Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Fascinating. You just admitted that you hold his military record as being unearned NOT because you've read his military record but because you don't like what he did and wrote later on. And yes I've read the citations and his FITREPS us in those citations what it is that is "unearned".

I "admitted" no such thing. His record (military and otherwise) is what it is. I disagree that he did in fact earn 3 PHs or his awards for valor The book "Unfit for Command" shows that the people who served with him agree. His testimony before Congress was in reference to Vietnam and atrocities alleged to have been committed there (by me and my friends-which makes it personal) and was refuted by CID. He is a proven liar. That is simply a matter of record. You wanna talk about records include that one.
Service? What service? John Kerry is too busy is too busy serving himself to serve anyone else. Always has been; always will be.

Says you, citing yourself. The US military says otherwise. And they're an infinitely better source on who served than you are.
what the fk does citing yourself mean? Can you teach me your language?
His language is English. If you need lessons, I suggest you go back and finish grade school.
are you citing yourself?
No, I'm citing you. You just asked for someone to teach you English. I'm only pointing out that no one here is going to waste their time doing that. So being the kind hearted liberal I am, I offered you a suggestion where you could get educated.
well it does me no good if you don't learn to read it.
The part where the FBI 'fucked up'. They did exactly what they were supposed to do. There's not a thing they should have done differently.

Lavoy wanted suicide by cop. He got it.

Doesn't matter whether you or I think they acted correctly. What really matters is what his comrades think and I'm afraid they're going to believe it was a simple premeditated murder.

In their 'new civil war', what the rest of us think is immediately relevant. As this entire situation demonstrates elegantly, the 'militia' doesn't have anything approaching the numbers it needs. Not by orders and orders of magnitude.

And a man who reached for a gun after running a police blockade and resisting arrest isn't going to be much of a recruiting tool.

The insane rants that jowly drunk militia men are offering up on youtube from Oregon? We're going to be mocking these stupid fucks for *years*. They've done more damage to their movement with this nonsense than any 10 operations by the FBI.
hey, BTW, when he hopped out of the car, how fast you think he was moving?

I'll bet those two guys standing still shooting at him must have thought he was flying.

Um, what? You're just gibbering now. Come back when you have something relevant to offer.
hey, BTW, when he hopped out of the car, how fast you think he was moving?

I'll bet those two guys standing still shooting at him must have thought he was flying.
Cool story, bro. So you covered handing out Purple Hearts to everyone all the years there? Answer me OinC while going thru the C-130 RAG was a Viet Nam era A-6 pilot transitioning to C-130....he had a purple heart for punching out of his A-6 on a maintenance check flight off Yankee Station and breaking his collar bone. Did you play a direct role in awarding him his PH?

Nope, and didn't claim otherwise. Read.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
You most certainly never quantified your statement...and now you are backpedaling....Mr. Expert on PHs so you know all about Kerry's being un-earned. :lmao:

Again, I never made any such statement. Dishonest on your part.
Fascinating. You just admitted that you hold his military record as being unearned NOT because you've read his military record but because you don't like what he did and wrote later on. And yes I've read the citations and his FITREPS us in those citations what it is that is "unearned".

I "admitted" no such thing. His record (military and otherwise) is what it is. I disagree that he did in fact earn 3 PHs or his awards for valor The book "Unfit for Command" shows that the people who served with him agree. His testimony before Congress was in reference to Vietnam and atrocities alleged to have been committed there (by me and my friends-which makes it personal) and was refuted by CID. He is a proven liar. That is simply a matter of record. You wanna talk about records include that one.
Those people served WITH him? Are you quite sure? And if they did serve with him, why weren't their take on things taken into consideration when he was put in for his Silver Star?

You don't like him...we get that. That doesn't make his medals any less valid. But as was said....we know for a fact that he DID serve in Viet, we only have the word of a nic on a message board.
Cool story, bro. So you covered handing out Purple Hearts to everyone all the years there? Answer me OinC while going thru the C-130 RAG was a Viet Nam era A-6 pilot transitioning to C-130....he had a purple heart for punching out of his A-6 on a maintenance check flight off Yankee Station and breaking his collar bone. Did you play a direct role in awarding him his PH?

Nope, and didn't claim otherwise. Read.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
Hard to believe you do not know how the Swift boaters were discredited, caught lying, recanted, etc. while Kerry's boatmates and even the Green Beret he rescued came out and publicly supported his actions and the way in which he earned his accommodations. You know that the bottom line is that someone in a medical detachment, like yourself, signed a document confirming Kerry was treated for a combat wound, an injury sustained while in combat, and that is how he got his three Purple Hearts.

Untrue. The swift boaters were never refuted in any important detail. In fact there was offered a million dollars prize offered to anyone who could prove a lie in their book. You are delusional.
Cool story, bro. So you covered handing out Purple Hearts to everyone all the years there? Answer me OinC while going thru the C-130 RAG was a Viet Nam era A-6 pilot transitioning to C-130....he had a purple heart for punching out of his A-6 on a maintenance check flight off Yankee Station and breaking his collar bone. Did you play a direct role in awarding him his PH?

Nope, and didn't claim otherwise. Read.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
You most certainly never quantified your statement...and now you are backpedaling....Mr. Expert on PHs so you know all about Kerry's being un-earned. :lmao:

Again, I never made any such statement. Dishonest on your part.
We are totally capable of reading what you claim. :D
Cool story, bro. So you covered handing out Purple Hearts to everyone all the years there? Answer me OinC while going thru the C-130 RAG was a Viet Nam era A-6 pilot transitioning to C-130....he had a purple heart for punching out of his A-6 on a maintenance check flight off Yankee Station and breaking his collar bone. Did you play a direct role in awarding him his PH?

Nope, and didn't claim otherwise. Read.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
You most certainly never quantified your statement...and now you are backpedaling....Mr. Expert on PHs so you know all about Kerry's being un-earned. :lmao:

Again, I never made any such statement. Dishonest on your part.
dude, they make shit up, it is the libturd way. they have no integrity at all. They don't have class either. Debating anything with them is hilarious. making shit up and then posting up you said something you never did to get you to say it. It's fkn amazing their zombie way.
The part where the FBI 'fucked up'. They did exactly what they were supposed to do. There's not a thing they should have done differently.

Lavoy wanted suicide by cop. He got it.

Doesn't matter whether you or I think they acted correctly. What really matters is what his comrades think and I'm afraid they're going to believe it was a simple premeditated murder.
WATCH: FBI releases LaVoy Finicium shooting video showing he went for his gun — twice

then his "comrades' would be just like you and 90% of the rw 'ers here- :up: rw kool aid drinkers :alcoholic:
Cool story, bro. So you covered handing out Purple Hearts to everyone all the years there? Answer me OinC while going thru the C-130 RAG was a Viet Nam era A-6 pilot transitioning to C-130....he had a purple heart for punching out of his A-6 on a maintenance check flight off Yankee Station and breaking his collar bone. Did you play a direct role in awarding him his PH?

Nope, and didn't claim otherwise. Read.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
You most certainly never quantified your statement...and now you are backpedaling....Mr. Expert on PHs so you know all about Kerry's being un-earned. :lmao:

Again, I never made any such statement. Dishonest on your part.
We are totally capable of reading what you claim. :D
no you aren't. He never made the claim.
You don't like him...we get that. That doesn't make his medals any less valid. But as was said....we know for a fact that he DID serve in Viet, we only have the word of a nic on a message board

.Bullshit. My service is as well documented as his. I never put myself in for a medal nor would I have accepted a PH for a self inflicted shaving cut.
Cool story, bro. So you covered handing out Purple Hearts to everyone all the years there? Answer me OinC while going thru the C-130 RAG was a Viet Nam era A-6 pilot transitioning to C-130....he had a purple heart for punching out of his A-6 on a maintenance check flight off Yankee Station and breaking his collar bone. Did you play a direct role in awarding him his PH?

Nope, and didn't claim otherwise. Read.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
Hard to believe you do not know how the Swift boaters were discredited, caught lying, recanted, etc. while Kerry's boatmates and even the Green Beret he rescued came out and publicly supported his actions and the way in which he earned his accommodations. You know that the bottom line is that someone in a medical detachment, like yourself, signed a document confirming Kerry was treated for a combat wound, an injury sustained while in combat, and that is how he got his three Purple Hearts.

Untrue. The swift boaters were never refuted in any important detail. In fact there was offered a million dollars prize offered to anyone who could prove a lie in their book. You are delusional.
he's a libturd and that automatically qualifies him as delusional. It's redundant.
The part where the FBI 'fucked up'. They did exactly what they were supposed to do. There's not a thing they should have done differently.

Lavoy wanted suicide by cop. He got it.

Doesn't matter whether you or I think they acted correctly. What really matters is what his comrades think and I'm afraid they're going to believe it was a simple premeditated murder.
WATCH: FBI releases LaVoy Finicium shooting video showing he went for his gun — twice

then his "comrades' would be just like you and 90% of the rw 'ers here- :up: rw kool aid drinkers :alcoholic:
what's the difference from the libturd kool aid you drink bubba? Other than the facts follow us.
You don't like him...we get that. That doesn't make his medals any less valid. But as was said....we know for a fact that he DID serve in Viet, we only have the word of a nic on a message board

.Bullshit. My service is as well documented as his. I never put myself in for a medal nor would I have accepted a PH for a self inflicted shaving cut.
Sure it is. Cool story, bro.
The record shows he did earn them. Why would anyone believe the swift boat vets since they were caught lying about his record?

No, the record shows that he was awarded them; not that he earned them. And what about the real swift boat sailors? Kerry was awarded his medals(before he begged and pleaded to be released from the combat duty he had requested) but the real swift boat sailors didn't earn the ones they were awarded while actually doing their duty? A why would anybody believe Kerry when he was caught on the record lying under oath to congress (a crime)?
Of course he earned them. WTF is wrong with you? His Bronze & Silver Stars were accompanied with citations describing his heroic efforts to earn them.

But thanks again for demonstrating there are also righties who disrespect vets. :thup:
This is a rock the militia wannabes are gonna break themselves on. As their bullshit narrative is disproven by the video. Lavoy refused to surrender to police, despite them asking him for 7 minutes to get out of his vehicle. He lead the cops on a high speed chase, rushing toward a police blockade. He swerved into a snowbank trying to get around it, lept from his truck, ran 15 feet and reached for his gun.

And police shot him.

As they should have.
yep just like any other threat induced killing in the US. color of skin meaningless. Let's all move to that threat level ok?

Then we all agree that Lavoy's shooting was justified.

That only took 6 pages.
No, it isn't that simple tarzan. It is only a threat if you agree the other cop shootings were a threat. Period, you can't have it both ways double standard dude. Until you agree, then your argument is shit.
Lay off the smack, it's fucking with your brain. The other cop shootings have absolutely nothing to do with this one. Whether the others were justifiable or not has no bearing on the justification of this shooting.
The shoot was justifiable

Of course it was. The Feds are going to justify their own shooting. Why wouldn't they. But do you think friends of LeVoy are going to think it was anything but a planned execution? Again, this was a serious FBI fuck up..
Sure, uh-huh.
The FBI fucked up shooting an armed idiot reaching for his gun while resisting arrest.

What part of that did you not understand?
How you could be so deranged to think the FBI fucked up. :dunno:
The shoot was justifiable

Of course it was. The Feds are going to justify their own shooting. Why wouldn't they. But do you think friends of LeVoy are going to think it was anything but a planned execution? Again, this was a serious FBI fuck up..
Sure, uh-huh.
The FBI fucked up shooting an armed idiot reaching for his gun while resisting arrest.

What part of that did you not understand?
the fact part. He has problems with that.
He's spouting opinions, not facts. Leave it to his reach-around buddy to think his opinions are facts. :eusa_doh:

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