That said, the relatives of Floyd who fought with officers after passing counterfeit cash (which was a capital crime in the old days) and refused to get the cop car should expect a multi-million dollar check like Garner did.
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This is why you wait for evidence before making a determination.

Not that 80 IQ joggers would understand.
High blood pressure can cause a stroke.

At any rate he was definitely in distress and needed medical attention.

I agree completely and because I proved, and the coroner agreed, that the man was so wound up he practically killed I'm a "racist" and don't know what I'm talking about to these fools. I feel nothing but sorry for him and his family but there are consequences to being a criminal....don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

"he practically killed himself."

"He caused his own death. "

Sometimes you've just got to wonder at how much inhumanity and hatred can be in the hearts of some people.
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This could be like a mix of the Catholic Kids and Hands Up Don't Shoot. You have a video that looks bad, it is spread instantly, everywhere, then all hell breaks loose. In this case, a man dies of health reasons during an arrest, it looks like he got choked to death, and then we get rioting. The video looks like straight murder, but judging without facts is often disastrous.
You don't decide what my thread is about.
So you ARE another righwing crackpot! I never said a WORD about deciding what your thread is about. I said not to put words in my mouth and there you go doing it again!
The rioting and looting is totally wrong. Almost as wrong as calling them, dogs and saying they should all be murdered for it.
Assholes like you give thew right wing a bad name.
Do yourself a favor and DROP DEAD. Better yet: join the democratic party.
Had that asshole cop not been such a flaming callous jerk, NONE of this would have happened. Send the bill for Minneapolis to HIM.

Just shut up dumb ass.
The Cop:
1) Has been fired
2) Arrested
3) Charged.

Try and steal from my home or business.
Go ahead.

I am a conservative.

It is time America woke up to the fact we have a huge, huge problem with Negroes and it is not going fact it is getting worse.

This case demonstrates very clearly White Folks will have to defend themselves...the authrotites are hogtied with political correctness and a fear of being called racist.

I will tell you what would put a end to this b.s. every white person in America should put on a arm band that declares I am a racist....and I vote....the dumbass politicians might wake up to the fact there are more white voters than black and quit kowtowing to the damn Negroes!

Racists support Trump...right?
Just curious, if you are being asphyxiated, are you able to speak? This makes me wonder if his respiratory distress was actually choking. Being able to speak seems to support the alleged autopsy finding.
George Floyd died of a heart attack and he died in the hospital (not on-site) as you have been led to believe! You suckers believed the media didn't you! The media took the bait and ran with the story! The story was BUNK! The ENEMY OF THE STATE MEDIA got caught lying again! Another LIE EXPOSED!

What does the queer Don Lemon say?
George Floyd died of a heart attack and he died in the hospital (not on-site) as you have been led to believe! You suckers believed the media didn't you! The media took the bait and ran with the story! The story was BUNK! The ENEMY OF THE STATE MEDIA got caught lying again! Another LIE EXPOSED!

What does the queer Don Lemon say?

Media lied and people died.

All they do is lie.
Just shut up dumb ass.
Try and make me. Maybe you're JustAnotherIntolerantBigot?

I am a conservative.
Looking like a damn poor, racist one.

Only to you piglet.
To anyone with a brain who isn't a bigot. If the Black fits, wear it.

No. Kid, you need to re-read the thread. You are making a fool of your self
You've done gone far past that point.

Fuck off bitch.
Eat my shorts, troll, and quit trolling your own thread. If you can't keep on topic, get lost.

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