Asset Throwers: The War of Words [1920s]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The "Roaring '20s" was a time of great cultural and financial flair in America. While the wealthy celebrated their fortunes with lavish and stylish parties, the stockbrokers of Wall Street inflated the economy steadily to match all the pedestrian zeal for consumer-spending. Soon the great 'confidence-bubble' burst and the Great Depression ensued.

Many historians consider the "Roaring '20s" a time of great symbolism for the sociocultural evolution of America. We learned about the glitter of capitalism and the glamour of consumerism/lifestyle. It arguably paved the way for today's consumer oriented exuberance (i.e., 'TrumpUSA').

When economics infuses society with 'energy' or 'exuberance,' we expect great things as well as great responsibility. This 'tension' created in the fabric of culture inevitably creates invisible/dark secrets and passages, possibly giving rise to subtle but deep complications, a notion presented in the iconic '20s novel The Great Gatsby, which has been adapted into two great American films (starring Robert Redford and Leonardo DiCaprio).

If we appreciate how economics makes civilization complex, can we envision a great 'war of communication' arising from this sea of consumerism?



ERMAC: What the hell are 'throwers'?
KITANA: A 'thrower' is a person who hoists/hurls energy.
ERMAC: What's the necessity of a thrower?
KITANA: A thrower is needed in times of great social mobilization.
ERMAC: Such as the Roaring '20s...
KITANA: Precisely; economics fueling consumerism creates gossip.
ERMAC: Sure; People Magazine is all about 'traffic glitter.'
KITANA: Well, in 'TrumpUSA,' a thrower is like a warrior.
ERMAC: Sure; today's brokers (Wall Street) throw money like energy!
KITANA: When consumerism is lifestyle (1920s/2010s), slander emerges.
ERMAC: I see; 'shoppers' want 'goodies' to stuff in their bags...
KITANA: Precisely; that's why The People's Court is so popular!
ERMAC: Well, maybe today's 'asset throwers' create wars of words.
KITANA: That's the argument; modern networks require jargon-expertise.
ERMAC: Maybe capitalism is all about bow-ties...

After Ermac and Kitana concluded their small intriguing discussion about the aesthetics of capitalism as it relates to the lifestyle/society exuberance of two decades of high/symbolic consumerism in America --- namely the 1920s (Gatsby-era) and the 2010s (TrumpUSA). Ermac and Kitana were Cossack mystics/warriors who wandered around Siberia and Russia studying crime before arriving in America ('TrumpUSA) to evaluate why commerce was creating all kinds of 'personal tensions.' After all, we can imagine why the value of Hoffa's Teamsters fuels many legalese fineries (e.g., FDA seepage in today's Burger King culture). Perhaps American capitalism will one day become a giant game-show(!).



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