Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Look, dumb ass, I live in Oregon. I know that area very well, was raised, for the most part just north of there. And have owned guns now for 60 years. The gun laws nowhere in the US allow one to occupy property that does not belong to you, and threaten to use lethal force, guns, to prevent anyone from throwing you off the property you are trespassing on. The Bundy's are felons, and should be treated as such.

Yeah, but if 9th pretends that none of that ever happened.....then its just a fantasy, right?

Or are you telling us that the world *doesn't* disappear when you close your yes?
Buddy boy, just get your scuzzy ass on down there. There is a reckoning coming, and one way or another, those felons will be removed from our Refuge. So why don't you join the rest of the felons, where you belong.

Hey, if you're so eager for a confrontation why don't you trot your silly ass right on down there and start making citizen's arrests?
Buddy boy, just get your scuzzy ass on down there. There is a reckoning coming, and one way or another, those felons will be removed from our Refuge. So why don't you join the rest of the felons, where you belong.

Hey, if you're so eager for a confrontation why don't you trot your silly ass right on down there and start making citizen's arrests?

With all your complaining about blacks threatening whites and cops....why didn't you arrest them?
Buddy boy, just get your scuzzy ass on down there. There is a reckoning coming, and one way or another, those felons will be removed from our Refuge. So why don't you join the rest of the felons, where you belong.

Hey, if you're so eager for a confrontation why don't you trot your silly ass right on down there and start making citizen's arrests?
No one wants to jeopardize the hostages. The two little girls being held as human shields at the refuge have been placed in danger since the start of the crisis and federal authorities are going to extreme measures to prevent any kind of violence that would endanger the kids or even the criminals in control of the refuge.
Look, dumb ass, I live in Oregon. I know that area very well, was raised, for the most part just north of there. And have owned guns now for 60 years. The gun laws nowhere in the US allow one to occupy property that does not belong to you, and threaten to use lethal force, guns, to prevent anyone from throwing you off the property you are trespassing on. The Bundy's are felons, and should be treated as such.

I suspect that the militia is in fact guilty of using public property without permission. It seems to me that the majority of protesters everywhere are guilty of that, are rarely charged, and I don't think that is a felony in any case. And the mere presence of a gun does not in itself imply any sort of criminal intent. Otherwise the entire police force would be in jail.
Look, dumb ass, I live in Oregon. I know that area very well, was raised, for the most part just north of there. And have owned guns now for 60 years. The gun laws nowhere in the US allow one to occupy property that does not belong to you, and threaten to use lethal force, guns, to prevent anyone from throwing you off the property you are trespassing on. The Bundy's are felons, and should be treated as such.

I suspect that the militia is in fact guilty of using public property without permission.

I suspect what you suspect has jack shit to do with the crimes they've commited. And the prosecution they'll be subject to. As you have no idea what you're talking about.
Buddy boy, just get your scuzzy ass on down there. There is a reckoning coming, and one way or another, those felons will be removed from our Refuge. So why don't you join the rest of the felons, where you belong.

Hey, if you're so eager for a confrontation why don't you trot your silly ass right on down there and start making citizen's arrests?
Why aren't YOU there in support?
Buddy boy, just get your scuzzy ass on down there. There is a reckoning coming, and one way or another, those felons will be removed from our Refuge. So why don't you join the rest of the felons, where you belong.

Hey, if you're so eager for a confrontation why don't you trot your silly ass right on down there and start making citizen's arrests?
No one wants to jeopardize the hostages. The two little girls being held as human shields at the refuge have been placed in danger since the start of the crisis and federal authorities are going to extreme measures to prevent any kind of violence that would endanger the kids or even the criminals in control of the refuge.

I doubt it. I doubt there are hostages. I also doubt that the federal government has suddenly become all that concerned about killing non-muslim innocent women and children. Ever hear of Waco or Ruby Ridge?

"A temptation, indeed. If they piss more people off like Tim Puckett, such might just happen."

Don't know who Tim Puckett is but if he gets pissed off he'll just be joining a few million other pissed of people. Why else do you think those folks are there?
The fact that the POS assholes allow little children to live in the middle of this predictably lethal situation should make it crystal clear about the kind of horrible monsters authorities are dealing with at that refuge standoff. Those cowards know that by having innocent kids with them, the feds will not attempt to remove them. They have threatened violence and violence could cause the brutal death of one or more of the little girls and other kids they are using as shields.
It is disturbing that there are people who are willing to come on a public site and defend monsters like that.
Buddy boy, just get your scuzzy ass on down there. There is a reckoning coming, and one way or another, those felons will be removed from our Refuge. So why don't you join the rest of the felons, where you belong.

Hey, if you're so eager for a confrontation why don't you trot your silly ass right on down there and start making citizen's arrests?
Why aren't YOU there in support?

That would be because I don't know enough about their cause to fully support it. I just have considerable sympathy for anyone who is fed up with government abuse and willing to take a stand against it. Of course being disabled is a factor.
Buddy boy, just get your scuzzy ass on down there. There is a reckoning coming, and one way or another, those felons will be removed from our Refuge. So why don't you join the rest of the felons, where you belong.

Hey, if you're so eager for a confrontation why don't you trot your silly ass right on down there and start making citizen's arrests?
Why aren't YOU there in support?

That would be because I don't know enough about their cause to fully support it. I just have considerable sympathy for anyone who is fed up with government abuse and willing to take a stand against it. Of course being disabled is a factor.

Taking a stand? Where do the children come into that?

Even by your standard, bringing kids into an armed stand off is a loathsome, chickenshit move.
The fact that the POS assholes allow little children to live in the middle of this predictably lethal situation should make it crystal clear about the kind of horrible monsters authorities are dealing with at that refuge standoff. Those cowards know that by having innocent kids with them, the feds will not attempt to remove them. They have threatened violence and violence could cause the brutal death of one or more of the little girls and other kids they are using as shields.
It is disturbing that there are people who are willing to come on a public site and defend monsters like that.

Bullshit. How many innocent women and children were shot at Ruby Ridge or burned alive at Waco?
The fact that the POS assholes allow little children to live in the middle of this predictably lethal situation should make it crystal clear about the kind of horrible monsters authorities are dealing with at that refuge standoff. Those cowards know that by having innocent kids with them, the feds will not attempt to remove them. They have threatened violence and violence could cause the brutal death of one or more of the little girls and other kids they are using as shields.
It is disturbing that there are people who are willing to come on a public site and defend monsters like that.

Bullshit. How many innocent women and children were shot at Ruby Ridge or burned alive at Waco?
That is your defense for those monsters to hold innocents at the refuge? It happened before so these guys should be able to do it again is your defense. Some others in the past used innocent women and children so the Malheur monsters, therefore, have a right to do it also.
"Being armed when they broke into it. And defending it with rifles. Stealing government property".

What was stolen? Did they break in? "...defending it with rifles" when? where? how? Have you got anything but rumors and fantasy?
I doubt that calling for more armed militia is illegal. Even if it was, how many Blacks have been arrested for calling for Whites and/or police officers to be killed lately?
do you have the quote of a specific Black calling for the killing of whites and cops .....we do have tweets from a Police officer calling for protesters to be run over...if that counts
If the government doesn't want the little girls shot it should just not shoot them. Simple.
The fact that the POS assholes allow little children to live in the middle of this predictably lethal situation should make it crystal clear about the kind of horrible monsters authorities are dealing with at that refuge standoff. Those cowards know that by having innocent kids with them, the feds will not attempt to remove them. They have threatened violence and violence could cause the brutal death of one or more of the little girls and other kids they are using as shields.
It is disturbing that there are people who are willing to come on a public site and defend monsters like that.

Bullshit. How many innocent women and children were shot at Ruby Ridge or burned alive at Waco?

Who put these children in Oregon in the midst of an armed standoff?

Not the federal government. But the militia. Who initiated the armed raid, occupied government property, defended with arms, and stole government property.

And now bring *children* into the middle of it.

Using children as human shields is loathsome.
When this is over, the parents of those children will be in jail, and the children will have a chance to live a normal life.

There is simply no excuse for what is happening at the Refuge. Long past time to end it.
If the government doesn't want the little girls shot it should just not shoot them. Simple.
Thank goodness the big bad old government put you away someplace and agreed to pay you an allowance for the rest of your life. They are horrible aren't they.

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