Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Hey dumb fuck, why don't you just grab a rifle, go down to the courthouse, claim you are the public, and threaten to shoot anyone else that comes into the courthouse. See how long that lasts. The assholes occupying the Refuge are felons, and must see long terms in the federal pen.
"The assholes occupying the Refuge are felons, and must see long terms in the federal pen."

Which assholes? The BLM or the militia? Does one have more permission from the public who own the land than the other?
Burns is where the corrupt officials dwell. It's full of maggot forest service and blm and county losers and their loser families....generally either on disability or otherwise dependent on govt. The refuge is 30 miles or maybe 40 from the city of Burns. it brings in about fifty birders a year. The people of burns are but a portion of Harney County and they are not the majority.

Laughing.....but only a few days ago you were lauding the folks of Burns as the 'locals'. And talking about how much they supported the militia. Now their 'corrupt' 'maggots'?

Do you understand WHY we keep telling you to abandon confirmation bias? Its not because we're trying to prove you wrong. Its because its an absolutely shit way of perceiving the world. As it offers you no insight, it helps you predict nothing.

Oh, and it has you quoting Russian Government propaganda as if it were true.
"The assholes occupying the Refuge are felons, and must see long terms in the federal pen."

Which assholes? The BLM or the militia? Does one have more permission from the public who own the land than the other?

Yes. The BLM is enacting the rules of Congress. Which is explicitly given authority by the Constitution to set rules for Federal property.

There's no angle where the Militia isn't spouting sovereign citizen horseshit. As this isn't a matter of State's Rights. The Governor of Oregon has already asked them to leave and they told her to go fuck herself. This isn't a matter of the constitution. As it explicitly grants the Congress authority to set these rules. This isn't a matter of due process, as the Hammonds most definitely had their day in court. This isn't a matter of redress of grievances, as the Hammonds and even the militia have had every right to bring their complaints to court without retaliation.

And now the final lie in the fringe right militia is playing out. Their call for 'local control'. The mayor and sheriff of Burns have asked them to leave. And they've told both to fuck themselves, even trying to intimidate people in the nearby town by following them and their families.

There is only one law among the militia: themselves. Not the State, not the local government, n ot the constitution. Just the Militia men citing themselves. They've already demonstrated the lie to all their empty rhetoric about 'state' and 'local' control.
"The assholes occupying the Refuge are felons, and must see long terms in the federal pen."

Which assholes? The BLM or the militia? Does one have more permission from the public who own the land than the other?

The BLM are us, they represent We The People who elected those whose legislation created the BLM. Don't like it, vote for the Anarchy Party or, the next best thing the Libertarian Party, or worse the Republcan Party who will sell the land and include the wealth it holds to the private sector which will exploit its value and leave the mess to We The People to clean up.
"The assholes occupying the Refuge are felons, and must see long terms in the federal pen."

Which assholes? The BLM or the militia? Does one have more permission from the public who own the land than the other?

The BLM are us, they represent We The People who elected those whose legislation created the BLM. Don't like it, vote for the Anarchy Party or, the next best thing the Libertarian Party, or worse the Republcan Party who will sell the land and include the wealth it holds to the private sector which will exploit its value and leave the mess to We The People to clean up.

And much of Ammon's ilk are Sovereign Citizen adherents. Who believe that every citizen is a sovereign. And thus can't be compelled by any law. As they themselves are the law.

Which is why the militia have no problem whatsoever using guns to seize land and make up their own law when they do it.

Its when they start spouting horseshit about 'state' and 'local' control that they demonstrate their own flaming hypocrisy. As the only control they want is themselves. The only state they recognize is themselves.
"The assholes occupying the Refuge are felons, and must see long terms in the federal pen."

Which assholes? The BLM or the militia? Does one have more permission from the public who own the land than the other?

The BLM are us, they represent We The People who elected those whose legislation created the BLM. Don't like it, vote for the Anarchy Party or, the next best thing the Libertarian Party, or worse the Republcan Party who will sell the land and include the wealth it holds to the private sector which will exploit its value and leave the mess to We The People to clean up.

And much of Ammon's ilk are Sovereign Citizen adherents. Who believe that every citizen is a sovereign. And thus can't be compelled by any law. As they themselves are the law.

Which is why the militia have no problem whatsoever using guns to seize land and make up their own law when they do it.

Its when they start spouting horseshit about 'state' and 'local' control that they demonstrate their own flaming hypocrisy. As the only control they want is themselves. The only state they recognize is themselves.

Sovereign Citizens, IMO, are members of the Idiot-fringe. "Freedom's just another word for nothin' else to lose"; those who can hang out for weeks on end must have no family, no kids, no job or other responsibilities.
"The assholes occupying the Refuge are felons, and must see long terms in the federal pen."

Which assholes? The BLM or the militia? Does one have more permission from the public who own the land than the other?

The BLM are us, they represent We The People who elected those whose legislation created the BLM. Don't like it, vote for the Anarchy Party or, the next best thing the Libertarian Party, or worse the Republcan Party who will sell the land and include the wealth it holds to the private sector which will exploit its value and leave the mess to We The People to clean up.

And much of Ammon's ilk are Sovereign Citizen adherents. Who believe that every citizen is a sovereign. And thus can't be compelled by any law. As they themselves are the law.

Which is why the militia have no problem whatsoever using guns to seize land and make up their own law when they do it.

Its when they start spouting horseshit about 'state' and 'local' control that they demonstrate their own flaming hypocrisy. As the only control they want is themselves. The only state they recognize is themselves.

Sovereign Citizens, IMO, are members of the Idiot-fringe. "Freedom's just another word for nothin' else to lose"; those who can hang out for weeks on end must have no family, no kids, no job or other responsibilities.

I agree. Idiot fringe. And much of Ammon's ilk, in fact the very premise of Ammon's exactly that idiocy.
Kosher, the thread is not about sage grouse or wild horses. It is about armed lunatics occupying public land, and the people of Harney County. Now, where are the videos of that prior meeting. Or did you just pull that whole claim out of your ass?

Actually, it's about the federal mismanagement of public lands allegedly for the sake of protecting native, endangered bird species and protecting others. Every time you run up against an incontrovertible truth, you pretend that the subject is "something else" lol.

Meanwhile, the protesters have put out multiple requests to the tribe to come in and check out their stuff (since lunatics like you keep whining that they're being "vandalized" or "not protected" by the protesters). In the course of fixing buildings and cleaning up the property, which belongs not to the feds, but to the people of Harney county, they found that buildings were left open to the elements, were in varying degrees of dilapidation and disuse and rodent infestation.

They found the so-called Indian "artifacts" stuffed into carboard boxes, in a deserted, unheated building, damaged by rodents. This didn't happen in the last couple of weeks. They have put out multiple requests to the tribe to come and get their stuff and take it and do whatever they want with it.

Bundy Ranch | Facebook
Kosher, the thread is not about sage grouse or wild horses. It is about armed lunatics occupying public land, and the people of Harney County. Now, where are the videos of that prior meeting. Or did you just pull that whole claim out of your ass?

Actually, it's about the federal mismanagement of public lands allegedly for the sake of protecting native, endangered bird species and protecting others. Every time you run up against an incontrovertible truth, you pretend that the subject is "something else" lol.

Meanwhile, the protesters have put out multiple requests to the tribe to come in and check out their stuff (since lunatics like you keep whining that they're being "vandalized" or "not protected" by the protesters).

The folks insisting that the militia is 'desecrating' the the very tribes in question. Are you going to add them to the 'corrupt maggot' list like you did the town of Burns, its people, mayor and sheriff?

Like any good batshit conspiracy, anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy....becomes part of it.
In the course of fixing buildings and cleaning up the property, which belongs not to the feds, but to the people of Harney county, they found that buildings were left open to the elements, were in varying degrees of dilapidation and disuse and rodent infestation.

So you say. But when we ask you to show us evidence......the 'videos' you told us about, you've got nothing. You're literally making this shit up as you go along.

Ah, wait. When I asked you to back your claim, you quoted Russian Government propaganda. 'Sputnik News' claiming to speak for the chairman of the Republican party in Oregon.
"Did you know that Ammon Bundy walked up the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, opened the door and walked in? It is a facility that is typically vacant all winter. He went in with friends and they stated they would occupy the facility until the Hammonds are released from prison and these public resources are managed by local control. They also stated, “If anyone comes to remove us, we will exercise our Second Amendment rights.” Folks, it was five days until the local sheriff returned Ammon Bundy’s call, and the feds have yet to reach out to seek a resolution, so what is the real agenda of the “lawmen”?
"The town of Burns is obviously on edge but you need to know that the Bundy occupation is 30 miles from town. Instead of setting up headquarters in the multiple federal buildings outside of town, the FBI shut down the school, built a barricade around it and closed off several streets so they could hunker down there.
"What I have personally witnessed on this trip is the worst side of our federal government that I could have ever imagined. Additionally, I am writing this because within days of reading this, thousands of the best cattlemen and cattlewomen will be gathering in San Diego, California, for the Cattle Industry Convention.
"If this violation of basic American rights as food producers does not become the most discussed and most important issue of that gathering, then I suggest the next takeover will not be of federal property, but rather of an organization that has completely lost touch with what is most important to its members. If we can’t take a stand for each other, then what good is this organization?
"Finally, I have received hundreds of inquiries in the past month from people who do actually want to do something. I realize that every person in every state has an issue that is top of mind as we all start our new legislative sessions, but I contend that what is currently happening in Harney County, Oregon, is happening in your state, too, and we need to get it fixed and retake state and local control.
"While you can contribute to the Hammond family and their ongoing legal fees if you desire, Susie agrees with me that the best answer is contact anybody and everybody who will listen, from county supervisors to U.S. senators, and make sure they understand what happened to the Hammonds and don’t let up until those ranchers are returned home from federal prison."

Return Hammonds to ranch
Hey dumb fuck, why don't you just grab a rifle, go down to the courthouse, claim you are the public, and threaten to shoot anyone else that comes into the courthouse. See how long that lasts. The assholes occupying the Refuge are felons, and must see long terms in the federal pen.
I think you should grab a rifle, go down to the refuge..or really, anywhere in Harney county where you find supporters, and threaten to shoot anybody that dares to support the Bundys. See how long THAT will last. Because so far, you nuts are the only ones threatening harm. The Bundys just asserted their intent to stay in a public building until the locals are ready to take it over.

They have made the facility open to ANYBODY who wishes to come and view it. They have met with locals, with visitors, and the press, and given them tours (the press doesn't publish these because what they see doesn't jibe with the narrative they are putting out there).

They have worked hard to restore and repair buildings. They found the Indian artifacts that everybody is squawking about that are supposedly so carefully cared for by the feds. These so called artifacts are stuffed in cardboard boxes, thrown on the floor, and damaged by rodents, covered with rat shit and piss, with nests in them, in unoccupied buildings that were left open to the elements when the protesters arrived. They have repeatedly put out public and private invitations to the tribe to come and help them find and repossess those artifacts, so the Indians can care for them themselves or help establish some sort of protocol for protecting them and/or displaying them. The tribes are always pissing and moaning that the feds *take* their artificacts. Now they have an opportunity to retrieve them, or at least care for them, or at the very least, VIEW them and ascertain their condition and location...the tribe refuses to. And just to clarify...the refuge is chock full of artificats. People who visit the refuge to tromp all over the place in search of the birds that have largely migrated to neighboring private properties due to the fires and bad management practices of the feds, are constantly destroying, stealing, and uncovering these precious "artifacts". There are lots and lots of them there, to the extent that really, they aren't considered all that precious by the feds or even by the Indians who claim they're so important. If they were, they would be there now taking care of them. But that doesn't pay as well as going around the state on the dime of the Oregonian, demanding the return of the artifacts to the Indians (they've already been offered back to the Indians) or the removal of the protesters...who they have never spoken with.

The protesters have likewise repeatedly reached out to law enforcement and the FBI in order to discuss the issues and to allow them to work out a solution. The FBI only yesterday agreed to meet with them and talk with them, and the discussion went really well. I'm not sure it even got a mention in the Oregonian. It took the Sheriff's office five days to return calls from the protesters when they first arrived. They wouldn't even attempt to engage in a dialogue with them, they were too busy telling lies about the situation out there, I suppose.
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Burns is where the corrupt officials dwell. It's full of maggot forest service and blm and county losers and their loser families....generally either on disability or otherwise dependent on govt. The refuge is 30 miles or maybe 40 from the city of Burns. it brings in about fifty birders a year. The people of burns are but a portion of Harney County and they are not the majority.

So the real meeting, that was supportive of the protest and thankful to the Bundys, met and talked with the Bundys. The group was cordial, and articulate, and engaged in a true heartfelt exchange of ideas and consideration of their options. Their bottom line is that they will not condemn the message the Bundys are sending because they agree. They won't condone the occupation because it isn't prudent to do so. But they want grasty and the Fed's out, and they want the Hammonds out. They are willing, perhaps, to tolerate a certain amt of governmental presence but they are going to continue their support of the protest...and perhaps escalate it....if the Hammond aren't returned home.

If the Hammonds had sold their land to the Feds...They would not be in jail. And there are thousands more stories like theirs.

Oh there were three hundred to, I guess 400 ppl at the community meeting....there were around aa200 at grastys pep rally....and of the two hundred (it didn't look like that many to me) at grastys meeting, maybe one hundred ...counting the county employees and forest service and refuge supporters, press, and law enforcement...were not in support of protest.
Broad brush much lolibertarian girl?

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The only threats of violence have come from the press and the yahoos like Old Fag, who aren't from the area, but think it's cool to call for violence against the protesters, and the imprisonment of the residents of Harney County if they dare object to the appalling practices of the feds, and the rampant corruption of the officials from the top federal level, down to the local county level.

The people that Old Fag listens to are those corrupt officials, who have been caught posting lie, after lie, after lie, and who have been exposed repeatedly as personally benefiting from the incestuous and corrupt nature of the network of federal and county officials. Old Fag is a communist, as we all know who have dealt with him on here, and his only interest is in destroying the independent land owners and wresting the land away from them, in order to establish complete and total government control over every inch of land and property. His motivations are many and rooted in his own psychosis, but first among them is his greedy nature and his stupid belief that if the government steals property then he's going to have full and unfettered access to it, to use as he pleases. As he pleases means he wants to camp out there a couple of times a year, so he can tell what few friends he has that he's an "outdoorsman" with ties to the area. It's all a load of horseshit.

The refuge standoff isn't going to end like Waco. Everybody knows that these people are peaceful. More and more people are arriving in order to support them, Bundy moves about at will in the community, and the community protects him. People are coming and going as they please at the refuge, they can look around as they please, the refuge is still open. Nobody is destroying any property...dozens and dozens of people have testified to that. The first people that went out there said it looked better than they'd EVER seen it. Bundy repeatedly states his purpose is solely to protest and to remain until the issue is resolved, the Hammonds are relased, and the people of the county are on their way to resolving the MYRIAD issues they have with the feds who are illegally persecuting them.

And the Harney County locals are working hard to accomplish that. They are developing a plan and working CLOSELY with Bundy to resolve the issue peacefully and to their satisfaction, while at the same time they are continuing to petition for the release of the Hammonds. They want the Hammonds out of prison, and they won't quit until they're released. Once the Hammonds are released and they figure out how they're going to manage the refuge themselves, they'll escort Bundy out.

Not until then. Lunatics like Old Fag are in for a wait. Maybe he should create a refuge in his own berg, and clear out the residents, burn down the buildings, and plant a couple of tomato plants and release a couple of parakeets or something.
Kosher, the thread is not about sage grouse or wild horses. It is about armed lunatics occupying public land, and the people of Harney County. Now, where are the videos of that prior meeting. Or did you just pull that whole claim out of your ass?

Actually, it's about the federal mismanagement of public lands allegedly for the sake of protecting native, endangered bird species and protecting others. Every time you run up against an incontrovertible truth, you pretend that the subject is "something else" lol.

Meanwhile, the protesters have put out multiple requests to the tribe to come in and check out their stuff (since lunatics like you keep whining that they're being "vandalized" or "not protected" by the protesters).

The folks insisting that the militia is 'desecrating' the the very tribes in question. Are you going to add them to the 'corrupt maggot' list like you did the town of Burns, its people, mayor and sheriff?

Like any good batshit conspiracy, anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy....becomes part of it.
In the course of fixing buildings and cleaning up the property, which belongs not to the feds, but to the people of Harney county, they found that buildings were left open to the elements, were in varying degrees of dilapidation and disuse and rodent infestation.

So you say. But when we ask you to show us evidence......the 'videos' you told us about, you've got nothing. You're literally making this shit up as you go along.

Ah, wait. When I asked you to back your claim, you quoted Russian Government propaganda. 'Sputnik News' claiming to speak for the chairman of the Republican party in Oregon.

The tribes refuse to actually go out to the site to protect/identify/or even verify that the artificats are indeed being *desecrated*, lol.

Yeah, they care a lot.
Kosher, the thread is not about sage grouse or wild horses. It is about armed lunatics occupying public land, and the people of Harney County. Now, where are the videos of that prior meeting. Or did you just pull that whole claim out of your ass?

Actually, it's about the federal mismanagement of public lands allegedly for the sake of protecting native, endangered bird species and protecting others. Every time you run up against an incontrovertible truth, you pretend that the subject is "something else" lol.

Meanwhile, the protesters have put out multiple requests to the tribe to come in and check out their stuff (since lunatics like you keep whining that they're being "vandalized" or "not protected" by the protesters).

The folks insisting that the militia is 'desecrating' the the very tribes in question. Are you going to add them to the 'corrupt maggot' list like you did the town of Burns, its people, mayor and sheriff?

Like any good batshit conspiracy, anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy....becomes part of it.
In the course of fixing buildings and cleaning up the property, which belongs not to the feds, but to the people of Harney county, they found that buildings were left open to the elements, were in varying degrees of dilapidation and disuse and rodent infestation.

So you say. But when we ask you to show us evidence......the 'videos' you told us about, you've got nothing. You're literally making this shit up as you go along.

Ah, wait. When I asked you to back your claim, you quoted Russian Government propaganda. 'Sputnik News' claiming to speak for the chairman of the Republican party in Oregon.

Actually, the chairman of the Republican party posted it on their facebook site. Because I was signed in, I went off facebook in order to find another generic source because I don't want that retard Old Fag showing up at my house or harassing my friends.
Other people who are propagating my facebook friends list....multiple Harney County ranchers and locals, including the ones who organized and hosted the groups that met (and weren't covered by the press) prior to Grasty's pretend community meeting.
Kosher, the thread is not about sage grouse or wild horses. It is about armed lunatics occupying public land, and the people of Harney County. Now, where are the videos of that prior meeting. Or did you just pull that whole claim out of your ass?

Actually, it's about the federal mismanagement of public lands allegedly for the sake of protecting native, endangered bird species and protecting others. Every time you run up against an incontrovertible truth, you pretend that the subject is "something else" lol.

Meanwhile, the protesters have put out multiple requests to the tribe to come in and check out their stuff (since lunatics like you keep whining that they're being "vandalized" or "not protected" by the protesters).

The folks insisting that the militia is 'desecrating' the the very tribes in question. Are you going to add them to the 'corrupt maggot' list like you did the town of Burns, its people, mayor and sheriff?

Like any good batshit conspiracy, anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy....becomes part of it.
In the course of fixing buildings and cleaning up the property, which belongs not to the feds, but to the people of Harney county, they found that buildings were left open to the elements, were in varying degrees of dilapidation and disuse and rodent infestation.

So you say. But when we ask you to show us evidence......the 'videos' you told us about, you've got nothing. You're literally making this shit up as you go along.

Ah, wait. When I asked you to back your claim, you quoted Russian Government propaganda. 'Sputnik News' claiming to speak for the chairman of the Republican party in Oregon.

The tribes refuse to actually go out to the site to protect/identify/or even verify that the artificats are indeed being *desecrated*, lol.

Yeah, they care a lot.

The tribes have demanded that the militia leave and insisted that the militia is desecrating their lands.

So the militia does to the tribes what it did to the Mayor of Burns, the majority of the folks in Burns, the Sheriff, and the Govenor of Oregon:

And told them to go fuck themselves.

So much for the militia lie of 'local' and 'state' control. The only authority that the militia recognizes is their own.
Other people who are propagating my facebook friends list....multiple Harney County ranchers and locals, including the ones who organized and hosted the groups that met (and weren't covered by the press) prior to Grasty's pretend community meeting.

Is this the same face book list where you cited Russian government propaganda, comrade?

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