Assault weapons and large magazines ban upheld in New York and Conneticut

Assault is an ACTION you moron NOT a weapon. Damn you are ignorant.

but what action does this ''assault" weapon achieve and who rightfully regulates its lawful purpose?
The assault is committed by a PERSON not a weapon.
Why regulate the weapon when the person is at fault?
Can a lunatic run up a victim count of fifteen, eighteen, twenty or more without a semi-automatic firing system and a magazine holding fifteen, eighteen or twenty rounds?


Next question?

How? And compare any other method of slaughter with a mass shooting at a school or campus or church.

You're merely equivocating and not looking at the problem of gun violence responsibly.

Then if what that crazy conservative is saying is correct, what's the problem?

If a regular shot gun can do the same thing as a semi automatic one then why use the semi automatic one?

I mean if they both do the same exact thing, there's no need for the semi automatic weapon and no one has taken anything from anyone. If those weapons do the exact same thing, then there is no need for a semi automatic weapon, and the crazy people who are over compensating for their small penis and feelings of inadequacy can still do the exact same thing with that shot gun as they can with the semi automatic weapon and they can still keep over compensating for their small penis.

There is no problem if what that over compensating crazy gun nut you replied to is correct.

However, if it's lying like all of them do, yes it will fight to keep being able to over compensate for it's small penis and feelings of inadequacy with no control of it's own life.
There is no sound argument for neither the necessity nor the constitutionality of banning 'assault weapons'.
...and those founding fathers ALSO forgot to mention in the 2nd Amend. that nuclear weapons should also be a no-no for the militia.
Irrelevant to what I said.
But you know that.
Does the second amendment state YOUR right to own an assault weapon????
'Assault weapons' fall under the term "arms" as defined by current SCotUS jurisprudence; as such, the 2nd protects my right to own and use them for legal purposes.
Do you belong to a militia?
Irrelevant to the issue.
But, you knew that.
Then if what that crazy conservative is saying is correct, what's the problem?
If a regular shot gun can do the same thing as a semi automatic one then why use the semi automatic one?
For the same reason Ross Parks sat in the front of the bus, when the seat in the back would get her to her destination every bit as well.
'Assault weapons' fall under the term "arms" as defined by current SCotUS jurisprudence; as such, the 2nd protects my right to own and use them for legal purposes.

Assault weapons are HUMAN KILLING MACHINES....Live with the ban !!!
Thank you very much for that good news.

However we all know the nra and gun nuts won't stop with that ruling. They will take it to the supreme court. Which I hope that the court will not twist the constitution and come up with some crazy reason why states can't regulate gun sales.

The constitution is very clear. The government has the power to regulate commerce. Selling guns is commerce so the government can impose regulations on guns.
More mindless nonsense.
There is no sound argument for neither the necessity nor the constitutionality of banning 'assault weapons'.

You're saying the constitution is mindless nonsense?

Aren't you one of those far right crazy people who scream that you're the only ones who love the constitution and our nation? Which is nothing but a lie since most of you have no clue what's in the constitution and want to change it all the time.

Where were you in high school? You were supposed to learn the constitution then. There's what's called the "Commerce Clause" which is just one sentence in the constitution. It gives the government the right and power to regulate commerce. Selling anything, including a weapon, is commerce.

So tell me who is the mindless person spewing nonsense here?

And how is quoting the constitution no sound argument? It's what our laws are based on. It's how our courts rule on laws. Whether they're constitutional or not.

Seriously here, you were supposed to learn all this in high school. Where were you when you were supposed to learn this? I don't know about your state but in mine you can't graduate from high school without successfully passing US History. In that class you're supposed to learn about the constitution.

Or is it that you didn't graduate high school? Which would make sense and that's why you don't know such basic things about our constitution or how our government and courts work.
Thank you very much for that good news.

However we all know the nra and gun nuts won't stop with that ruling. They will take it to the supreme court. Which I hope that the court will not twist the constitution and come up with some crazy reason why states can't regulate gun sales.

The constitution is very clear. The government has the power to regulate commerce. Selling guns is commerce so the government can impose regulations on guns.
More mindless nonsense.
There is no sound argument for neither the necessity nor the constitutionality of banning 'assault weapons'.
You're saying the constitution is mindless nonsense?
There is no sound argument for the necessity nor the constitutionality of banning 'assault weapons'
For those who want to reisntate the 1994 'assault weapon' ban....? | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Still waiting for a sound response.
“When used, these weapons tend to result in more numerous wounds, more serious wounds, and more victims. These weapons are disproportionately used in crime, and particularly in criminal mass shootings,” according to the ruling written by circuit judge Jose A Cabranes. “They are also disproportionately used to kill law enforcement officers.”
And the useless laws ,voted on in the dark of night,will never prevent anything other than law people exercising their constitutional rights.
Reality says otherwise.
But you knew that.

Reality is actually those autopsy pictures of the babies in Sandy Hook who were not just killed, BUT killed in several body parts from your "dear assault weapons"
Reality says otherwise.
But you knew that.
Reality is actually those autopsy pictures of the babies in Sandy Hook who were not just killed, BUT killed in several body parts from your "dear assault weapons"
Oh look -- an argument form emotion.
Proof positive that you have no sound argument to support your claim.
But, you knew that.
Oh look -- an argument form emotion.
Proof positive that you have no sound argument to support your claim.
But, you knew that.

The "sound argument" is based on those pictures which were shown to some parents on their request and relayed to me by a friend whose child was murdered.......
YOUR "argument" instead is based on the same old bullshit that: "I WANT MY ASSAULT WEAPONS"
Oh look -- an argument form emotion.
Proof positive that you have no sound argument to support your claim.
But, you knew that.
The "sound argument" is based on those pictures...
Appeals to emotion are a always logical fallacy; arguments based on them are never sound.
Again: you have no sound argument to support your claim.
But, you knew that.
Appeals to emotion are a always logical fallacy; arguments based on them are never sound.
Again: you have no sound argument to support your claim.
But, you knew that.

......AND, your "argument" is based on the emotion that the house of cards and the NRA (funded by the gun-manufacturers" is losing its stranglehold and extortion tactics on sane Americans.
Appeals to emotion are a always logical fallacy; arguments based on them are never sound.
Again: you have no sound argument to support your claim.
But, you knew that.
......AND, your "argument" is....
...that there is no sound argument for the necessity and/or constitutionality of a ban on 'assault weapons'.
My argument stands.
But, you knew that.
...that there is no sound argument for the necessity and/or constitutionality of a ban on 'assault weapons'.
My argument stands.
But, you knew that.

This round about banning the sale of assault weapons has been WON by sane Americans and LOST by dimwitted you.......LIVE WITH IT !!!
...that there is no sound argument for the necessity and/or constitutionality of a ban on 'assault weapons'.
My argument stands.
But, you knew that.
This round about banning the sale of assault weapons has been WON by sane Americans and LOST by dimwitted you.......LIVE WITH IT !!!
Thank you for continuing to concede that there is no sound argument for the necessity and/or constitutionality of a ban on 'assault weapons'.
Thank you for continuing to concede that there is no sound argument for the necessity and/or constitutionality of a ban on 'assault weapons'.

Take all the "victories" your poor self-confidence needs....I really don't give much of a shit.
Thank you for continuing to concede that there is no sound argument for the necessity and/or constitutionality of a ban on 'assault weapons'.
Take all the "victories" your poor self-confidence needs....I really don't give much of a shit.
I continue to accept your concession that there is no sound argument for the necessity and/or constitutionality of a ban on 'assault weapons'.

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