Assholes making trouble in Oregon

hmm....what felony was levoy convicted of? What felony had he been charged with? Felonious reading of the Constitution? Felony description of federal crimes? Felony request of the use of a county fairgound building?

Those are scary to commies like you...Im sure your balls suck right up...if you havent s.already had them removed, that is. I mean, obviously they dont do you any good..if you have them.
hmm....what felony was levoy convicted of? What felony had he been charged with? Felonious reading of the Constitution? Felony description of federal crimes? Felony request of the use of a county fairgound building?

Oh, Koshy. Bundy was just denied bail and 3 more militia morons were arrested. There are a grand total of 4 now left on the refuge, begging the FBI to just let them go home with no charges.

Alas, they're subject to the ACTUAL law, not the hapless pseudo-legal horseshit that you make up. Remember when you told us (and no, I'm not joking folks, she actually said this), that the Federal government didn't have jurisdicition on Federal lands? I do.

How'd that work out for you?

Oh, and the charges? Here's the criminal complaint:

Read The DOJ's Criminal Complaint Against Ammon Bundy And Co.

Make up whatever pseudo-legal gibberish you'd like. It won't make any difference. As your imagination isn't what these men and women are being held to. The law is.
I have not read today's news, but last time I looked, there were four more martyrs-in-waiting. Hopefully, they won't have long to wait.

The criminal complaint just went public. Including 'I wanna die a free man' Ritzheimer threatening a BLM worker at a safeway and following her home after threatening to burn it down.

There are 4 folks, 3 men and one woman on the refuge. They're begging to be allowed to go home with no charges. That seems....unlikely.
I have not read today's news, but last time I looked, there were four more martyrs-in-waiting. Hopefully, they won't have long to wait.

The criminal complaint just went public. Including 'I wanna die a free man' Ritzheimer threatening a BLM worker at a safeway and following her home after threatening to burn it down.

There are 4 folks, 3 men and one woman on the refuge. They're begging to be allowed to go home with no charges. That seems....unlikely.

The USA does not bargain with terrorists.
And in spite of all the loopy flap yap here, Finicum will always be remembered as the dumb bastard that tried to draw a gun when he was surrounded by Oregon State Police. He is dead that the world is a better place for that fact.
There are a lot of people about whom that would be true. A half dozen of them posting in this thread. This guy posed no threat to anybody, though he obviously tore a hole in old fags masculinity.

He wasnt grabbing for a gun and didnt have one on him.
hmm....what felony was levoy convicted of? What felony had he been charged with? Felonious reading of the Constitution? Felony description of federal crimes? Felony request of the use of a county fairgound building?

Those are scary to commies like you...Im sure your balls suck right up...if you havent s.already had them removed, that is. I mean, obviously they dont do you any good..if you have them.
Black folks get killed for selling single cigarettes....
Maybe you didn't read your own post, but the dead man was not listed on the complaint for a warrant. the date of the complaint would indicate it was never intended to be served before the murder, and the way the stop was setup seems to indicate they failed in their actual mission to kill everyone in the truck, no matter who was in it..
Maybe you didn't read your own post, but the dead man was not listed on the complaint for a warrant. the date of the complaint would indicate it was never intended to be served before the murder, and the way the stop was setup seems to indicate they failed in their actual mission to kill everyone in the truck, no matter who was in it..
Maybe you didn't read your own post, but the dead man was not listed on the complaint for a warrant. the date of the complaint would indicate it was never intended to be served before the murder, and the way the stop was setup seems to indicate they failed in their actual mission to kill everyone in the truck, no matter who was in it..

there is some weird shit with this one

reminded me of how they took out bonnie and clyde

having shooters posted off in the woods

wonder whos drone that was filming
hmm....what felony was levoy convicted of? What felony had he been charged with? Felonious reading of the Constitution? Felony description of federal crimes? Felony request of the use of a county fairgound building?

Those are scary to commies like you...Im sure your balls suck right up...if you havent s.already had them removed, that is. I mean, obviously they dont do you any good..if you have them.
Black folks get killed for selling single cigarettes....

hands up dont shoot huh
Maybe you didn't read your own post, but the dead man was not listed on the complaint for a warrant. the date of the complaint would indicate it was never intended to be served before the murder, and the way the stop was setup seems to indicate they failed in their actual mission to kill everyone in the truck, no matter who was in it..

one of the witnesses claims that the feds had been shooting at them before the last stop
hmm....what felony was levoy convicted of? What felony had he been charged with? Felonious reading of the Constitution? Felony description of federal crimes? Felony request of the use of a county fairgound building?

Those are scary to commies like you...Im sure your balls suck right up...if you havent s.already had them removed, that is. I mean, obviously they dont do you any good..if you have them.
Black folks get killed for selling single cigarettes....

hands up dont shoot huh

His hands were down. It's on video.
hmm....what felony was levoy convicted of? What felony had he been charged with? Felonious reading of the Constitution? Felony description of federal crimes? Felony request of the use of a county fairgound building?

Those are scary to commies like you...Im sure your balls suck right up...if you havent s.already had them removed, that is. I mean, obviously they dont do you any good..if you have them.
Black folks get killed for selling single cigarettes....

hands up dont shoot huh

His hands were down. It's on video.

then you did not see the video if you claim that

or you are lying whichever
hmm....what felony was levoy convicted of? What felony had he been charged with? Felonious reading of the Constitution? Felony description of federal crimes? Felony request of the use of a county fairgound building?

Those are scary to commies like you...Im sure your balls suck right up...if you havent s.already had them removed, that is. I mean, obviously they dont do you any good..if you have them.
Black folks get killed for selling single cigarettes....

hands up dont shoot huh

His hands were down. It's on video.

then you did not see the video if you claim that

or you are lying whichever

It looked to me like he was reaching for his gun in the video.

(CNN)A high-speed getaway attempt and a reach for the waistband are said to have prompted police SWAT team members to open fire on a group of leaders of the Oregon armed occupiers.

A law enforcement official described the dramatic showdown that occurred Tuesday night on a desolate stretch of U.S. 395, some distance away from the federal wildlife refuge where the group took over federal buildings nearly a month ago.

Oregon shooting: Police fire on occupiers at traffic stop -

LaVoy said he would not spend a minute in a concrete box, and he got his wish. They had plenty of time to leave the Turd Sanctuary.
hmm....what felony was levoy convicted of? What felony had he been charged with? Felonious reading of the Constitution? Felony description of federal crimes? Felony request of the use of a county fairgound building?

Those are scary to commies like you...Im sure your balls suck right up...if you havent s.already had them removed, that is. I mean, obviously they dont do you any good..if you have them.
Black folks get killed for selling single cigarettes....

hands up dont shoot huh

His hands were down. It's on video.

then you did not see the video if you claim that

or you are lying whichever

It looked to me like he was reaching for his gun in the video.

(CNN)A high-speed getaway attempt and a reach for the waistband are said to have prompted police SWAT team members to open fire on a group of leaders of the Oregon armed occupiers.

A law enforcement official described the dramatic showdown that occurred Tuesday night on a desolate stretch of U.S. 395, some distance away from the federal wildlife refuge where the group took over federal buildings nearly a month ago.

Oregon shooting: Police fire on occupiers at traffic stop -

LaVoy said he would not spend a minute in a concrete box, and he got his wish. They had plenty of time to leave the Turd Sanctuary.

maybe that is the case

time will tell

just wondering where your hands up dont shoot attitude went


since his hands had been indeed had been up
And, of course, as we knew they would, they trashed the sanctuary, and will not be required to reimburse the government for that.

Where I come from, if someone breaks in to a government facility and does that, they are referred to as vagrants, vandals, or bums.

If they are wearing cowboy hats and threatening the government law enforcement people with loaded weapons, they are called patriots and militia.

I keep it simple. I call them domestic terrorists.
You can't just throw out Ferguson, Chicago, and Ohio. What a lame argument. It's not really an argument at all, it's just you trying to change the subject.
He suffers from benghazism. It is a right wing idiot affliction of just popping off something dopey when a thoughtful response is not available.
I suffer from the enjoyment of winning daily in here. I enjoy the shit out of kicking the asses of stupid folk who act like libturds like you. Losers who love to root for a person responsible for killing four americans in Benghazi. Losers. everyone of you.
Does somebody give you a prize when you tell them you "won" in "here"? See, I was right about the benghazism. You just confirmed you are afflicted with it. Now do as you were told and go take those pills.
why do you think that's how this works? hmmmm, anyone voting for Hillary is telling the Benghazi families it was justified. Ouch, my what a bunch of pigs those voters would be.

Useless blabber.
I know, when is something relevant coming from you?
And, of course, as we knew they would, they trashed the sanctuary, and will not be required to reimburse the government for that.

Where I come from, if someone breaks in to a government facility and does that, they are referred to as vagrants, vandals, or bums.

If they are wearing cowboy hats and threatening the government law enforcement people with loaded weapons, they are called patriots and militia.

I keep it simple. I call them domestic terrorists.
What do you call the punks who trashed all the businesses in Ferguson and Baltimore? Who's paid for that? Inconsistent asshole and huge hypocrite! Lol

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