Assault weapons and large magazines ban upheld in New York and Conneticut

Let us demonstrate the lies used by the court to support its decision...
....These weapons are disproportionately used in crime....
2006-2014, a total of 3152 murders were committed with rifles of all kinds
2006-2014, a total od 58649 murders were committed with handguns
Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

How are 'assault weapons' "disproportionately used in crime"?
If we cannot ban handguns, which are used FAR more often to commit murder, how can we ban 'assault weapons'?

...“They are also disproportionately used to kill law enforcement officers.”
2005-2014, a total of 84 police officers were killed by rifles of all kinds.
2005-2014 a total of 343 officers were killed by handguns of all kinds.
84 deaths in 10 years. 8.4 per year.
It is constitutional to ban 'assault weapons' because of 8.4 police officers killed per year?
Table 29

How are 'assault weapons' "disproportionately used to kill law enforcement officers"?
If we cannot ban handguns, which are used FAR more often to kill police officers, how can we ban 'assault weapons'?

I fully expect a complete absence of sound response.
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The Texas tower shooter used a bolt action but I forget how many he killed.

Because he was sitting at the top of a tower, in a protected location, shooting people. While the Sandy Hook shooter just walked into a classroom and started shooting children with an automatic weapon. Grow a Brain!

Another lie. Go look up the definition of an automatic weapon and get back with us.... It can wait until you're home from school


I know what an automatic weapon is a.

"the Sandy Hook shooter just walked into a classroom and started shooting children with an automatic weapon".

Evidently you don't..... liar


Analysis of weapons in Sandy Hook report shows Lanza was deliberate, could have been much more deadly

According to the report, Lanza used exclusively used a Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S semiautomatic rifle during the massacre at the school, which was over less than 11 minutes after it began. In that short time period, Lanza killed 20 first-grade students and six adults.

And it could have been much worse, had he used an automatic weapon.

And he could do the very same thing with a 10 round magazine in a pistol…..he targeted first graders so they couldn't resist him or get away…….do you guys do any research…at all?
"the Sandy Hook shooter just walked into a classroom and started shooting children with an automatic weapon".

Evidently you don't..... liar


Analysis of weapons in Sandy Hook report shows Lanza was deliberate, could have been much more deadly

According to the report, Lanza used exclusively used a Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S semiautomatic rifle during the massacre at the school, which was over less than 11 minutes after it began. In that short time period, Lanza killed 20 first-grade students and six adults.

And it could have been much worse, had he used an automatic weapon.

So now you are back tracking since you were caught lying.... correct?

Big difference between a semi auto and automatic that you stated was used.

Why do anti-gunners feel the need to lie so much?


The point is, Sherlock, is that more lives can be taken with a semi-automatic or automatic weapon than a bolt action weapon. You go away.


You're a liar and have been caught in the act.


So the kid kills all these people with a semi-automatic weapon and could have killed a lot more with a fully automatic weapon. And you don't care. You heartless BS artist...

Exactly how many kids do you think are killed by guns each year……I know…you think it is hundreds or thousands….here is the truth…

In a country of over 320 million people, with over 1 million AR-15 model rifles in civilian hands… many kids are killed by all guns in this country?

Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12

age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270

age 1-4: 298

age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703

Now, if even if you include gun accidents into the total.....

you are still wrong....

Accidental death by gun for children....

under 1: 3

age 1-4: 27

age 5-14: 39

Total accidental gun death for kids 2013....69

Again...stop reading that crap from the anti gunners...they are lying to you ....

Of course, right wingers will DERIDE your post as being anti-2nd Amend. and that we should ALWAYS blame the shooters and NOT the circumstances that allowed the "crazies" access to the weapons............


when debating the events in Benghazi, right wingers will seldom mention the "carzies" with guns, and instead blame whomever was involved in the circumstance.....

In other words......the apropos definition of HYPOCRISY.

No…as the email from the Ambassador reveal…he had his 39 man security detail reduced to 9 even after he repeatedly asked for more security, not less….that was a decision by hilary…….so that they didn't have enough good guys with guns to stop the bad guys with guns.,...
Assault is an ACTION you moron NOT a weapon. Damn you are ignorant.

but what action does this ''assault" weapon achieve and who rightfully regulates its lawful purpose?

When you commit a crime with it you can be arrested. the mass shooters who used them…got them by going through current legal processes, or bought them illegally, or committed murder to get them…...

so again i will ask...

WHAT is the lawful purpose for owning an assault weapon and WHO rightfully regulates licenses for that lawful purpose?

"Assault weapons are a class of semi-automatic firearms that are designed to kill humans quickly and efficiently. As the diagram below shows, the military features that clearly distinguish assault weapons from standard sporting firearms enable shooters to spray large amounts of ammunition quickly while retaining control of the weapons.1"

Assault Weapons Policy Summary
“Connecticut has struck the right constitutional balance between access to firearms and public safety,” Gov. Dannel P. Malloy said in a statement Monday. “Today’s decision acknowledges our state government’s obligation to take every sensible step toward reducing gun violence. One thing remains clear: Connecticut would be better off if every state and the federal government enacted similar, sensible gun safety rules. Connecticut has the smartest, toughest, most common sense gun safety laws in the nation — approved with broad, bipartisan support — and the court’s ruling validates it.”

US appeals court upholds Connecticut gun laws passed after Newtown school shooting

And of course the ban does not stop one criminal or mass shooter from shooting people….and if they want a semi automatic rifle, they will get them easily….the normal gun owners won't have them….but the criminals will……
Assault is an ACTION you moron NOT a weapon. Damn you are ignorant.

but what action does this ''assault" weapon achieve and who rightfully regulates its lawful purpose?

When you commit a crime with it you can be arrested. the mass shooters who used them…got them by going through current legal processes, or bought them illegally, or committed murder to get them…...

so again i will ask...

WHAT is the lawful purpose for owning an assault weapon and WHO rightfully regulates licenses for that lawful purpose?

"Assault weapons are a class of semi-automatic firearms that are designed to kill humans quickly and efficiently. As the diagram below shows, the military features that clearly distinguish assault weapons from standard sporting firearms enable shooters to spray large amounts of ammunition quickly while retaining control of the weapons.1"

Assault Weapons Policy Summary

The police..if you use one to commit a crime you can be arrested and jailed… really is that simple.

The mass shooters all pass gun control laws….and he ones who can't buy their guns illegally or steal them… what does licensing do to stop mass murder….can you explain that because no one else on your side can…..ever…..each time I ask they always refuse to answer?
Assault is an ACTION you moron NOT a weapon. Damn you are ignorant.

but what action does this ''assault" weapon achieve and who rightfully regulates its lawful purpose?

When you commit a crime with it you can be arrested. the mass shooters who used them…got them by going through current legal processes, or bought them illegally, or committed murder to get them…...

so again i will ask...

WHAT is the lawful purpose for owning an assault weapon and WHO rightfully regulates licenses for that lawful purpose?

"Assault weapons are a class of semi-automatic firearms that are designed to kill humans quickly and efficiently. As the diagram below shows, the military features that clearly distinguish assault weapons from standard sporting firearms enable shooters to spray large amounts of ammunition quickly while retaining control of the weapons.1"

Assault Weapons Policy Summary

The lawful purpose of owning a semi automatic rifle is hunting, competition, and self defense. Also, some people are collectors and some people like to tinker with the weapons...
"Assault weapons are a class of semi-automatic firearms that are designed to kill humans quickly and efficiently. As the diagram below shows, the military features that clearly distinguish assault weapons from standard sporting firearms enable shooters to spray large amounts of ammunition quickly while retaining control of the weapons.1"
Assault Weapons Policy Summary
Assault is an ACTION you moron NOT a weapon. Damn you are ignorant.

but what action does this ''assault" weapon achieve and who rightfully regulates its lawful purpose?

When you commit a crime with it you can be arrested. the mass shooters who used them…got them by going through current legal processes, or bought them illegally, or committed murder to get them…...

so again i will ask...

WHAT is the lawful purpose for owning an assault weapon and WHO rightfully regulates licenses for that lawful purpose?

"Assault weapons are a class of semi-automatic firearms that are designed to kill humans quickly and efficiently. As the diagram below shows, the military features that clearly distinguish assault weapons from standard sporting firearms enable shooters to spray large amounts of ammunition quickly while retaining control of the weapons.1"

Assault Weapons Policy Summary

Assault weapons are a class of semi-automatic firearms that are designed to kill humans quickly and efficiently. As the diagram below shows, the military features that clearly distinguish assault weapons from standard sporting firearms enable shooters to spray large amounts of ammunition quickly while retaining control of the weapons.1"

Every gun can be used according to this definition…including revolvers… is an anti gun extremist definition…...
I know what an automatic weapon is and I know someone sitting in a tower hundreds of feet about the ground can fire and reload multiple times in a very short period, even with a bolt action rifle. I am a proud gun owner that, unlike some of you NRA knuckle draggers, has a brain.

Funny how you can write what you wrote and still claim to have a brain. :rofl:
The Texas tower shooter used a bolt action but I forget how many he killed.

Whitman had a sawed-off 12 ga shotgun, a Remington 700 6mm bolt-action hunting rifle, a .35 caliber pump rifle, a .30 caliber carbine M1 (one of your alleged "assault weapons"), a 9mm Luger pistol, a Galesi-Brescia .25-caliber pistol, a Smith & Wesson M19 .357 Magnum revolver and over 700 rounds of ammunition. He also packed food, coffee, vitamins, Dexedrine, Excedrin, earplugs, jugs of water, matches, lighter fluid, rope, binoculars, a machete, three knives, a transistor radio, toilet paper, a razor and a bottle of deodorant.

He was also a Marine...and all Marines are trained to be basic riflemen. You see the damage one of us did when pushed over the edge...why do you folks insist on pushing tens of thousands of us towards insanity with your own insane attempts to infringe upon our inherent human rights? Might want to give that some thought.
So, you are walking down Broadway, with just a bolt action rifle, and suddenly, you are attacked by a pride of lions that had escaped from the Bronx zoo that morning.

You are dead meat, because they would not allow you to have a semi-automatic rifle with a 50 round cartridge......

Your well hidden 5 shot hammerless 38 should be more than enough to keep you off the menu, if properly deployed.

Whitman had a sawed-off 12 ga shotgun, a Remington 700 6mm bolt-action hunting rifle, a .35 caliber pump rifle, a .30 caliber carbine M1 (one of your alleged "assault weapons"), a 9mm Luger pistol, a Galesi-Brescia .25-caliber pistol, a Smith & Wesson M19 .357 Magnum revolver and over 700 rounds of ammunition. He also packed food, coffee, vitamins, Dexedrine, Excedrin, earplugs, jugs of water, matches, lighter fluid, rope, binoculars, a machete, three knives, a transistor radio, toilet paper, a razor and a bottle of deodorant.

He was also a Marine...and all Marines are trained to be basic riflemen. You see the damage one of us did when pushed over the edge...why do you folks insist on pushing tens of thousands of us towards insanity with your own insane attempts to infringe upon our inherent human rights? Might want to give that some thought.[/QUO[/QUOTE]

That ex marine single highhandedly brought the horror of the viet nam war home to the people. Offering up a little of what we were doing to the Vietnamese in viet nam.

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