Assholes making trouble in Oregon

the thread title references oregon. All of rural Oregon and all of the rural us is suffering under this garbage. it is not and has never been about burns or harney county alone. its about the land grab and theft of natural resources in places too sparsely populated to resist by themselves.
Why should the sheriff, or even the FBI meet for negotiations with the felons? Do you negotiate with a burglar? We are dealing with felons, and It is long past time to put these miscreants behind bars. Shut down the power, blockhead the roads and paths in and out, and simply tell the assholes if a shot is fired, that will be met with overwhelming force. Time to take off the gloves.
Like them or lump them, I hope that water and land rights are issues that Congress addresses.
While there have been actions that need to be reviewed, the rural people of those areas that have to realize that the BLM has the responsibility to maintain the health of the land, not just for cows, but for all uses. And that means less cows per section when there is a drought as there has been for the last few years. When that was open range, many areas suffered severe erosion and damage from overgrazing. Ever hear the term, 'tragedy of the commons'?

And what the fruitloops are demanding is not review of policy, but turning over of the land to private ownership. And that would end up with the land being off limits for most citizens. And likely that ownership would be Saudi or Chinese.

No, Kosher, your idiotic ideas concerning our lands are not going to fly with the vast majority of Americans. Not even the majority of those in Eastern Oregon. We already saw you try to say you were speaking for most of the people in Harney County and Burns, then when those people repudiated your silliness, you called the maggots. From the gitgo, I have stated my admiration for the people of that area. I may disagree with some of them on some things, but I would never speak of them in the manner that you have. You do not speak for the people there at all. You only speak for yourself and a few other looneys.
the thread title references oregon. All of rural Oregon and all of the rural us is suffering under this garbage. it is not and has never been about burns or harney county alone. its about the land grab and theft of natural resources in places too sparsely populated to resist by themselves.

The speaker starts at the very beginning defying anyone to show where the Constitution gives the right for the United States to own any land in the United States. She ignores the SCOTUS rulings and scholars and does not accept Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2 of the Constitution, but obviously chooses to accept the non-judicial speculations and meaningless commentaries of those who promote her and her sides agenda. It is meaningless because it has no standing and has never gotten past the federal courts. Unless and until someone gets the challenge of public land ownership in front of the SCOTUS, previous rulings on Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2, referred to as The Property Clause stands and no amount of whining changes that. These people can not claim to be defending the Constitution while they at the same time show they ignore it. Their actions show more than some speeches and uneducated and dishonest private agenda lectures.
Crook County is not Harney County, and what would a meeting there have to do with the problem at the Refuge? The people of Burns and Harney county have spoken with a near unanimous voice, they want the assholes out of their county.
Liar. they want the fbi out, that is unanimous.
Where the fuck is your video of that meeting? Pulled the whole story out of your ample ass, didn't you. Yes, the people of Harney County would like to see the FBI gone, gone with the whole of the Bundy dingbats in cuffs. Harney County is a peaceful rural place that normally seldom see outside law enforcement. Only when you have felons like the batch Bundy brought with him do you see that. Time for the situation to be brought to an end, whatever it takes to do that.
using a federal facility for its intended purpose isnt a felony, idiot. one wonders..if so many laws have been broken, why havent more been arrested? oh yeah becauuse they havent done anything.
Marco Rubio: Oregon Occupiers Should Be Prosecuted

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said Friday that people "should be prosecuted" in the three-week stand-off at Oregon wildlife refuge, but said the federal government should not resort to violence against the group of armed men occupying the area.
"We're not going to treat them like an invading army from a foreign country," Rubio, a U.S. senator from Florida, told a crowd at a town hall in Merrimack, New Hampshire,

Marco says "just don't treat them as though they were Black folks"
The assholes are packing and threatening law enforcement if they try to enforce the law. At this point, I really don't care if they come out of there alive or dead. Just get them out. This has gone on way too long, and they have gotten away with far too many crimes. Time for an end to it.
The assholes are packing and threatening law enforcement if they try to enforce the law. At this point, I really don't care if they come out of there alive or dead. Just get them out. This has gone on way too long, and they have gotten away with far too many crimes. Time for an end to it.
I believe it is very important that none of the occupiers be harmed because that will "grant them martyrdom". Having said that I also say they have to be confronted firmly. They have to feel the authority closing in on them. To do that the out post must be sealed off by a Blockade of Roads. Any of them alone outside the preserve arrested. It was galling to see Ammon Bundy walking to where the FBI is and he was not apprehended in spite of probable cause to believe he has committed and is committing felonious offenses...
After sealing the preserve make demands for surrender...if no surrender cut off the electricity and water ....
that meeting wasnt one put on and orchestrated by grasty and the feds. The mainstream media doesnt cover them and the locals dont film them.

heres another so called community meeting....scheduled after public outcry over the previous community meetings that have been carefully orchestrated to exclude the actual community.

grasty is limiting this meeting to 125 ppl, because he knows there were 400 outside the doors of his last show, and they are of one mind about federal invasion, overreach, and assault. when he found out how many people who are unsympathetic to illegal fed overreach who were planning to attend the NEXT meeting, at which opb intends to be present, he rescheduled the meeting, relocated it to a smaller place, and decided it would be attended only by 125ppl, and they must be approved and receive tickets. for a community meeting

oh and the document that names the dept of forestry appointees....theyve removed it from the harney county site because of the incestuous nature of the county officials and the feds.
The assholes are packing and threatening law enforcement if they try to enforce the law. At this point, I really don't care if they come out of there alive or dead. Just get them out. This has gone on way too long, and they have gotten away with far too many crimes. Time for an end to it.
dont cry, old fag. go down there and wave a gun around and threaten the ranchers. maybe youll get an uprising named after you, like custer did.
The meeting in Grant County concerning the Neo-Nazis wanting to buy property for a compound was also limited. Limited by law concerning the safe number of people in the building, fire code. I bet that was the limiting factor for that meeting, also.

As for the rest of your spiel, can it. No one has even a camera with video on it? Or a cell phone capable of a 15 minute video? Kosher, you are simply lying to cover your lies.

The people, or 'maggots' as you called them, in Harney County and Burns want Bundy and the rest of the felons out of there. Yesterday.
The assholes are packing and threatening law enforcement if they try to enforce the law. At this point, I really don't care if they come out of there alive or dead. Just get them out. This has gone on way too long, and they have gotten away with far too many crimes. Time for an end to it.
dont cry, old fag. go down there and wave a gun around and threaten the ranchers. maybe youll get an uprising named after you, like custer did.
Sis, I and the locals are not the ones waving guns around. That is Bundy and his fellow felons. I don't wave a gun around, I use it as needed, and don't do drama.

Sheriff refuses sends representative. admits they have ilrgally authorized fbi to set up standi g army. Wont write a statement confirming fbi is their by their authotization, admits that some of it was done without their authority.

Since when is the FBI under the authority of the sheriff's office? That's just nuts.
where does Ammon get his authority to question the FBI...he gets it from the guns he struts around about disarming him and putting him in a cage.....lets see how much authority he has then........
Members of the Burns Paiute Tribe are increasingly angry nothing has been done to get the armed militants out of the refuge and away from their artifacts and the archeological sites:

On Friday, the tribe delivered a letter to federal agencies including the U.S. Attorney and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service demanding prosecution of Ammon Bundy and other armed militants occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, “If the occupiers disturb, damage, remove, alter, or deface any archaeological resource on the refuge property.

There are approximately 4,000 artifacts belonging to the tribe in the buildings the militants are holding. The occupation is entering its third week.
The tribe is demanding federal action under both the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 and a "protection against bad men” provision in the treaty the tribe signed with the United States in 1868.

Militants bulldoze through Native American archeological site, share video rifling through artifacts
The assholes are packing and threatening law enforcement if they try to enforce the law. At this point, I really don't care if they come out of there alive or dead. Just get them out. This has gone on way too long, and they have gotten away with far too many crimes. Time for an end to it.
dont cry, old fag. go down there and wave a gun around and threaten the ranchers. maybe youll get an uprising named after you, like custer did.
The assholes are packing and threatening law enforcement if they try to enforce the law. At this point, I really don't care if they come out of there alive or dead. Just get them out. This has gone on way too long, and they have gotten away with far too many crimes. Time for an end to it.
dont cry, old fag. go down there and wave a gun around and threaten the ranchers. maybe youll get an uprising named after you, like custer did.
Sis, I and the locals are not the ones waving guns around. That is Bundy and his fellow felons. I don't wave a gun around, I use it as needed, and don't do drama.
Nonsense, bundy doesnt even pack as a rule. So why do you suppose the fbi nrgotiator cancelled the meeting he scheduled with Bundy today, after finding out it was to be an open meeting before the press? Didnt you make disparaging remarks about Bundy yesterday for not speaki g to them in person?

the fact is, bundy and the protesters and the safety committee have ALL been reaching out. Bundys call from the fbi negotiator the day before yesterday was their initial attemp to contact him.They agreed to talk in person on friday....and when the negotiator found out there would be press, and questions asked, he backed out.

Meanwhile, feds have commandeered the courthouse, hospital, school and fairgrounds. That means officially the could probably
The assholes are committing multiple felonies. Were they red, brown, or black, it would already be over. Time for it to end, now.
list the felonies, and the laws that they have violated.

you cant. if it could be.done it would have. even the guy the arrested off the refuge was arrested for uumv, lol. ive seedn fourteen years olds charged with that....and I dont believe its a felony.
The assholes are packing and threatening law enforcement if they try to enforce the law. At this point, I really don't care if they come out of there alive or dead. Just get them out. This has gone on way too long, and they have gotten away with far too many crimes. Time for an end to it.
I believe it is very important that none of the occupiers be harmed because that will "grant them martyrdom". Having said that I also say they have to be confronted firmly. They have to feel the authority closing in on them. To do that the out post must be sealed off by a Blockade of Roads. Any of them alone outside the preserve arrested. It was galling to see Ammon Bundy walking to where the FBI is and he was not apprehended in spite of probable cause to believe he has committed and is committing felonious offenses...
After sealing the preserve make demands for surrender...if no surrender cut off the electricity and water ....

Its time to seal the area off, including electricity & water, and let them see how long they can amuse themselves playing board games

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