Asphyxiation not the cause of George Floyd's death: Autopsy

Won’t happen because they keep voting for a corrupt party that keeps them where they are.
C'mon, Gin, WHO keeps them where they are? You mean there are no ghettos in red state run republican cities? You mean city mayors never change party hands?
I invite people here to go to the ghetto. LOOK at the people living there.

They are TOO UNEDUCATED to get a good job.
They have no hope, nothing but drugs and violence and hate in their lives.
As wrong as it is, America creates these riots. Take a look at the schools these people have to go to compared to the schools in affluent communities.

As much as folks don't want to admit it, these people are the way they are because there is no opportunity for most of them, to escape to be anything better.
The sad fact as I'm finding out here, is that far too many people here simply want to blame these people and sweep them back under the rug where they can forget about them again.
Quit screwing everything with a vagina and then moving on. 80% father not living in the home and 65% father of more than one child with more than one woman and not living in home. But everyone let’s it slide over slavery and other ridiculous and ancient muddled issues. Just let them sexually vent whenever wherever and if that doesn’t work and they want to riot then just let them vent. Incredibly destructive bullshitting and fact avoidance.
Let's leave the group statistics out of this and stick to the FACTS about THIS case, thank you.
My, My. Another triggered halfwit losing it!

When you fucking need a cop to pull a rapist off of your will sing differently.
I'll never need a cop to pull a rapist off my child. I pull him off myself. Then wait the 20 minutes or so later for the police to arrive to write up a report of what happened and hope I don't get charged with assault for hurting the rapist's feelings or bruising his wrist.
Not all cops are innocent.....but you cannot blame the cops for doing what they are supposed to do.
Not blaming the COPS. Blaming A COP for what he is NOT supposed to do. Learn to read.
If this guy had poor health due to 50 years of kentucky fried chicken and Miller GIQS that is not their responsibility.
Now the guy had poor health? He was only in his mid-40s! Where in the med report did they say he ate KFC and Miller beer all his life, please post that here. Then get your head out of your fucking ass and start dealing with reality instead of stereotypes.
Just shut up dumb ass.
Try and make me. Maybe you're JustAnotherIntolerantBigot?

I am a conservative.
Looking like a damn poor, racist one.

Only to you piglet.
To anyone with a brain who isn't a bigot. If the Black fits, wear it.

No. Kid, you need to re-read the thread. You are making a fool of your self
You've done gone far past that point.

Fuck off bitch.
Eat my shorts, troll, and quit trolling your own thread. If you can't keep on topic, get lost.

Too funny, kid you don't make the rules. You really do have control issues. The violence is spreading, New York, Georgia,Pennsylvania, Portland. Weaklings like you make america weak.
You don't decide what my thread is about.
So you ARE another righwing crackpot! I never said a WORD about deciding what your thread is about. I said not to put words in my mouth and there you go doing it again!
The rioting and looting is totally wrong. Almost as wrong as calling them, dogs and saying they should all be murdered for it.
Assholes like you give thew right wing a bad name.
Do yourself a favor and DROP DEAD. Better yet: join the democratic party.
Had that asshole cop not been such a flaming callous jerk, NONE of this would have happened. Send the bill for Minneapolis to HIM.

Just shut up dumb ass.
The Cop:
1) Has been fired
2) Arrested
3) Charged.

Try and steal from my home or business.
Go ahead.

I am a conservative.

It is time America woke up to the fact we have a huge, huge problem with Negroes and it is not going fact it is getting worse.

This case demonstrates very clearly White Folks will have to defend themselves...the authrotites are hogtied with political correctness and a fear of being called racist.

I will tell you what would put a end to this b.s. every white person in America should put on a arm band that declares I am a racist....and I vote....the dumbass politicians might wake up to the fact there are more white voters than black and quit kowtowing to the damn Negroes!

Racists support Trump...right?

There are racists on both sides.
The Autopsy report thinks he had an underlying health problem, in any case Mr. Floyd was under long term stress by the stupid Police officers, who kept ignoring his obvious distress.
The knee boy deserves a roasting in court for it..
Anyone might have an underlying health problem, whether they themselves even know it or not. That's why you don't lean on a guy's neck for NINE MINUTES with his hands cuffed behind his back completely ignoring him as he begs you to let him breathe.

His "health" is completely irrelevant because it will only try to be used as an extenuating reason to try to get the cop off. He was fine until the cop put him down and you don't lean on a person's neck that long assuming that you're sure he is in NFL condition and will fully be able to take it.

Like it or not, the police are there to serve the community, not kill it. That even includes the perp, who may be guilty or totally innocent. He may be Jeffrey Dalmer or he might be your sweet old grandmother. Those are basic guaranteed rights, denied George Floyd. And you can bet your last dollar that had this been Bel Air or some Congressman, no one would have ended up with their neck pinned under a cop's knee, no matter how much they protested.

EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW is a JOKE in the USA. And Hillary Clinton is the walking proof.
My, My. Another triggered halfwit losing it!

When you fucking need a cop to pull a rapist off of your will sing differently.
I'll never need a cop to pull a rapist off my child. I pull him off myself. Then wait the 20 minutes or so later for the police to arrive to write up a report of what happened and hope I don't get charged with assault for hurting the rapist's feelings or bruising his wrist.
Not all cops are innocent.....but you cannot blame the cops for doing what they are supposed to do.
Not blaming the COPS. Blaming A COP for what he is NOT supposed to do. Learn to read.
If this guy had poor health due to 50 years of kentucky fried chicken and Miller GIQS that is not their responsibility.
Now the guy had poor health? He was only in his mid-40s! Where in the med report did they say he ate KFC and Miller beer all his life, please post that here. Then get your head out of your fucking ass and start dealing with reality instead of stereotypes.
Trust me tough WILL NEED THE COP FOR YOUR KID....unless you're packing which I seriously doubt.

Yep....the coroner's report mentioned pre-existing conditions....KFC and Millers are just that! head is definitely out of my ass Bobo.....I see the race pimps and
Sneaker divers with very clear sight.

I'll give one concession....if the man said he was in distress....that should have been heeded.

Other than that I recommend you move to a no go zone in London's Muslim district where police don't enter....there a mirghbor miht decide to bed your wife without your consent or got something to say you end up dead.

The Autopsy report thinks he had an underlying health problem, in any case Mr. Floyd was under long term stress by the stupid Police officers, who kept ignoring his obvious distress.
The knee boy deserves a roasting in court for it..
Anyone might have an underlying health problem, whether they themselves even know it or not. That's why you don't lean on a guy's neck for NINE MINUTES with his hands cuffed behind his back completely ignoring him as he begs you to let him breathe.

His "health" is completely irrelevant because it will only try to be used as an extenuating reason to try to get the cop off. He was fine until the cop put him down and you don't lean on a person's neck that long assuming that you're sure he is in NFL condition and will fully be able to take it.

Like it or not, the police are there to serve the community, not kill it. That even includes the perp, who may be guilty or totally innocent. He may be Jeffrey Dalmer or he might be your sweet old grandmother. Those are basic guaranteed rights, denied George Floyd. And you can bet your last dollar that had this been Bel Air or some Congressman, no one would have ended up with their neck pinned under a cop's knee, no matter how much they protested.

EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW is a JOKE in the USA. And Hillary Clinton is the walking proof.

Yes she is indeed....

He did. He was already restrained with handcuffs. He was not a threat.
Get the fuck out of here with that crap.

He had to be dragged out of the car. That’s not compliance. It IS worthy of death; at least in my mind.
Too funny, kid you don't make the rules. You really do have control issues. The violence is spreading, New York, Georgia,Pennsylvania, Portland. Weaklings like you make america weak.
Don't need to. You've been trolling your own thread with personal attacks to deflect from the real topic. I'm what makes America strong, and the violence is spreading because more and more people are demanding at last, REAL ACCOUNTABILITY and reform.

If defending a person's basic civil rights makes me "weak," I'll take that any day over your kind of blind, narrow-minded, racial and social stereotyping.

Had the cops simply put the hand-cuffed dude in the backseat of the squad car, everything would be fine today. THAT was their job.
Trust me tough guy....
When did I become a tough guy?
Why? A lot of rapes stopped by the police? What's a cop going to do that I can't and why is he there if I didn't call him? And what am I doing for the 20 minutes while waiting for the police while my child is being raped?
unless you're packing which I seriously doubt.
Then you'd be wrong again. I'm both a life member, Benefactor, and Golden Eagle of the NRA. Any more stupid guesses you want to make?
pre-existing conditions....KFC and Millers are just that!
race pimps and Sneaker divers
Now this has just gotten really stupid again.
I have not found that he was resisting arrest, please supply a link to that. Also, please do not link to what the police on site stated.

Right, like you can really trust what a bunch of killers who just murdered a man tell you. Killers will always lie.
George Floyd died Monday from a combination of preexisting health conditions exacerbated by being held down by Minneapolis officers, not from strangulation or asphyxiation, based on the medical examiner’s initial report.

Preliminary findings from a Tuesday autopsy conducted by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner found “no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxiation or strangulation,” according to the criminal complaint filed Friday against former officer Derek Michael Chauvin.

“Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease,” said the complaint from the Hennepin County Attorney. “The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.”


Definitely a reason to burn all fast food joints in the area.

Just look at this art piece.

I'm still trying to figure out how FIVE big, dumb, ugly cops cannot get ONE 200 pound hand-cuffed dude who is so sick and ill inside the squad car.
He WAS in the squad car, from what I have read, and then the cops stopped and pulled him out and put him in restraint though already handcuffed.

Something is hinky here other than that Ole Debil Racism.
Just shut up dumb ass.
The Cop:
1) Has been fired
2) Arrested
3) Charged.
It is time America woke up to the fact we have a huge, huge problem with Negroes and it is not going fact it is getting worse.
No, we do not have a problem with the black community.

We have a problem with urban political machines who run criminal orgs and hide behind the municipal government to do their crime.

To save the black community, we need to end Ward politics.

BTW, welcome to my ignore list, fuckface.
I have not found that he was resisting arrest, please supply a link to that. Also, please do not link to what the police on site stated.
Resisting arrest while handcuffed already can be anything from kicking a cop in the balls, to mouthing off while in the squad car.

It is a very ambiguous phrase that in effect is a blank check to some bad cops to beat the hell out of some people.


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