Assholes making trouble in Oregon

It wouldn't be so funny if these guys weren't a bunch of fat, middle aged farts who are out of shape, out of work, and pathetically going through some sort of middle age crisis in front of the whole world. Frankly, I envision most of their wives sitting at home in front of the tv with their hand over their forehead repeating to themselves, "Oh, PLEASE come home, Charlie! I'll even pay for the Viagra myself!"
It wouldn't be so funny if these guys weren't a bunch of fat, middle aged farts who are out of shape, out of work, and pathetically going through some sort of middle age crisis in front of the whole world. Frankly, I envision most of their wives sitting at home in front of the tv with their hand over their forehead repeating to themselves, "Oh, PLEASE come home, Charlie! I'll even pay for the Viagra myself!"

After seeing what slobs they were, I bet the wives were begging them to get out of the house and go fight for freedom. lol
Like I said; the Feds fucked up.
These people weren't terrorists. They never tried to terrorize anyone.
But best hope the loonie left has been wrong about provocation causing people to become terrorists.
Maybe next time...
Like I said; the Feds fucked up.
These people weren't terrorists. They never tried to terrorize anyone.
But best hope the loonie left has been wrong about provocation causing people to become terrorists.
Maybe next time...

I like that personal responsibility. When someone becomes a terrorist, it's the fault of the left. We forced those idiots to arm themselves, threaten the Government, and take over the Turd Sanctuary.
Like I said; the Feds fucked up.
These people weren't terrorists. They never tried to terrorize anyone.
But best hope the loonie left has been wrong about provocation causing people to become terrorists.
Maybe next time...

The authorities acted appropriately and lawfully with these criminal suspects, who were indeed terrorists – the people of Burns can confirm that fact.

There should be no 'next time.'
I hope these guys haven't just learned that being a terrorist is less dangerous than peaceful protest. No joy in being on the wrong side of an ambush.
I hope these guys haven't just learned that being a terrorist is less dangerous than peaceful protest. No joy in being on the wrong side of an ambush.

Its only more dangerous when you try to pull out a gun to shoot a cop. Like wanna-be cop killer Lavoy did.

That piece of shit can eat a bag of dicks in whatever wooden box he ends up in.
Like I said; the Feds fucked up.
These people weren't terrorists. They never tried to terrorize anyone.
But best hope the loonie left has been wrong about provocation causing people to become terrorists.
Maybe next time...

Nope. The Feds acted in perfect accordance with the law. The waited until the leaders of the militia were together and away from the refuge and away from the innocent civilians of Burns.

The the Feds go probable cause warrants for each of the folks they arrested, they executed the warrants in perfect accordance with the law. They spent 7 minutes trying to get Lavoy to surrender. He refused to leave his vehicle, speeding away, leading the cops on a high speed car chase and trying to run a police blockade. When his truck got stuck in the snow, Lavoy got out and tried to get away on foot. He didn't get car, as the cops had anticipated the possibility and already had men waiting to intercept him.

When Lavoy saw them, he reached for his gun to shoot a cop. And the State Trooper shot him first.

There's not a single thing the Feds should have changed. They did it exactly right. Lavoy wanted suicide by cop. And was willing to kill a cop to get it. Thankfully, the Trooper put that animal down before Lavoy could hurt anyone.

That wanna be cop killer can rot in hell.
It was suicide by cop.
Looked like murder by cop to me and many others. Y'all have your wish for a very, very, very short limited season.

What's next? Occupation of the snack vendor building at Badlands National Monument in North Dakota?
Who knows but obviously the haters are into shooting people for protesting in empty buildings. Y'all enjoy the next ten years I think y'all have earned it.

Okay, I will. :) I'm going to enjoy the next 20 years, is that okay with you?

Personally, I am still waiting for communism to take over the world, because the hippies were protesting the Vietnam war. I can only handle one Armageddon at a time...
You're on drugs right now, aren't you....
hmm....what felony was levoy convicted of? What felony had he been charged with? Felonious reading of the Constitution? Felony description of federal crimes? Felony request of the use of a county fairgound building?

Those are scary to commies like you...Im sure your balls suck right up...if you havent s.already had them removed, that is. I mean, obviously they dont do you any good..if you have them.
It was murder by cop. State police to be exact according to the FBI were the shooters. I don't know anyone who could not flinch while being shot and for every report out there claiming the man was a criminal that should have been shot justice does come even if they cannot recognize it when it falls back onto them. Interview of a former police officer who carefully viewed the video and read the reports. There are more videos if the government does not with hold them that will show a man was executed.

It was suicide by cop.
Looked like murder by cop to me and many others. Y'all have your wish for a very, very, very short limited season.

What's next? Occupation of the snack vendor building at Badlands National Monument in North Dakota?
City, county governments reject Oregon Wild proposal
hmm....what felony was levoy convicted of? What felony had he been charged with? Felonious reading of the Constitution? Felony description of federal crimes? Felony request of the use of a county fairgound building?

Those are scary to commies like you...Im sure your balls suck right up...if you havent s.already had them removed, that is. I mean, obviously they dont do you any good..if you have them.
It was murder by cop. State police to be exact according to the FBI were the shooters. I don't know anyone who could not flinch while being shot and for every report out there claiming the man was a criminal that should have been shot justice does come even if they cannot recognize it when it falls back onto them. Interview of a former police officer who carefully viewed the video and read the reports. There are more videos if the government does not with hold them that will show a man was executed.

It was suicide by cop.
Looked like murder by cop to me and many others. Y'all have your wish for a very, very, very short limited season.

What's next? Occupation of the snack vendor building at Badlands National Monument in North Dakota?
City, county governments reject Oregon Wild proposal

Laughing.......another Occupation, Koshy?

Didn't your brain dead ilk learn their lesson from the *last* time they made that stupid mistake? With the 4 remaining wanna-be cop killers on the refuge now snivelling, begging for the FBI to let them go home without charges.

And then threatening to kill the FBI when they were told no.

“There are no laws in this United States now!” the man declared angrily. “This is a free-for-all Armageddon. Any LEO or military or law enforcement or feds that stand up and fuck their oath — don’t abide by their oath — are the enemy!”

“If they stop you from getting here, kill them!”

Oregon Militia Types - Rank And File Want Revenge; Leaders Not So Much

Care to cheer these insane, delusional fucks on in their calls to kill law enforcement officers?

Or perhaps you'd like to tell the FBI that the federal government doesn't have any jurisdiction on federal property.
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Northwest “Patriot” leaders also chimed in. “It’s a dark day in America, a dark day for liberty,” said Washington “liberty speaker” Gavin Seim, who warned that “we stand on the brink of revolution.”

Oregon Militia Types - Rank And File Want Revenge; Leaders Not So Much

No, you hapless, silly little dipshits. We don't. You've got the barest handful of fat, drunken Cosplay wanna-be cop killers on your side. And a nation that won't put up with your shit. Which is why you *talk* about 'revolution'. But you don't do a goddamn thing.
hmm....what felony was levoy convicted of? What felony had he been charged with? Felonious reading of the Constitution? Felony description of federal crimes? Felony request of the use of a county fairgound building?

Those are scary to commies like you...Im sure your balls suck right up...if you havent s.already had them removed, that is. I mean, obviously they dont do you any good..if you have them.
It was murder by cop. State police to be exact according to the FBI were the shooters. I don't know anyone who could not flinch while being shot and for every report out there claiming the man was a criminal that should have been shot justice does come even if they cannot recognize it when it falls back onto them. Interview of a former police officer who carefully viewed the video and read the reports. There are more videos if the government does not with hold them that will show a man was executed.

It was suicide by cop.
Looked like murder by cop to me and many others. Y'all have your wish for a very, very, very short limited season.

What's next? Occupation of the snack vendor building at Badlands National Monument in North Dakota?
City, county governments reject Oregon Wild proposal

KG should have read the link. The proposal is in the earliest stage of development, only a draft proposal at this time. They reject it and are asking for more community input in writing the draft proposal. They are actually in favor of the overall plan, but they don't want the mess like the one they had in Harney County and the Wildlife Refuge. The residents think more local input and communication can prevent potential disagreements and problems.
When the revolution starts, these fat assed nuts will all have heart attacks while strapping on there ammo belts and ranting at the cameras. I don't expect them to learn any lessons from all this. I expect them to die. Since a terrorist is a terrorist, whether domestic or foreign, it really makes no difference to me. If that is their wish, then so be it. Frankly, I am surprised that the Bundys were smart enough to realize that they had pushed the envelope as far as it would go, before they were going to find themselves on the business end of a rifle round.
And, of course, as we knew they would, they trashed the sanctuary, and will not be required to reimburse the government for that.

Where I come from, if someone breaks in to a government facility and does that, they are referred to as vagrants, vandals, or bums.

If they are wearing cowboy hats and threatening the government law enforcement people with loaded weapons, they are called patriots and militia.

I keep it simple. I call them domestic terrorists.
What do you call the punks who trashed all the businesses in Ferguson and Baltimore? Who's paid for that? Inconsistent asshole and huge hypocrite! Lol

It's funny that you can't defend these creeps on their own merit, you have change the subject to Ferguson. Anyone who got caught vandalizing was arrested and charged with that crime.
I don't care about them you fk. I care that all of you hypocrites can't bash them enough for what staying in a refuge. Ewwww those mean old men. They threatened absolutely no one. And then got killed with their hands up. And you called that justified. Yet the criminal in Ferguson you feel sorry for. Well, that is just hypocritical. Just like you fks!

They threatened law enforcement, you boob.
And, of course, as we knew they would, they trashed the sanctuary, and will not be required to reimburse the government for that.

Where I come from, if someone breaks in to a government facility and does that, they are referred to as vagrants, vandals, or bums.

If they are wearing cowboy hats and threatening the government law enforcement people with loaded weapons, they are called patriots and militia.

I keep it simple. I call them domestic terrorists.
What do you call the punks who trashed all the businesses in Ferguson and Baltimore? Who's paid for that? Inconsistent asshole and huge hypocrite! Lol

It's funny that you can't defend these creeps on their own merit, you have change the subject to Ferguson. Anyone who got caught vandalizing was arrested and charged with that crime.
I don't care about them you fk. I care that all of you hypocrites can't bash them enough for what staying in a refuge. Ewwww those mean old men. They threatened absolutely no one. And then got killed with their hands up. And you called that justified. Yet the criminal in Ferguson you feel sorry for. Well, that is just hypocritical. Just like you fks!

They threatened law enforcement, you boob.
Sure they did
And, of course, as we knew they would, they trashed the sanctuary, and will not be required to reimburse the government for that.

Where I come from, if someone breaks in to a government facility and does that, they are referred to as vagrants, vandals, or bums.

If they are wearing cowboy hats and threatening the government law enforcement people with loaded weapons, they are called patriots and militia.

I keep it simple. I call them domestic terrorists.
What do you call the punks who trashed all the businesses in Ferguson and Baltimore? Who's paid for that? Inconsistent asshole and huge hypocrite! Lol

It's funny that you can't defend these creeps on their own merit, you have change the subject to Ferguson. Anyone who got caught vandalizing was arrested and charged with that crime.
I don't care about them you fk. I care that all of you hypocrites can't bash them enough for what staying in a refuge. Ewwww those mean old men. They threatened absolutely no one. And then got killed with their hands up. And you called that justified. Yet the criminal in Ferguson you feel sorry for. Well, that is just hypocritical. Just like you fks!

They threatened law enforcement, you boob.
Sure they did

Everyone is laughing at you and these armed boobs.

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