Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Malheur Field Station director left after learning: 'You have an armed militia down the road'

Evered was shocked when he took the call warning of the militants nearby. His heart rate and mind raced. He resisted leaving until the sheriff's office called as well, telling him to go immediately.
He was told the militants were dangerous.
Evered had one vehicle for escape – and it was encased in ice and snow. During the 15 minutes it took to thaw, Evered packed a few personal belongings. He spread seed for wild quail that count on him for winter sustenance.
Instead of taking the driveway out to Sodhouse Lane, Evered started south on a snow-covered refuge road, Central Patrol Road.
He drove slowly, headlights off. He worried about sliding off the road into the ditch. He crept along, avoiding braking to keep his taillights from coming on in the inky darkness.
When he hit Rattlesnake Butte, he figured he was out of sight of any of the militants and could safely brake. He drove 20 miles before turning on his headlights. He made it to Burns that night and later traveled on to a friend's home in central Oregon.
He expects to return to the field station next week to assess circumstances. He said lost and delayed reservations and other expenses related to the occupation have cost the Great Basin Society an estimated $12,000.
He worries about burst pipes and a temperamental pump that could disrupt the water supply. But that's not what keeps him up at night.
He has heard the anti-government protesters at the refuge are rifling through ancient Paiute artifacts stored there. He dreads returning home to find someone has tampered with business and personal records and other belongings in the field station.
"The field station was left under extremely poor circumstances," Evered said. "I know that damage is being done."
-- Kelly House of The Oregonian/OregonLive contributed to this story.
"This is huge" the only the huge is the prick doing the talking. A local matter that is being taken care of by the locals. No more outsider assholes packing guns.

Do you include the FBI, BLM and treasury agents as "outsider assholes packing guns"?
What's strange are those folks that consider these protesters "terrorists" but not the "Black Lives Matter" rioters.
Well now, I don't recall seeing the Black Lives Matter people in the Refuge. But I have seen pictures of a lot of assholes with military style weapons and cameos on there. As for your other claims, you lame brained asshole, don't try to put words into my mouth.
No, because the locals want them there until the felons at the Refuge are removed.

So you've conducted an opinion poll? Last I heard people weren't felons until convicted in a court of law. Do you think a majority of Wall St. locals wanted the "Occupy Wall St." protesters there?
What's strange are those folks that consider these protesters "terrorists" but not the "Black Lives Matter" rioters.
That is because no matter how much you stretch it, these two groups are not the same. Terrorists are not protesters. When members of a group are armed and threatening violence, they are not protesters. They are a definition of a terrorist group. Rioters are just a mob of criminals.
The group that marched in protest in Burns were protesters. The group that went to the refuge with arms and made threats were terrorist. The same thing happens in a riot. The people who march and carry signs are protesters. The people who commit mob violence and crimes afterwards are rioters.
No, because the locals want them there until the felons at the Refuge are removed.

So you've conducted an opinion poll? Last I heard people weren't felons until convicted in a court of law. Do you think a majority of Wall St. locals wanted the "Occupy Wall St." protesters there?

They've held town meetings with the overwhelming majority of calls being for the occupiers to leave. The sheriff has asked them to leave. The mayor has. The governor has. Even local Indian tribes.

And the occupiers ignore them all. So much for their empty lip service to 'local and state control'. The only authority the Bundy Thugs themselves. The only law they themselves.
"As for your other claims, you lame brained asshole, don't try to put words into my mouth."

Then don't try to put words in mine. And learn what a question mark indicates.
No, because the locals want them there until the felons at the Refuge are removed.

So you've conducted an opinion poll? Last I heard people weren't felons until convicted in a court of law. Do you think a majority of Wall St. locals wanted the "Occupy Wall St." protesters there?

Were the 'Occupy' people carrying military style weapons?
. The group that went to the refuge with arms and made threats were terrorist.

Do you claim they were illegally bearing arms? What threats?
Look dummkopf, they stated that they would shoot anyone trying to kick them out of the Refuge. And they have enough artillery to make it interesting. Occupying a Federal installation by force of arms is the definition of sedition.
"That is because no matter how much you stretch it, these two groups are not the same. Terrorists are not protesters. When members of a group are armed and threatening violence, they are not protesters."

Then the Black LM "protesters must be considered terrorists because they committed crimes which included acts of violence and threats of violence.

. The group that went to the refuge with arms and made threats were terrorist.

Do you claim they were illegally bearing arms? What threats?

When they are seizing federal land and property? The arms are the difference between trespassing and seditious conspiracy.
Were there not more than a few arrests made during those riots? And the subject here is the felons at the Refuge, not the riots in the cities.
Look dummkopf, they stated that they would shoot anyone trying to kick them out of the Refuge. And they have enough artillery to make it interesting. Occupying a Federal installation by force of arms is the definition of sedition.

Really? I don't think so. How about a documented quote instead of rumor? The closest I've heard was a statement that they would defend themselves if attacked. Everyone has a right to do that. Unless they actually threatened to shoot someone or fired at someone they didn't do anything "by force of arms". The BLM protesters occupied both public and private areas and used violence to do so.
"When they are seizing federal land and property? The arms are the difference between trespassing and seditious conspiracy"

Not unless they are used in an illegal manner..
So, if someone is living in your home after you have been gone for the weekend, they now own the place, and you have no right to have the police use force of arms to kick them out?

You damned idiots use the most childish arguements to defend the cocksucks.
So, if someone is living in your home after you have been gone for the weekend, they now own the place, and you have no right to have the police use force of arms to kick them out?

You damned idiots use the most childish arguements to defend the cocksucks.

Do you really think that has anything to do with anything? Well, yes, you may well be that stupid.

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