Assholes making trouble in Oregon

These photos were taken by a community member. She reached out to us because she was followed by the darker suv out past the reservation where she regularly runs her dogs with her children each weekend. She became nervous and worried for her safety and that of her children especially when she stopped and two other vehicles were nearby. She states she asked the men why they were following her, one man in a Dodge truck stated he was lost and needed to turn around. The men i...n the dark suv stated they works for an agency but couldn't tell her who. Her husband arrived after being calling by his frantic wife and grilled the men. They admitted they were fbi agents and that her vehicle matched the description of one of interest. They also stated her son, who was driving, was a larger man and looked suspicious. Now she takes her kids out to this area weekly and was going in the complete opposite direction of the refuge and was doing nothing wrong. These men are purposely scaring residents and harassing them. Any other stories like this please post them.
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371 others like this.

This is the reality in Harney County.

Prove it. You're the same person who has lied to us repeatedly and quoted Russian Government propaganda, while making up pseudo-legal gibberish about how the Federal government lacks jurisdiction on Federal land.

We're gonna need *way* more than you insisting your latest tale 'must be so.
I have no idea what the hell youre talking about...but thats ok because nobody pays attention to you anyway.
These photos were taken by a community member. She reached out to us because she was followed by the darker suv out past the reservation where she regularly runs her dogs with her children each weekend. She became nervous and worried for her safety and that of her children especially when she stopped and two other vehicles were nearby. She states she asked the men why they were following her, one man in a Dodge truck stated he was lost and needed to turn around. The men i...n the dark suv stated they works for an agency but couldn't tell her who. Her husband arrived after being calling by his frantic wife and grilled the men. They admitted they were fbi agents and that her vehicle matched the description of one of interest. They also stated her son, who was driving, was a larger man and looked suspicious. Now she takes her kids out to this area weekly and was going in the complete opposite direction of the refuge and was doing nothing wrong. These men are purposely scaring residents and harassing them. Any other stories like this please post them.
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371 others like this.

This is the reality in Harney County.

Prove it. You're the same person who has lied to us repeatedly and quoted Russian Government propaganda, while making up pseudo-legal gibberish about how the Federal government lacks jurisdiction on Federal land.

We're gonna need *way* more than you insisting your latest tale 'must be so.
I have no idea what the hell youre talking about...but thats ok because nobody pays attention to you anyway.
Ummm... you're paying attention to Skylar right now.

This is like the old Yogi Berra line: "Nobody goes to that restaurant any more - they're always too crowded".
I look forward to these Oregon morons receiving the same fate as the Montana Freemen - remember them?

Montana Freemen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Members of the Montana Freemen and their sentences[edit]

  • LeRoy M. Schweitzer - 22 years. Died in federal prison on 20 September 2011 of natural causes, at age 73 years.[11]
  • Emmett Clark - (Pled guilty) [12] Time served plus 3 years under supervision [13]
  • Richard Clark - 12 years [14]
  • James Hance - 5 years, 7 months [15]
  • Lavon T. Hanson - (Pled guilty with plea bargain), 1 year, 1 day [16]
  • Dana Dudley Landers - (Pled guilty) [17] 1 year, 9 months with credit for 2 years and 3 months already served
  • Russell Dean Landers - 11 years, 3 months, and see below[18]
  • Daniel E. Peterson - 15 years, and see below[19]
At some point, they need to start grabbing these fellows every time they leave the refuge. Strange that they could not even get one rancher in the area to sign their little nonsense paper. And I hope they have recordings of the speeches where they talk of war. Be prime evidence for their sedition trial. Promoting armed insurrection is a crime, as is armed occupation of government property.

They need to catch them on the road, blockade them in, and have a couple of fellows step out with M-60's, then they can decide which way they want to go.
If law enforcement hadn't allowed the Bundy crowd to move in and out freely and get supplies, etc., this would have been over long ago. LE has run it like a circus and that's what it's become. I can't believe it's still going on. FREE THE BIRDS!!
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Serious trouble ahead for those that support this nonsense, but are dependent on the public for business.
#boycottcrystalcrane hashtag on Twitter

2 new results
  1. Ace Harvey@AceRWHarveyIII
    Jan 20
    @CraneHotSprings Owner's Dan and Denise Kryger support Bundys and their cause. Check Facebook. Only thing to do is #boycottcrystalcrane
    1 retweet1 like





    1. Ace Harvey@AceRWHarveyIII
      Jan 20
      @CraneHotSprings you cannot make words disappear #boycottcrystalcrane
The feds and local cops blocking the roads....yet all we hear about is how the protesters are blocking roads and preventing access. Interesting, no?


And where is the link?
At some point, they need to start grabbing these fellows every time they leave the refuge. Strange that they could not even get one rancher in the area to sign their little nonsense paper. And I hope they have recordings of the speeches where they talk of war. Be prime evidence for their sedition trial. Promoting armed insurrection is a crime, as is armed occupation of government property.

They need to catch them on the road, blockade them in, and have a couple of fellows step out with M-60's, then they can decide which way they want to go.

The authorities are handling it right. The little 'ceremony' was a half assed act of desperation. They want to provoke a government response. They want to be able to use their kids as human shields against a 'big bad government'. They want to die as 'martyrs'. They're trying to spark a war against the United States.

Instead, they're sitting in the freezing cold eating stale beef jerky. And being mocked mercilessly for preventing people from visiting a bird sanctuary in a season when their are no birds.
The feds and local cops blocking the roads....yet all we hear about is how the protesters are blocking roads and preventing access. Interesting, no?


And where is the link?
At some point, they need to start grabbing these fellows every time they leave the refuge. Strange that they could not even get one rancher in the area to sign their little nonsense paper. And I hope they have recordings of the speeches where they talk of war. Be prime evidence for their sedition trial. Promoting armed insurrection is a crime, as is armed occupation of government property.

They need to catch them on the road, blockade them in, and have a couple of fellows step out with M-60's, then they can decide which way they want to go.

The authorities are handling it right. The little 'ceremony' was a half assed act of desperation. They want to provoke a government response. They want to be able to use their kids as human shields against a 'big bad government'. They want to die as 'martyrs'. They're trying to spark a war against the United States.

Instead, they're sitting in the freezing cold eating stale beef jerky. And being mocked mercilessly for preventing people from visiting a bird sanctuary in a season when their are no birds.
While it is best known for it's birds, as a wildlife refuge Malheur host an impressive array of mammals in the winter. It also depends on winter hunting to keep the game populations manageable and healthy.

Ah, I guess that's why Ammon invaded an Oregon country he doesn't live to telling all the local and state authorities, the local people, the local sheriff, the governor, even the local tribes to go fuck themselves. Because Ammon is 'protecting' their 'rights'.

Um, randomly making up the law as you go long isn't a 'right'. Ammon's sovereign citizen horseshit has nothing to do with our system of laws nor ever has.

“I was a colonel in the United States armed forces,” he says. “Green Beret.”
He then reaches into his pocket, only for the deputy to stop him by grabbing his arm before telling him, “You’re making me a little bit nervous right now” and motioning for a colleague to assist in handcuffing Stetson.
As he’s being handcuffed, Stetson says, “I will kill all of you. Don’t believe me? If I go to jail, when I come out, I’ll kill you.”

Well shit....they arrested Colonel Sam Trautman?


But who is going to give John Rambo his orders now?

Sigh....fuckin' Brian Dennehy.
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Wait......was this guy's name John "Hannibal" Smith? Were his friends Tempelton, B.A and H.M court martialed for a crime they didn't commit?
Yeah, every person that's arrested by the keystone cops within a 300 miles radius are "identified" as protesters and news releases are given to the enemedia so they can put forth that fake narrative.

The guy is from Hines, he's a well known drunken freak. He has no ties to anybody. He was on a toot and they arrested him for DUI and disturbing the peace, and he made some drunken smart ass comments about joining the protest lol. He's probably a progressive food stamp recipient who spends a portion of each summer over at the refuge cleaning out the porta potties.
Yeah, every person that's arrested by the keystone cops within a 300 miles radius are "identified" as protesters and news releases are given to the enemedia so they can put forth that fake narrative.

The guy is from Hines, he's a well known drunken freak. He has no ties to anybody. He was on a toot and they arrested him for DUI and disturbing the peace, and he made some drunken smart ass comments about joining the protest lol. He's probably a progressive food stamp recipient who spends a portion of each summer over at the refuge cleaning out the porta potties.
"No true Scotsman" excuse.

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