Assholes making trouble in Oregon

I said there is no difference between this shooting and the other cop incidents in Ferguson, Chicago and Ohio. You disagreed with me, so obviously you don't feel any were justified. Or not, or are you still playing the double standards game. which is it?

Come now double standards you going with it being justified or not? can't answer cause it traps you.

You can't just throw out Ferguson, Chicago, and Ohio. What a lame argument. It's not really an argument at all, it's just you trying to change the subject.
He suffers from benghazism. It is a right wing idiot affliction of just popping off something dopey when a thoughtful response is not available.
I suffer from the enjoyment of winning daily in here. I enjoy the shit out of kicking the asses of stupid folk who act like libturds like you. Losers who love to root for a person responsible for killing four americans in Benghazi. Losers. everyone of you.
Does somebody give you a prize when you tell them you "won" in "here"? See, I was right about the benghazism. You just confirmed you are afflicted with it. Now do as you were told and go take those pills.
why do you think that's how this works? hmmmm, anyone voting for Hillary is telling the Benghazi families it was justified. Ouch, my what a bunch of pigs those voters would be.

Useless blabber.
Cool story, bro. So you covered handing out Purple Hearts to everyone all the years there? Answer me OinC while going thru the C-130 RAG was a Viet Nam era A-6 pilot transitioning to C-130....he had a purple heart for punching out of his A-6 on a maintenance check flight off Yankee Station and breaking his collar bone. Did you play a direct role in awarding him his PH?

Nope, and didn't claim otherwise. Read.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
Hard to believe you do not know how the Swift boaters were discredited, caught lying, recanted, etc. while Kerry's boatmates and even the Green Beret he rescued came out and publicly supported his actions and the way in which he earned his accommodations. You know that the bottom line is that someone in a medical detachment, like yourself, signed a document confirming Kerry was treated for a combat wound, an injury sustained while in combat, and that is how he got his three Purple Hearts.

Untrue. The swift boaters were never refuted in any important detail. In fact there was offered a million dollars prize offered to anyone who could prove a lie in their book. You are delusional.
You appear to be highly misinformed, uninformed and/or misguided on this topic. The one delusional here is you sir.
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Fascinating. You just admitted that you hold his military record as being unearned NOT because you've read his military record but because you don't like what he did and wrote later on. And yes I've read the citations and his FITREPS us in those citations what it is that is "unearned".

I "admitted" no such thing. His record (military and otherwise) is what it is. I disagree that he did in fact earn 3 PHs or his awards for valor The book "Unfit for Command" shows that the people who served with him agree. His testimony before Congress was in reference to Vietnam and atrocities alleged to have been committed there (by me and my friends-which makes it personal) and was refuted by CID. He is a proven liar. That is simply a matter of record. You wanna talk about records include that one.
Some of the folks who contributed to that book were proven to be liars. What a pity you fall for such obvious nonsense.
Cool story, bro. So you covered handing out Purple Hearts to everyone all the years there? Answer me OinC while going thru the C-130 RAG was a Viet Nam era A-6 pilot transitioning to C-130....he had a purple heart for punching out of his A-6 on a maintenance check flight off Yankee Station and breaking his collar bone. Did you play a direct role in awarding him his PH?

Nope, and didn't claim otherwise. Read.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
Hard to believe you do not know how the Swift boaters were discredited, caught lying, recanted, etc. while Kerry's boatmates and even the Green Beret he rescued came out and publicly supported his actions and the way in which he earned his accommodations. You know that the bottom line is that someone in a medical detachment, like yourself, signed a document confirming Kerry was treated for a combat wound, an injury sustained while in combat, and that is how he got his three Purple Hearts.

Untrue. The swift boaters were never refuted in any important detail. In fact there was offered a million dollars prize offered to anyone who could prove a lie in their book. You are delusional.

That book was written by a rightwingnut birther who would later write a book about how Obama wasn't born in Hawaii. :eusa_doh:

They claimed that Kerry's Bronze Start with Combat "V" was unearned because they weren't under fire based on the word of Larry Thurlow.

Too bad for the Swiftboat liars that documents showed his boat was brought in for repairs to damage caused by bullets and other damage from that encounter.

Even worse for the Swiftboat liars, despite Thurlow's insistence that they weren't under fire, it later became known that Thurlow himself also received a Bronze Star with Combat "V" for bravery under fire.
Fascinating. You just admitted that you hold his military record as being unearned NOT because you've read his military record but because you don't like what he did and wrote later on. And yes I've read the citations and his FITREPS us in those citations what it is that is "unearned".

I "admitted" no such thing. His record (military and otherwise) is what it is. I disagree that he did in fact earn 3 PHs or his awards for valor The book "Unfit for Command" shows that the people who served with him agree. His testimony before Congress was in reference to Vietnam and atrocities alleged to have been committed there (by me and my friends-which makes it personal) and was refuted by CID. He is a proven liar. That is simply a matter of record. You wanna talk about records include that one.
Some of the folks who contributed to that book were proven to be liars. What a pity you fall for such obvious nonsense.
The link I just posted addresses every lie by the Swift boaters told. It debunks every accusation and misrepresentation in a thorough, academic and detailed fashion.
You most certainly never quantified your statement...and now you are backpedaling....Mr. Expert on PHs so you know all about Kerry's being un-earned. :lmao:

Again, I never made any such statement. Dishonest on your part.
We are totally capable of reading what you claim. :D
no you aren't. He never made the claim.
I know you want my attention. Poor thing.
no I want you to post factually,

The FBi says he was going for his loaded 9 MM (which is, incidentally what he had said he would do on a previous interview), and you say the FBI is lying. This is why I don't bother to argue facts with you. Instead, I rely strictly on indisputable fact. The man was wanted by the police. The man was found by the police. The man was killed by the police. And all is right with the world.
dude, they make shit up, it is the libturd way. they have no integrity at all.
Slobbers the rightie who said the cop who shot Finicum didn't see a gun before shooting him...

G'head -- this is where you prove that or you reveal it's actually you who is making shit up.....
This is a rock the militia wannabes are gonna break themselves on. As their bullshit narrative is disproven by the video. Lavoy refused to surrender to police, despite them asking him for 7 minutes to get out of his vehicle. He lead the cops on a high speed chase, rushing toward a police blockade. He swerved into a snowbank trying to get around it, lept from his truck, ran 15 feet and reached for his gun.

And police shot him.

As they should have.
yep just like any other threat induced killing in the US. color of skin meaningless. Let's all move to that threat level ok?

Then we all agree that Lavoy's shooting was justified.

That only took 6 pages.
No, it isn't that simple tarzan. It is only a threat if you agree the other cop shootings were a threat. Period, you can't have it both ways double standard dude. Until you agree, then your argument is shit.
Lay off the smack, it's fucking with your brain. The other cop shootings have absolutely nothing to do with this one. Whether the others were justifiable or not has no bearing on the justification of this shooting.
sure it does sherlock. It's what you don't understand.
Pouts the idiot who admitted he needs help understanding English. :ack-1:
Fascinating. You just admitted that you hold his military record as being unearned NOT because you've read his military record but because you don't like what he did and wrote later on. And yes I've read the citations and his FITREPS us in those citations what it is that is "unearned".

I "admitted" no such thing. His record (military and otherwise) is what it is. I disagree that he did in fact earn 3 PHs or his awards for valor The book "Unfit for Command" shows that the people who served with him agree. His testimony before Congress was in reference to Vietnam and atrocities alleged to have been committed there (by me and my friends-which makes it personal) and was refuted by CID. He is a proven liar. That is simply a matter of record. You wanna talk about records include that one.
Some of the folks who contributed to that book were proven to be liars. What a pity you fall for such obvious nonsense.

If true you should have no problem providing some examples here. Don't beg the question.
You think the CID's official investigation was "nonsense"? I'm am eager to see your evidence.
His intentions are irrelevant. Reach for a gun while law enforcement is arresting you and there's a very good chance that will be the last thing you ever reach for.

But it's OK to assume he was reaching for a gun?
Why on earth would police assume anything other than that under those circumstances? And why should police hesitate to open fire on someone they believe is reaching for a weapon under those circumstances.

They shouldn't. Just like that cop in Chicago was right to assume that dude with a kifife was going to cut everyone up.
That has nothing to do with what happened in Oregon.
His intentions are irrelevant. Reach for a gun while law enforcement is arresting you and there's a very good chance that will be the last thing you ever reach for.

But it's OK to assume he was reaching for a gun?
Why on earth would police assume anything other than that under those circumstances? And why should police hesitate to open fire on someone they believe is reaching for a weapon under those circumstances.

They shouldn't. Just like that cop in Chicago was right to assume that dude with a kifife was going to cut everyone up.
That has nothing to do with what happened in Oregon.

Of course it does. It's all about perspective.

This event is exposing Liberal bullshit. We don't hear y'all crying law enforcement being militarized, now. Do we?
This is a rock the militia wannabes are gonna break themselves on. As their bullshit narrative is disproven by the video. Lavoy refused to surrender to police, despite them asking him for 7 minutes to get out of his vehicle. He lead the cops on a high speed chase, rushing toward a police blockade. He swerved into a snowbank trying to get around it, lept from his truck, ran 15 feet and reached for his gun.

And police shot him.

As they should have.
yep just like any other threat induced killing in the US. color of skin meaningless. Let's all move to that threat level ok?

Then we all agree that Lavoy's shooting was justified.

That only took 6 pages.
No, it isn't that simple tarzan. It is only a threat if you agree the other cop shootings were a threat. Period, you can't have it both ways double standard dude. Until you agree, then your argument is shit.
Lay off the smack, it's fucking with your brain. The other cop shootings have absolutely nothing to do with this one. Whether the others were justifiable or not has no bearing on the justification of this shooting.
sure it does sherlock. It's what you don't understand.
Cool story, bro. So you covered handing out Purple Hearts to everyone all the years there? Answer me OinC while going thru the C-130 RAG was a Viet Nam era A-6 pilot transitioning to C-130....he had a purple heart for punching out of his A-6 on a maintenance check flight off Yankee Station and breaking his collar bone. Did you play a direct role in awarding him his PH?

Nope, and didn't claim otherwise. Read.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
Disrespecting vets sure does get you excited, doesn't it?

Purple Heart #1

With its motor turned off, Kerry paddled the Boston Whaler out of the inlet into the beginning of the bay. Simultaneously the Vietnamese pulled their sampans up onto the beach and began to unload something; he couldn't tell what, so he decided to illuminate the proceedings with a flare. The entire sky seemed to explode into daylight. The men from the sampans bolted erect, stiff with shock for only an instant before they sprang for cover like a herd of panicked gazelles Kerry had once seen on TV's Wild Kingdom. "We opened fire," he went on. "The light from the flares started to fade, the air was full of explosions. My M-16 jammed, and as I bent down in the boat to grab another gun, a stinging piece of heat socked into my arm and just seemed to burn like hell. By this time one of the sailors had started the engine and we ran by the beach, strafing it. Then it was quiet.

Purple Heart #2

Just as they moved out onto the Cua Lon, at a junction known for unfriendliness in the past, kaboom! PCF-94 had taken a rocket-propelled grenade round off the port side, fired at them from the far left bank. Kerry felt a piece of hot shrapnel bore into his left leg. With blood running down the deck, the Swift managed to make an otherwise uneventful exit into the Gulf of Thailand, where they rendezvoused with a Coast Guard cutter. The injury Kerry suffered in that action earned his his second Purple Heart.

Purple Heart #3

Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry was serving as an Officer-in-Charge of Inshore Patrol Craft 94, one of five boats conducting a Sealords operation in the Bay Hap River. While exiting the river, a mine detonated under another Inshore Patrol Craft and almost simultaneously, another mine detonated wounding Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry in the right arm. In addition, all units began receiving small arms and automatic weapons fire from the river banks. When Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry discovered he had a man overboard, he returned upriver to assist. The man in the water was receiving sniper fire from both banks. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry directed his gunners to provide suppressing fire, while from an exposed position on the bow, his arm bleeding and in pain and with disregard for his personal safety, he pulled the man aboard. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry then directed his boat to return to and assist the other damaged boat to safety. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry's calmness, professionalism and great personal courage under fire were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.


Which of those did not involve enemy action?
John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"First Purple Heart

Some SBVT members have questioned the propriety of Kerry's first Purple Heart, received for a wound sustained on December 2, 1968. Kerry remained on duty after being wounded, and sought treatment at the following day's sick call. They assert that the injury was too minor to merit a citation because the only treatment Kerry received, after the removal of a piece of shrapnel from his arm, was bacitracin (an antibiotic) and a bandage, and he returned to service immediately. Other division members, including at least one SBVT member, received Purple Hearts under similar circumstances[citation needed]. SBVT also claims that the wound was not from enemy fire but was from shrapnel of a grenade he fired himself,[16] "Self-inflicted wounds were awarded if incurred 'in the heat of battle, and not involving gross negligence.' Kerry's critics insist his wound would not have qualified, but former Navy officials who worked in the service's awards branch at the time said such awards were routine."

On the night in question, Kerry was not on a Swift Boat, but on a 15-foot skimmer. Kerry opened fire on suspected guerrillas on the shore. During this encounter, Kerry suffered a shrapnel wound in the left arm above the elbow. Accounts differ over the crew aboard the skimmer, the source of Kerry's injury—Kerry has stated that he does not know where the shrapnel came from[17]—and several other major details."
Some SBVT members have questioned....

1348488761322-smiley_rofl.gif - Army CID Investigations of VVAW War Crimes Allegations

In April 1971, Sen. Mark Hatfield placed transcripts from the Vietnam Veterans Against the War's "Winter Soldier Investigation" (WSI) war crimes conference into the Congressional Record. The House Committee on Armed Services responded by directing the Department of Defense to conduct a prompt review of the VVAW's allegations.

The Army's Criminal Investigation Division (CID) opened a case for each witness who claimed to have knowledge of criminal actions by the Army. These cases are described below, with links to the actual Army summary reports.

Note: Personal information and the names of non-VVAW witnesses have been redacted from the summary reports.


The following are Army WSI witnesses investigated by the CID:
Note: Cases 1, 11, 19, 32 and 40 cover allegations made outside WSI by witnesses who also made WSI statements.

1. Beitzel, John, 21, Sgt. (E-5), 4/21, 11th Brigade, Americal Division (January 1969 to January 1970).

Allegation: 1) Indiscriminate firing upon unarmed Vietnamese, 2) Torture and maltreatment of prisoners/detainees, 3) Mutilation of dead bodies.
Investigation summary: Complainants Beitzel and Joseph Brenman refused to provide specific information to support their allegations, which were made in a venue other than WSI, but are basically the same. Joe Bangert (USMC) and Jeffrey Dubrow (USN) accompanied Beitzel and Brenman at the subject venue.

Result: Investigation terminated; insufficient evidence.

John Beitzel / Joseph Brenman CID Investigation Report

2. Bernath, Fred, 26, 1st Lt., 101st MP Co., 101st Airborne Division (December 1968 to October 1969).

Allegation: 1) Electrical torture of prisoners/detainees, 2) Gassing of civilians.
Investigation summary: Complainant submitted a sworn statement supporting his WSI claims, but was unable to identify any of the individuals involved or the date of the incident. He did name a possible witness who subsequently submitted a sworn statement denying any knowledge of the events alleged by Bernath.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Fred Bernath CID Investigation Report

3. Bunge, Sam, 1st Lt., "B" Co., 3/187, 101st Airborne Division (July 1968 to June 1969).

Allegation: 1) Attempted murder of Vietnamese male, 2) Desecration of graves, 3) Gassing of Vietnamese civilians.
Investigation summary: Complainant repeated WSI claims but refused to sign a written statement. He provided names of possible witnesses but did not name any of those allegedly involved, including his former commanding officer. Interviews with former members of Bunge's unit and his former commanding officers revealed no evidence that supported the allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; supplemental investigative efforts completed; unfounded.

Sam Bunge CID Investigation Report

4. Butts, Dennis, 24, SP/4 (E-4), HHQ Co., 2/12, 25th Infantry Division and "E" Co., 4/39, 9th Infantry Division (September 1966 to September 1967).

Allegation: 1) Indiscriminate killing and wounding of Vietnamese civilians, 2) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to cooperate without immunity on advice of VVAW counsel.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Dennis Butts CID Investigation Report

5. Byrne, Kevin, 21, Sgt. (E-5), 42nd Scout Dog, 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (November 1968 to November 1969).

Allegation: 1) Attempted murder of an NVA officer, 2) Failure to render medical treatment, 3) Indiscriminate use of fire power, 4) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer questions or provide further information for fear of "causing trouble for the peons instead of the generals."

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Kevin Byrne CID Investigation Report

6. Caldwell, Dennis, 24, CWO-2, "A" Trp., 3/17, Air Cav., 1st Aviation Brigade (October 1968 to October 1969).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Indiscriminate use of fire power, 3) Indiscriminate destruction of villages, 4) Gassing (tear gas) of civilians and livestock, 5) Aggravated assault on a prisoner.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer any questions or provide further information.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Dennis Caldwell CID Investigation Report

7. Chiles, David, 24, SP/4 (E-4), 3/4, 25th Infantry Division (January 1968 to December 1968).

Allegation: 1) Mutilation of enemy corpse, 2) Indiscriminate killing of two Vietnamese children and an elderly Vietnamese man.
Investigation summary: Counsel present at interview. Complainant declined to provide any substantive information, saying he would testify only before a Congressional Committee.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

David Chiles CID Investigation Report

8. Craig, Douglas, 22, SP/4, "D" Co., 2nd Bn., 8th Brigade, 1st Air Cav. Division (December 1968 to August 1969).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese.
Investigation summary: Complainant stated that he had no direct information that civilians were killed and no direct knowledge of the alleged event. He further stated that he had misgivings about testifying at Detroit, as he could not substantiate the allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Douglas Craig CID Investigation Report

9. Craig, Larry, 29, SP/4, Public Information Office, 25th Infantry Division (1966 to 1967).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified prisoner, 2) Desecration of a grave.
Investigation summary: Complainant backtracked on his WSI testimony and was unable to provide specific information or identify any U.S or Vietnamese personnel.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Larry Craig CID Investigation Report

10. Donner, Donald, 24, SP/4 (E-4), 20th Brigade, 86th Combat Engineers (August 1967 to July 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder of a Vietnamese male, 2) Wounding of a 14-year-old Vietnamese girl, 3) Dereliction in the performance of duty, 4) Indiscriminate killing of livestock, 5) Failure to bury enemy dead.
Investigation summary: Complainant characterized the alleged incidents as accidental, misrepresented by him at WSI, or known to him only by hearsay.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Donald Donner CID Investigation Report

11. Drolshagen, Jon, 26, 1st Lt., 25th Infantry Division (1966 to 1967).

Allegation: 1) Murder and torture of unknown Vietnamese nationals.
Investigation summary: CID statement refers to allegations made in different venue, six months prior to WSI, by Drolshagen, Edward Barbour (former SP4, 101st Airborne Division) and Frederick Morton (former E5, 11th Armed Cavalry Regiment). Subjects refused to make written statements or to answer questions concerning their allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; case closed.

Note: Drolshagen's statement at WSI was considerably less specific than his earlier allegation that a major had committed torture and murder. At WSI, Drolshagen spoke vaguely of a major's participation in unspecified activities.

Edward Barbour / Jon Drolshagen / Frederick Morton CID Investigation Report

12. Duffy, James, 23, SP/5 (E-5), 228 Aviation Bn., 1st Air Cav. Division (February 1967 to April 1968).

Allegation: 1) Negligent homicide of unidentified Vietnamese child, 2) Maltreatment of prisoners, 3) Assault, 4) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Investigators were unable to contact complainant.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

James Duffy CID Investigation Report

13. Dzagulones, Don, 23, SP/5, 635th Military Intelligence Detachment, attached to 11th Infantry Brigade, Americal Division (January 1969 to December 1969).

Allegation: 1) Torture and assault of prisoners / VC suspects.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer any questions. Investigators were unable to identify the unidentified major referred to in the allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Don Dzagulones CID Investigation Report

14. Erard, Michael, 29, SP/5 (E-5), 3/503, 173rd Airborne Brigade (April 1969 to March 1970).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese civilians, 2) Failure to take prisoners.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to make any statement or provide any information.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Michael Erard CID Investigation Report

15. Farrell, Michael, 24, SP/4 (E-4), "A" Co., 2/60, 9th Infantry Division (January 1967 to January 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder of a Vietnamese child, 2) Maltreatment of a prisoner, 3) Destruction of crops and livestock.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to make any statements or provide any information on advice of attorney.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Michael Farrell CID Investigation Report

16. Galbally, Joe, 23, SP/4 (E-4), 1/6, 198 LIB, Americal Division (October 1967 to April 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Rape, 3) Assault.
Investigation summary: Efforts to locate complainant were unsuccessful.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Joe Galbally CID Investigation Report

17. Hagelin, Timon, 21, SP/4 (E-4), Graves Registration Platoon, 243 Field Serv. Co., 1st Logistics Command (August 1968 to August 1969).

Allegation: 1) Assault of unidentified Vietnamese civilians.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer any questions.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Timon Hagelin CID Investigation Report

18. Hartner, John, 26, Sgt. (E-5), H & HD 3rd Brigade, H & HD 2nd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division (November 1969 to August 1970).

Allegation: 1) Murder of a Vietnamese baby, 2) Wounding of three Vietnamese women, 3) Suppression of the above information.
Investigation summary: In a sworn statement, complainant refused to provide any information.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

John Hartner CID Investigation Report

19. Henry, James, 23, Sgt., 1st Bn., 3/35th, 4th Infantry Division (August 1967 to August 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder, 2) Rape, 3) Maltreatment of unidentified Vietnamese.
Investigation summary: Complainant submitted a sworn statement. An extensive investigation failed to reveal sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegations. Subsequent supplementary investigative efforts revealed that a group of unarmed civilians may in fact have been killed by members of Company B, 1/35th Infantry on February 8, 1968. That investigation was ongoing at the time of this report.

Result: Investigation completed; supplemental investigation in progress.

Note: The CID statement refers to allegations made in several different venues a year prior to WSI, and repeated there. See also Civilian Killings Went Unpunished, Los Angeles Times, August 6, 2006. This is the only known WSI allegation for which there is substantiation.

James Henry CID Investigation Report

20. Henry, John, 26, SP/4, 2/60, 1/11 Artillery, 9th Infantry Division (March 1968 to February 1969).

Allegation: 1) Maltreatment of prisoners and Vietnamese civilians, 2) Destruction of livestock and private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant could not be located.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

John Henry CID Investigation Report

21. Hunter, Michael, 24, Sgt (E-5), "B" Co., 5/7 Air Cav. Reg., 1st Air Cav. Division (February 1968 to February 1969); "H" Co., 75th Rangers, attached to 1st Air Cav. Div.; "I" Co., 75th Rangers, attached to 1st Inf. Division (September 1969 to March 1970).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Mutilation of corpses, 3) Desecration of graves and destruction of private property, 4) Rape, 5) Refusing to render medical aid, 6) Gassing of Vietnamese civilians (tear gas).
Investigation summary: Complainant admitted his own offenses orally but would not make a written statement or provide times, dates or names. Numerous former members of Hunter's unit denied his allegations. One witness said that Hunter had killed a Vietnamese man without orders while walking point on a patrol.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Michael Hunter CID Investigation Report

22. Keyes, Gary, 22, SP/4, "E" Troop, 1st Cav. Reg., 11th Brigade, Americal Division (April 1969 to March 1970).

Allegation: 1) Gassing of villages, 2) Aggravated assault, 3 Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer any questions.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Gary Keyes CID Investigation Report

23. Keys, Eugene, 25, SP/4 (E-4), 3/4 25th Infantry Division (February 1966 to February 1967).

Allegation: 1) Forced evacuation of Vietnamese villages, 2) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant said he would only make a statement to a joint session of Congress.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Eugene Keys CID Investigation Report

24. Kogut, Russell, 22, WO-1, 155 Assault Helicopter Co. (May 1968 to March 1969).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Aggravated assault, 3) Looting and destruction of private property, 4) Forced evacuation of Vietnamese villages.
Investigation summary: Complainant said a VVAW staffer told him that VVAW's lawyers advised him not to make any statement.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Russell Kogut CID Investigation Report

25. Lenix, Mark, 24, 1st Lt., 1/11th Arty. and 2/39 Infantry, 9th Infantry Division (1968 to 1969).

Allegation: 1) Murder of prisoners and unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Indiscriminate use of fire power, 3) Looting and destruction of private property, 4) Forced evacuation of Vietnamese civilians.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to provide any information concerning his allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Mark Lenix CID Investigation Report

26. Lloyd, Murphy, 27, Sgt. (E-5), "D" Co., 4th Bn., 173 Airborne Brigade (February 1967 to February 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder of prisoners, 2) Torture and maiming of prisoners.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer any questions on advice of lawyer.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Murphy Lloyd CID Investigation Report

27. Lytle, John, 24, SP/4 (E-4), "E" Co., 6/15 Arty., 1st Infantry Division (August 1967 to March 1969).

Allegation: 1) Indiscriminate use of fire power, 2) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant backtracked on his WSI allegation that villages were targeted indiscriminately, saying that the villages were fired on because it was suspected that VC occupied them and because incoming fire had been received. Lytle was unable to identify any personnel involved or name specific incidents.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

John Lytle CID Investigation Report

28. MacKay, James, 20, Sgt. (E-5), HHQ 3rd Brigade, 9th Inf. Div. (October 1968 to August 1970).

Allegation: 1) Murder of Vietnamese civilians, 2) Maltreatment of enemy dead, 3) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant could not be located.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

James MacKay CID Investigation Report

29. Mallory, John, 24, Captain, 1st Sq., 11th Arm. Cav. Reg., 1st Air Cav. Division (May 1969 to May 1970).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Desecration of enemy graves, 3) Aggravated assault, 4) Larceny and destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to provide any specific information or identify any of the persons allegedly involved. He said he and the VVAW were only interested in initiating a Congressional investigation into U.S. policy in Vietnam.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

John Mallory CID Investigation Report

30. McConnachie, Robert, 22, Sgt. (E-5), 2/28th, 1st Infantry (October 1967 to October 1968).

Allegation: 1) Involuntary manslaughter of unidentified Vietnamese civilians, 2) Indiscriminate use of fire power.
Investigation summary: Complainant backtracked on his WSI allegations, saying that no Vietnamese children were actually killed by troops throwing C-ration cans at them. He also said he now believed that the alleged killing of civilians in a hospital by artillery fire was accidental.

Result: Investigation completed; unsubstantiated.

Robert McConnachie CID Investigation Report

31. Misiaszek, Michael, 22, SP/4 (E-4), 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, FSSE (December 1968 to January 1970).

Allegation: 1) Desecration of graves, 2) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant made oral and written statements, but was unable to substantiate his WSI allegations. Investigation disproved one of his allegations, that Army engineers plowed under Vietnamese graves while constructing a stadium.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Michael Misiaszek CID Investigation Report

32. Noetzel, Steve, 31, SP/4, 5th Special Forces Group Augmentation (May 1963 to May 1964).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified prisoners / detainees, 2) Inhumane treatment of prisoners.
Investigation summary: The CID statement refers to allegations made in another venue nine months prior to WSI, but the main allegation is basically the same. Complainant Noetzel repeated his allegations orally, but returned a written summary unsigned. An extensive investigation failed to substantiate Noetzel's allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; unfounded / insufficient evidence.

Gordon Livingston / Robert Johnson / Steve Noetzel CID Investigation Report

33. Ostrenga, Patrick, "D" Co., 25th Infantry Division (February to December - year unknown).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Refusing to render medical treatment to wounded prisoners and Vietnamese.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to provide any information concerning his allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Patrick Ostrenga CID Investigation Report

34. Palosaari, Ronald, 23, SP/4, 1/6, 198 LIB, Americal Division (1967 to 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Mutilation of corpse.
Investigation summary: Complainant was unable to provide specific dates, locations or names of individuals allegedly involved, and backtracked on his WSI allegation that he had witnessed the mutilation of enemy dead.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Ronald Palosaari CID Investigation Report

35. Perry, Bill, 23, Pfc. (E-3), "A" Co., 1/506, 101st Airborne Division (November 1966 to August 1968).

Allegation: 1) Indiscriminate use of fire power, 2) Mutilation of corpses.
Investigation summary: Complainant could not be located.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Bill Perry CID Investigation Report

36. Podlaski, Ron, 24, Sgt. (E-5), 5th Special Forces Group (April 1968 to April 1969).

Allegation: 1) Murder of prisoners, Vietnamese civilians and a Laotian national, 2) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant declined to answer questions pending advice from his attorney, then moved and could not be located.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Ron Podlaski CID Investigation Report

37. Pugsley, Don, 23, SP/4, 5th Special Forces (October 1969 to December 1969).

Allegation: 1) Indiscriminate destruction of livestock.
Investigation summary: Complainant said in a sworn statement that the strafing of water buffalo he alleged at WSI did not actually occur.

Result: Investigation completed; unsubstantiated.

Don Pugsley CID Investigation Report

38. Rice, William, 21, SP/4, 3/47th and HQ, 3rd Brigade, 9th Infantry Division (January 1969 to January 1970).

Allegation: 1) Murder of prisoners, 2) Torture of prisoners, 3) Maltreatment of prisoners.
Investigation summary: Complainant declined to make any statements or provide any information concerning his allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

William Rice CID Investigation Report

39. Rippberger, Carl, 23, (E-4), "K" Troop, 3rd Squad, 11th Armored Cav. Reg., attached to 9th Infantry Division (May 1967 to May 1968).

Allegation: 1) Torture and maltreatment of prisoners, 2) Failure to bury enemy dead, 3) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to provide any information concerning his allegations on advice from his attorney.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Carl Rippberger CID Investigation Report

40. Rottmann, Larry, 25, 1st Lt., Public Information Office, 25th Infantry Division (June 1967 to March 1968).

Allegation: 1) Presence of nerve agents in Vietnam, 2) Suppression of war crime information from news media, 3) Wearing of ears and scalps by US forces, 4) Murder of enemy personnel attempting to surrender, 5) Destruction of Vietnamese villages by bombing and napalm, 6) Torture of VC/NVA.
Investigation summary: The CID statement refers to allegations made at two different venues, nine months and two months prior to WSI. Rottman's WSI testimony was about military press censorship and he did not allege any war crimes there. Attempts to contact the complainant were unsuccessful. The case was closed due to the lack of cooperation and the lack of any definitive leads.

Result: Investigation completed; case closed.

Larry Rottmann / Michael Uhl CID Investigation Report

Note: The CID also investigated an allegation by Rottmann that General Westmoreland had ordered the destruction of a village in the Mekong Delta. This allegation was determined to be unfounded.

Larry Rottmann CID Investigation Report

41. Ruth, Kenneth, 26, (E-4), HHQ Co., 2/12 Air Cav. Reg., 1st Air Cav. Div. (February 1966 to February 1967).

Allegation: 1) Torture of VC suspects, 2) Indiscriminate use of fire power, resulting in the injury of 43 Vietnamese civilians.
Investigation summary: Complainant's WSI allegations were found to be unsubstantiated. He also backtracked on an additional claim made in a LIFE Magazine article, stating to investigators that he had no personal knowledge of casualties as a result of the test firing of weapons.

Result: Investigation completed; unsubstantiated.

Kenneth Ruth CID Investigation Report

42. Schorr, Sam, SP/4 (E-4), 86th Combat Engineers (September 1966 to September 1967).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Desecration of graves, 3 Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer any questions about his allegations. He further stated that if the President of the United States was investigated for war crimes, he would release information relative to his testimony.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Sam Schorr CID Investigation Report

43. Shepard, Franklin, 23, S. Sgt. (E-6), 5/60, 9th Infantry Division (March 1968 to August 1969).

Allegation: 1) Mutilation of enemy dead and unidentified Vietnamese.
Investigation summary: Complainant provided a written, sworn statement in support of his allegation. Multiple witnesses interviewed contradicted Shepard's claims, and further investigation also failed to support his statements.

Result: Investigation completed; unsubstantiated.

Franklin Shepard CID Investigation Report

44. Smith, George, (E-6), 5th Special Forces; taken prisoner by the NLF in 1963 and released in November 1965.

Allegation: 1) Maltreatment of prisoners.
Investigation summary: Complainant backtracked on his WSI allegations, stating that Vietnamese troops rather than American troops had committed illegal acts.

Result: Investigation completed; unsubstantiated.

George Smith CID Investigation Report

45. Stark, David, 25, SP/5 (E-5), 524 Military Intelligence Detachment (October 1967 to October 1968).

Allegation: 1) Indiscriminate use of fire power resulting in the deaths of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Maltreatment of prisoners.
Investigation summary: Complainant backtracked on his WSI allegations, saying that he had not witnessed the maltreatment of prisoners, and that he saw no bodies and could not identify the military units involved in the alleged events.

Result: Investigation completed; unsubstantiated.

David Stark CID Investigation Report

46. Stephens, Charles, 24, Pfc. (E-3), 1/327, 101st Airborne Division (December 1965 to February 1967).

Allegation: 1) Murder of Vietnamese civilians and prisoners, 2) Mutilation of enemy dead, 3) Indiscriminate use of fire power, 4) Refusing to render medical aid.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to provide any statement on advice of counsel concerning both WSI and LIFE Magazine allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Charles Stephens CID Investigation Report

47. Weber, Jim, 24, Sgt. (E-5), "A" Co., 1/6 and 1/46, 198 LIB, Americal Division (November 1967 to November 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese and prisoners, 2) Assault, 3) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to provide any statement, saying the only subject he would identify was President Johnson.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Jim Weber CID Investigation Report

48. Wiktorski, Robert, 22, SP/4 (E-4), "C" Co., 2/12 Air Cav. Reg., 1st Air Cav. Div.(May 1968 to May 1969).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified North Vietnamese Army soldier, 2) Aggravated assault.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to make any statement or provide any information.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Robert Wiktorski CID Investigation Report


The following are Army WSI witnesses whose available summary reports show inconclusive preliminary investigations:1. Bezanson, William, 24, Pfc., 4/3, 11th Brigade, Americal Division and 123rd Aviation Bn. (1967 to 1968).Allegation: 1) Torture of enemy prisoners, 2) Indiscriminate killing of 15 unidentified Vietnamese civilians, 3) Destruction of private property.
Preliminary investigation summary: Unable to identify complainant.

2. Crouse, Allan, 22 (E-4), 3rd Engineers Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division (January 1969 to December 1969).Allegation: 1) Destruction of private property.
Preliminary investigation summary: Unable to identify complainant.

3. Hopkins, Barry, 23, 3/39th, 9th Infantry Division (January 1969 to January 1970).Allegation: 1) Murder, 2) Maltreatment of female prisoners, 3) Failure to render medical treatment to prisoner.
Preliminary investigation summary: Unable to identify complainant.


The following are Army WSI witnesses for whom no summary reports have been found:1. Bjornson, Dr. Jon, 37, Major, Psychiatrist, Flight Surgeon, Deputy Surgeon, USASC, 8th Field Hospital, Nha Trang (May 1964 to April 1965).

Summary of WSI allegations: Asserted that war crimes are routinely committed by the U.S. military. Theorized about causes of criminal violence in troops, promotes widespread drug abuse exaggerations, and blamed the American system for evil nature of troops. Quoted Marx. No claim to have personal knowledge of war crimes.2. Braum, David, 25, SP/5, 21 Trans. Co., 119 Avn. Co. Airmobile, 52 Combat Avn. Bn., 52 Prov. Plt., Delta Bn. (1963-1964).Summary of WSI allegations: Moderator of "Weapons Panel" at WSI. Made the absurd claim that " civilian life I was, for five years, purchasing all materials and supplies for the United States Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Army and the CIA...." Characterized various weapons systems as de facto illegal and/or immoral. Provided slides for presentation that depicted equipment, not events.3. Carey, Orville, 1st Logistics Command. Postal clerk in Pleiku, Vietnam. Appeared on "Third World Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: No allegations of war crimes. Alleged racism in Army, stating, "We [in U.S. Army, Germany] had Klansmen... and this was more or less accepted as policy. Nobody worried about cross burnings or stuff... There was no chance for a promotion. You were handed out all the vile details... The only way I could get out of Germany was to volunteer to go to Vietnam."4. Crandell, William, 26, 1LT, 199th LIB, Americal Division. Made "Opening Statement" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Generalizations about genocide and pervasive war crimes as a result of policy.

5. Crumb, Jan, 28, SP/4, 18th Aviation Co. (December 1961 to October 1963). Moderator, along with John Kerry, of "Miscellaneous Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: No discernible record of remarks. The caption "Moderator" is used throughout in the transcript, not distinguishing between the two moderators.6. Duncan, Don, M/Sgt., 5th Special Forces (1964 to 1965). Made "Closing Statement" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Generalizations. Blamed entire country and media for atrocities. "It has been done systematically, deliberately, and continuously...." Argued that American schools and American society need to be changed. "...I think the fact that so much can be done to so many men by so few people is the greatest testament to the fact that our colleges, our high schools, our everyday life is nothing but pre-basic training."7. Egendorf, Arthur, 525 Military Intelligence Group, Saigon. Appeared on "What Are We Doing To Ourselves Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Said that he went to Harvard and majored in economics. "...the institutions of this society are very much a part of the phenomenon that we're discussing..." Claimed that corporations and the media were providing cover identities for covert operatives. No specific war crimes allegations.8. Galicia, Dr. David, Major, Psychiatrist, 3rd Field Hospital, Saigon (July 1969 to June 1970). Appeared on "Medical Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Testified about the poor condition, as he saw it, of medical and psychiatric services. Spoke of drug abuse among troops, lack of American medical care for Vietnamese, and criticized the effects of some incendiary weapons. No war crimes allegations.9. Grosso, Dr. Joseph, 31, Captain, General Medical Officer, 173rd Airborne Brigade, Field Hospital, Nha Trang (April 1967 to December 1967). Appeared on "Medical Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Claimed that the Army's Medical Civil Action Program (MedCap) "...was an attempt to use the practice of medicine as a propaganda device" Alleged that " was more or less command policy that prostitution be part of the military operation." No war crimes allegations.10. Hale, Nathan, 23, SP/5, 199th LIB, Americal Division (December 1967 to December 1968). Appeared on "3rd Marine Division Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Claimed that " January of '68 I was assigned to the 1st Cav., Americal Division." -- The 1st Cav. and the Americal are two different divisions. Said that he took part in a Marine mission called Daring Endeavors, south of Da Nang, during October 1968. Displayed slides purportedly showing Vietnamese National Field Police interrogating a prisoner using torture. Hale claimed he also used torture to interrogate enemy prisoners, and alleged that an enemy combatant died as result of the use of CS (tear) gas in a tunnel.
Note: A memo dated 21 April 1971 from Col. Tufts (head of CID) to CoS, U.S. Army, stated that Hale's complaint was under investigation. No other CID documents available to date refer to his allegations.

11. Kruch, Robert, 25, Pfc. (E-3), Co. A, 3/21, 196 LIB, Americal Division. Appeared on "Americal Division Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Talks about poor leadership and maltreatment of U.S. troops by commanders. Says his company refused "to go back out" at one point. No war crimes allegations.12. Light, William, 22 (E-3), "E" Co., 1/6, 198 LIB, Americal Division (May 1968 to June 1969). Appeared at "Third World Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Generalized remarks about racism. No war crimes allegations. Received a General Discharge.13. McSheffrey, Ron, 6/31 9th Infantry Division (1969-1970). Appeared on "What Are We Doing To Ourselves Panel" at WSI, erroneously listed as "Dr." McSheffrey.Summary of WSI allegations: Tells of his drug addiction in Vietnam. No war crimes allegations. Received a "212 discharge" - namely, "honorable wartime service subsequent to desertion."14. Moore, Scott, 26, 1st Lt., 2/39th, 9th Infantry Division (1968 to 1969). Appeared on the "1st, 4th and 9th Infantry Divisions Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Generalized complaints. No war crimes allegations."15. Murphy, Ed, 23, Sgt. (E-5), 1/6, 198 LIB, Americal Division (October 1967 to September 1968). Appeared on "Miscellaneous Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Testimony consists of one paragraph of generalized remarks affirming the testimony of others.
Note: A memo dated 21 April 1971 from Col. Tufts (head of CID) to CoS, U.S. Army, stated that Murphy's complaint was under investigation. No other CID documents available to date refer to his allegations.

16. Newton, Ron, 24, Pfc. (E-3), 3rd Brigade, HHQ Co., 704 Maintenance Bn., 4th Infantry Division (July 1966 to June 1967). Appeared on "1st, 4th and 9th Infantry Divisions Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Complains about Army training, poor medical care and alleged racism towards Vietnamese. No war crimes allegations."17. Novick, Wayne, 22, SP/4, 1st En., 26th Inf., 1st Inf. Division (February 1969 to February 1970). Moderator of the "1st, 4th and 9th Infantry Divisions Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Asked questions of witnesses. No independent war crimes allegations.18. Pitkin, Steve, 20, SP/4, "C" Co., 2/239, 9th Infantry Division (May 1969 to July 1969). Appeared on "Miscellaneous Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Said that he would "...testify about the beating of civilians and enemy personnel, destruction of villages, indiscriminate use of artillery, the general racism and the attitude of the American GI toward the Vietnamese." This was followed by generalized complaining about the military. No specific war crimes allegations.
Note: Pitkin publicly recanted his participation in WSI in 2004, saying in a signed affidavit that he had been pressured to present false testimony about war crimes in Vietnam by other VVAW members, including John Kerry.

19. Primm, Alex, 26, SP/4 (E-4), Public Information Office, 1st Logistics Command, Headquarters (September 1968 to June 1969). Appeared on "25th Infantry Division and Public Information Office Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Complained about military and other news reporting. No war crimes allegations.20. Romo, Barry, 23, 1st Lt., "A" Co., 2/1, 196 LIB, "C" Co., 3/4, 11th Inf. Brigade, Americal Division (June 1967 to November 1968). Moderator of the "Americal Division Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Mostly generalizations about racism toward Latinos. He is Chicano and became a commissioned officer at age 19. No war crimes allegations.21. Shibla, Vernon, 27, SP/4, Public Information Office, 25th Infantry Division (1966 to 1967). Appeared on "25th Infantry Division and Public Information Office Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Complained about Army Public Information policies of censorship. No war crimes allegations.22. Umenhofer, James, SP/4 (E-4), 2/501, 101st Airborne Division (November 1969 to October 1970). Appeared on the "82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions and 173rd Airborne Brigade Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Mostly generalizations. One allegation of racially motivated fragging.23. Williams, Donald P. Did not serve in Vietnam. Claimed 8 years active duty service, units not revealed. Said he deserted to Sweden after his unit was deployed to Saigon in March 1968. Appeared on "Third World Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Complained of racism. Falsely claimed that "...statistics say that blacks constitute only ten percent of the total population in the United States, yet they represent at least forty percent of the fighting forces in Vietnam." Proposed smoking grass as an antidote to racism.24. Wingrodski, Curtis, 22, SP/4, 59th Scout Dog, 11th Brigade, Americal Division (March 1969 to October 1969). Appeared on the "Americal Division Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Testimony is brief, lacking any content. No war crimes allegations.25. Wright, Doug, SP/4, 1/6, 198 LIB, Americal Division. Appeared on "Americal Division Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Testimony is brief, lacking any content. "And these things go on..." "Here I am, you know." No war crimes allegations.
Thanks to John Boyle for making these reports available and providing summary information.

Last Updated Tuesday, March 04 2008 @ 03:37 PM EST; 69,495 Hits


His intentions are irrelevant. Reach for a gun while law enforcement is arresting you and there's a very good chance that will be the last thing you ever reach for.

But it's OK to assume he was reaching for a gun?
Why on earth would police assume anything other than that under those circumstances? And why should police hesitate to open fire on someone they believe is reaching for a weapon under those circumstances.

They shouldn't. Just like that cop in Chicago was right to assume that dude with a kifife was going to cut everyone up.
That has nothing to do with what happened in Oregon.

Of course it does. It's all about perspective.

This event is exposing Liberal bullshit. We don't hear y'all crying law enforcement being militarized, now. Do we?
More bullshit. There's only one question that needs to be answered -- was the FBI justified in shooting Finicum. Nothing in Chicago answers that

The FBI pulled over a car full of self-proclaimed militia after they trespassed on public property for 4 weeks. The FBI was informed they were armed, which they were. After trying to escape the FBI, one of them gets out, runs for the forest with his hands up -- and then reaches for his gun.

Justified shooting.

Nothing in Chicago affects that or has any influence on it.
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Fascinating. You just admitted that you hold his military record as being unearned NOT because you've read his military record but because you don't like what he did and wrote later on. And yes I've read the citations and his FITREPS us in those citations what it is that is "unearned".

I "admitted" no such thing. His record (military and otherwise) is what it is. I disagree that he did in fact earn 3 PHs or his awards for valor The book "Unfit for Command" shows that the people who served with him agree. His testimony before Congress was in reference to Vietnam and atrocities alleged to have been committed there (by me and my friends-which makes it personal) and was refuted by CID. He is a proven liar. That is simply a matter of record. You wanna talk about records include that one.
Some of the folks who contributed to that book were proven to be liars. What a pity you fall for such obvious nonsense.

If true you should have no problem providing some examples here. Don't beg the question.
You think the CID's official investigation was "nonsense"? I'm am eager to see your evidence.
First things first.

You said Kerry's Purple Hearts were unearned because [at least some of] his injuries did not involve enemy action.

I posted the events leading up to each of those medals. I'm still waiting for you to point out which ones were not inflicted during enemy action.

Purple Heart #1

With its motor turned off, Kerry paddled the Boston Whaler out of the inlet into the beginning of the bay. Simultaneously the Vietnamese pulled their sampans up onto the beach and began to unload something; he couldn't tell what, so he decided to illuminate the proceedings with a flare. The entire sky seemed to explode into daylight. The men from the sampans bolted erect, stiff with shock for only an instant before they sprang for cover like a herd of panicked gazelles Kerry had once seen on TV's Wild Kingdom. "We opened fire," he went on. "The light from the flares started to fade, the air was full of explosions. My M-16 jammed, and as I bent down in the boat to grab another gun, a stinging piece of heat socked into my arm and just seemed to burn like hell. By this time one of the sailors had started the engine and we ran by the beach, strafing it. Then it was quiet.

Purple Heart #2

Just as they moved out onto the Cua Lon, at a junction known for unfriendliness in the past, kaboom! PCF-94 had taken a rocket-propelled grenade round off the port side, fired at them from the far left bank. Kerry felt a piece of hot shrapnel bore into his left leg. With blood running down the deck, the Swift managed to make an otherwise uneventful exit into the Gulf of Thailand, where they rendezvoused with a Coast Guard cutter. The injury Kerry suffered in that action earned his his second Purple Heart.

Purple Heart #3

Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry was serving as an Officer-in-Charge of Inshore Patrol Craft 94, one of five boats conducting a Sealords operation in the Bay Hap River. While exiting the river, a mine detonated under another Inshore Patrol Craft and almost simultaneously, another mine detonated wounding Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry in the right arm. In addition, all units began receiving small arms and automatic weapons fire from the river banks. When Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry discovered he had a man overboard, he returned upriver to assist. The man in the water was receiving sniper fire from both banks. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry directed his gunners to provide suppressing fire, while from an exposed position on the bow, his arm bleeding and in pain and with disregard for his personal safety, he pulled the man aboard. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry then directed his boat to return to and assist the other damaged boat to safety. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry's calmness, professionalism and great personal courage under fire were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
Last edited: - Army CID Investigations of VVAW War Crimes Allegations

In April 1971, Sen. Mark Hatfield placed transcripts from the Vietnam Veterans Against the War's "Winter Soldier Investigation" (WSI) war crimes conference into the Congressional Record. The House Committee on Armed Services responded by directing the Department of Defense to conduct a prompt review of the VVAW's allegations.

The Army's Criminal Investigation Division (CID) opened a case for each witness who claimed to have knowledge of criminal actions by the Army. These cases are described below, with links to the actual Army summary reports.

Note: Personal information and the names of non-VVAW witnesses have been redacted from the summary reports.


The following are Army WSI witnesses investigated by the CID:
Note: Cases 1, 11, 19, 32 and 40 cover allegations made outside WSI by witnesses who also made WSI statements.

1. Beitzel, John, 21, Sgt. (E-5), 4/21, 11th Brigade, Americal Division (January 1969 to January 1970).

Allegation: 1) Indiscriminate firing upon unarmed Vietnamese, 2) Torture and maltreatment of prisoners/detainees, 3) Mutilation of dead bodies.
Investigation summary: Complainants Beitzel and Joseph Brenman refused to provide specific information to support their allegations, which were made in a venue other than WSI, but are basically the same. Joe Bangert (USMC) and Jeffrey Dubrow (USN) accompanied Beitzel and Brenman at the subject venue.

Result: Investigation terminated; insufficient evidence.

John Beitzel / Joseph Brenman CID Investigation Report

2. Bernath, Fred, 26, 1st Lt., 101st MP Co., 101st Airborne Division (December 1968 to October 1969).

Allegation: 1) Electrical torture of prisoners/detainees, 2) Gassing of civilians.
Investigation summary: Complainant submitted a sworn statement supporting his WSI claims, but was unable to identify any of the individuals involved or the date of the incident. He did name a possible witness who subsequently submitted a sworn statement denying any knowledge of the events alleged by Bernath.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Fred Bernath CID Investigation Report

3. Bunge, Sam, 1st Lt., "B" Co., 3/187, 101st Airborne Division (July 1968 to June 1969).

Allegation: 1) Attempted murder of Vietnamese male, 2) Desecration of graves, 3) Gassing of Vietnamese civilians.
Investigation summary: Complainant repeated WSI claims but refused to sign a written statement. He provided names of possible witnesses but did not name any of those allegedly involved, including his former commanding officer. Interviews with former members of Bunge's unit and his former commanding officers revealed no evidence that supported the allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; supplemental investigative efforts completed; unfounded.

Sam Bunge CID Investigation Report

4. Butts, Dennis, 24, SP/4 (E-4), HHQ Co., 2/12, 25th Infantry Division and "E" Co., 4/39, 9th Infantry Division (September 1966 to September 1967).

Allegation: 1) Indiscriminate killing and wounding of Vietnamese civilians, 2) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to cooperate without immunity on advice of VVAW counsel.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Dennis Butts CID Investigation Report

5. Byrne, Kevin, 21, Sgt. (E-5), 42nd Scout Dog, 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (November 1968 to November 1969).

Allegation: 1) Attempted murder of an NVA officer, 2) Failure to render medical treatment, 3) Indiscriminate use of fire power, 4) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer questions or provide further information for fear of "causing trouble for the peons instead of the generals."

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Kevin Byrne CID Investigation Report

6. Caldwell, Dennis, 24, CWO-2, "A" Trp., 3/17, Air Cav., 1st Aviation Brigade (October 1968 to October 1969).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Indiscriminate use of fire power, 3) Indiscriminate destruction of villages, 4) Gassing (tear gas) of civilians and livestock, 5) Aggravated assault on a prisoner.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer any questions or provide further information.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Dennis Caldwell CID Investigation Report

7. Chiles, David, 24, SP/4 (E-4), 3/4, 25th Infantry Division (January 1968 to December 1968).

Allegation: 1) Mutilation of enemy corpse, 2) Indiscriminate killing of two Vietnamese children and an elderly Vietnamese man.
Investigation summary: Counsel present at interview. Complainant declined to provide any substantive information, saying he would testify only before a Congressional Committee.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

David Chiles CID Investigation Report

8. Craig, Douglas, 22, SP/4, "D" Co., 2nd Bn., 8th Brigade, 1st Air Cav. Division (December 1968 to August 1969).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese.
Investigation summary: Complainant stated that he had no direct information that civilians were killed and no direct knowledge of the alleged event. He further stated that he had misgivings about testifying at Detroit, as he could not substantiate the allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Douglas Craig CID Investigation Report

9. Craig, Larry, 29, SP/4, Public Information Office, 25th Infantry Division (1966 to 1967).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified prisoner, 2) Desecration of a grave.
Investigation summary: Complainant backtracked on his WSI testimony and was unable to provide specific information or identify any U.S or Vietnamese personnel.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Larry Craig CID Investigation Report

10. Donner, Donald, 24, SP/4 (E-4), 20th Brigade, 86th Combat Engineers (August 1967 to July 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder of a Vietnamese male, 2) Wounding of a 14-year-old Vietnamese girl, 3) Dereliction in the performance of duty, 4) Indiscriminate killing of livestock, 5) Failure to bury enemy dead.
Investigation summary: Complainant characterized the alleged incidents as accidental, misrepresented by him at WSI, or known to him only by hearsay.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Donald Donner CID Investigation Report

11. Drolshagen, Jon, 26, 1st Lt., 25th Infantry Division (1966 to 1967).

Allegation: 1) Murder and torture of unknown Vietnamese nationals.
Investigation summary: CID statement refers to allegations made in different venue, six months prior to WSI, by Drolshagen, Edward Barbour (former SP4, 101st Airborne Division) and Frederick Morton (former E5, 11th Armed Cavalry Regiment). Subjects refused to make written statements or to answer questions concerning their allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; case closed.

Note: Drolshagen's statement at WSI was considerably less specific than his earlier allegation that a major had committed torture and murder. At WSI, Drolshagen spoke vaguely of a major's participation in unspecified activities.

Edward Barbour / Jon Drolshagen / Frederick Morton CID Investigation Report

12. Duffy, James, 23, SP/5 (E-5), 228 Aviation Bn., 1st Air Cav. Division (February 1967 to April 1968).

Allegation: 1) Negligent homicide of unidentified Vietnamese child, 2) Maltreatment of prisoners, 3) Assault, 4) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Investigators were unable to contact complainant.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

James Duffy CID Investigation Report

13. Dzagulones, Don, 23, SP/5, 635th Military Intelligence Detachment, attached to 11th Infantry Brigade, Americal Division (January 1969 to December 1969).

Allegation: 1) Torture and assault of prisoners / VC suspects.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer any questions. Investigators were unable to identify the unidentified major referred to in the allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Don Dzagulones CID Investigation Report

14. Erard, Michael, 29, SP/5 (E-5), 3/503, 173rd Airborne Brigade (April 1969 to March 1970).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese civilians, 2) Failure to take prisoners.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to make any statement or provide any information.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Michael Erard CID Investigation Report

15. Farrell, Michael, 24, SP/4 (E-4), "A" Co., 2/60, 9th Infantry Division (January 1967 to January 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder of a Vietnamese child, 2) Maltreatment of a prisoner, 3) Destruction of crops and livestock.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to make any statements or provide any information on advice of attorney.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Michael Farrell CID Investigation Report

16. Galbally, Joe, 23, SP/4 (E-4), 1/6, 198 LIB, Americal Division (October 1967 to April 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Rape, 3) Assault.
Investigation summary: Efforts to locate complainant were unsuccessful.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Joe Galbally CID Investigation Report

17. Hagelin, Timon, 21, SP/4 (E-4), Graves Registration Platoon, 243 Field Serv. Co., 1st Logistics Command (August 1968 to August 1969).

Allegation: 1) Assault of unidentified Vietnamese civilians.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer any questions.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Timon Hagelin CID Investigation Report

18. Hartner, John, 26, Sgt. (E-5), H & HD 3rd Brigade, H & HD 2nd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division (November 1969 to August 1970).

Allegation: 1) Murder of a Vietnamese baby, 2) Wounding of three Vietnamese women, 3) Suppression of the above information.
Investigation summary: In a sworn statement, complainant refused to provide any information.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

John Hartner CID Investigation Report

19. Henry, James, 23, Sgt., 1st Bn., 3/35th, 4th Infantry Division (August 1967 to August 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder, 2) Rape, 3) Maltreatment of unidentified Vietnamese.
Investigation summary: Complainant submitted a sworn statement. An extensive investigation failed to reveal sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegations. Subsequent supplementary investigative efforts revealed that a group of unarmed civilians may in fact have been killed by members of Company B, 1/35th Infantry on February 8, 1968. That investigation was ongoing at the time of this report.

Result: Investigation completed; supplemental investigation in progress.

Note: The CID statement refers to allegations made in several different venues a year prior to WSI, and repeated there. See also Civilian Killings Went Unpunished, Los Angeles Times, August 6, 2006. This is the only known WSI allegation for which there is substantiation.

James Henry CID Investigation Report

20. Henry, John, 26, SP/4, 2/60, 1/11 Artillery, 9th Infantry Division (March 1968 to February 1969).

Allegation: 1) Maltreatment of prisoners and Vietnamese civilians, 2) Destruction of livestock and private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant could not be located.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

John Henry CID Investigation Report

21. Hunter, Michael, 24, Sgt (E-5), "B" Co., 5/7 Air Cav. Reg., 1st Air Cav. Division (February 1968 to February 1969); "H" Co., 75th Rangers, attached to 1st Air Cav. Div.; "I" Co., 75th Rangers, attached to 1st Inf. Division (September 1969 to March 1970).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Mutilation of corpses, 3) Desecration of graves and destruction of private property, 4) Rape, 5) Refusing to render medical aid, 6) Gassing of Vietnamese civilians (tear gas).
Investigation summary: Complainant admitted his own offenses orally but would not make a written statement or provide times, dates or names. Numerous former members of Hunter's unit denied his allegations. One witness said that Hunter had killed a Vietnamese man without orders while walking point on a patrol.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Michael Hunter CID Investigation Report

22. Keyes, Gary, 22, SP/4, "E" Troop, 1st Cav. Reg., 11th Brigade, Americal Division (April 1969 to March 1970).

Allegation: 1) Gassing of villages, 2) Aggravated assault, 3 Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer any questions.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Gary Keyes CID Investigation Report

23. Keys, Eugene, 25, SP/4 (E-4), 3/4 25th Infantry Division (February 1966 to February 1967).

Allegation: 1) Forced evacuation of Vietnamese villages, 2) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant said he would only make a statement to a joint session of Congress.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Eugene Keys CID Investigation Report

24. Kogut, Russell, 22, WO-1, 155 Assault Helicopter Co. (May 1968 to March 1969).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Aggravated assault, 3) Looting and destruction of private property, 4) Forced evacuation of Vietnamese villages.
Investigation summary: Complainant said a VVAW staffer told him that VVAW's lawyers advised him not to make any statement.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Russell Kogut CID Investigation Report

25. Lenix, Mark, 24, 1st Lt., 1/11th Arty. and 2/39 Infantry, 9th Infantry Division (1968 to 1969).

Allegation: 1) Murder of prisoners and unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Indiscriminate use of fire power, 3) Looting and destruction of private property, 4) Forced evacuation of Vietnamese civilians.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to provide any information concerning his allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Mark Lenix CID Investigation Report

26. Lloyd, Murphy, 27, Sgt. (E-5), "D" Co., 4th Bn., 173 Airborne Brigade (February 1967 to February 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder of prisoners, 2) Torture and maiming of prisoners.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer any questions on advice of lawyer.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Murphy Lloyd CID Investigation Report

27. Lytle, John, 24, SP/4 (E-4), "E" Co., 6/15 Arty., 1st Infantry Division (August 1967 to March 1969).

Allegation: 1) Indiscriminate use of fire power, 2) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant backtracked on his WSI allegation that villages were targeted indiscriminately, saying that the villages were fired on because it was suspected that VC occupied them and because incoming fire had been received. Lytle was unable to identify any personnel involved or name specific incidents.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

John Lytle CID Investigation Report

28. MacKay, James, 20, Sgt. (E-5), HHQ 3rd Brigade, 9th Inf. Div. (October 1968 to August 1970).

Allegation: 1) Murder of Vietnamese civilians, 2) Maltreatment of enemy dead, 3) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant could not be located.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

James MacKay CID Investigation Report

29. Mallory, John, 24, Captain, 1st Sq., 11th Arm. Cav. Reg., 1st Air Cav. Division (May 1969 to May 1970).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Desecration of enemy graves, 3) Aggravated assault, 4) Larceny and destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to provide any specific information or identify any of the persons allegedly involved. He said he and the VVAW were only interested in initiating a Congressional investigation into U.S. policy in Vietnam.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

John Mallory CID Investigation Report

30. McConnachie, Robert, 22, Sgt. (E-5), 2/28th, 1st Infantry (October 1967 to October 1968).

Allegation: 1) Involuntary manslaughter of unidentified Vietnamese civilians, 2) Indiscriminate use of fire power.
Investigation summary: Complainant backtracked on his WSI allegations, saying that no Vietnamese children were actually killed by troops throwing C-ration cans at them. He also said he now believed that the alleged killing of civilians in a hospital by artillery fire was accidental.

Result: Investigation completed; unsubstantiated.

Robert McConnachie CID Investigation Report

31. Misiaszek, Michael, 22, SP/4 (E-4), 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, FSSE (December 1968 to January 1970).

Allegation: 1) Desecration of graves, 2) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant made oral and written statements, but was unable to substantiate his WSI allegations. Investigation disproved one of his allegations, that Army engineers plowed under Vietnamese graves while constructing a stadium.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Michael Misiaszek CID Investigation Report

32. Noetzel, Steve, 31, SP/4, 5th Special Forces Group Augmentation (May 1963 to May 1964).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified prisoners / detainees, 2) Inhumane treatment of prisoners.
Investigation summary: The CID statement refers to allegations made in another venue nine months prior to WSI, but the main allegation is basically the same. Complainant Noetzel repeated his allegations orally, but returned a written summary unsigned. An extensive investigation failed to substantiate Noetzel's allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; unfounded / insufficient evidence.

Gordon Livingston / Robert Johnson / Steve Noetzel CID Investigation Report

33. Ostrenga, Patrick, "D" Co., 25th Infantry Division (February to December - year unknown).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Refusing to render medical treatment to wounded prisoners and Vietnamese.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to provide any information concerning his allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Patrick Ostrenga CID Investigation Report

34. Palosaari, Ronald, 23, SP/4, 1/6, 198 LIB, Americal Division (1967 to 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Mutilation of corpse.
Investigation summary: Complainant was unable to provide specific dates, locations or names of individuals allegedly involved, and backtracked on his WSI allegation that he had witnessed the mutilation of enemy dead.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Ronald Palosaari CID Investigation Report

35. Perry, Bill, 23, Pfc. (E-3), "A" Co., 1/506, 101st Airborne Division (November 1966 to August 1968).

Allegation: 1) Indiscriminate use of fire power, 2) Mutilation of corpses.
Investigation summary: Complainant could not be located.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Bill Perry CID Investigation Report

36. Podlaski, Ron, 24, Sgt. (E-5), 5th Special Forces Group (April 1968 to April 1969).

Allegation: 1) Murder of prisoners, Vietnamese civilians and a Laotian national, 2) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant declined to answer questions pending advice from his attorney, then moved and could not be located.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Ron Podlaski CID Investigation Report

37. Pugsley, Don, 23, SP/4, 5th Special Forces (October 1969 to December 1969).

Allegation: 1) Indiscriminate destruction of livestock.
Investigation summary: Complainant said in a sworn statement that the strafing of water buffalo he alleged at WSI did not actually occur.

Result: Investigation completed; unsubstantiated.

Don Pugsley CID Investigation Report

38. Rice, William, 21, SP/4, 3/47th and HQ, 3rd Brigade, 9th Infantry Division (January 1969 to January 1970).

Allegation: 1) Murder of prisoners, 2) Torture of prisoners, 3) Maltreatment of prisoners.
Investigation summary: Complainant declined to make any statements or provide any information concerning his allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

William Rice CID Investigation Report

39. Rippberger, Carl, 23, (E-4), "K" Troop, 3rd Squad, 11th Armored Cav. Reg., attached to 9th Infantry Division (May 1967 to May 1968).

Allegation: 1) Torture and maltreatment of prisoners, 2) Failure to bury enemy dead, 3) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to provide any information concerning his allegations on advice from his attorney.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Carl Rippberger CID Investigation Report

40. Rottmann, Larry, 25, 1st Lt., Public Information Office, 25th Infantry Division (June 1967 to March 1968).

Allegation: 1) Presence of nerve agents in Vietnam, 2) Suppression of war crime information from news media, 3) Wearing of ears and scalps by US forces, 4) Murder of enemy personnel attempting to surrender, 5) Destruction of Vietnamese villages by bombing and napalm, 6) Torture of VC/NVA.
Investigation summary: The CID statement refers to allegations made at two different venues, nine months and two months prior to WSI. Rottman's WSI testimony was about military press censorship and he did not allege any war crimes there. Attempts to contact the complainant were unsuccessful. The case was closed due to the lack of cooperation and the lack of any definitive leads.

Result: Investigation completed; case closed.

Larry Rottmann / Michael Uhl CID Investigation Report

Note: The CID also investigated an allegation by Rottmann that General Westmoreland had ordered the destruction of a village in the Mekong Delta. This allegation was determined to be unfounded.

Larry Rottmann CID Investigation Report

41. Ruth, Kenneth, 26, (E-4), HHQ Co., 2/12 Air Cav. Reg., 1st Air Cav. Div. (February 1966 to February 1967).

Allegation: 1) Torture of VC suspects, 2) Indiscriminate use of fire power, resulting in the injury of 43 Vietnamese civilians.
Investigation summary: Complainant's WSI allegations were found to be unsubstantiated. He also backtracked on an additional claim made in a LIFE Magazine article, stating to investigators that he had no personal knowledge of casualties as a result of the test firing of weapons.

Result: Investigation completed; unsubstantiated.

Kenneth Ruth CID Investigation Report

42. Schorr, Sam, SP/4 (E-4), 86th Combat Engineers (September 1966 to September 1967).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Desecration of graves, 3 Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to answer any questions about his allegations. He further stated that if the President of the United States was investigated for war crimes, he would release information relative to his testimony.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Sam Schorr CID Investigation Report

43. Shepard, Franklin, 23, S. Sgt. (E-6), 5/60, 9th Infantry Division (March 1968 to August 1969).

Allegation: 1) Mutilation of enemy dead and unidentified Vietnamese.
Investigation summary: Complainant provided a written, sworn statement in support of his allegation. Multiple witnesses interviewed contradicted Shepard's claims, and further investigation also failed to support his statements.

Result: Investigation completed; unsubstantiated.

Franklin Shepard CID Investigation Report

44. Smith, George, (E-6), 5th Special Forces; taken prisoner by the NLF in 1963 and released in November 1965.

Allegation: 1) Maltreatment of prisoners.
Investigation summary: Complainant backtracked on his WSI allegations, stating that Vietnamese troops rather than American troops had committed illegal acts.

Result: Investigation completed; unsubstantiated.

George Smith CID Investigation Report

45. Stark, David, 25, SP/5 (E-5), 524 Military Intelligence Detachment (October 1967 to October 1968).

Allegation: 1) Indiscriminate use of fire power resulting in the deaths of unidentified Vietnamese, 2) Maltreatment of prisoners.
Investigation summary: Complainant backtracked on his WSI allegations, saying that he had not witnessed the maltreatment of prisoners, and that he saw no bodies and could not identify the military units involved in the alleged events.

Result: Investigation completed; unsubstantiated.

David Stark CID Investigation Report

46. Stephens, Charles, 24, Pfc. (E-3), 1/327, 101st Airborne Division (December 1965 to February 1967).

Allegation: 1) Murder of Vietnamese civilians and prisoners, 2) Mutilation of enemy dead, 3) Indiscriminate use of fire power, 4) Refusing to render medical aid.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to provide any statement on advice of counsel concerning both WSI and LIFE Magazine allegations.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Charles Stephens CID Investigation Report

47. Weber, Jim, 24, Sgt. (E-5), "A" Co., 1/6 and 1/46, 198 LIB, Americal Division (November 1967 to November 1968).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified Vietnamese and prisoners, 2) Assault, 3) Destruction of private property.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to provide any statement, saying the only subject he would identify was President Johnson.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Jim Weber CID Investigation Report

48. Wiktorski, Robert, 22, SP/4 (E-4), "C" Co., 2/12 Air Cav. Reg., 1st Air Cav. Div.(May 1968 to May 1969).

Allegation: 1) Murder of unidentified North Vietnamese Army soldier, 2) Aggravated assault.
Investigation summary: Complainant refused to make any statement or provide any information.

Result: Investigation completed; insufficient evidence.

Robert Wiktorski CID Investigation Report


The following are Army WSI witnesses whose available summary reports show inconclusive preliminary investigations:1. Bezanson, William, 24, Pfc., 4/3, 11th Brigade, Americal Division and 123rd Aviation Bn. (1967 to 1968).Allegation: 1) Torture of enemy prisoners, 2) Indiscriminate killing of 15 unidentified Vietnamese civilians, 3) Destruction of private property.
Preliminary investigation summary: Unable to identify complainant.

2. Crouse, Allan, 22 (E-4), 3rd Engineers Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division (January 1969 to December 1969).Allegation: 1) Destruction of private property.
Preliminary investigation summary: Unable to identify complainant.

3. Hopkins, Barry, 23, 3/39th, 9th Infantry Division (January 1969 to January 1970).Allegation: 1) Murder, 2) Maltreatment of female prisoners, 3) Failure to render medical treatment to prisoner.
Preliminary investigation summary: Unable to identify complainant.


The following are Army WSI witnesses for whom no summary reports have been found:1. Bjornson, Dr. Jon, 37, Major, Psychiatrist, Flight Surgeon, Deputy Surgeon, USASC, 8th Field Hospital, Nha Trang (May 1964 to April 1965).

Summary of WSI allegations: Asserted that war crimes are routinely committed by the U.S. military. Theorized about causes of criminal violence in troops, promotes widespread drug abuse exaggerations, and blamed the American system for evil nature of troops. Quoted Marx. No claim to have personal knowledge of war crimes.2. Braum, David, 25, SP/5, 21 Trans. Co., 119 Avn. Co. Airmobile, 52 Combat Avn. Bn., 52 Prov. Plt., Delta Bn. (1963-1964).Summary of WSI allegations: Moderator of "Weapons Panel" at WSI. Made the absurd claim that " civilian life I was, for five years, purchasing all materials and supplies for the United States Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Army and the CIA...." Characterized various weapons systems as de facto illegal and/or immoral. Provided slides for presentation that depicted equipment, not events.3. Carey, Orville, 1st Logistics Command. Postal clerk in Pleiku, Vietnam. Appeared on "Third World Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: No allegations of war crimes. Alleged racism in Army, stating, "We [in U.S. Army, Germany] had Klansmen... and this was more or less accepted as policy. Nobody worried about cross burnings or stuff... There was no chance for a promotion. You were handed out all the vile details... The only way I could get out of Germany was to volunteer to go to Vietnam."4. Crandell, William, 26, 1LT, 199th LIB, Americal Division. Made "Opening Statement" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Generalizations about genocide and pervasive war crimes as a result of policy.

5. Crumb, Jan, 28, SP/4, 18th Aviation Co. (December 1961 to October 1963). Moderator, along with John Kerry, of "Miscellaneous Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: No discernible record of remarks. The caption "Moderator" is used throughout in the transcript, not distinguishing between the two moderators.6. Duncan, Don, M/Sgt., 5th Special Forces (1964 to 1965). Made "Closing Statement" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Generalizations. Blamed entire country and media for atrocities. "It has been done systematically, deliberately, and continuously...." Argued that American schools and American society need to be changed. "...I think the fact that so much can be done to so many men by so few people is the greatest testament to the fact that our colleges, our high schools, our everyday life is nothing but pre-basic training."7. Egendorf, Arthur, 525 Military Intelligence Group, Saigon. Appeared on "What Are We Doing To Ourselves Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Said that he went to Harvard and majored in economics. "...the institutions of this society are very much a part of the phenomenon that we're discussing..." Claimed that corporations and the media were providing cover identities for covert operatives. No specific war crimes allegations.8. Galicia, Dr. David, Major, Psychiatrist, 3rd Field Hospital, Saigon (July 1969 to June 1970). Appeared on "Medical Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Testified about the poor condition, as he saw it, of medical and psychiatric services. Spoke of drug abuse among troops, lack of American medical care for Vietnamese, and criticized the effects of some incendiary weapons. No war crimes allegations.9. Grosso, Dr. Joseph, 31, Captain, General Medical Officer, 173rd Airborne Brigade, Field Hospital, Nha Trang (April 1967 to December 1967). Appeared on "Medical Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Claimed that the Army's Medical Civil Action Program (MedCap) "...was an attempt to use the practice of medicine as a propaganda device" Alleged that " was more or less command policy that prostitution be part of the military operation." No war crimes allegations.10. Hale, Nathan, 23, SP/5, 199th LIB, Americal Division (December 1967 to December 1968). Appeared on "3rd Marine Division Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Claimed that " January of '68 I was assigned to the 1st Cav., Americal Division." -- The 1st Cav. and the Americal are two different divisions. Said that he took part in a Marine mission called Daring Endeavors, south of Da Nang, during October 1968. Displayed slides purportedly showing Vietnamese National Field Police interrogating a prisoner using torture. Hale claimed he also used torture to interrogate enemy prisoners, and alleged that an enemy combatant died as result of the use of CS (tear) gas in a tunnel.
Note: A memo dated 21 April 1971 from Col. Tufts (head of CID) to CoS, U.S. Army, stated that Hale's complaint was under investigation. No other CID documents available to date refer to his allegations.

11. Kruch, Robert, 25, Pfc. (E-3), Co. A, 3/21, 196 LIB, Americal Division. Appeared on "Americal Division Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Talks about poor leadership and maltreatment of U.S. troops by commanders. Says his company refused "to go back out" at one point. No war crimes allegations.12. Light, William, 22 (E-3), "E" Co., 1/6, 198 LIB, Americal Division (May 1968 to June 1969). Appeared at "Third World Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Generalized remarks about racism. No war crimes allegations. Received a General Discharge.13. McSheffrey, Ron, 6/31 9th Infantry Division (1969-1970). Appeared on "What Are We Doing To Ourselves Panel" at WSI, erroneously listed as "Dr." McSheffrey.Summary of WSI allegations: Tells of his drug addiction in Vietnam. No war crimes allegations. Received a "212 discharge" - namely, "honorable wartime service subsequent to desertion."14. Moore, Scott, 26, 1st Lt., 2/39th, 9th Infantry Division (1968 to 1969). Appeared on the "1st, 4th and 9th Infantry Divisions Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Generalized complaints. No war crimes allegations."15. Murphy, Ed, 23, Sgt. (E-5), 1/6, 198 LIB, Americal Division (October 1967 to September 1968). Appeared on "Miscellaneous Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Testimony consists of one paragraph of generalized remarks affirming the testimony of others.
Note: A memo dated 21 April 1971 from Col. Tufts (head of CID) to CoS, U.S. Army, stated that Murphy's complaint was under investigation. No other CID documents available to date refer to his allegations.

16. Newton, Ron, 24, Pfc. (E-3), 3rd Brigade, HHQ Co., 704 Maintenance Bn., 4th Infantry Division (July 1966 to June 1967). Appeared on "1st, 4th and 9th Infantry Divisions Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Complains about Army training, poor medical care and alleged racism towards Vietnamese. No war crimes allegations."17. Novick, Wayne, 22, SP/4, 1st En., 26th Inf., 1st Inf. Division (February 1969 to February 1970). Moderator of the "1st, 4th and 9th Infantry Divisions Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Asked questions of witnesses. No independent war crimes allegations.18. Pitkin, Steve, 20, SP/4, "C" Co., 2/239, 9th Infantry Division (May 1969 to July 1969). Appeared on "Miscellaneous Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Said that he would "...testify about the beating of civilians and enemy personnel, destruction of villages, indiscriminate use of artillery, the general racism and the attitude of the American GI toward the Vietnamese." This was followed by generalized complaining about the military. No specific war crimes allegations.
Note: Pitkin publicly recanted his participation in WSI in 2004, saying in a signed affidavit that he had been pressured to present false testimony about war crimes in Vietnam by other VVAW members, including John Kerry.

19. Primm, Alex, 26, SP/4 (E-4), Public Information Office, 1st Logistics Command, Headquarters (September 1968 to June 1969). Appeared on "25th Infantry Division and Public Information Office Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Complained about military and other news reporting. No war crimes allegations.20. Romo, Barry, 23, 1st Lt., "A" Co., 2/1, 196 LIB, "C" Co., 3/4, 11th Inf. Brigade, Americal Division (June 1967 to November 1968). Moderator of the "Americal Division Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Mostly generalizations about racism toward Latinos. He is Chicano and became a commissioned officer at age 19. No war crimes allegations.21. Shibla, Vernon, 27, SP/4, Public Information Office, 25th Infantry Division (1966 to 1967). Appeared on "25th Infantry Division and Public Information Office Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Complained about Army Public Information policies of censorship. No war crimes allegations.22. Umenhofer, James, SP/4 (E-4), 2/501, 101st Airborne Division (November 1969 to October 1970). Appeared on the "82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions and 173rd Airborne Brigade Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Mostly generalizations. One allegation of racially motivated fragging.23. Williams, Donald P. Did not serve in Vietnam. Claimed 8 years active duty service, units not revealed. Said he deserted to Sweden after his unit was deployed to Saigon in March 1968. Appeared on "Third World Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Complained of racism. Falsely claimed that "...statistics say that blacks constitute only ten percent of the total population in the United States, yet they represent at least forty percent of the fighting forces in Vietnam." Proposed smoking grass as an antidote to racism.24. Wingrodski, Curtis, 22, SP/4, 59th Scout Dog, 11th Brigade, Americal Division (March 1969 to October 1969). Appeared on the "Americal Division Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Testimony is brief, lacking any content. No war crimes allegations.25. Wright, Doug, SP/4, 1/6, 198 LIB, Americal Division. Appeared on "Americal Division Panel" at WSI.Summary of WSI allegations: Testimony is brief, lacking any content. "And these things go on..." "Here I am, you know." No war crimes allegations.
Thanks to John Boyle for making these reports available and providing summary information.

Last Updated Tuesday, March 04 2008 @ 03:37 PM EST; 69,495 Hits


What a lovely word wall.
No deer rifle. No weapon at all. Hands in the air. No returned fire, no resistance.

KG, you really do watch way too much violent fiction on TV. I'm surprised that you did not identify Dirty Hairy pulling the trigger.
Dude, someone stated there was an eyewitness saying he had a deer rifle and reaching for it. It's the reason for the post
You can't hide a deer rifle in your pocket, lol.

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