Assault weapons ban /Gun ban/High capacity clip ban not the answer to gun violence.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Assault weapons ban,stricter gun laws, high capacity clip ban, are not the answer to stop
insane shooters who go on killing sprees.

All this talk about infringing on our 2nd amendment rights, after these incidents is all part of a larger global conspiracy to confiscate guns and assault weapons from American citizens, and from people in the other countries in the world.

What we need is a better mental health system to track and spot these psychopathic individuals who have guns in their possesion. And to neutralize them before they strike.

Talk of banning assault rifles, and high capacity ammo magazines, and or stricter gun laws
only punish the average American citizen, and is wrong and dangerous, and infringes on are constitutional 2nd amendment rights.

The president, and other politicians who are drafting these anti gun laws must be removed, and voted out of public office.
We need people to realize that there is a campaigne to infringe on your 2nd amendment rights, and
to eventually confiscate all guns and assault weapons from all American citizens.And from people
lving in the third world. Its all part of the UN small arms treaty.
What we will eventually have in the future is , inproperly armed Americans, and Terrorists and criminals
who will be armed with fully automatic AK47 assault rifles. Americans will have weapons bans, while
people in foreign countries will be armed to the teeth, and they will be praying on Americans.
Those that support such things are concerned with the blood of innocent children only as far as someone spilling it allows them to better and further push their anti-gun agenda.
For God's sake the Rightyloon stuff is just as bad as the Leftytoons with this crap. There are already 50 other threads that literally say the same thing. Why start another?
For God's sake the Rightyloon stuff is just as bad as the Leftytoons with this crap. There are already 50 other threads that literally say the same thing. Why start another?

We have to let the liberal Gun grabbers know that we will not accept any bans or infringemnts on our 2nd amendment rights.!
THIS is gun control:

Look we all know gun control is an issue that needs to be addressed. However it is not the only issue in todays society that causes violence like we witnessed in Newtown, Aurora or even Columbine. I seriously think that video game violence is a threat to American peace. Many reports have said Adam Lanza locked himself away playing violent video games. Same thing goes for the culprits (Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold) behind Columbine. I started a petition today to address this issue. If you want the violence to end, and want the next generation to be peaceful please sign today. The url is

Idiotic, millions of people play shooter video games.

Wackos aren't running around killing people because of a fucking video game, they are doing it because they are derranged. These days wackos like this are just given drugs, instead of being locked up like they should be.
Assault weapons ban,stricter gun laws, high capacity clip ban, are not the answer to stop
insane shooters who go on killing sprees.

All this talk about infringing on our 2nd amendment rights, after these incidents is all part of a larger global conspiracy to confiscate guns and assault weapons from American citizens, and from people in the other countries in the world.

What we need is a better mental health system to track and spot these psychopathic individuals who have guns in their possesion. And to neutralize them before they strike.

Talk of banning assault rifles, and high capacity ammo magazines, and or stricter gun laws
only punish the average American citizen, and is wrong and dangerous, and infringes on are constitutional 2nd amendment rights.

The president, and other politicians who are drafting these anti gun laws must be removed, and voted out of public office.

Most psychologists advise their patients not to make a major decision when they are angry or under emotional pressure. Most rational adults agree that people should not make major decisions without thoroughly understanding all the facts but the left does it all the time. Thanks to pressure from the liberal media which adheres to Rahm Emanuel's infamous quote "never let a crisis go to waste" the left is kept on an emotional and sometimes hysterical high while conveniently ignorant of the basic facts. I've seen breathless media pundits rattle off cliches like "assault rifles" without the slightest understanding of the term and I have seen people confuse the term "automatic weapon" with "semi-automatic". The ironic thing is that there are so many laws on the books that the pretty empty heads on the often left find themselves crusading for laws that were already passed.

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