Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Thousands of people every year visit the Malhuer Refuge. And many hunt there in the carefully controlled hunts for big game and certain waterfowl. Kosher doesn't know the Refuge, obviously doesn't know the people of Harney County.
They hunted there before the refuge too, lol. And they still are. Urban commies should evict people from their suburbs and turn those places into wildlife refuges. That sounds like something you could get behind, flaphander. Then you wouldn't have to get all jumpy about being surrounded by real men who have a history and a culture tied into self sufficiency and.liberty.
Self sufficiency? Lavon whining because the removed the four foster children from his home that were his only source of income? That is your definition of self sufficiency? Ammon has a half million dollar loan from the SBA that he will never pay back. And on and on. These are nothing but a bunch of hare brained stupes, waving guns, and mouthing utter drivel. Time to end it and cart every adult there off for a long stay in the iron bar hotel.
Kosher, you are an asshole liar. And you blanket set of lies about the people in Burns and Harney County proves just what a liar you are. Now they are going through the Paiute artifacts, and will probably be trying to sell them, or use the destruction of those artifacts as a bargaining chip to try to avoid many years in a federal pen.
No, I'm not a liar. You're the liar, as is patently obvious.

The protesters have invited tribal members and leaders to come out to the refuge and voice their concerns and access their artifacts. They've refused because they don't give a shit. And going through the tribal stuff isn't illegal what a load of horseshit lolol.what hell find is mismanagement and relocation I artifacts by the feds. That's what they do. Of course you object to any activity that reveals the truth of the situation. You're a lying government shill, commie. Crawl back under your rock, puke.
Well, let's review what has been said on this thread. Kosher starts out claiming that almost everyone in Harney County supported the scuzzy bastards at the Refuge. But the meeting last Tuesday night laid that to rest. A resounding repudiation of the fruitloops. With the fruitloops sitting right there, looking like they were sucking on a lemon.

So now Kosher is stating that the good people of Burns are all a bunch of freeloaders and commies. So she isn't for local control of the Refuge, because the locals have stated that they like it as it is. The Paiute are not going to dignify the claims of the locos at the Refuge. They also like the present arrangement. The people of Oregon want Bundy and his bunch out. Out by whatever means necessary now.

Seems Kosher not only doesn't know the mind of the people in Eastern Oregon, she doesn't know the mind of the people of Oregon, period.
Notice that old fag doesn't actually identify the lies I have allegedly shared. Because he doesn't want me to continue to provide the (for him) painful evidence, yet again, that the narrative being pushed by the idiots clamoring to imprison brob and kill rural landowners is the same systematic persecution that they waged against Indians. Old fag and those like him are th modern day equivalents of Americans who supported campaigns against Indians on the name of progress. He's the same as ignorant progressives who supported the transfer of property from Jews and their imprisonment if they refused to obey the state and turn over their holdings. Bigoted fascists don't change from century to century...they just target mew victims.
Grastys meeting didn't lay anything to rest, lol. The big meeting before his meeting had more than twice as many people, and none of them called for the removal of protestors.
Or is presenting a false narrative based on nothing but county news releases and propaganda generated by federal mouthpieces. It's laughable.
And in grastys meeting, half were hostile to him and his show. The sheriff removed men who asked questions (show us where the feds have this authority primary among them). Btw grastys brother was also a blm official, and grasty himself belongs to multiple sage grouse protection committees and other conservation groups. Which is funny cuz all the grouse have fled the mismanaged public lands to reside on private lands.
And in grastys meeting, half were hostile to him and his show. The sheriff removed men who asked questions (show us where the feds have this authority primary among them). Btw grastys brother was also a blm official, and grasty himself belongs to multiple sage grouse protection committees and other conservation groups. Which is funny cuz all the grouse have fled the mismanaged public lands to reside on private lands.
Yesterday you said the refuge was only visited by 50 birders a year. That was in post #255. Other sources put the number of visitors at 65,000. When you make claims like that, it is difficult to take you serious or as credible. Claiming in the above post that the grouse have fled the public lands to reside on private lands however puts you squarely into the nut job category.
Hmmm............ Kosher, I presented the videos from the meeting that people can judge for themselves how that meeting went. All you have presented is flap yap.
And this proves what?

Patty Olson

Has Burns been renamed Bundy Town? Just wondering because it seems the Bundy Clan and your Committee of Safety have many many plans for that public land that the Bundys believe they have control of.
Oregon standoff leader warns feds: Back off

Ammon Bundy, leader of the occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge,tells of creating 'rapid response teams' to defend locals for federal regulators. ·
Hide · Wednesday at 5:32pm

Patty Olson
Timber Oligarchs Transform Into Beef Barons in Harney County and the Oregon High Desert

The addictive beauty of an ungrazed sagebrush expanse and big sky bordering Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Throughout the Ammon Bundy and militia thug seizure of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge… ·
Hide · Wednesday at 7:33am

James Ferndrick

Why the hell do so many people support child abusers and arsonists and call them good people? Seems one of Stevie's best acolades is known for belt sanding a tattoo off of his nephews chest that takes two hands I would imagine as well, I am sure other family members were involved as well. Great people!
Hide · Wednesday at 11:44am

Billie Jo Boothman

So agreed, please, do some thing to get the justice system moving to get them home.
Kosher, the thread is not about sage grouse or wild horses. It is about armed lunatics occupying public land, and the people of Harney County. Now, where are the videos of that prior meeting. Or did you just pull that whole claim out of your ass?

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