Assholes making trouble in Oregon

JULY 26, 2013
What John Kerry Really Did in Vietnam
What John Kerry Really Did in Vietnam

...On December 2, Kerry went on his first patrol up one of the canals. It was near midnight when the crew caught sight of a sampan. Rules of engagement required no challenge, no effort to see who was on board the sampan. Kerry sent up a flare, signal for his crew to start blazing away with the boat’s two machineguns and M16 rifles. Kerry described the fishermen “running away like gazelles”.

Kerry sustained a very minor wound to his arm, probably caused by debris from his own boat’s salvoes. The scratch earned him his first Purple Heart, a medal awarded for those wounded in combat. Actually there’s no evidence that anyone had fired back, or that Kerry had been in combat,...
He received two more Purple Hearts, both for relatively minor wounds. Indeed Kerry never missed a day of duty for any of the medal-earning wounds....

t last a note of contrition, but not from Kerry. Wasser describes to Brinkley how he saw that he’d killed an old man leading a water buffalo. “I’m haunted by that old man’s face. He was just doing his daily farming, hurting nobody. He got hit in the chest with an M-60 machinegun round. It may have been Christmas Eve, but I was real somber after that… to see the old man blown away sticks with you.” It turned out that Kerry’s boat had shot up one of the few “friendly” villages, with a garrison of South Vietnamese ARV soldiers, two of whom were wounded

Kerry was in-country less than four months and collected, a Bronze Star, a Silver Star and three Purple Hearts. I never heard of anybody with any outfit I worked with (including SEAL One, the Sea Wolves, Riverines and the River Patrol Force) collecting that much hardware so fast, and for such pedestrian actions. The Swifts did a commendable job. But that duty wasn’t the worst you could draw. They operated only along the coast and in the major rivers (Bassac and Mekong). The rough stuff in the hot areas was mainly handled by the smaller, faster PBRs. Fishy.
Three Purple Hearts but no limp. All injuries so minor that no time lost from duty. Amazing luck.

Or he was putting himself in for medals every time he bumped his head on the wheel house hatch? Combat on the boats was almost always at close range. You didn’t have minor wounds. At least not often. Not three times in a row. Then he used the three Purple Hearts to request a trip home eight months before the end of his tour. Fishy.

The details of the event for which he was given the Silver Star make no sense at all. Supposedly, a B-40 (rocket propelled grenade) was fired at the boat and missed. Charlie jumps up with the launcher in his hand, the bow gunner knocks him down with the twin .50 (caliber machine guns), Kerry beaches the boat, jumps off, shoots Charlie, and retrieves the launcher. If true, he did everything wrong. (a) Standard procedure when you took rocket fire was to put your stern to the action and go (away) balls to the wall. A B-40 has the ballistic integrity of a Frisbee after about 25 yards, so you put 50 yards or so between you and the beach and begin raking it with your .50′s. ( Did you ever see anybody get knocked down with a .50 caliber round and get up? The guy was dead or dying. The rocket launcher was empty. There was no reason to go after him (except if you knew he was no danger to you–just flopping around in the dust during his last few seconds on earth, and you wanted some derring-do in your after-action report). And we didn’t shoot wounded people. We had rules against that, too.

“Kerry got off the boat. This was a major breach of standing procedures. Nobody on a boat crew ever got off a boat in a hot area. EVER! The reason was simple. If you had somebody on the beach your boat was defenseless. It couldn’t run and it couldn’t return fire. It was stupid and it put his crew in danger. He should have been relieved and reprimanded. I never heard of any boat crewman ever leaving a boat during or after a firefight.

“Something is very fishy.”
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Cool story, bro. So you covered handing out Purple Hearts to everyone all the years there? Answer me OinC while going thru the C-130 RAG was a Viet Nam era A-6 pilot transitioning to C-130....he had a purple heart for punching out of his A-6 on a maintenance check flight off Yankee Station and breaking his collar bone. Did you play a direct role in awarding him his PH?

Nope, and didn't claim otherwise. Read.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
Disrespecting vets sure does get you excited, doesn't it?

Purple Heart #1

With its motor turned off, Kerry paddled the Boston Whaler out of the inlet into the beginning of the bay. Simultaneously the Vietnamese pulled their sampans up onto the beach and began to unload something; he couldn't tell what, so he decided to illuminate the proceedings with a flare. The entire sky seemed to explode into daylight. The men from the sampans bolted erect, stiff with shock for only an instant before they sprang for cover like a herd of panicked gazelles Kerry had once seen on TV's Wild Kingdom. "We opened fire," he went on. "The light from the flares started to fade, the air was full of explosions. My M-16 jammed, and as I bent down in the boat to grab another gun, a stinging piece of heat socked into my arm and just seemed to burn like hell. By this time one of the sailors had started the engine and we ran by the beach, strafing it. Then it was quiet.

Purple Heart #2

Just as they moved out onto the Cua Lon, at a junction known for unfriendliness in the past, kaboom! PCF-94 had taken a rocket-propelled grenade round off the port side, fired at them from the far left bank. Kerry felt a piece of hot shrapnel bore into his left leg. With blood running down the deck, the Swift managed to make an otherwise uneventful exit into the Gulf of Thailand, where they rendezvoused with a Coast Guard cutter. The injury Kerry suffered in that action earned his his second Purple Heart.

Purple Heart #3

Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry was serving as an Officer-in-Charge of Inshore Patrol Craft 94, one of five boats conducting a Sealords operation in the Bay Hap River. While exiting the river, a mine detonated under another Inshore Patrol Craft and almost simultaneously, another mine detonated wounding Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry in the right arm. In addition, all units began receiving small arms and automatic weapons fire from the river banks. When Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry discovered he had a man overboard, he returned upriver to assist. The man in the water was receiving sniper fire from both banks. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry directed his gunners to provide suppressing fire, while from an exposed position on the bow, his arm bleeding and in pain and with disregard for his personal safety, he pulled the man aboard. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry then directed his boat to return to and assist the other damaged boat to safety. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry's calmness, professionalism and great personal courage under fire were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.


Which of those did not involve enemy action?
Cool story, bro. So you covered handing out Purple Hearts to everyone all the years there? Answer me OinC while going thru the C-130 RAG was a Viet Nam era A-6 pilot transitioning to C-130....he had a purple heart for punching out of his A-6 on a maintenance check flight off Yankee Station and breaking his collar bone. Did you play a direct role in awarding him his PH?

Nope, and didn't claim otherwise. Read.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
WTF?? You were rendering your opinion that Kerry's Purple Hearts were unearned -- yet you weren't involved with his Purple Hearts. Now you back pedal out of your self-proclaimed position that you're capable of determining anyone's qualification for such medals even though you weren't involved with them personally?

This is a rock the militia wannabes are gonna break themselves on. As their bullshit narrative is disproven by the video. Lavoy refused to surrender to police, despite them asking him for 7 minutes to get out of his vehicle. He lead the cops on a high speed chase, rushing toward a police blockade. He swerved into a snowbank trying to get around it, lept from his truck, ran 15 feet and reached for his gun.

And police shot him.

As they should have.
yep just like any other threat induced killing in the US. color of skin meaningless. Let's all move to that threat level ok?

Then we all agree that Lavoy's shooting was justified.

That only took 6 pages.
No, it isn't that simple tarzan. It is only a threat if you agree the other cop shootings were a threat. Period, you can't have it both ways double standard dude. Until you agree, then your argument is shit.
Lay off the smack, it's fucking with your brain. The other cop shootings have absolutely nothing to do with this one. Whether the others were justifiable or not has no bearing on the justification of this shooting.
sure it does sherlock. It's what you don't understand.
His intentions are irrelevant. Reach for a gun while law enforcement is arresting you and there's a very good chance that will be the last thing you ever reach for.

But it's OK to assume he was reaching for a gun?
Why on earth would police assume anything other than that under those circumstances? And why should police hesitate to open fire on someone they believe is reaching for a weapon under those circumstances.

They shouldn't. Just like that cop in Chicago was right to assume that dude with a kifife was going to cut everyone up.
Cool story, bro. So you covered handing out Purple Hearts to everyone all the years there? Answer me OinC while going thru the C-130 RAG was a Viet Nam era A-6 pilot transitioning to C-130....he had a purple heart for punching out of his A-6 on a maintenance check flight off Yankee Station and breaking his collar bone. Did you play a direct role in awarding him his PH?

Nope, and didn't claim otherwise. Read.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
Hard to believe you do not know how the Swift boaters were discredited, caught lying, recanted, etc. while Kerry's boatmates and even the Green Beret he rescued came out and publicly supported his actions and the way in which he earned his accommodations. You know that the bottom line is that someone in a medical detachment, like yourself, signed a document confirming Kerry was treated for a combat wound, an injury sustained while in combat, and that is how he got his three Purple Hearts.
Unfortunately for lunatics like him, they put their politics ahead of their loyalty.
His intentions are irrelevant. Reach for a gun while law enforcement is arresting you and there's a very good chance that will be the last thing you ever reach for.

But it's OK to assume he was reaching for a gun?
Why on earth would police assume anything other than that under those circumstances? And why should police hesitate to open fire on someone they believe is reaching for a weapon under those circumstances.

They shouldn't. Just like that cop in Chicago was right to assume that dude with a kifife was going to cut everyone up.
Your deflection is noted. Good to see you back the FBI in taking down Finicum.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
You most certainly never quantified your statement...and now you are backpedaling....Mr. Expert on PHs so you know all about Kerry's being un-earned. :lmao:

Again, I never made any such statement. Dishonest on your part.
We are totally capable of reading what you claim. :D
no you aren't. He never made the claim.
I know you want my attention. Poor thing.
This is a rock the militia wannabes are gonna break themselves on. As their bullshit narrative is disproven by the video. Lavoy refused to surrender to police, despite them asking him for 7 minutes to get out of his vehicle. He lead the cops on a high speed chase, rushing toward a police blockade. He swerved into a snowbank trying to get around it, lept from his truck, ran 15 feet and reached for his gun.

And police shot him.

As they should have.
yep just like any other threat induced killing in the US. color of skin meaningless. Let's all move to that threat level ok?

Then we all agree that Lavoy's shooting was justified.

That only took 6 pages.
No, it isn't that simple tarzan. It is only a threat if you agree the other cop shootings were a threat. Period, you can't have it both ways double standard dude. Until you agree, then your argument is shit.
Lay off the smack, it's fucking with your brain. The other cop shootings have absolutely nothing to do with this one. Whether the others were justifiable or not has no bearing on the justification of this shooting.
sure it does sherlock. It's what you don't understand.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

When this shooting gets investigated, there will be nothing from those other shootings taken into consideration.
The record shows he did earn them. Why would anyone believe the swift boat vets since they were caught lying about his record?

No, the record shows that he was awarded them; not that he earned them. And what about the real swift boat sailors? Kerry was awarded his medals(before he begged and pleaded to be released from the combat duty he had requested) but the real swift boat sailors didn't earn the ones they were awarded while actually doing their duty? A why would anybody believe Kerry when he was caught on the record lying under oath to congress (a crime)?
Of course he earned them. WTF is wrong with you? His Bronze & Silver Stars were accompanied with citations describing his heroic efforts to earn them.

But thanks again for demonstrating there are also righties who disrespect vets. :thup:
He seems a little vague on how the process really works, doesn't he?
Cool story, bro. So you covered handing out Purple Hearts to everyone all the years there? Answer me OinC while going thru the C-130 RAG was a Viet Nam era A-6 pilot transitioning to C-130....he had a purple heart for punching out of his A-6 on a maintenance check flight off Yankee Station and breaking his collar bone. Did you play a direct role in awarding him his PH?

Nope, and didn't claim otherwise. Read.
I did, you claimed...and I quote, "That would be because I was there, played a direct role in awarding PHs..."

Do you deny saying that?

Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
Disrespecting vets sure does get you excited, doesn't it?

Purple Heart #1

With its motor turned off, Kerry paddled the Boston Whaler out of the inlet into the beginning of the bay. Simultaneously the Vietnamese pulled their sampans up onto the beach and began to unload something; he couldn't tell what, so he decided to illuminate the proceedings with a flare. The entire sky seemed to explode into daylight. The men from the sampans bolted erect, stiff with shock for only an instant before they sprang for cover like a herd of panicked gazelles Kerry had once seen on TV's Wild Kingdom. "We opened fire," he went on. "The light from the flares started to fade, the air was full of explosions. My M-16 jammed, and as I bent down in the boat to grab another gun, a stinging piece of heat socked into my arm and just seemed to burn like hell. By this time one of the sailors had started the engine and we ran by the beach, strafing it. Then it was quiet.

Purple Heart #2

Just as they moved out onto the Cua Lon, at a junction known for unfriendliness in the past, kaboom! PCF-94 had taken a rocket-propelled grenade round off the port side, fired at them from the far left bank. Kerry felt a piece of hot shrapnel bore into his left leg. With blood running down the deck, the Swift managed to make an otherwise uneventful exit into the Gulf of Thailand, where they rendezvoused with a Coast Guard cutter. The injury Kerry suffered in that action earned his his second Purple Heart.

Purple Heart #3

Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry was serving as an Officer-in-Charge of Inshore Patrol Craft 94, one of five boats conducting a Sealords operation in the Bay Hap River. While exiting the river, a mine detonated under another Inshore Patrol Craft and almost simultaneously, another mine detonated wounding Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry in the right arm. In addition, all units began receiving small arms and automatic weapons fire from the river banks. When Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry discovered he had a man overboard, he returned upriver to assist. The man in the water was receiving sniper fire from both banks. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry directed his gunners to provide suppressing fire, while from an exposed position on the bow, his arm bleeding and in pain and with disregard for his personal safety, he pulled the man aboard. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry then directed his boat to return to and assist the other damaged boat to safety. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry's calmness, professionalism and great personal courage under fire were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.


Which of those did not involve enemy action?
John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"First Purple Heart

Some SBVT members have questioned the propriety of Kerry's first Purple Heart, received for a wound sustained on December 2, 1968. Kerry remained on duty after being wounded, and sought treatment at the following day's sick call. They assert that the injury was too minor to merit a citation because the only treatment Kerry received, after the removal of a piece of shrapnel from his arm, was bacitracin (an antibiotic) and a bandage, and he returned to service immediately. Other division members, including at least one SBVT member, received Purple Hearts under similar circumstances[citation needed]. SBVT also claims that the wound was not from enemy fire but was from shrapnel of a grenade he fired himself,[16] "Self-inflicted wounds were awarded if incurred 'in the heat of battle, and not involving gross negligence.' Kerry's critics insist his wound would not have qualified, but former Navy officials who worked in the service's awards branch at the time said such awards were routine."

On the night in question, Kerry was not on a Swift Boat, but on a 15-foot skimmer. Kerry opened fire on suspected guerrillas on the shore. During this encounter, Kerry suffered a shrapnel wound in the left arm above the elbow. Accounts differ over the crew aboard the skimmer, the source of Kerry's injury—Kerry has stated that he does not know where the shrapnel came from[17]—and several other major details."
yep just like any other threat induced killing in the US. color of skin meaningless. Let's all move to that threat level ok?

Then we all agree that Lavoy's shooting was justified.

That only took 6 pages.
No, it isn't that simple tarzan. It is only a threat if you agree the other cop shootings were a threat. Period, you can't have it both ways double standard dude. Until you agree, then your argument is shit.
Lay off the smack, it's fucking with your brain. The other cop shootings have absolutely nothing to do with this one. Whether the others were justifiable or not has no bearing on the justification of this shooting.
sure it does sherlock. It's what you don't understand.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

When this shooting gets investigated, there will be nothing from those other shootings taken into consideration.
yeah go with that.
His intentions are irrelevant. Reach for a gun while law enforcement is arresting you and there's a very good chance that will be the last thing you ever reach for.

But it's OK to assume he was reaching for a gun?
Why on earth would police assume anything other than that under those circumstances? And why should police hesitate to open fire on someone they believe is reaching for a weapon under those circumstances.

They shouldn't. Just like that cop in Chicago was right to assume that dude with a kifife was going to cut everyone up.
Your deflection is noted. Good to see you back the FBI in taking down Finicum.

I'm glad to see you support that Chicago cop shorting an armed, criminal who didn't comply to lawful authority.
Feel free to show where I said I was involved with ALL PHs. I didn't make any such claim. Besides that I'm surprised he got a PH unless enemy action was somehow involved. That's supposed to be a requirement.
You most certainly never quantified your statement...and now you are backpedaling....Mr. Expert on PHs so you know all about Kerry's being un-earned. :lmao:

Again, I never made any such statement. Dishonest on your part.
We are totally capable of reading what you claim. :D
no you aren't. He never made the claim.
I know you want my attention. Poor thing.
no I want you to post factually,
His intentions are irrelevant. Reach for a gun while law enforcement is arresting you and there's a very good chance that will be the last thing you ever reach for.

But it's OK to assume he was reaching for a gun?
Why on earth would police assume anything other than that under those circumstances? And why should police hesitate to open fire on someone they believe is reaching for a weapon under those circumstances.

They shouldn't. Just like that cop in Chicago was right to assume that dude with a kifife was going to cut everyone up.
Your deflection is noted. Good to see you back the FBI in taking down Finicum.

I'm glad to see you support that Chicago cop shorting an armed, criminal who didn't comply to lawful authority.
knife in hand fully exposed, you can watch as he flips the blade out. daring the cops to shoot him. One did.
JULY 26, 2013
What John Kerry Really Did in Vietnam
What John Kerry Really Did in Vietnam

...On December 2, Kerry went on his first patrol up one of the canals. It was near midnight when the crew caught sight of a sampan. Rules of engagement required no challenge, no effort to see who was on board the sampan. Kerry sent up a flare, signal for his crew to start blazing away with the boat’s two machineguns and M16 rifles. Kerry described the fishermen “running away like gazelles”.

Kerry sustained a very minor wound to his arm, probably caused by debris from his own boat’s salvoes. The scratch earned him his first Purple Heart, a medal awarded for those wounded in combat. Actually there’s no evidence that anyone had fired back, or that Kerry had been in combat,...
He received two more Purple Hearts, both for relatively minor wounds. Indeed Kerry never missed a day of duty for any of the medal-earning wounds....

t last a note of contrition, but not from Kerry. Wasser describes to Brinkley how he saw that he’d killed an old man leading a water buffalo. “I’m haunted by that old man’s face. He was just doing his daily farming, hurting nobody. He got hit in the chest with an M-60 machinegun round. It may have been Christmas Eve, but I was real somber after that… to see the old man blown away sticks with you.” It turned out that Kerry’s boat had shot up one of the few “friendly” villages, with a garrison of South Vietnamese ARV soldiers, two of whom were wounded

Kerry was in-country less than four months and collected, a Bronze Star, a Silver Star and three Purple Hearts. I never heard of anybody with any outfit I worked with (including SEAL One, the Sea Wolves, Riverines and the River Patrol Force) collecting that much hardware so fast, and for such pedestrian actions. The Swifts did a commendable job. But that duty wasn’t the worst you could draw. They operated only along the coast and in the major rivers (Bassac and Mekong). The rough stuff in the hot areas was mainly handled by the smaller, faster PBRs. Fishy.
Three Purple Hearts but no limp. All injuries so minor that no time lost from duty. Amazing luck.

Or he was putting himself in for medals every time he bumped his head on the wheel house hatch? Combat on the boats was almost always at close range. You didn’t have minor wounds. At least not often. Not three times in a row. Then he used the three Purple Hearts to request a trip home eight months before the end of his tour. Fishy.

The details of the event for which he was given the Silver Star make no sense at all. Supposedly, a B-40 (rocket propelled grenade) was fired at the boat and missed. Charlie jumps up with the launcher in his hand, the bow gunner knocks him down with the twin .50 (caliber machine guns), Kerry beaches the boat, jumps off, shoots Charlie, and retrieves the launcher. If true, he did everything wrong. (a) Standard procedure when you took rocket fire was to put your stern to the action and go (away) balls to the wall. A B-40 has the ballistic integrity of a Frisbee after about 25 yards, so you put 50 yards or so between you and the beach and begin raking it with your .50′s. ( Did you ever see anybody get knocked down with a .50 caliber round and get up? The guy was dead or dying. The rocket launcher was empty. There was no reason to go after him (except if you knew he was no danger to you–just flopping around in the dust during his last few seconds on earth, and you wanted some derring-do in your after-action report). And we didn’t shoot wounded people. We had rules against that, too.

“Kerry got off the boat. This was a major breach of standing procedures. Nobody on a boat crew ever got off a boat in a hot area. EVER! The reason was simple. If you had somebody on the beach your boat was defenseless. It couldn’t run and it couldn’t return fire. It was stupid and it put his crew in danger. He should have been relieved and reprimanded. I never heard of any boat crewman ever leaving a boat during or after a firefight.

“Something is very fishy.”
Jeffrey St. Clair

Jeffrey St. Clair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, it isn't that simple tarzan. It is only a threat if you agree the other cop shootings were a threat. Period, you can't have it both ways double standard dude. Until you agree, then your argument is shit.

You've admitted that the Lavoy shooting was clean. Now you're trying to backpedal and give us caveats and exceptions.

Nope. When Lavoy ran a blockade, led cops on a high speed chase, resisted arrest and reached for his gun......the police were justified in shooting him.

You've already admitted as much.
no I didn't, I said there is no difference between this shooting and the other cop incidents in Ferguson, Chicago and Ohio. You disagreed with me, so obviously you don't feel any were justified. Or not, or are you still playing the double standards game. which is it?

You admitted that Lavoy's shooting was justified. Then backpedals, giving us 'its only a threat if' caveats and exceptions.

There are no 'ifs'. There is what is. Lavoy refused to surrender to police executing a lawful warrant for arrest. He lead them on a high speed chase. He ran a police blockade. He resisted arrest. He reached for his gun. And they shot him.

As they should have.

You can't backpedal your way out of it now.
I said there is no difference between this shooting and the other cop incidents in Ferguson, Chicago and Ohio. You disagreed with me, so obviously you don't feel any were justified. Or not, or are you still playing the double standards game. which is it?

Come now double standards you going with it being justified or not? can't answer cause it traps you.

You can't just throw out Ferguson, Chicago, and Ohio. What a lame argument. It's not really an argument at all, it's just you trying to change the subject.
You most certainly never quantified your statement...and now you are backpedaling....Mr. Expert on PHs so you know all about Kerry's being un-earned. :lmao:

Again, I never made any such statement. Dishonest on your part.
We are totally capable of reading what you claim. :D
no you aren't. He never made the claim.
I know you want my attention. Poor thing.
no I want you to post factually,
I suffer from the enjoyment of winning daily in here. I enjoy the shit out of kicking the asses of stupid folk who act like libturds like you. Losers who love to root for a person responsible for killing four americans in Benghazi. Losers. everyone of you.

You're such a dupe. :lol:

They guy was 15 feet away from his vehicle, which was stuck in a snow bank after he tried to flee from the law. How does one "lose their footing" for 15 feet?


And according to authorizes, he had a loaded 9mm semi-automatic handgun in the pocket he was reaching for. Even worse for your idiocy, the next guy exiting the vehicle throws something to the ground -- most likely a firearm.
maybe because it was a snow bank? Ever walk in one? hahahahahaahahaha, what a stupid question.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It's on video. He didn't stumble. He walked for about 15; away from the road block and towards the trees; and then reached for his gun. Unlike everyone else who walked directly to the road block and never lowered their hands until they were restrained.
funny stuff sherlock. I guess you missed the fact that he was running and a dude walked out of the woods from the direction he was running and he stopped and from that point you have no fking idea what he was doing. But you keep telling yourself you have a crystal ball and cards to tell fortunes and shit.

Your brain is tricking your eyes and your fingers kid...... Take a shower and come back it might wake you up.
He is not that bright to start with. Kind of like one of those plug in nightlights. A shower won't make much difference or improvement.

I think it's hopelessness.

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