Assessment of Michael Cohen’s “credibility”

If they were charged and guilty and proved guilty. And oh yeah. None of those things apply to Trump. All you liberoids keep forgetting that part.

Of course he was kidding. It was absurd hyperbole. And all you ridiculous libtards latch on to it as if you believed he meant it. Patently dishonest of you.

You’re an unbelievable scumbag for making outrageous and dishonest claims like that when you know you’re lying.

If there is an afterlife, I pity you. You are an immoral piece of crap.
All of which leads me to believe you do NOT know trump at all. He is a total scumbag who always makes outrageous and dishonest as well as being totally immoral. He has moral compass and no conscience. You are talking about him and you don't even know it. I can't believe anyone could be that foolish.
If trump were to evade justice again, avoid all the other items against him and attempt to run and finally get the nomination; that would be great. It would be his greatest loss yet. So much so he'd probably have a permanent meltdown this time and have to be institutionalized. Remember his staff discussed committing him last time. I can't see him surviving an even greater loss ; he's such a failure and that doesn't jive with all the delusions he has about himself.Good luck with that.
Let me get this straight:
You want him to fail so we never go back to where we were before this bizzarro world idiocracy ruined everything we had? So you want us to slowly become more like the communist countries the masses are fleeing from to come here to get away from what you wish for? Why don't you just barter swap houses and relocate to those socialist countries instead of ruining this one for the rest of us normal people?:cuckoo:
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If and when Trump testifies in this case that will matter.
Trump won't testify. He can't but tell lies inflexibly. And no lawyer would let Trump anywhere near the witness stand where he could be cross examined.
Just imagine the background questions they could ask. Like who won the election in 2020?
Agreed. It's fair to question Cohen because he has been found guilty of lying. That's why it's so important to have corraberating evidence. I hear they have tons of that.
Evidence of what exactly though?

Trump fucked a porn star in 2006.
Porn star then threatened to go public with her story during the 2016 election cycle.
Trump paid said porn star with his own money to keep quiet through an intermediary (Cohen)
This payment was marked as legal services which apparently is a misdemeanor in NY.
The Southern District of NY investigates this and finds no reason to charge Trump
The FEC investigates this and finds no reason to charge Trump
The Mueller investigation investigates this and finds no reason to charge Trump.

Now the Manhattan DA using the same witnesses as the other three used has found some new compelling information that implicates Trump in a crime? That's what we are supposed to believe? Really? You do know this only helps Trump right?
Trump won't testify. He can't but tell lies inflexibly. And no lawyer would let Trump anywhere near the witness stand where he could be cross examined.
Just imagine the background questions they could ask. Like who won the election in 2020?
What is there to lie about in this case?
I'm sure the Secret Service wouldn't allow them to cuff Trump.

Why? Protecting the FPOTUS life is their job. Protecting the FPOTUS's public image isn't in their job description.

[DISCLAIMER: I don't think that the FPOTUS will be perp walked in handcuffs. Simply pointing out that the Secret Service will not get involved beyond physical security for their protectee.]

The Southern District of NY investigates this and finds no reason to charge Trump

The FEC investigates this and finds no reason to charge Trump
The Mueller investigation investigates this and finds no reason to charge Trump.
Let me give you a hint. Why do you think Trump replaced the US attorney in the Southern District of NY, and refused to nominate a "quorum" at the FEC. They couldn't investigate without a quorum.
? Huh? Why would that have anything to do with whether Trump paid a porn star to sign an NDA about their affair in 2016 and the circumstances surrounding that?
? Huh? Why would that have anything to do with whether Trump paid a porn star to sign an NDA about their affair in 2016 and the circumstances surrounding that?
Goes to the credibility of the witness.

No matter how Trump answers that question, he's TOAST.
Let me get this straight:
You want him to fail so we never go back to where we were before this bizzarro world idiocracy ruined everything we had? So you want us to slowly become more like the communist countries the masses are fleeing from to come here to get away from what you wish for? Why don't you just barter swap houses and relocate to those socialist countries instead of ruining this one for the rest of us normal people?:cuckoo:
You see you don't even know what's going on. The Democrats are planning for the future, that's something the republicans never do; they're too busy trying to take us back to the 50's. I remember the 50's, they only looked good superficially. In reality those days were ruled by fear and hatred. Something the greatest nation in the world had to rise above and we did. says Bob Costello in an interview on Fox.
Well then they lied on the courts. Just as bad a liar as trump. Neither have any credibility and neither should be given the public trust again.
You see you don't even know what's going on. The Democrats are planning for the future, that's something the republicans never do; they're too busy trying to take us back to the 50's. I remember the 50's, they only looked good superficially. In reality those days were ruled by fear and hatred. Something the greatest nation in the world had to rise above and we did.
The first thing republicans did was pack the supreme court so that they could take womens right to choose back to the 1960's.
The funniest thing about all this is they will have to prove...IN COURT...what Trump was THINKING.

How the hell are they gonna do that?

Trump paid stormy oput of his own pocket and they're trying to call it a "campaign contribution". Good luck with that.
Funny thing here is legal minds on both sides of the aisle know this is a waste of time, already citing reasons why DOJ didn't go after these same charges.

Then suddenly, after Bob Costello spent an afternoon testifying about Cohen, the 'possible' arrest is moved to next week.

I'd bet his case just went all to hell and back.
Funny thing here is legal minds on both sides of the aisle know this is a waste of time, already citing reasons why DOJ didn't go after these same charges.

Maybe because DOJ didn't have Trumps tax returns and business records.

That's where the evidence comes from. Writing off a bribe as a legal expense.

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