Assault weapons and large magazines ban upheld in New York and Conneticut

but what action does this ''assault" weapon achieve and who rightfully regulates its lawful purpose?

It does not achieve a thing.

A person hell bent on committing meyhem is not going to let a magazine, or an assault weapons ban stop them.

Destructive devices, bombs and explosives are illegal. People are still planting bombs.

The sticker with the red slash though the handgun = No weapons or firearms allowed. I am sure that sticker is going to stop the convenience store robber whom is about to commit one....if not multiple felony's - when that sticker says that if you bring a gun into this store you are committing a misdemeanor.

The sticker - of the red slash through the handgun. Mr. Concealed Carry member , whom has had a background check and is trained and certified to carry a handgun is not allowed to carry a handgun in this establishment. Mr.Felon on the other hand.......whom is about to rob the establishment - and/or physically assault or kill someone.....does not have to obey the sticker, and if you is only a misdemeanor offense. Ignorant proprietors.

Geniuses are born every minute.

Shadow 355
And it could have been much worse, had he used an automatic weapon.

Bullshit. Prove that line of nonsense. You think because he held a full auto instead of a semi-auto he would have had more targets to shoot?


For real... This thread could be put in a time capsule so that in years to come, Americans can see just how stupid some of the anti-gunners are

when debating the events in Benghazi, right wingers will seldom mention the "carzies" with guns, and instead blame whomever was involved in the circumstance.....

In other words......the apropos definition of HYPOCRISY.

Or you just cant read what conservatives say. They knew that the US embassy was under attack by our enemies, and in such circumstances one always assumes the enemy will try to do his worst to kill you. What about the militants attacking us in Libya makes them crazy?

They were doing what we knew they would do, but we FAILED to adequately prepare and respond to the attacks. Responsibility for this fiasco rests with Clinton, and Obamy, no one else.
For real... This thread could be put in a time capsule so that in years to come, Americans can see just how stupid some of the anti-gunners are


From old English time - to now.

Firearms laws - Pro and Con has come a long way.

Shadow 355
They were doing what we knew they would do, but we FAILED to adequately prepare and respond to the attacks. Responsibility for this fiasco rests with Clinton, and Obamy, no one else.

As expected from ANY right winger.....a moronic response......

Under GWB embassy and consulate personnel were killed by militants....More than 50 American diplomats died during the 8 years of Bush.......

Have there been ONE investigation of these incidents???

Of course not........ERGO, either your fucking hypocrisy OR ignorance and stupidity.
The purchase and sale of semiautomatic weapons will continue to be prohibited in Connecticut and New York after a ruling from the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Monday upheld gun regulation laws passed in 2013.

“We hold that the core provisions of the New York and Connecticut laws prohibiting possession of semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity magazines do not violate the Second Amendment, and that the challenged individual provisions are not void for vagueness,” the court wrote, according to the opinion released Monday.

The ruling also stated, “Because the prohibitions are substantially related to the important governmental interests of public safety and crime reduction, they pass constitutional muster.”

US appeals court upholds Connecticut gun laws passed after Newtown school shooting
“Connecticut has struck the right constitutional balance between access to firearms and public safety,” Gov. Dannel P. Malloy said in a statement Monday. “Today’s decision acknowledges our state government’s obligation to take every sensible step toward reducing gun violence. One thing remains clear: Connecticut would be better off if every state and the federal government enacted similar, sensible gun safety rules. Connecticut has the smartest, toughest, most common sense gun safety laws in the nation — approved with broad, bipartisan support — and the court’s ruling validates it.”

US appeals court upholds Connecticut gun laws passed after Newtown school shooting
....These weapons are disproportionately used in crime....“They are also disproportionately used to kill law enforcement officers.”
It's not hard for a court to rule however it wants when it has to lie to itself for its ruling to make sense.

The Heller ruling address both of these points, to the opposite effect. This ruling, therefore goes against precedence.
Because he was sitting at the top of a tower, in a protected location, shooting people. While the Sandy Hook shooter just walked into a classroom and started shooting children with an automatic weapon.
This is, of course, a lie.
“When used, these weapons tend to result in more numerous wounds, more serious wounds, and more victims. These weapons are disproportionately used in crime, and particularly in criminal mass shootings,” according to the ruling written by circuit judge Jose A Cabranes. “They are also disproportionately used to kill law enforcement officers.”

Which still doesn't give him the right to infringe on my 2nd amendment rights.
The point is, Sherlock, is that more lives can be taken with a semi-automatic or automatic weapon than a bolt action weapon. You go away.
I accept your admission of your error.

At Sandy hook he could have used a muzzle loading musket as a bludgeon and caused just as much damage because of the time it took the police to respond, and the fact that no one onsite was armed.
“When used, these weapons tend to result in more numerous wounds, more serious wounds, and more victims. These weapons are disproportionately used in crime, and particularly in criminal mass shootings,” according to the ruling written by circuit judge Jose A Cabranes. “They are also disproportionately used to kill law enforcement officers.”

Do you realize that they aren't used more than a few times a year…if at all….and knives, clubs and bare hands murder more people every year than all long guns combined……

So this is simply getting what they can get because most people are uninformed on the issues…….and who appointed these judges…obama has been stacking the lower courts with lefty gun haters for a while now….
Assault is an ACTION you moron NOT a weapon. Damn you are ignorant.

but what action does this ''assault" weapon achieve and who rightfully regulates its lawful purpose?

When you commit a crime with it you can be arrested. the mass shooters who used them…got them by going through current legal processes, or bought them illegally, or committed murder to get them…...
Assault is an ACTION you moron NOT a weapon. Damn you are ignorant.

but what action does this ''assault" weapon achieve and who rightfully regulates its lawful purpose?
The assault is committed by a PERSON not a weapon.
Why regulate the weapon when the person is at fault?
Can a lunatic run up a victim count of fifteen, eighteen, twenty or more without a semi-automatic firing system and a magazine holding fifteen, eighteen or twenty rounds?

Yes….they can just use 3, 6 shot revolvers….and they will come for those too...
Assault is an ACTION you moron NOT a weapon. Damn you are ignorant.

but what action does this ''assault" weapon achieve and who rightfully regulates its lawful purpose?
The assault is committed by a PERSON not a weapon.
Why regulate the weapon when the person is at fault?
Can a lunatic run up a victim count of fifteen, eighteen, twenty or more without a semi-automatic firing system and a magazine holding fifteen, eighteen or twenty rounds?
The Texas tower shooter used a bolt action but I forget how many he killed.

Because he was sitting at the top of a tower, in a protected location, shooting people. While the Sandy Hook shooter just walked into a classroom and started shooting children with an automatic weapon. Grow a Brain!

No…you need the brain…he killed kindergarteners…he could have used a .22 pistol and killed just as many…..he picked those kids for a reason…

He could have used 3 revolvers…..or a pistol with a 10 round magazine..with reloads…which he did anyway…several times……the Santa Barbara shooter used the legal 10 round magazines…..and reloaded….

These laws are just gun grabbers constricting gun owners one gun at a time.
The purchase and sale of semiautomatic weapons will continue to be prohibited in Connecticut and New York after a ruling from the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Monday upheld gun regulation laws passed in 2013.

“We hold that the core provisions of the New York and Connecticut laws prohibiting possession of semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity magazines do not violate the Second Amendment, and that the challenged individual provisions are not void for vagueness,” the court wrote, according to the opinion released Monday.

The ruling also stated, “Because the prohibitions are substantially related to the important governmental interests of public safety and crime reduction, they pass constitutional muster.”

US appeals court upholds Connecticut gun laws passed after Newtown school shooting

Basically the judges ignored the constitution due to their own personal beliefs.
“Connecticut has struck the right constitutional balance between access to firearms and public safety,” Gov. Dannel P. Malloy said in a statement Monday. “Today’s decision acknowledges our state government’s obligation to take every sensible step toward reducing gun violence. One thing remains clear: Connecticut would be better off if every state and the federal government enacted similar, sensible gun safety rules. Connecticut has the smartest, toughest, most common sense gun safety laws in the nation — approved with broad, bipartisan support — and the court’s ruling validates it.”

US appeals court upholds Connecticut gun laws passed after Newtown school shooting

Said governor can go to hell.

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