Assholes making trouble in Oregon

The sheriff and the good judge also keep asserting that they must stop using social media...because they don't want outsiders to see how the majority of Harney County residents are totally disgusted of federal overreach, intimidation, and attack.
The feds have NO AUTHORITY in Harney County.

Bullshit. The Feds have authority throughout the United States. Of which Harney County is part. And of course the Wildlife Reserve is federal property. Which gives them jurisdiction yet again.

Remember, you randomly making up pseudo-legal gibberish and right wing fantasies doesn't actually change the law or the constitution. The constitution *explicitly* grants Congress the authority to set the rules for federal property. US law and the courts recognize this. The State of Oregon recognizes this. Its laws and its courts do as well.

THAT is why they aren't sending in swat teams and bombs and whatever else they do. That is why they don't arrest Bundy when he's moving around. Because they don't have the authority or the right to do so. It is solely the right and authority of the local Sheriff, and HE hasn't done it because he CAN'T, unless they commit a crime. And so far, they haven't.

Nonsense. That's just your fantasy, Kosh. You're literally making up a nonsense delusion based on nothing, pretending that you are the law, the feds, the sheriff. And you're nobody. That you imagine otherwise doesn't change the facts.

The only person who committed a crime was the guy from out of the state, who was driving a vehicle with switched plates, and his has been the only arrest.

Says you, citing yourself as the law. And you're nobody.

Back in reality, they've violated seditious conspiracy laws, theft laws, trespassing laws, vandalism laws, burglary laws, etc. And will most likely do some serious time. And should.[/QUOTE]

Actually, according to the Harney County Sheriff, who issued a news release on it, you retard.

CREDIT: AP Images/Manuel Valdes
FILE - In this Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016, file photo, members of the Burns Paiute tribe watch a news conference held by their leaders in response to the armed occupation of the nearby Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns, Ore. A leader of the Oregon Indian tribe whose ancestral property is being occupied by an armed group opposed to federal land policy said Wednesday that the group is not welcome and needs to leave. (AP Photo/Manuel Valdes, File)

Bundy Militia Post Video Of Themselves Messing With Native American Artifacts
I see nothing that asserts that those Indians are there to protest the protest. In fact, the fact that there is only the pic and no headlines being posted all over the place, I maintain they were there in opposition to federal control of the land and the corruption of the local officials, just like the majority of other Harney County residents. I bet they own property, in which case they're being subjected to the same garbage that everybody else it.

In fact,they aren't even in the gymnasius where the meeting is. Who the hell knows where the idiot tyrone, who is hard pressed to come up with a coherent sentence at any time, retrieved this photo.
In the meantime, let's revisit a government employee bragging over how they tie up elderly ww2 veterans up in red tape in order to purchase their mine, valued at 40 million, for 2 million.

CREDIT: AP Images/Manuel Valdes
FILE - In this Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016, file photo, members of the Burns Paiute tribe watch a news conference held by their leaders in response to the armed occupation of the nearby Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns, Ore. A leader of the Oregon Indian tribe whose ancestral property is being occupied by an armed group opposed to federal land policy said Wednesday that the group is not welcome and needs to leave. (AP Photo/Manuel Valdes, File)

Bundy Militia Post Video Of Themselves Messing With Native American Artifacts
I see nothing that asserts that those Indians are there to protest the protest. In fact, the fact that there is only the pic and no headlines being posted all over the place, I maintain they were there in opposition to federal control of the land and the corruption of the local officials, just like the majority of other Harney County residents. I bet they own property, in which case they're being subjected to the same garbage that everybody else it.

They've openly opposed the the militia and asked them to leave. With 'what you bet' being just more fantasy gibberish you made up. As you no idea what you're talking about.

The Tribes have asked the militia to leave. The local mayor has. The local sheriff has. The people of Burns have. The governor has. Even Ammon's church has told him that he's got no leg to stand on.

And Ammon's response to all has been that they can go fuck themselves. That the Bundy Thugs make the law.

Demonstrating the lie of their empty lip service to 'local control'. When they say 'local control', they mean that they make the law.

You want to hear about the fbi creeping around and pretending to be protesters/safety committee people, about 8:50. People are preventing access to the sheriff, to the courthouse. They're telling people that if they want to talk to the sheriff, they're supposed to call 911...which is a line for emergencies only. Grasty told him he didn't have the right to talk to people and ask them about their purpose or their reason for being there.
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You want to hear about the fbi creeping around and pretending to be protesters/safety committee people, about 8:50. People are preventing access to the sheriff, to the courthouse. They're telling people that if they want to talk to the sheriff, they're supposed to call 911...which is a line for emergencies only. Grasty told him he didn't have the right to talk to people and ask them about their purpose or their reason for being there.

Yeah, the ex-fire chief has since backed the hell off those claims.

FBI Agents Weren't Posing as Militia, Ex-Fire Chief Clarifies

An allegation that undercover FBI agents were caught posing as militia members in southeast Oregon splashed around the Internet this week, but the story’s purported source says he made no such claim.

Chris Briels, who recently resigned his position as Harney County fire chief, says Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, whose Wednesday press release sparked concern about a throwbackto FBI infiltration and dirty tricks against activists, must have misunderstood him.

FBI Agents Weren't Posing as Militia, Ex-Fire Chief Clarifies

But maybe you'll find more reliable information on Sputnik News again. I mean, if you can't trust a Russian Government owned and operated newsource, who can you trust?
OK, I presented videos from the Grasty meeting, why don't you present videos from that meeting.

Try this one, the whole meeting, instead of the MSM's sound bites:

Sure there are lot's of folks cheering to see Bundy leave, but there are also lots of folks mad as heck at the Judge. And when "throngs" of people chanted "go, go, go" (you'll see/hear that around 40 min or so), you'll hear that it was maybe 20 or so and at the same time there was folks chanted "stay, stay, stay". And why are they mad at the Judge and the county officials? Here is the counties 'out reach' to solve the problem:

Tony Svejcar, a research leader and rangeland scientist, attended to provide an update on Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center programs and scientific research projects.
Svejcar said he’s retired from the USDA Agricultural Research Service, but he still has an appointment with Oregon State University.
Svejcar said the center aims to “get the science into the hands of the people who can use it.” For example, researchers provide information to agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the National Park Service, to inform their long-term planning efforts. Svejcar added that researchers have devoted a lot of time to formulating a sage grouse plan that is workable for people on the land. He said researchers are also currently working to provide large-scale data on the progress of sage grouse habitat.

He is mainly wanting to work with the environmentalists and not the ranchers as far as I can tell.

Link: Harney County Court discusses refuge occupation – Burns Times-Herald

And that is the underlying cause of this. Whether or not it is constitutional for the Fed to own this much property, any one who has lived in rural areas know how aggressive the Feds have been in either acquiring MORE property and/or closing more and more of it off to the public in favor of the huge and well funded environmentalist lobby. I don't really think the land should be turned over to the states or counties, but we need to do something to REALLY keep the land open to all. When I see the pics of the environazis with signs saying, "Keep the land for all of us" I know for a fact that it is a lie! Maybe all of us if all you want to do is walk in there just about barefoot!

Bullshit, the majority of people are clapping and yelling for them to go home. I heard one irritating woman yelling "stay" and that was prolly Koshergirl.

There were around 100 people at Grasty's meeting, though some accounts put it as closer to 200. And of the people there about 100 of them were holdovers from the meeting before, which had about 400 people by the latest accounts, who are definitely supporting the cause that Bundy support...i.e., the eviction of corrupt officials, the termination of illegal federal oversight and persecution, and the releast of the Hammonds.

Grasty, who told the community that they could NOT use the fairgrounds for their community meeting, then called a meeting of his own, scheduled to run at the same time as the community meeting that was scheduled to take place regardless of Grasty's denial of the public meeting places....He rounded up about a hundred of his friends and relatives...families of the law enforcement and forest service communities, primarily transplants who came for jobs with the government, or who came to hang out with their family members who work for the government, or actual family of Grasty's (like his hysterical granddaughter who got so much press when she started bawling in one of the public meetings), or people from Eugene and Portland there to support other corrupt officials (like the two kids who are the sons of another corrupt judge involved in railroading the Hammonds).

His purpose was to make it difficult or impossible for any of the community members who planned to criticize or demand answers to show up, and to create an audience (from Burns and elsewhere) to make a showing of support for the corrupt lunatics who are the problem. And I still hear people yelling "the feds need to GO!!".

Despite this ploy, the meeting was full of pertinent questions, ignored by the media, in which the assholes then maintained were a disturbance of the meeting. They tried to force people to sit where they told them. They removed two people from the crowd who asked pertinent questions...and still, they answered none of the questions, which included direct demands that Ward explain why he isn't protecting the interests of the people who live there.

I love it when some woman from Douglas county demands to know why people from outside the area are there, hahahaha.

I also notice the really lame applause when the mayor speaks lol.

That sounds like a conspiracy/figment of your imagination.
Kosher has once again claimed there was an earlier meeting with more people. Yet she has not produced a single video from that meeting. I say that Kosher is an unrepentant liar, and pulling that kind of blather out of her ample ass.

There should be only one kind of negotiation with the Bundy criminals. Surrender peacefully, and your sentences may be concurrent. Make it a fight, and they will be consectutive.
Kosher has once again claimed there was an earlier meeting with more people. Yet she has not produced a single video from that meeting. I say that Kosher is an unrepentant liar, and pulling that kind of blather out of her ample ass.

There should be only one kind of negotiation with the Bundy criminals. Surrender peacefully, and your sentences may be concurrent. Make it a fight, and they will be consectutive.
I dont feel obligated to ptove what nobody except lying cowardly hacks question.
using a federal facility for its intended purpose isnt a felony, idiot. one wonders..if so many laws have been broken, why havent more been arrested? oh yeah becauuse they havent done anything. and the community is witness to it, and the community and ithers continue to support them. awkwaerd for commies like you to get around.
Crook County is not Harney County, and what would a meeting there have to do with the problem at the Refuge? The people of Burns and Harney county have spoken with a near unanimous voice, they want the assholes out of their county.

Sheriff refuses sends representative. admits they have ilrgally authorized fbi to set up standi g army. Wont write a statement confirming fbi is their by their authotization, admits that some of it was done without their authority.
Crook County is not Harney County, and what would a meeting there have to do with the problem at the Refuge? The people of Burns and Harney county have spoken with a near unanimous voice, they want the assholes out of their county.
Liar. they want the fbi out, that is unanimous.

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