Assaulted by Racist Karen Mom and Son duo for working while black

Hey dumbfuck, if he shows an ID and explains what he’s doing, none of this happens.
Hey cocksucka, if they mind their damn business and take their asses on to their apartment none of this happens.
If the asshole just acts professionally, none of this happens. Take your racist ass and hit the bricks.
Acting professionally means doing what the white folks tell him to do. GFY assclown.
Utility company workers have "free and unrestricted access" to any property with utility service. The original owner has to grant an easement before he is allowed access to any utilities. That easement is confirmed with each subsequent sale of the property. on many occasions I called in company lawyers and cops to enforce my right of access. On a few occasions I had residents arrested for interfering with me. One particularly stupid homeowner went to prison for making terrorist threats to me. Ninety nine and nine nine times I could get through to customers about the easements. The other one tenth of a percent had attitudes like you and your tow truck driver. The one that went to prison talked like you do, but he was white. I'm sure he didn't talk to bubba that way.
Utility company workers wear uniforms and have id badges

They are not likely to be mistaken for a prowler who is up to no good
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I just rewatched the beginning of the video. Neither the mother or son behaved in an aggressive or arrogant manner. They just politely asked him what he was doing and if he had ID. The tow truck driver came unglued at a polite request.
Yea nothing aggressive about telling a man, "get the fuck out of my building, get the fuck out of my building. "
Hey cocksucka, if they mind their damn business and take their asses on to their apartment none of this happens.

Acting professionally means doing what the white folks tell him to do. GFY assclown.
NOT telling these people who he is is "acting professionally"? Your arguments and positions are never well thought out.
Along with a growing number of black people who cannot be fooled by lying liberals
That number is actually growing quite large. Its refreshing to see the black community embrace the right.
Utility company workers have "free and unrestricted access" to any property with utility service. The original owner has to grant an easement before he is allowed access to any utilities. That easement is confirmed with each subsequent sale of the property. on many occasions I called in company lawyers and cops to enforce my right of access. On a few occasions I had residents arrested for interfering with me. One particularly stupid homeowner went to prison for making terrorist threats to me. Ninety nine and nine nine times I could get through to customers about the easements. The other one tenth of a percent had attitudes like you and your tow truck driver. The one that went to prison talked like you do, but he was white. I'm sure he didn't talk to bubba that way.

All of your comments on here have been 100% spot on, and it's apparent that the op and others on here have never had to work in a professional environment where treating people with common courtesy when you're representing an employer is required. What's ironic is that the op, and others like him, are complete pawns of white leftists who call themselves democrats, they've been conditioned and lied to all of their lives that the racist boogey man is around every corner, and they're used today by the left to create just this kind of division and strife. They think they're demanding respect, but end up looking like fools accusing every white person they see of racism. The paranoia is real, they truly believe what white leftists have been telling them all of their lives, it's really sad to see how they've been duped and used. The op can comment all he wants about how anyone can go around looking into people's cars, but I guarantee that if he caught anyone looking into his car, it would be a different story. They're owned by white leftists, doing their bidding, and they don't even recognize it. Wake up and quit towing the line for white democrats that have you under their thumb and are using you for their own political and financial gain, quit being a pawn.
All of your comments on here have been 100% spot on, and it's apparent that the op and others on here have never had to work in a professional environment where treating people with common courtesy when you're representing an employer is required. What's ironic is that the op, and others like him, are complete pawns of white leftists who call themselves democrats, they've been conditioned and lied to all of their lives that the racist boogey man is around every corner, and they're used today by the left to create just this kind of division and strife. They think they're demanding respect, but end up looking like fools accusing every white person they see of racism. The paranoia is real, they truly believe what white leftists have been telling them all of their lives, it's really sad to see how they've been duped and used. The op can comment all he wants about how anyone can go around looking into people's cars, but I guarantee that if he caught anyone looking into his car, it would be a different story. They're owned by white leftists, doing their bidding, and they don't even recognize it. Wake up and quit towing the line for white democrats that have you under their thumb and are using you for their own political and financial gain, quit being a pawn.
This coming from a Trump Humper. First of all courtesy comes you are approached and what you are being asked. Save that bullshit about folks not working in a professional environment, the man was doing his job and had no obligation to tell Karen or her punk ass son a damn thing. Had that guy been white they would've never said a word to him. Why is it that you think you can approach black folks and start making demands? You want respect, then give the same respect you want.
You have asked people to post them a thousand times (and we have posted them), yet you still keep asking for them to be posted again. Why? What do you think we will different THIS time?
No you post bullshit from right wing rags, post the DOJ/FBI stats. Those don't support the right wing lies, do they.

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