Assaulted by Racist Karen Mom and Son duo for working while black

Wrong. He wasn’t charged with anything. Being black is not a crime. You conservatives are just racist trash.
Take your race card and insert it into your rectum dimbulb. Try scoping out people’s cars and see what happens to you you racist.

I’d tell you to fuck off. You have no authority. Go call the police and waste their time.
And you then get detained. You are scoping out MY vehicle. I have every right to know what you’re doing. The police then haul your ignorant punk ass off for impersonation.
She had a right to go and ask the Mgmt Company.

Take that racist bullshit, turn it sideways and stick it straight up your candy ass. Being white doesn't give you authority over black folks, show me the law that says he had to answer her.
Hey dumbfuck, if he shows an ID and explains what he’s doing, none of this happens. If the asshole just acts professionally, none of this happens. Take your racist ass and hit the bricks.
No. It wouldn't. Because he wasn't 'prowling'. He was simply doing his fucking job.
How you can't understand that basic concept is super illustrative of your magaturd political bias.

Why are you? Ponderous, I'm sure. :itsok:
His job could easily look like casing vehicles for theft. Part of his job is not antagonizing customers. If his employer was contracted with the management company, these two were indirectly his customers and the least he owed them was courtesy. If his company wasn't contracted, he was trespassing. His attitude sure makes the second look more likely than the first. Get it through your head, I spent thirty years working on people's private property, often without their knowledge, sometimes without their permission and occasionally against their wishes. I know how to handle situations like this and everything the tow truck driver did was wrong.
We don't even know what his job really was. He could have been looking to tow cars without tags, but usually when the management company calls a tow truck, they give a parking slot number and have someone there to observe the tow in case of damage claims. Or he could be a repo man illegally on private property. They can't legally repossess a vehicle on private property, but they do it all the time.

What we are arguing about here is the attitude of three people. Two of whom were jackasses and one who got fired for asking questions. You can say anything you like, but being a jackass never improves a situation.
His job could easily look like casing vehicles for theft. Part of his job is not antagonizing customers.
He wasn't antagonizing any customers. It's clearly the customer antagonizing the employee. Stop lecturing from your rectum.
If his employer was contracted with the management company, these two were indirectly his customers and the least he owed them was courtesy.
Maybe. Maybe not.
If his company wasn't contracted, he was trespassing.
DUH. Yet, that isn't what happened.
Get it through your head, I spent thirty years working on people's private property, often without their knowledge, sometimes without their permission and occasionally against their wishes.
Then it sounds like you're breaking the law. I'm 100% adamantly against law breakers.
You can say anything you like, but being a jackass never improves a situation.
Agree to disagree.
Thats true

She should have called the police

But if the cops are on lunch break and he continues to prowl around the cars it could get even uglier than it did

Why are black people so lacking in common sense?

It's their fragility. They believe everything is racial, and they instantly believe they are being disrespected when confronted like this.
All's the guy had to do was inform them he was with Acme Tow Company, he was assigned to check permits, and show his company ID.
Instead, he was immediately an ass and told them it was none of their business what he was doing.
Just fucking ridiculous.
You have given me your opinion. Sure they do.

Why is it that none of you can tell us what law gives you a right to walk up to me and ask me for my name, employer or any damn thing else. Please post what LAW gives you the right to do that and what LAW says I have to answer. I am pretty sure he didn't just walk on private property without permission, I will bet he went to the Mgmt Office upon arrival which is what you are supposed to do. I don't have to go to each apartment individually to tell them what I am doing.
It’s an unwritten law. Listen to massa when he gives an order!
It's their fragility. They believe everything is racial, and they instantly believe they are being disrespected when confronted like this.
All's the guy had to do was inform them he was with Acme Tow Company, he was assigned to check permits, and show his company ID.
Instead, he was immediately an ass and told them it was none of their business what he was doing.
Just fucking ridiculous.
Hell will freeze over before I show nosy ass bystanders any ID. They can kick rocks.
He wasn't antagonizing any customers. It's clearly the customer antagonizing the employee. Stop lecturing from your rectum.

Maybe. Maybe not.

DUH. Yet, that isn't what happened.

Then it sounds like you're breaking the law. I'm 100% adamantly against law breakers.

Agree to disagree.
Utility company workers have "free and unrestricted access" to any property with utility service. The original owner has to grant an easement before he is allowed access to any utilities. That easement is confirmed with each subsequent sale of the property. on many occasions I called in company lawyers and cops to enforce my right of access. On a few occasions I had residents arrested for interfering with me. One particularly stupid homeowner went to prison for making terrorist threats to me. Ninety nine and nine nine times I could get through to customers about the easements. The other one tenth of a percent had attitudes like you and your tow truck driver. The one that went to prison talked like you do, but he was white. I'm sure he didn't talk to bubba that way.
He wasn't antagonizing any customers. It's clearly the customer antagonizing the employee. Stop lecturing from your rectum.

Maybe. Maybe not.

DUH. Yet, that isn't what happened.

Then it sounds like you're breaking the law. I'm 100% adamantly against law breakers.

Agree to disagree.
I'm not surprised that you would disagree that being a jackass never improves a situation since you behave like a jackass on this thread.
Utility company workers have "free and unrestricted access" to any property with utility service. The original owner has to grant an easement before he is allowed access to any utilities. That easement is confirmed with each subsequent sale of the property. on many occasions I called in company lawyers and cops to enforce my right of access. On a few occasions I had residents arrested for interfering with me. One particularly stupid homeowner went to prison for making terrorist threats to me. Ninety nine and nine nine times I could get through to customers about the easements. The other one tenth of a percent had attitudes like you and your tow truck driver. The one that went to prison talked like you do, but he was white. I'm sure he didn't talk to bubba that way.
I'm white. It seems the moral of your tirade is 'don't question me'.

Yeah, I say fuck you.

Just try and throw me into prison for my words.

Best of luck.

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