Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Waiting for a list of the imaginary felonies the protesters have committed.

I dont know if breaking into the armory while pretending to be someone else is a which case som undercover feds might have some splaining to do.....

then theres this....

apparently the feds are after veterans now...

Start with Seditious Conspiracy.

Remember, just because you 'say' that the federal government has no jurisdiction on federal land doesn't magically mean that reality changes to match.

You're stuck with the actual law. Not your imagination.

It goes without saying that if the Bundy Thugs were say, Nation of Islam or Black Panthers, Kosher and her ilk would have a very different take on the matter.
the thread title references oregon. All of rural Oregon and all of the rural us is suffering under this garbage. it is not and has never been about burns or harney county alone. its about the land grab and theft of natural resources in places too sparsely populated to resist by themselves.

The speaker starts at the very beginning defying anyone to show where the Constitution gives the right for the United States to own any land in the United States. She ignores the SCOTUS rulings and scholars and does not accept Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2 of the Constitution, but obviously chooses to accept the non-judicial speculations and meaningless commentaries of those who promote her and her sides agenda. It is meaningless because it has no standing and has never gotten past the federal courts. Unless and until someone gets the challenge of public land ownership in front of the SCOTUS, previous rulings on Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2, referred to as The Property Clause stands and no amount of whining changes that. These people can not claim to be defending the Constitution while they at the same time show they ignore it. Their actions show more than some speeches and uneducated and dishonest private agenda lectures.

no, the property clause refers only to Territories. There are no territories in the continental us.

The assholes are packing and threatening law enforcement if they try to enforce the law. At this point, I really don't care if they come out of there alive or dead. Just get them out. This has gone on way too long, and they have gotten away with far too many crimes. Time for an end to it.
dont cry, old fag. go down there and wave a gun around and threaten the ranchers. maybe youll get an uprising named after you, like custer did.
The assholes are packing and threatening law enforcement if they try to enforce the law. At this point, I really don't care if they come out of there alive or dead. Just get them out. This has gone on way too long, and they have gotten away with far too many crimes. Time for an end to it.
dont cry, old fag. go down there and wave a gun around and threaten the ranchers. maybe youll get an uprising named after you, like custer did.
Sis, I and the locals are not the ones waving guns around. That is Bundy and his fellow felons. I don't wave a gun around, I use it as needed, and don't do drama.
Nonsense, bundy doesnt even pack as a rule. So why do you suppose the fbi nrgotiator cancelled the meeting he scheduled with Bundy today, after finding out it was to be an open meeting before the press? Didnt you make disparaging remarks about Bundy yesterday for not speaki g to them in person?

Because legitimate negotiations aren't done in front of the press. Which both Bundy and the FBI know. Bundy isn't looking to negotiate. He's looking for a public platform to spout his Sovereign CItizen horseshit.

If Bundy *actually* wanted to negotiate, he'd sit down the negotiator and talk with him. But Bundy refuses to do so.

But tell us again, the Federal Government doesn't have any jurisdiction over Federal Property. We could all use a good giggle.
the thread title references oregon. All of rural Oregon and all of the rural us is suffering under this garbage. it is not and has never been about burns or harney county alone. its about the land grab and theft of natural resources in places too sparsely populated to resist by themselves.

The speaker starts at the very beginning defying anyone to show where the Constitution gives the right for the United States to own any land in the United States. She ignores the SCOTUS rulings and scholars and does not accept Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2 of the Constitution, but obviously chooses to accept the non-judicial speculations and meaningless commentaries of those who promote her and her sides agenda. It is meaningless because it has no standing and has never gotten past the federal courts. Unless and until someone gets the challenge of public land ownership in front of the SCOTUS, previous rulings on Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2, referred to as The Property Clause stands and no amount of whining changes that. These people can not claim to be defending the Constitution while they at the same time show they ignore it. Their actions show more than some speeches and uneducated and dishonest private agenda lectures.

no, the property clause refers only to Territories. There are no territories in the continental us.

Nope. It says Territories OR other property. "Or" is the exact opposite of the 'only' you imagined in the Property Clause. Here's the actual Property Clause, not your imagination one.

The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States....

Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2

Remember, don't know what the fuck you're talking about. And your pseudo-legal gibberish isn't the law.

Meanwhile there's no angle where the Militia isn't spouting sovereign citizen horseshit. As this isn't a matter of State's Rights. The Governor of Oregon has already asked them to leave and they told her to go fuck herself. This isn't a matter of the constitution. As it explicitly grants the Congress authority to set these rules. This isn't a matter of due process, as the Hammonds most definitely had their day in court. This isn't a matter of redress of grievances, as the Hammonds and even the militia have had every right to bring their complaints to court without retaliation.

And now the final lie in the fringe right militia is playing out. Their call for 'local control'. The mayor and sheriff of Burns have asked them to leave. And they've told both to fuck themselves, even trying to intimidate people in the nearby town by following them and their families.

There is only one law among the militia: themselves. Not the State, not the local government, n ot the constitution. Just the Militia men citing themselves. They've already demonstrated the lie to all their empty rhetoric about 'state' and 'local' control.
the thread title references oregon. All of rural Oregon and all of the rural us is suffering under this garbage. it is not and has never been about burns or harney county alone. its about the land grab and theft of natural resources in places too sparsely populated to resist by themselves.

The speaker starts at the very beginning defying anyone to show where the Constitution gives the right for the United States to own any land in the United States. She ignores the SCOTUS rulings and scholars and does not accept Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2 of the Constitution, but obviously chooses to accept the non-judicial speculations and meaningless commentaries of those who promote her and her sides agenda. It is meaningless because it has no standing and has never gotten past the federal courts. Unless and until someone gets the challenge of public land ownership in front of the SCOTUS, previous rulings on Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2, referred to as The Property Clause stands and no amount of whining changes that. These people can not claim to be defending the Constitution while they at the same time show they ignore it. Their actions show more than some speeches and uneducated and dishonest private agenda lectures.

no, the property clause refers only to Territories. There are no territories in the continental us.

That guy is a wacko, a genuine nut job. He is pissed off because the locals are trying to hold a meeting for only county residents and not allowing armed outsiders from attending. He calls that bureaucratic terrorism. County residents having a meeting with county officials and telling outsiders they are uninvited and the only people with guns will be the cops has now become a form of terrorism.
The protesters have continually asserted that they want to meet with the fbi, that they will come to any meeting. But the fbi, via grasty and the corrupt officials, has made it almost impossible for this to happen. Finally Bundy received a telephone call from an fbi negotiator yesterday, I think. Until then, nobody from the blm, fish and game, the fbi..NONE of them have met with him. The Sheriff met with him, but had no interest in talking about anything except telling him to leave.

The negotiator said they would continue to speak at a personal meeting today, so Bundy agreed..provided the meeting took place in front of the media. The FBI declined.

Imgine that.

The refusal to meet in front of medial is two fold..#1....they don't want the media to record them behaving the way they behave. And #2, the feds don't want to answer the questions that are being asked, by the people and by Bundy...WHO GAVE YOU THE AUTHORITY TO TELL US WHAT TO DO WITH OUR LAND? WHO GAVE GAVE YOU THE AUTHORITY TO MAKE THE POLICIES THAT RESULT IN VIOLATIONS THAT YOU USE TO JUSTIFY DECADES OF PERSECUTION, CITATIONS, FINES, AND IMPRISONMENT OF LANDOWNERS? And why are our elected officials not protecting the people who they are SWORN to defend, acting against their interest with people who are persecuting them?

The feds have NO AUTHORITY in Harney County. THAT is why they aren't sending in swat teams and bombs and whatever else they do. That is why they don't arrest Bundy when he's moving around. Because they don't have the authority or the right to do so. It is solely the right and authority of the local Sheriff, and HE hasn't done it because he CAN'T, unless they commit a crime. And so far, they haven't.

The only person who committed a crime was the guy from out of the state, who was driving a vehicle with switched plates, and his has been the only arrest.

So full of crap! Do you deal in anything other than falsehoods?

Leader of armed takeover at Oregon refuge meets with the FBI

Oregon refuge occupier begins to speak with FBI - The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram
Since when do felons make the conditions for negotiations with the law?

Laughing......a day ago Kosher was insisting that the FBI negotiator didn't meet with Bundy in a press conference because the FBI has no jurisdiction.

Kosh is just making this shit up as she goes along.
Bundy said he went to the airport to meet with FBI officials face to face, but they declined to meet him. Bundy said the FBI had called him 14 times in a row earlier this week, but he couldn’t pick up the phone because he was in a meeting.

Oregon refuge occupier begins to speak with FBI - The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

The FBI called 14 times earlier in the week.....but FBI didn't want to talk to Bundy until yesterday.

Sigh....Kosh, do you ever get tired of not knowing what the fuck you're talking about?
"This is huge" the only the huge is the prick doing the talking. A local matter that is being taken care of by the locals. No more outsider assholes packing guns.

Seriously. Out of State assholes have invaded the area and told the locals to go fuck themselves. Told the State to go fuck themselves. Told the local tribes to go fuck themselves. Told the sherrif, the mayor, the go fuck themselves.

There is only one law that the Bundy Thugs recognize: themselves. That's it.

All this babble about 'state and local control' is just empty lip service.
And here's the ironic part: the FBI and the locals are treading softly because they're trying to keep these morons alive.
Ol' Kosh really doesn't like all those local 'maggots' in Burns and Harney county.

Kosh is just your generic batshit conspiracy theorist. And the maxim of virtually every conspiracy theorist alive is the same:

"Anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy...becomes part of it'.

Burns didn't ape her hapless batshit. But, they became part of the conspiracy.

The Friends of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and the Center for Biological Diversity held a counter-protest at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016.

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